I Prayed have prayed
Father, we call on those who know You to go up against the city of the mighty and to pull down the stronghold in which they trust (Proverbs 21:22).
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Analysis. As the largest labor union in the U.S., with over 3 million members, the National Education Association (NEA) exercises tremendous influence over the public schools. Whether it involves the promotion of CRT, or transgenderism, or any such, the NEA sets the policies that ultimately determine our schoolsā€™ academic and social climate. How did this happen?

Post a prayer for your state!


The event that gave the NEA entry into the chambers of power over education goes back to 1906, when the government granted the NEA a federal charter.

Congress reserved federal charters for those organizations that operated as nonpartisan nonprofits and fulfilled a national need. At the time, the NEA met all requirements and stated that it existed to further educational excellence in America. From 1791 to 1974, the government issued a total of 351 charters to organizations it considered patriotic and national and operated in the public interest of the American people. Most charters expired as organizations dissolved, completed their tasks, or changed their mission. Today 94 nonprofit organizations hold federal charters, including Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America, The U.S. Olympic Committee, The Smithsonian Institution, and the National Academy of Sciences.

When President Teddy Roosevelt gave his nod, he had little reason to think the NEA would not continue to be a patriotic service organization concerned with the educational welfare of our nationā€™s children, but as the times changed, so did the NEA.

Over the next 117 years, the NEA changed its original mission as it morphed into a full-fledged labor union. The lobbying efforts of the NEA became so prolific that in 1967, the IRS required (Baird page 11) the NEA to change its designation from a nonprofit to a full-fledged labor union ā€” the only labor union to possess a federal charter. At this point, its federal charter should have been revoked to reflect that new mission, but no one in Congress has addressed the issue.

In 1980, the NEA scored a huge win in its efforts to affect public policy when President Jimmy Carter fulfilled his campaign promise to the NEA to establish a federal Department of Education, complete with a cabinet position. The NEA now had inroads to make and mold educational policy at the highest level.

Almost singlehandedly, the NEA transformed American education into the failing, liberal, anti-God institution it is today. The NEA no longer concerns itself with helping teachers instill in students good character and life skills for success. Instead, its leaders openly state that their purpose is to provide due process, employee rights, and collective bargaining for its members.

Until recently, there seemed no way to untangle public education from the clutches of such a powerful giant.

This year a brave group of congressmen and congresswomen came together to issue the first significant challenge to the NEAā€™s federal charter. If successful, the results could be the first step in reforming the NEA and closing the door to the excessive liberal influence on educational policy allowed to it by its federal charter. Some believe the NEAā€™s charter revocation could produce a dramatic shift in public education, in what some call the equivalent of a political earthquake.

Realizing that the NEA no longer met the requirements of a federal charter, on April 14, 2022, Rep. Scott Fitzgerald, R-Wis., introduced the National Education Association Charter Repeal Act to repeal the NEAā€™s charter. So far, 18 House members have signed the bill. Senators Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., introduced a similar bill in the Senate.

The NEA continues to benefit from the provisions of its federal charter while ignoring the foundational principles in its original agreement:

  • Federal charter guidelines prohibit its grantees from lobbying. Yet, the NEA actively engages in lobbying Congress for higher salaries for its members.
  • Each federally chartered organization was to exist for patriotic, civic-improvement, charitable, or educationalĀ purposes (Baird page 4). In 2018, more than 8,000 delegates to the NEAā€™s annual assembly voted to put racial and social justice at the forefront of NEAā€™s work. They overwhelmingly adopted a policy committing the NEA to actively advocate for social and educational strategies fostering the eradication of institutional racism and white privilege.
  • The federal charter gives the NEA tax privileges not available to labor unions. The NEA does not have to pay real property taxes on real estate in the District of Columbia. While the organization is not to contribute to political campaigns, it donated 18 percent of its 2020ā€“2021 budget of $374 million to Democratic middle-level nonprofits, which then donate directly to Democrats for political campaigns.

The NEAā€™s federal charter is a stronghold that allows the organization to be an open door for the further demise of our education system. It is time to revoke the federal charter that granted them unprecedented access to alter education in America. The NEA no longer implements policies that instill character, godliness, and life skills in the 77 million students for which it is responsible. Moreover, metrics show that in key areas, educational gains are being lost. For example, todayā€™s high school studentsā€™ average reading level is barely above that of fifth-graders.

The NEA has failed parents, students, and our nation.

The revoking of the NEAā€™s federal charter would be a strategic prayer point with the potential to change Americaā€™s education system. We stand at a God moment to believe in the God who tells us that we speak to mountains and command them to move.

How are you praying about the NEA? Share your prayers and scriptures in the comments.

Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the cultural mountain of education. She is the author of Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform American Schools;Ā Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School; andĀ Decrees for Your School. She leads groups for prayer at key educational locations across the U.S.Ā  For additional information, visit: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com. Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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David Schmus
January 3, 2023

Encourage Christian public school educators to join Christian Educators! It is a biblical alternative to unions, provides liability insurance and legal protections, and supports those serving as missionaries to our public schools! christianeducators.org

Betty blaylock
December 31, 2022

Thank God for the godly men and women who are strong enough in their faith and not afraid to stand up. The education of our 8- year old grandson in San Francisco is very concerning to us. I join everyone and praying daily to God that he will oversee the eradication of the NEA and its policies. May God protect our children And educators who daily meet roadblocks not allowing them to do their job properly. Thank you, Jesus

Marlene Falvey
December 28, 2022

We need to revoke the NEA charter and abolish the National Department of Education. I thank God for leaders who will stand for Him. Lord, I pray the Bible and prayer would be welcomed back into our schools, and the Church of Jesus Christ would not stray from the teachings of God’s precious Word.

Edward Chrapcynski
December 23, 2022

I believe that there are many godly men and women who are in the teaching profession who would also benefit by the pulling down of this academic stronghold. Praying and agreeing with all intercessors who are concerned with the proper education of our children.

Rose Rocha
December 23, 2022

Lord, I pray more intercessors will pray for this mountain of education, especially, parents and grandparents. It’s about the children and raising up a Godly seed. IJN.

Teresa Moubarek
December 23, 2022

It does not increase when I tap on “Amen” as well.

    Clovia from Louisiana
    December 23, 2022

    I tapped the right side just below how you can pray, no change in the number. Then I tapped on the I prayed just above the article on the left side and the number increased. Try that. Merry Christmas!!

Teresa Moubarek
December 23, 2022

I just want to say that I tried to share this on Twitter and it would not go through; I believe that it’s from google’s side, not Twitter’s. I have, also, tapped on “I’ve prayed” and it no longer increases the number by 1. Has anyone else experienced the same?

    Priscilla Meyenburg
    December 23, 2022

    Father God as I did my research this morning on the NEA ; it seems that the Move God out theme has help to endanger our Children,( students) and almost destroyed our families. I listened to videos of teachers who had to take a second job in order to pay the bills from a teacherā€™s salary was not enough. I also researched how the NEA salaries were higher pay than the teachers. WHAT happened to the promises God made and fulfilled? Genesis 12:1,3 – How did Abraham respond to Gods promise? He believed! I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
    I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.[a]
    3 I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
    and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.ā€ This is the way Gods words works! Matthew : -4:4 says we do not live by Bread alone, but BY THE WORDS that come from GO.D The more of Gods words a person knows the better life you will have. ā€œ For Gods word to bear fruit in your lives you must persevere in it. You must continue to feed on it and live like itā€™s true, even in the face of contrary circumstances. ā€œ God I know many have fallen slack during these years and we are seeing these altered results to education in America. I understand That the Devil is all about control he wants to control the whole earth he thinks itā€™s his. When we only function on one cylinder about using Gods words we allow groups like NEA control ( BECAUSE we trust what they do and say more than what Gods words says.) We have allowed the cares of life and lusts for other things spring up like weeds in our lives and the childrenā€™s lives to choke the word of God in our lives, because God was removed from our lives. We are filled with distractions such as movies, computers, sports, video games etc. These things are on in their place they are NEVER to be (1st). What we must do as parents, teachers, is to start planting seeds of Gods words, we must put it first in our daily lives not just once in a while. Mark -4 is a great chapter to read and pray about to understand the sowing of Gods words and the reaping and believing we can make changes and remove radical powers as the NEA. I understand the move of some Senators Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., introduced a similar bill in the Senate. BUT! Father God Intercessorā€™s, parents, Ministers, teachers must start moving mountains with Gods words do not be trapped in a cycle of defeat get into Gods words put it first in your lives believe it, receive it, do not focus on the problem allow Gods words to defeat the problems. Have FAITH. We decree that evil has no power or NEA, authority or rights over our children to promote evil agendas in our schools and over our teachers. We decree we as American citizens have Unity together to STOP the stronghold and break the chains that are holding our education system in bondage! We decree that the Senators go beyond this bill and completely dissolve the NEA. We are going to move mountains and will never stop fighting for our Childrenā€™s education to become what God intended. We thank you Jesus for your support to help untangle the web and place in peoples hearts to stand for America and Gods words.

Joseph John
December 22, 2022

Thank you so much for explaining the NEA’s origins and how it has morphed over the years to what it is today. Matt 18:1-6 shows how strongly Jesus cared for children. I too must care. This should indeed be a focus of concerted prayer. Thank you again and God bless you.

Darlene Estlow
December 22, 2022

Father, give this bill that removes the charter from the NEA much favor. May their ungodly influence be stopped and righteousness be upheld. Protect our children from ungodly teaching. Protect our teachers and may they be filled with your spirit.

Zac Helmberger
December 22, 2022

Father, do a work in this corrupt organization. Let Your good, right and just will be done in this area. I remember studying to be a high school teacher in graduate school back in 1992 when I was an unbeliever who hated Christians. I remember at least one teacher who would foam at the mouth in hatred against homeschoolers. Even though I was an unbeliever back then, I still thought that it was a bit odd that she would have such hatred for home schooling. I realize now that it was an unclean spirit. Father, break this stronghold that is against children, against families and against what is good, right and just, in Yeshua’s name!

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Thank you, Zac, for your discernment in what happened to the teacher who hated homeschoolers. A BIG THANK YOU for your prayer of agreement reformation in our nation’s education system! Nancy

December 22, 2022

Totally in agreement with this article but it needs to go further. Weā€™ve been having outsiders introducing common core, crt, etc. and affecting our textbook companies. We need to have the ability for teachers to choose where their funds are spent politically, Unfortunately the union is needed for teachers & classified as without it many would be let go & harassed due to too many years of service & costing the district more where they could higher 2 newbies for the price of one. (Governor Gray Davis wanted to force all teachers to end their careers with one district & have to go to another district starting again at a first year teacher). We need people looking at the pay of superintendents where many are being paid double or more of what the state superintendentā€™s pay is. They should have a starting pay & a ceiling cap just like teachers. We need accountability with the board members as well who are not standing for the kids but for woke curriculum. We need accountability for the spendingā€”-where if a computer program is purchased for $50K+, there needs to be accountability for years with 90% being required to utilize it & data to support that program for at minimum of 5 years. There is a lot of wasteful spending. So much more that can be done.

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Thank you, Meg, for your comments. Yes, you are correct on the need for accountability. You sound knowledgeable on those issues, and our schools need your prayer to uncover corruption. So sorry that I’m limited in space to what I can cover in an article.

    My intent with this article was to deal with the NEA’s excessive collusion with the government (federal and state) to implement policies like CRT, Sexual identity, climate change, etc., in our classrooms. The NEA’s charter allows them to be an influencer as well as a labor union. They should not be allowed to do both, which the Federal Charter gives them the opportunity to do.
    God bless you!!

December 22, 2022

Although I am retired now, I was once a teacher at multiple school districts in a couple different states. The stranglehold that the NEA has on education is real & the return from the NEA is, for the most part, negligible. For our students – no return. The stark reality is that the work of the NEA for students is damaging, not positive contribution. That’s by design. It always goes back to the people in charge of the offices of the NEA…of which NONE are God fearing believers but instead, they are just the opposite. The NEA is always careful to put their “chosen agents” in charge of agendas & goals. These certain individuals have beliefs but trust me, those beliefs don’t mesh with the commands of God – quite the opposite. When a district is represented by an NEA union, a teacher cannot “opt out”. It’s NEA or no job.
I would encourage people to pray for godly people (teachers, admin) to step up & out – to run for these positions. It will be a fight but salt in open wounds is initially painful. Because that is what you will be. That’s just part of it. The heads of the NEA have to be replaced. Next petition your school districts, boards & state for your right as a teacher to be part of any union You Choose or you may choose not to want to join a union. People say that exists already – on paper & in very few places is it honored. You have to fight for your rights as a teacher to be represented by a union or organization that upholds the educational interest of a student “first” and also upholds your belief system (God honoring). At present, the NEA is consumed by everything that has to do with indoctrination. The heads of the NEA are the masters of double speak & con artists but trust me that if you go to battle with them, your efforts will peel & reveal the real NEA like an onion. But as God commands us, put on the armor of God “before” going into battle – because that is public education today… it’s a brutal battlefield. Yet remember, God & His army surround you. And that means small & a few big victories but nonetheless — they are victories!!

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Dear CN, Thank you for your great insight! Let’s pray that the NEA’s power to indoctrinate our students will be broken. I don’t know where you live, but it sounds like you do not live in a right-to-work state and therefore have no say over whether or not you can belong to the union. The influence of the NEA is particularly intense in those states. Will pray for you.

Lori Meed
December 22, 2022

Great article Nancy. I had no idea that the NEA had a federal charter. Oh what a tangled web we weave, first we practice to deceive. This is yet another example that man’s vengeance cannot achieve God’s righteousness. I also know of many teachers in one entire School board in Pennsylvania where the teachers have completely disaffiliated themselves from the NEA. May God grant power and wisdom to those who will bring down this giant with clay feet!

    Nancy Berkey
    December 22, 2022

    I’m a teacher and won’t join the union or NEA as they don’t have righteous values.

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Thank you, Lori, for your good report! I pray that the stand those teachers took in Pennsylvania will be an encouragement to teachers across our nation!
    Bless you,

    Sandra Butler
    December 22, 2022

    Thank you, Lori, for the recommendation of the book Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes; I’m loving it!

Marilynn Lee
December 22, 2022

I gave up on the NEA AND TSTA years before I left teaching, but I saw HOPE for our school district yesterday when I read that our new school superintendent was a young lady who grew up in our church and in a godly home, She is overwhelmingly qualified and committed, and was unanimously approved by the board.
I commit to cover her with prayer.

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Thank you for sharing this great report!! I pray your comment will be an encouragement to people across the nation.
    Bless you,

David DuBois
December 22, 2022

Thank you, Lord, for this article. I taught high school from 1968-70, not doing a very good job, though really wanting to. I had been inspired by my very good high school teachers, as well as some from college. I have tried teaching a number of times since then, with a bit better results. I think teaching is a very important and noble profession, but probably relatively few in it come close to pleasing God in their efforts. We need to remember our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities. Due to the church’s recent historical complaisance and lack of vigilance, America has allowed most of its key institutions, including education, to be taken over by the enemy. I am encouraged, that the sleeping giant is beginning to wake up, and people, particularly those recently in Virginia, are responding. I continue to pray that truth will be taught in our schools.

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Amen, David. I totally agree with your prayer.

Allena Jordan
December 22, 2022

Lord, thank You for this enlightening article. I speak to this “mountain” and say that you are now exposed and you shall no longer function. We dismember you from touching and harming children in any way or form. I speak these same words to the Department of Education whose arm is too powerful and far-reaching. You are no more. Neither of you have produced fruit in keeping with righteousness. By the blood of Jesus and for the glory of God. Amen.

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Wonderful prayer! I agree with you! Thank you for sharing.
    Bless you,

David Lelli
December 22, 2022

I hate to say it, but this initiative to revoke the charter of the NEA will never see the light of day. Our government is too corrupt and that corruption is too well entrenched. What is needed is a grassroots effort. People need to go to their school committee meetings on a regular basis and speak up. Tell them we want our children being taught truth, not lies. If enough people get involved nationwide then change will begin to happen slowly, but we must be persistent.

    Judy Kretzschmar
    December 22, 2022

    We need both. The corrupt thistle of the education labor union is choking education for the children in America. It needs to be removed. The case needs to be made on the local level and the federal and state level.

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Thank you, David. You are correct, if people don’t stand up, we have no hope.
    I wrote this article because you are correct; at this time, there is but a ray of hope that the NEA Federal Charter will be revoked. However, I know that if we don’t take that “ray of hope” and begin to pray into it, we certainly don’t stand a chance.

    Nancy Huff
    December 22, 2022

    Thank you, David. You are correct, if people donā€™t stand up, we have no hope.
    I wrote this article because you are correct; at this time, there is but a ray of hope that the NEA Federal Charter will be revoked. However, I know that if we donā€™t take that ā€œray of hopeā€ and begin to pray into it, we certainly donā€™t stand a chance.


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