I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, we lift up the FBI before You. Reshape this organization and reveal the truth about January 6. Let Your truth and justice reign.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Not only were paid FBI informants at the Capitol on January 6, the FBI also lost track of how many informants they sent.

From New York Post. The FBI had so many paid informantsĀ at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later auditĀ to determine exactly how many ā€œConfidential Human Sourcesā€ run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.

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At least one informant was communicating with his FBI handler as he entered the Capitol, according to Steven Dā€™Antuono, formerly in charge of the bureauā€™s Washington field office.

Dā€™Antuono has testified behind closed doors to the House Judiciary Committee that his office was aware before the riot that some of their informants would attend a ā€œStop the Stealā€ rally thrown by former President Donald Trump, but he only learned after the fact that informants run by other field offices also were present, along with others who had participated of their own accord. …

Asked how many informants the audit discovered were in the crowd that day, Dā€™Antuono would only say ā€œa handful.ā€ …

In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) described Dā€™Antuonoā€™s testimony as ā€œextremely concerning.ā€

It suggests that ā€œthe FBI cannot adequately track the activities and operations of its informants, and that it lost control of its CHSs present at the Capitol on January 6,ā€ he wrote.

ā€œThese revelations reinforce existing concerns,Ā identified by Special Counsel [John] Durham, about the FBIā€™sĀ use of, and payment to, CHSs who have fabricated evidenceĀ and misrepresented information.

ā€œThe Justice Department Inspector General also identified critical problems in the FBIā€™s CHS program,ā€ Jordan added, ā€œincluding the FBIā€™s failure to fully vet CHSs and the FBIā€™s willingness to ignore red flags that would call into question an informantā€™s reliability.ā€ …

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(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

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Santos Garcia Jr.
September 23, 2023

“Fabricated evidence…” is just the beginning of the crisis. There is the strong likelihood that this was an actual ‘FedSurrection’ that was coordinated many months in advance to do exactly what happened: Deny those with legitimate evidence of Voter Fraud and irregularities to make their case before the public.

Father, We DECREE that ALL the Truth WILL be fully brought to light, and that ALL those responsible for the horrible events of Jan 6th will be held to account. By the Power of Holy Spirit, in the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN!


James Zajac
September 22, 2023

It bothers me the lies that bag of garbage we falsely call our president has blatantly crucified all the people involved with that day. They were peacefully protesting and falsely imprisoned after. The one who should be imprisoned is the garbage who falsely calls himself president.

September 21, 2023

Not one bit surprised. Look up Cointelpro. The FBI has infiltrated spies in fringe group rallies and protests to cause ruckuses and plant evidence of crime where there was no crime to give the government a reason to persecute people on their disfavored group list. And we somehow think they wouldnā€™t do that now? Look what history has taught us.

September 21, 2023

The FBI is a joke and needs to be shut down ASAP! Their budget should be cancelled immediately in JESUS NAME!

Grant Windholz
September 21, 2023

Lord God, this country is so politically corrupt we don’t know who to turn to for trust and security. Just like the Department of Defense, the FBI and others have turn against it’s own country!! Only you can save us Jesus because we can see this mess Only getting worse.

September 21, 2023

Yes Lord, let Your truth and justice reign in America as never before. Expose the lie.

September 21, 2023

Nancy orginstrated the whole thing !

Robert Barton
September 21, 2023

Which congressional member is trying to get a new law added to our Constitution. That requires a seperation of the news media and state. As of now they are colluding to eliminating the Democrat Party. And allowing the news media to rule America. With their puppet TRAITOR JOE.

Mari Williams
September 21, 2023

Mari W
September 21, 2023, 1:54 pm
Thank You Our Father that you promise to give justice to ALL who are unfairly treated. YOU know all the intricate details of this situation; nothing was hid from your eyes, so we place the situation at the Throne of Your Grace and ask for Your divine intervention and revelation of the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, that perfect justice may be served in such a way Our Father that YOU will receive ALL the glory. In Jesus Name, Amen

September 21, 2023

Heavenly Father, your will be done, your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Deliver us from evil, Lord.
With nearly 8 billion inhabitants, the earth has become a Satanic playhouse. We need to be in your presence at all times, Lord, to keep ourselves safe.

With rogue agencies like the FBI deliberately trying to make US conservatives lawbreakers, I ask your Holy Spirit shine upon your people and protect them.

Make us aware of ulterior motives when dealing with government entities even, and especially, when dealing with the public school systems.

Lord, keep us in your care.

September 21, 2023

We declare that every word spoken behind closed doors (suppressed truths & outright lies) shall be shouted from the rooftops for all to hear according to Luke 11:2-3. ā€œThou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto you and the light shall shine upon thy ways. ā€œJob 22:28.

September 21, 2023

Lord, please continue to expose the real puppet masters behind the supposed Jan 6 “insurrection”. In the mean time we ask that those involved in exposing it and who have been wrongly accused and incarcerated because of it, as well as the rest of us, have your supernatural ability to forgive their persecutors, purifying the struggle. Help us not to forget to continue praying for justice in this situation. You do not ignore the cry of the oppressed

Peg B
September 21, 2023

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us of Your never ending word which says 2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 6 being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete. Let the weapons of our warfare in accordance with Your good and perfect will destroy evil strongholds, take captive every evil thought in obedience to Christ, thereby rendering evil acts and intents futile. Bring forward Your kingdom of righteousness and justice as supreme in every court, every agency, every heart and every mind. What evil tried to accomplish will not stand. Instead we take our positioning of victory under the headship of Christ. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Cathy Myers
September 21, 2023

Father God I pray for those in authority knowing aithority comes from You. Youtrword declares the hrart of the king is in the Lords hands. Asking You to turn the hearts of those in authority. Word declares the givernment will be Upon His shoulders. Asking for divine intervention. God heal our land

Maria Fillyaw
September 21, 2023

Dear Father God we lift up the FBI and we pray your hand upon them may the truth be revealed and justice be done. We pray in your name Lord Jesus amen

September 21, 2023

God tells us to wait on Him; to be patient in long-suffering, and love those who come against us. These things we must do, as faithful followers of Him. In our hearts we cry out ‘how much longer, Lord- vengeance is yours, NOT ours, so we wait’. Please Lord, send the Holy Spirit to minister to the wayward leaders, the evil schemers, the devious who craft oppressing policies and spread lies in their agendas. We ask for your refuge as you so eloquently explain in references like Ps 91. We wait on you, Lord- it’s so difficult- give us strength and resolve- we do it knowing you are coming back, maybe soon, to usher in your righteous Kingdom on earth. For a ‘little while’, we mourn and grieve the evil around us.
Protect the saints, the little ones, the innocent, as this world is under the sway of ‘principalities, rulers of darkness’- under the liar and destroyer, Satan.
We pray with boldness, in the Spirit, with all perseverance for the saints…Eph 6:18.
We wait on you, the Creator God, to send your Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords to finally correct this earth, as outlined in Rev. 19. This is the great and glorious promise you’ve given us. We need your patience and strength to endure.

Hazel Clapsaddle
September 21, 2023

It is still shocking to me that these protesters who were 99% peaceful and only wanted to make a statement about fair elections are being treated worse than the terrorists who have tried to kill as many of us as possible. How can this be allowed to continue?
I see the judge responsible for this atrocity as pure evil. Terribly sad…………….

September 21, 2023

Thank You Father in Heaven, You are exposing the lies of this in authority on Jan. 6 and will be exposed in Jesus name, amen
Romans 14:17 “The Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteous, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and that You Father through Your Son and Holy Spirit would release this Word. Amen and Amen

September 21, 2023

Heavenly Father we praise you that you fight our battles and we hold our peace and remain at rest.The battle is yours and we are called to pray and praise you and believe that the injustices against our nation and our FBI and all the three letter agencies have to give an account of their crimes against us in Jesus mighty name.Exposures and truth will come forth in Jesus mighty name.Your name is above every principality-every power and every might.We donā€™t know how to pray sometimes but I eyes are upon you.We pray in Jesus mighty name that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Kathryn Bast
September 21, 2023

I just pray this will not just fade away. So many good honest people have been treated so badly. Now I see the white house is looking for a climate group among our young gullible people. Just like Hitler. We need you God.

September 21, 2023

DNC, Pelosi, DOJ Barr, Garland, FBI Wray, J6 unselect commitee, unrighteous judges, be held accountable for their Treasonous ACTIONS IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Jesus Benedetti
September 21, 2023

I will continue to pray that God have mercy on the hearts, and on the minds of people that are being forced to lie. Let truth prevail, in the name of Jesus..

Maria Oramas
September 21, 2023

Anf Father God release from ptison those wrongfully accused by the FBI

Jennifer Hecker
September 21, 2023

I pray for those wrong fully imprisoned for January 6 th. That they will be set free as there is no need for trial when the FBI has the tapes revealing the facts. I pray the US government reimburses those prisoners who lost their life savings and livelihood. In Jesus Name

September 21, 2023

God is showing us the truth. We have to obey the direction that God is directing us to go. With all the evidence being discovered, we must stop supporting the ones doing evil. Just that simple. STOP SUPPORTING ALL WHO ARE DOING EVIL. You don’t need to support ones who do evil, because maybe they are doing or saying a few things you agree with. Look at what God is shedding light on and move your support. God save America

Shelley MacAllister
September 21, 2023

I pray every that Gods Holy Spirit will move in a mighty way over America and wake up our hearts, eyes, ears, and minds to the true facts of so many lies, the lies about Jan 6. among them. I pray for innocent, imprisoned for nothing. I pray for the dismantling of the present terrible regime, in Jesus Name

September 21, 2023

Can such a thing happen in America? We are supposed to be the bastian of freedom of speech,assembly and liberty

Mary Ann Neureiter
September 21, 2023

Lord God forgive our transgressions and heal our nation. Bring to light the corruption in our government and legal system. Amen

Awilda Ramirez
September 21, 2023

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

September 21, 2023

All things done in darkness will come to light. Oh God, help us to forgive and come together as a people and a country soon.

Roger s
September 21, 2023

Oh God in heaven please help us all. Please protect us from the evil that is infiltrating the world. This is a light versus dark situation. Thank you for all of your help and please see it in your interest to help save the world.

Margaret Akin
September 21, 2023

Only deep prayer throughout the Country will change hearts and save America. Ask God to save us from the demonic deep state authoritarians.
Letā€™s roll!!!šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


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