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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for honesty and transparency in our leaders. Bring the truth to light, God, and keep Your people informed. Restore justice to our nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The recent acknowledgement of Hunter Biden’s laptop has certainly opened the floodgates of information, giving Americans the ability to peek behind the curtain and see what has truly been going on all this time right under their noses. Now that Biden’s corruption has been exposed, Christians need to know what the next steps to take are.

From The Stream. With all that’s been discussed about Hunter Biden’s laptop — what it reveals about the Biden family and the shocking lengths to which government agencies, politicians, and the media lied, at least until Biden was safely in office — there’s yet another aspect to the story, one we touched on last week but would like to examine more deeply now.

The Casts of Characters Overlap

Doesn’t it seem like an odd coincidence that the very parts of the world that are exploding now are the ones the Biden family was greatly profiting from; namely, Ukraine, Russia, and China? (For this discussion, we’re focusing on Ukraine.) This is why voters deserve to know all about a candidate’s potential conflicts of interest before putting him in office.

And doesn’t it also seem weird that the same people whose names we first heard during Trump‘s first impeachment, some of them officials at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, are now popping up in revelations about the Trump/Russia Hoax? The two casts of characters overlap — why is that?…

NOTE: As we’ve said before, the corruption in Ukraine in no way excuses the cold disregard and unforgivable violence Putin has shown to its people, most of whom were just trying to make a living and support their families and communities. Russia is chock-full of corruption as well. So is America, for that matter, as we’re learning more each day. Those who use Ukrainian corruption to rationalize what Putin is doing are trying to defend the indefensible.

Corruption Exposed

That said, it’s also important to recognize that what we’re seeing of the corruption is just the tip of the iceberg. Imagine if Hunter had somehow dimly remembered his laptop was at the repair shop and had managed, in his drug-addled state, to crawl his way back there and pick it up. Life would have gone on, with most of us likely never knowing the extent of Biden family graft….

After the Lies. What’s Next?

Those of us who’ve been investigating this for years are at last breaking through to the public at large, who only now are learning what we’ve known for some time: that a reasonable prosecutor would have taken Hillary’s case; that there really are deep-state actors in our bureaucracy; that the Bidens — including “the big guy” — are corrupt; that “Russia” was a hoax all along; that the laptop is real and the FBI withheld it during Trump’s impeachment; that social media is a leftist propaganda arm; and that some people who say they care about “our democracy” really just want to keep their personal gravy train rolling. Americans are wising up. The next step (and it’s a loo-loo) is to acknowledge that suppressing the laptop was election interference, likely changing the outcome of the Biden-Trump race….

Which brings us back to Ukraine. Mollie Hemingway’s book Rigged, the chapter “Burying Biden Corruption,” details not only Hunter’s profits in Ukraine “serving” on the Burisma board but also how committee chairman Adam Schiff made sure this was never brought up in the impeachment hearings, as it would’ve justified Trump’s “impeachable” phone call to President Zelenskyy. The word “rigged” applies just as well to that sham impeachment as it does to the election….

The Big Take-away

A photo turned up of Chalupa in the White House, standing next to the man identified as the impeachment “whistleblower” over Trump’s phone call. Recall that we were never supposed to say his name, but we did: Eric Ciaramella. The big take-away: These people were all working together, folks, and that’s the real “collusion….”

Share you prayers for our nation in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Stream. Photo Credit: Vandan Patel on Unsplash)

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Darlene Estlow
March 28, 2022

Father, I ask you to touch Hunter Biden’s heart with repentance and your love. Free him from his chains. If he goes to prison, may there be those who will present him to you and may his heart be won to you.

Linda Odegaard Rice
March 27, 2022

really not much information here.

Stephen Hamrock
March 26, 2022

Dear Lord as we look to our government officials for just snd equally applied principels, we ask You to enlighten these officals and those seeking. Guide them to root out practices that failt equal justice for all. Amen office

Nancy Bryda
March 26, 2022

I decree full exposure to the American people at large and especially the corruption displayed by mainstream media. I decree and declare this scandalous laptop will be launch by God to target what needs to be exposed and prosecuted first. Exposure and justice are a function of God’s plan and I agree with his blueprint in all situations. I do believe a multitude of revelations connected to conflict of interests, sex trafficking, and drug networks will be exposed, prosecuted and will lead to many being expelled in our DC government. What people think is hidden in darkness, is and will continue to come into the light concerning Hunter Biden’s laptop. I decree and declare intense pressure will be put upon media and the government by the American people to investigate this scandal and will take the limelight off of the kangaroo January 6th Court theatrics. This is a boomerang season in DC

Bo Ehrig
March 26, 2022

Dear Lord
Keep shaking the world and let the truth shake out. Then the people can take a side. Gods side or the devils side.

March 26, 2022

Right now it very difficult to believe the government. I also know that God’s word is true. There is nothing hidden that will not be brought to light. God treat everyone equally. The government are upon his shoulder.
We can’t serve two masters. Either we serve God or the devil. Satan will never prevail God’s children.

March 26, 2022

It is amazing that Biden has the audacity to stand amidst all this horror knowing that he in fact is guilty of corruption and we are seeing this heartbreak unfold before our eyes. It is hard to pray for such a man as this and forgive as we are commanded. He needs to be removed from office along with many others and be held accountable for this situation we are seeing every day. God be with Ukraine and all its people and may they feel his comfort and peace amidst this tragedy.

Terri Jo Bassett
March 26, 2022

I for one would like to know WHY ,.. we the American Taxpayers are helping ‘ THE Ukraine ” these countries around Russia, Poland, Georgia, Belarus, Romania WERE all a part of COMMUNIST USSR…
for goodness sake. President Reagan broke up Russia during his tenure. The great sovereign United States for America needs to help its own citizens..

Anita Malaro
March 26, 2022

We cannot allow this administration or this president to keep a blind eye or let Hunter Biden go unpunished for his evil actions. This administration must be held accountable & punished for the morale decay & compromise they have caused in our country! In Jesus Name we pray let Justice prevail & God’s will be done!

Estrella Perez
March 26, 2022

Thank you for praying as you expose the corruption that is happening in America.

Barbara Janicki
March 26, 2022

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. . . . What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” (Luke 8:17 &12:3) We need for light to expose all this darkness, for the truth to be made known – which has been difficult with the press/media silencing/suppressing any and all truth and if truth leaks out, they quickly label it “misinformation” or “conspiracy theories” and say it is a threat to democracy. How ironic when they are the threat to our democracy and actually more than a threat, they are part of those who do actually want to destroy our democracy and replace it with the equity that is communism. And communism is an atheistic ideology, totally leaving God out – which is the opposite of our founding ideology as a nation – built not only on belief in Almighty God, but recognizing Him as the giver of our lives, of all our blessings as a nation and of our freedoms, our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We need the truth in order to make good decisions about the issues confronting us in every area. Bad decisions (like with covid) are made when the data is false and we are continually fed lies. I pray that the media will no longer be able to suppress or mislabel this Biden laptop and all related information. And that people will have their eyes opened and be able to recognize and receive the truth. May we continue to repent and turn to God – He is Truth – He is our hope. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Deanna Hanson
March 26, 2022

Nothing is impossible with you Papa. We ask that eyes would be opened, fake news destroyed. You gave victory when we became a free nation. George Washington was a man of prayer. The constitution written on biblical principles!!! You are a God of restoration. Show us our part in opening blind eyes!!!

March 26, 2022

We will never know the extent of the corruption- not abroad, and certainly not here in The United States of America.
I, like many others, have lost confidence in this administration, and the government in general. I doubt they have the best interests of the people (the everyday, hard working people, and people of faith), and the manipulation of the various agencies, main stream news, social media, and the misuse of the processes of government (think impeachment), have eroded the value of the system and fairness of the system on BOTH SIDES.
Our hope is to remain faithful to God, adhere to our tenets of faith, and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.
Our solutions or help must not be based upon any man – EXCEPT JESUS CHRIST

Ronda O
March 26, 2022

Thank you Lord that your word is EVER and ALWAYS true. Every lie will be exposed.

Praise God, you are judge and your ways are just. Amen

Jeanne Flanders
March 26, 2022

The Lord allowed those opposed to the re-election of our President Trump to pull this fraudulent election off.

The Biden supporters were prepared in enough polling places with absentee ballets hidden under black table covers voting for Biden only to keep President Trump from being re-elected.

How else could Joe Biden have proudly announced from Iowa that he knew he would win the South Carolina primary.

Cindy Doolan
March 26, 2022

The biggest question here is WILL ANYONE BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE??? Will any of these offenses be punished? We know the truth but will it bring justice? WE PRAY GOD WILL!!

Jerry Saliba
March 26, 2022

Dear God please expose the truth, Jesus you are truth. Lord more than that expose the truth but also may evil actions be punished. We want not only truth but justice to reign in our nation. may the evil lies of those who want to destroy our nation turn back on the liars themselves. protect those who are fighting for the truth and justice, keep them safe from the evil doers. lord may your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

March 26, 2022

There are photos on the laptop that prove Hunter Biden & Pelosi’s son are pedophiles. Praying truth comes to light 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Nancy Gunow
    March 26, 2022

    In the book, “Laptop From Hell,” it states that although there are many compromising photos with Hunter Biden and various women, none are of underage children.

March 26, 2022

Praying the truth comes out that Putin is not actually the ‘bad guy’ here. It’s our own corrupt tyrannical United States politicians who are immoral. It’s the one world order main steam media who people need to question.
Putin is exposing the embezzlement & child sex trafficking that has been taking place in Ukraine.
The dirty main stream media is lying to you & using all sorts of propaganda just like was done in WWII.
My prayer is that truth come to light!
Expose main stream media who is the actual virus!
Oh, and that zelensky who people are making out to be a hero is gross. Check out the sadistic videos of him dancing with other men.

March 26, 2022

Please Lord God, bring ALL the truth to light and let the chips fall where they may in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Diane Reinstadtler
March 26, 2022

I’m afraid that Christians have to take a big blame for this because we have a tendency to separate our Christianity from what we hear and everyday life and what we do and everyday life. Isn’t that by these excuse well I leave my religion behind when I make my decisions for government. I believe that to get a well done good and faithful servant it is not going to be allowing the devil’s lies to invade our minds by listening to fake media and engaging in Twitter it is time to make a mass Exodus from these media pundits and begin to find sources for news that uphold scripture and uphold truth. Are monetary input to these media services can ruin them if we pull our support.

    March 26, 2022

    Taking a reply to my own comment I apologize for the incorrect grammar and such but as an aging individual I use the voice. But I had meant to say was we must not leave our Christianity behind like Biden does when he states that he makes his decisions apart from his faith

March 26, 2022

Praying for the enemy to continue to be exposed in Jesus Name. And those many Americans minds and hearts that have been blinded to believe the lies of the enemy. I pray that their eyes would be open to the truth. God is truly a God of his word. He has not left r forsaken us. Praise God. We have the victory we WIN. IN JESUS NAME🙏🙏

Clydia Akins
March 26, 2022

Father , You are Truth and Light, may You prevail in all of this under minded collusion the enemy has attempted to work in our world. May Your perfect will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

March 26, 2022

Woodward and Bernstein… my memory is not as sharp as I wish it was but I still know those names from 50 yrs ago!
Father may your hand of protection be over these brave souls that are seeking to expose this corruption . I pray your Angels guard and protect their families as we sever these Satanic ties. May this demonic,finely crafted web quickly unravel.
We can only rely on th blood of Jesus our savior

Terri Davidson
March 26, 2022

What’s on the laptop?

    Carroll Dannettell
    March 26, 2022

    Child pornography, emails about Hunter taking “bribes” from Ukrainian leaders and sharing the money and access to “the Big Guy” (Joe was VP at the time). Videos of Hunter engaging with prostitutes. More evil and corruption than the Roman government back in the day. Just continue to pray, that as all this is revealed, that people’s hearts, minds and eyes will be open to the truth that was suppressed to put a man who is clearly suffering from dementia into the highest office in the land.
    I believe the laptop was a “gift” that God allowed to come to light to expose the massive corruption of our leadership and have been praying about it since I first learned of it before the 2020 election.

      March 26, 2022

      Biden photos show he is a pedophile. There are photos of him & photos of N. Pelosi’s son with extremely young (5ish) Asian girls in compromising positions.

    March 26, 2022

    Read Laptop from Hell by NY Post columnist Miranda Devine. You can also go to the NY Post homepage and search Miranda Devine. She started writing about this in October of 2020 when she was given the laptop. If you recall, social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook suspended the NY Post accounts for “disinformation.” This was two weeks before the presidential election. Then about a week ago, or 17 months after it first was reported, The NY Times finally declared the information on the laptop to be true and not the “Russian disinformation” that Biden, the DNC and 51 national security “experts” proclaimed it to be.

    Nancy Gunow
    March 26, 2022

    Read “Laptop from Hell” by Miranda Devine. Much information on Hunter Biden’s business deals using his father’s influence to gain lucrative contracts including Burisma in Ukraine. The last chapter details the coverup of the laptop by MSM, 50 former senior intelligence officials led by Brennan and Clapper, claiming the laptop material “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” although not one of them had seen it.

Pat H
March 26, 2022

Intrigued, but where are the details? I kept scrolling for specifics. While some were present it seemed like a “glance” at the collusion. Did I miss something?


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