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Lord, help us to be bold to speak the truth. Thank you for how you are working through some in Congress to protect life.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many of you have participated in a campaign to contact your Congressional Representative to encourage them to allow a vote on the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 962)—we were overwhelmed and grateful for the high participation from intercessors. As of Friday morning’s count, we had nearly 6,000 emails sent to House members to share their prayers and to advocate for allowing a vote on the House floor. House members certainly felt the impact of your emails and your prayers.  Thank you!

We began receiving emails from intercessors sharing the responses from their Congressional representatives. As we looked at the responses from multiple states across the nation, the message was the same talking points, and, unfortunately, it was misinformation.  We wanted to set the record straight with some facts, as well as some points you can share with your Congressman or woman in a return email if you choose to send one.  We relied on some valuable information from The Heritage Foundation:

It is an undeniable matter of public record that babies can be born alive following an abortion procedure. The [original 2002 Act, referred to as the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, or BAIPA] recognizes these babies as persons under federal law, but the 2002 Act does not provide adequate protections for these babies or establish specific requirements of care on practitioners.

Because current federal law is insufficient, policymakers have proposed [a new act that further protects survivors of abortion known as] the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act [HR962]. Recognizing that an infant is a “person” regardless of the circumstances of his or her birth, the bill would augment current law to:

  • Require that health care practitioners “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of a child” born alive following an abortion as the practitioner “would render to any other child born alive”; [meaning that the comfort rooms you may have heard about would no longer be legal or accepted as practice.]
  • Require that health care practitioners “ensure that the child born alive is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital”;
  • Require practitioners and hospital, physician’s office, and abortion clinic employees to report violations;
  • Establish criminal penalties (fines and/or imprisonment) for failure to comply; and
  • Bar prosecution of the mother of the child born alive and provide her with civil remedies to obtain relief against any person who committed the violation.

The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act provides desperately needed protections for the most vulnerable and innocent members of society. Passing legislation to protect living babies from infanticide should not be remotely controversial. Roughly half the states currently provide some degree of protection for these babies under state law, but many do not—including states with extremely permissive abortion laws, such as California.

Despite unfounded and baseless claims to the contrary, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act does not restrict a woman’s access to abortion. It simply ensures that a living newborn infant, regardless of the circumstances of the child’s birth or whether he/she was “wanted” or not, receives proper medical care.

Hearing what atrocities are being committed in “comfort rooms” across the nation (the term for a room where babies who are born during the abortion process are placed to die without medical intervention or attention from medical professionals) it is clear that the 2002 Born Alive Act that many of these liberal talking points are referring to, is not enough. These lives deserve to be treated with dignity, medical care, and legal protection, as any human born should be. We encourage you now to set the record straight wherever you may hear it being misconstrued or falsely reported—the protection of life is in our hands!

Watch the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act hearing for more information about this Act, and the people who are working to protect the lives of these children.

(Article by Kris Kubal, IFA Staff.)

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Mary Truman
September 17, 2019

Each evening as I ride home on Houston Metro I pass a sign that says: “Animal cruelty is a crime.” I’m thinking: But killing 53 million babies is not a crime. Dear Lord, how sinful we have become that our priorities are so far from your will.

Julie Petersen
September 16, 2019

Heavenly Father, it is so hard to imagine that anyone could even consider letting these babies die! Left naked, alone, on cold metal with no intervention until their tiny hearts stop beating. It is barbaric Father, and most of the citizens in America are revolted when they learn it is happening and incensed that our elected officials refuse to even vote that these infants, made in your image, receive care and warmth. Oh Lord, we cry out to you to bring justice to the hardhearted, mercy to the innocent, knowing and so grateful that you will also bring salvation to everyone who will turn to you in repentance. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Carolyn Anna
September 15, 2019

God created babies to remind us of the importance of life. I am with my child’s children tonight. They love and laugh and are eager to learn. No one may decide their fate but God.
We DO NOT have the right to kill because we want to. If we stand for the murder of children no life at any age is safe if the life is deemed undeserving. Perhaps these young children I sit with tonight will threatened some one and be deemed expendable. God help us if we steal life for political or any reason. We have no right.. God forgive the governor of North Carolina and politicians all over our nation that are manipulating the conscience of the uninformed.

Patricia Walters
September 14, 2019

The death cuture promoted by the politicians in my state grieves me, please pray for nm hse representatives and senators.

Jane Fain
September 14, 2019

I am not familiar with the left’s talking points on H.R. 962. Could you share those with me?

Ray Clark
September 14, 2019

The fact is that these infants cannot survive without the amniotic fluid (that is around and inside of them during the pregnancy) is not extracted, and thereby allowing the oxygen to fill their tiny lungs. Some do survive by the fluid draining from their lungs as they begin to breathe. The doctors and nurses of death then put the infant in a cold dish and leave them to die alone. Unthinkable ! My being a former combat veteran of the Vietnam war, who personally killed quite a few enemy soldiers, understands what happens to our conscience when we deliberately take another human beings life, sometimes under “unjustifiable” conditions like killing the wounded for convenience sake. We become hard hearted and callused as killing becomes almost enjoyable as we justify our actions. These murderers of the most innocent are no different. We need to pray for these murderers before they become reprobate and lose hope for salvation.
Being many polls declare that 80 % of Americans identify as Christians, why don’t we threaten a boycott of our government in paying our federal taxes, until they quit using our money to fund abortions. We are “we the people” and we are God’s people too who should have a voice in determining what our government does with our taxes. May God have mercy on the American people who are participating in this holocausts! Maranatha = our LORD comes! Halleluiah!

Jackie Lottermoser
September 14, 2019

I praise and thank You lord for the new Representative in NC that is prolife. I will continue to pray for softening of hearts in our government and the boldness to vote for this law in NY. Jackie

Gail Dings
September 14, 2019

We must pray for the eyes of the doctors and nurses performing or assisting in abortions be opened to the horror of this atrocity. That they come face to face with Truth! I cry out to the Father to remove their hearts of stone and give them new hearts!

Jo Ann VanCamp
September 14, 2019

We must pray fervently to protect these babies. In NC we have had double jeopardy- the governor vetoed the bill for protecting babies. Also, our newly elected congressman, a former pastor and prolife, was made to step down according to a few absentee ballots. A new election was held and finally we have a representative on coming Tuesday, and thankfully he is pro life! Continued prayers for this much needed bill and for an end to abortion! #ForTheirLives Prayers

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