I Prayed have prayed
Lord, guide us with Your Spirit of discernment and truth.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As numerous intercessors converged on Washington, D.C. to pray, there were many others, like me, who were unable. That can sometimes make us feel less than, but yet we prayed in place where we wereā€”in effective intercession.

As his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike.Ā  So it was, from that day forward; he made it a statue and an ordinance for Israel to this day (1 Sam 30:24-25)

From the comfort of my home, I watched the prayer gathering in Washington, DC.Ā  It is said that over 300,000 people gathered to pray for our nation and to worship God.Ā  It was an amazing sight to behold.

As I watched this wonderful event, my heart was divided.Ā  I felt great excitement that so many had come together to pray over our nation and fill the streets with praise and worship.Ā  Yet, a part of me felt sad that I wasnā€™t able to be present and in the midst of it.

What could I do?Ā  I could pray.

I covered those present in Washington, D.C. in prayers of safety, peace, and strength. Instead of surrendering to that sad feeling, I chose to become a part of this wonderful movement, right from my home.

As I prayed, I was reminded of the story in 1 Samuel 30.

David had returned from battle to find his family and all his possessions had been carried away by his enemy. In great distress he cried out to God, ā€œShould I pursue?ā€

ā€œPursue ā€“ for you shall recover allā€ was Godā€™s response.

David, along with 600 men, pursued. Scripture tells us along the way two hundred of the men became too weary to continue in battle. They stayed behind, with the supplies of David and his mighty men.

Once victorious, David and the other four hundred men returned with their families and the spoils. Upon their return, David greeted those who had been left behind.

I can imagine how those two hundred must have felt. I was feeling just that way of watching the Prayer March.

They probably felt they had no right to the spoils of the enemyā€”after all, they didnā€™t press on with the other four hundred to be on the front lines of battle. They werenā€™t present when the enemy was defeated. They didnā€™t help gather the spoil. They missed seeing their loved ones dance for joy, knowing they were set free. They missed the moment of victory.

However, David, with a heart after God, saw it differently. He declared whoever stayed with the supplies would have the same reward as those on the front of the battlefield.

Scripture tells us, from that day forth, it was a statute and an ordinance. That means, it remains true today.

I find it interesting that in 1 Samuel 30:21, the Bible says, ā€œWhen David came near the people (the two hundred left behind with the stuff), he saluted them.ā€

A soldier only salutes another soldier. With that very telling gesture, David enacted the law of spoils. Everyone shared equally. Those on the front lines and those behind with the supplies.

What does this mean for us today?

It means, perhaps you cannot go to the mission field, but you can financially support someone who can. You both receive the same reward.

Maybe you were unable to attend the Prayer March in Washington, D.C.Ā  You may have really wanted to be there but could not. Will you miss out on the reward of that gathering? No! You were home praying. You watched and thanked God for what was taking place in our nation.

Therefore, according to the Word of God, you receive the same reward as those who stood on the lawn of the White House in prayer and worship.

That is a loving God! That is His plan.

Many times, those who pray most diligently and consistently cannot travel to the areas they are praying for. Those who stay behind and pray are just as vital as those who are able to step their feet on the land itself. There is no distance in the spirit.

God has many soldiers in the army of God. Those who go into battle and those who stay behind with the stuff ā€“ guarding it and keeping it safe. Yet we all have the same reward.

We are a body; not an individual. May we always remember that. May we continue to work together to bring forth the fulness of the plan of God for our nation and our world. Together we battle. Together we partake of the victory and the spoil.

Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kimā€™s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. For additional information, or to receive her daily writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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October 11, 2020

Thank you for this! I have been greatly encouraged by what you shared. I was one of those who wanted to be there. I did join in, was glued to it Friday night and all day Saturday. It was amazing to be a part of it and praying along from a distance. Made me very thankful for the technology that allowed millions of people around the world to join in.
My husband and I are retired. We feel the call for mission work but we havenā€™t found a fit for us. It encourages me greatly to know our support of missionaries is valued as through we were there ourselves. We already have plans to support our niece going to Nigeria for 3 years. Weā€™ll also support a family traveling wherever God leads in a huge boat they built themselves.
Kim, thank you for sharing this biblical insight. Now we are relieved of a burden on our hearts. Iā€™ve been asking God to show us how he can use us so this is a huge answer to prayer! As we continue listening to hear His voice weā€™ll rest knowing we are in fact participating in our call to missions! God bless you!!

October 11, 2020

I really appreciated this article, as I was one who wanted to go but could not. Great perspective from God’s Word. Very encouraging. Thank you!

October 11, 2020

Although I watched The Return from my home, I could feel the tangible presence of GOD in my den. It felt like I was in the midst of the great gathering. I had the opportunity to blow my shofar as well; it was powerful!

Lori Meed
October 10, 2020

Excellent word! God’s word, and our prayers, know no time nor distance. All whose hearts are for Him and His plans and purposes share in the reward. We who were there could feel the agreement from our brothers and sisters.Scripture also assures us that we are all part of one body – so each part gets what one goes through – for good or evil.

Toni Kushner
October 10, 2020

For a month before The Return I was excited for the day. Although I wanted to join in at DC my husband said no. But at 9am until 9pm my husband and I watched this anointed event, repented, worshiped and prayed with all. It was a powerful time and to witness the sea of people praying for repentance and revival was a prayer of my heart for many years. The Message To America from Jonathan Cahn was powerful and rings in my heart even today. I pray God’s people will persevere in Prayer as God leads us into battle. Even at home many of my friends and I were blessed.

Kathryn Grossman
October 10, 2020

Thank you for this encouragement. It is difficult as one gets older to not be in the midst of the corporate gatherings. I would love to be with Dutch Sheets right now as well. So, to have the right perspective and acceptance is important. We are in on3 accord and part of the remnant even if we cannot physically be in one place. Grateful for Holy Spirit unity and the internet.

Joan Diane Bartruff
October 10, 2020

Thank You, Kim, for these Biblical truths. It is important for His people to know they are serving in varied ways. As important to be in the “supply line” as to be “on the battlefront”. Both essential. Reminds me of scripture” “Some plant, some water, some fertilize” as we work in the mission field. Then, we rejoice as
the Lord harvests. Every act done in His name if precious in God’s sight.

Pat Marrs
October 10, 2020

Thank you !! I felt the same way felt like eve to the point of sadness for not being there !! The truth does set us free !!

Mary Murray
October 10, 2020

Our Father is limited by neither time nor space. He heard the prayers and the unity of all who were and continue to cry out for repentance and revival. Let us not grow weary… The battle is the Lord’s and the outcome belongs to Him. His name is ever to be praised.

Lynne Cucco
October 10, 2020

I love that “David saluted those who stayed behind with the supplies”. I too, couldn’t travel to Washington, DC for Franklin Graham or Jonathan Cahn’s prayer gatherings, but I streamed them. My REALITY of the prayer gathering was the expanse of intercession that took place from homes all around the country. Many participated up close…Multitudes stayed home with the supplies! For me, I participated without the fatigue of travel, without distraction, and at a vantage point which discerned out truly powerful the prayer events were for our nation and world.

Dave Zackey
October 10, 2020

You do not have to hold hands or be in the same room! Scripture just says “agree on prayer….!” Thanks IFA for this opportunity and vehicle!


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