I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect Israel. We ask that You help our leaders to protect Israel and to draw near to You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the Middle East, he has replaced strength with weakness, moral clarity with confusion, and loyalty with betrayal. . . .

The Trump-Pence administration opened the door to a future of peace in the Middle East founded on our strong and unwavering commitment to the state of Israel. But now Israel is enduring the worst outbreak of violence in at least seven years — a direct result of the weakness shown by the Biden administration from its first day in office.

Many Americans witnessing the recent bloodshed in Israel are perplexed by how quickly violence erupted after years of calm. The answer is that President Biden and congressional Democrats have abandoned unambiguous support for our ally Israel, emboldened our enemies, and turned their back on the policy that yielded historic peace deals in the Middle East. . . .

Every step of the way, Democrats and self-proclaimed foreign-policy “experts” derided our administration’s approach and issued dire warnings that blood would soon flow in the streets of Israeli cities. . . .

These groundbreaking peace accords happened not in spite of America’s support for Israel, but because of it. Other nations knew where America stood with absolute certainty. They knew America would respond forcefully if our citizens or allies were threatened. As a result, they responded rationally by pursuing peace and harmony. . . .

But now, President Biden has sent the world a profoundly different message. Instead of seeking peace through strength, he has invited violence through weakness.

President Biden has emboldened anti-Semitic terrorist groups such as Hamas by shunning Israeli leaders and restoring more than $200 million in aid to the Palestinians that had been canceled by the Trump-Pence administration. He unilaterally took the Iranian-backed Houthis off the list of designated terrorist organizations. And worst of all, he has announced his intention to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, destabilizing the entire region. . . .

Every tepid statement uttered by the Biden-Harris administration is built on a false equivalency between Israel and Hamas. One is a sovereign nation with a legitimate government, and a trusted ally. The other is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that has fired more than 3,000 rockets at Jewish families and businesses in the past week. . . .

Apparently, Biden learned nothing from the tragic foreign-policy blunders made during his time as vice president. President Obama’s thin “red line” in Syria, his decision to “lead from behind” in Libya, and his slipshod withdrawal from Iraq each created power vacuums that were quickly filled by America’s enemies.

Now Biden is repeating those grave errors by creating a power vacuum of his own. He has replaced strength with weakness, moral clarity with confusion, and loyalty with betrayal. Biden’s void, too, is being filled by America’s enemies — and Israelis are paying the price in blood.

Americans should pray for the peace of Jerusalem and stand without apology for our most cherished ally, Israel, until the violence is quelled and Israel’s security is restored.

Share your prayers for Israel in the comments below and watch the webcast to pray with Israel experts!

(Excerpt from The National Review. Article by . Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Stephanie Staker
May 26, 2021

Lord, none of these things that are happening are a surprise to you. You are outside time and space. It must grieve You, Father, to see how Israel, Your nation, is being treated not only by her enemies but her so-called friends. I pray, Father, that You soften the hearts of those whose hearts can be softened to turn to You, to stand for Israel, to support Israeli citizens. I ask in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Rev. Ramona Stonecipher
May 22, 2021

Lord God, I ask that You turn the hearts and minds of our American leaders toward Israel our Ally. President Trump stood strong with Israel and the nations of the world knew where America stood. This Administration has become Israel’s enemy. Please Father, stop the Biden Administration! Rise up those who have the wisdom and power to block this insanity! In the power of Your Son’s name, I ask this of You. Amen.

May 21, 2021


We humbly bow before you and repent of our sin. We have been complacent in recent years and have allowed too much evil to creep into the leadership of our government. Please forgive us, and bring to life a praying majority that will continue to put You first, and pray for our leaders. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray that all the lies and deceit that is being propagated by our media be exposed. We pray that strong, Christian leaders will rise up again in defense of Israel. WE refuse to turn our backs on Your chosen people. You told Abraham, “I will bless those that bless you, and I will curse those that curse you”, and I believe those words stand true today. Lord, most of this country would stand to bless Israel with You. We ask You to specifically curse those right now that are cursing Israel and we pray for their peace and safety. Lord, let scales fall off blind eyes, and let deaf ears be opened. Let our country be united once again in You, and let us reflect Your glory once again.

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A very sad American
May 20, 2021

I pray for Israel and America not only is Israel experiencing violence but we right here in our own country experience violence and nothing is done about it. I pray for our president yet I hate to say it I’ve lost respect for our presidents they are swayed by big money instead of what majority wants now because of lack of respect for our country values problems everywere. And no strong leaders anywere in sight. I feel we lost our country our rights yet it’s not talked about either. I pray for Gods country and Gods will be done. And I might add it’s not done this pandemic is a sign God is angry and mark my words it’s just the beginning. Expect a nuclear disaster soon as well as so called leaders are swayed from what’s not right.

    A very sad American
    May 20, 2021

    USA is a country founded on God our leaders forgot this in the laws in the treatment of Americans also very bad mistake on their part. Disgusting now thanks to them we lost our country our rights our prosperity

Toni Kushner
May 20, 2021

Oh Lord, You are the sovereign God who sees the beginning and the end and all thins are in Your control. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and ask for Your hand of intervention. Change the hearts of those who hate her that they will be blessed and and not cursed. May you guard and protect the people, may they come into salvation that the Glory fo the Lord be seen

May 20, 2021

Dear gracious sovereign Lord of all nations, please have mercy on us. May the fear of the Lord fall upon Pres. Biden and his administration. Please intervene and speak to them for the sake of USA, Israel, and the world. Please help them listen to the voice of wisdom and godly council. Help them to stand strong against terrorism. May they not be intimidated, bribed, or tricked. Help them to continue good policies enacted under previous administrations and to not repeat or enact policies that encourage the enemies of Israel, terrorism, or that create instability. Please Lord may America continue to be always a strong ally to Israel, your chosen people to whom you brought our blessed Savior Jesus Christ into the world. Fulfill your destiny for Israel. May nothing hinder your destiny for America as well. Amen.

John Butler
May 20, 2021

The need for much prayer is obvious.

Lisa - Clinton Twp., MI
May 20, 2021

Much of these (senseless) wars with Israel is about the endless anger the Arab people have. Their claim is Israel has ‘stolen’ their land.
Last I read, Our Heavenly Father spoke a Word and created His universe, His world and can give whatever He chooses to whom ever chooses.
In Genesis,…chapters 12:1-3,5, 7 (God had made this clear from the beginning)
1)Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.
2)I will make you a great nation;..
5)Then Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired in Haran, and they departed to go to the land of Canaan. So they came to the land of Canaan.
7)Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.”…

Through it all…We must continue to, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”🙏, and those that do, will prosper. Ps 122:6.
And we must also continue to pray for our enemies🙏…Matthew 5:44
God Bless Israel and God Bless America..🇮🇱/🇺🇸

May 20, 2021

As noted, this all didn’t happen on President Trump’s watch. Israel knew that they had a strong, unwavering ally, and support from, the U.S. Along comes the impostor president, Biden, and surprise- this administration is back to the same noncommital, wimpy policy that was in place during the Obama years. What a travesty! Lord, please, do whatever it takes to bring this man to his senses, and please, by Your great grace and mercy, set him free from all the satanic influence and attack that he is under. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Virginia Drastata
May 20, 2021

O God we plead Israel’s cause against the ungodly enemies according to Ps 43. Cause Israel to know the God who saves and turn from laws and receive salvation in the true and living

god. As they read the Torah , cause Holy Spirit to enlighten their eyes to find You Lord Jesus , and come to the saving knowledge of truth that Jesus Christ has come to save them from the law. Cause their enemies to fall at their feet and see the ONE the is fighting for Israel the God of Hosts, for He will save that which is His.We pray our now adminstration will stay out of the conflict until they come to the knowledge of the truth of how to help. Lord we send Your mighty angles to warfare in the heavenlies over Israel and bring the mighty help needed to win the battle and regain the lands that is rightfully theirs. What has been stolen shall be redeemed , in Jesus Name.

May 20, 2021

Lord, In spite of our country’s failed leadership, I ask for your intervention in Israel. Send your angels to protect your people and confront the works of darkness.

Judith Castricone
May 20, 2021

Father, Israel is the apple of Your eye. You will deal justly with her enemies.Hear our prayers for the peace of Israel. Jesus is Peace. Your perfect justice will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We long for that day! Until then let us be found faithful in prayer, obedience and joy in the Lord. In the name of Jesus. Amen

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Sharon Culp
May 20, 2021

Psalm 125 1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. 2As mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore……peace be upon Israel!
Lord forgive the sins of our Nation towards Your chosen people. Please render their efforts to destroy powerless and may Thy Will be accomplished here on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Surround the people of Israel with Your Full Armor. (Ephesians 6:10-17,and I pray Psalm 91 over this Nation Lord. Thank you Lord for being their Refuge and Fortress during these times of persecution and attacks. In Jesus name. Amen and Amen

Rolanda Shrader
May 20, 2021

Arise O GOD and let your enemies be scattered. We cry out to You for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. Who can save but you Almighty God. Release Your warring angels to battle the darkness of the enemy. In Jesus Name.

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