Editor’s Note: Read this article carefully. Using ESG metrics is an extended version of Marxist Critical Race Theory- scoring, reshaping, and mastering the financial world using Marxist tactics. It is form of control. Not only do they want to control what companies do by mandating adherence to green, social justice, and approved political views, but they want to control the entire supply chain that even supports the company. In essence–they will control everything. Only those companies who align with their ideology will be allowed access to banks, receive financing, and participate in our nation’s financial processes.
In June 2020, elites from around the world gathered to announce the launch of a plan to “reset” the entire global economy, a proposal they ominously named the “Great Reset.”
Among the many world leaders and powerful institutions that pledged their support for the Great Reset at the June meeting were the International Monetary Fund, Prince Charles, the head of the United Nations, CEOs from major international corporations, and the World Economic Forum—one of the key ringleaders of the Great Reset. . . .
The initial justification for the Great Reset was the COVID-19 pandemic, but from the start, supporters of the global economic overhaul repeatedly said that climate change was the long-term justification, the one that would allow a sustained, massive transformation of society. Doing nothing, they argued, would pose an “existential threat” to the human race—a completely ludicrous argument many on the left continuously make without a shred of solid scientific evidence to support the claim.
Among the most important figures in the Great Reset movement are gigantic financial institutions and/or their CEOs, including Bank of America and MasterCard. . . .
Although many Great Reset supporters have called for dramatic expansions of government welfare programs, including job guarantees, government-provided health care, etc., the heart of the Great Reset is something called environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.
ESG metrics offer public policy leaders, economists, investors, and banks an entirely new way of evaluating businesses. Instead of looking at how profitable a company is, how many employees it has, its business model, and other traditional metrics, ESG adds to those concerns a whole host of left-wing causes, including how “green” a company is, having the “right” ratio of minorities, whether a business is involved in politically disfavored industries (such gun manufacturing and sales), as well as other, similar considerations. . . .
ESG systems, sustainable investment, and forcing the world to adopt “green” energy sources are all essential elements of the Great Reset plan to transform the world. (I put “green” in quotes because there is ample evidence to show wind and solar energy are not even remotely environmentally friendly, as even left-wing documentarian Michael Moore now admits). . . .
In February 2021, Bank of America, citing its “longstanding support for the Paris Climate Agreement,” announced, “the company today outlined initial steps to achieve its goal of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its financing activities, operations and supply chain before 2050.”
Note that the “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” rule will be applied not only to Bank of America’s own operations and supply chain—meaning every company that does business with Bank of America—but also its “financing activities.” . . .
Of course, Bank of America isn’t the only bank with these policies. Wells Fargo CEO Charlie Scharf made a comparable announcement on March 8. . . .
Citi, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JPMorgan Chase—which, together with Wells Fargo and Bank of America, make up the six largest banks in the United States—also made similar commitments. . . .
Some financial institutions have already started to give ESG scores to individual investment accounts, as Glenn Beck has repeatedly noted, sending a clear signal that everyone will be required to adopt the Great Reset in the coming years.
If banks are allowed to collectively decide to stop financing any group of people they want, based not on financial concerns but ideological considerations, then banks and their Great Reset allies will have, in effect, near-total control over society—especially if they begin to tie lending decisions to a vast ESG system.
Interestingly, in January 2021, the Trump-era Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued a finalized Fair Access to Financial Services regulation that would have made it illegal for large banks to engage in the sort of discrimination I warned about above. But just one week after entering the White House, President Joe Biden “paused” the rule’s implementation, signaling his clear intention to eliminate the rule before it ever has a chance to be published in the Federal Register. . . .
The time has come for a massive populist revolt against the Great Reset, one that will hopefully have the same success as the grassroots movement against Common Core did under the Obama administration. . . .
How are you praying about this massive plan for world dominance? Share your prayers about the “Great Reset” trap in the comments below!
(Excerpt from Town Hall. Article by Justin Haskins. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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A parable that Yeshua gave for today, Matthew 13:24-30 Wendell
1 World Government by about 2050, give or take 5 years, the 6th. Trump will fall sometime after this Santan shows up, Satan will call lighting from up above then the 2 witness will show up also [Moses and Ezekiel?]. My theory of when Yeshua comes home is 2068. Matthew 24 and Genesis 6, now you go study. A little truth, Matthew 5:43-48. Wendell Radford
By controlling speech, finances, corporations and giving it a new name that sounds innocent is right out of the evil handbook. Do not be deceived!
Tried to sign the DOMA to congress. My name, zip and email address should be enough. I limit to that information. I pray for my country and its leaders to have their hearts and eyes opened to the Word of God !
Thx for this information.
After reading some of this news these days (I can’t read it all or for long as it is so disgusting) I just turn on some relaxing animal videos and say to myself or a friend “I just have to put it all in God’s hands”. God will fight the evil for me as there is nothing I can do about these rich globalists.
In our church we are being educated on what is going on in our world. We have made every Friday a day of intercessory prayer for our nation and city. We are claiming our city of Belen for God’s kingdom. It seems like only a remnant of Christians are praying. I pray that I am wrong on this. More pastors have to stand up and share what is going on and call a day of intercessory prayer. In I Kings 21: 25-29 God pronounced judgment on King Ahab. King Ahab tore his cloths and put on sackcloth and fasted. God said in vs. 29: “Do you see how Ahab has humbled himself before Me? Because he has humbled himself before Me, I will not bring the evil in his days, but I will bring the evil upon his house in his son’s days.” We are seeing the evil of our former wicked leaders. WE “the church” has slept too long. Now we are suffering the consequences of our sins and the sins of our leaders. It’s time to wake up, fast and pray for God’s mercy. For HIS direction. To call out prophets of God to go before the “kings” leaders of our nation and warn them of their ungodliness. We and our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences of not praying fervently for our nation. We already are. WE can still make a difference thru much fasting and prayer. What kind of legacy are we leaving for our future generations?
Pray for all Americans like me who are so overwhelmed by the myriad problems we see. Would you ask God to guide us and use our talents as He would desire. We are willing but so many of us feel overwhelmed reading. May His will be done exactly as He desires through each of us! May we be joyful warriors who know His will is going to be done!! Praise God! The Founding Fathers saw God do impossible things that we might remember their testimony. I just praise and thank our Father that He controls nations and is waiting for us to ask for His guidance and help! Amen
It’s all about one world government and the anti – Christ.
A step toward “that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark” (Revelation 3:17).
I don’t know that there was success in combating Common Core, many people became aware of it but the vast majority of schools adopted the standards and are using them to drive curriculum. Even private schools are being infiltrated and homeschooling, which Harvard and other institutions are working on criminalizing/regulating due to “concerns” about child safety, is becoming the only prudent option.
Father in Heaven, in Jesus’ Name, thank you for all the prayers of your Saints. “Ye though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death” we can be strong to pray rebuking the powers of darkness and evil in Jesus’ Name. Heavenly Father deliver us from the intentions of the “Great Reset”.
Bring those, who would place themselves on Your throne, to their knees, in repentance. Cause them to see the truth that You are Savior of the world, and You love them very much desiring they be in Your eternal Kingdom. Show them, Lord their pridefulness, and the knowledge, “before a fall goes pride”. Show them it is Your world. I rebuke, in Jesus’ mighty name, the arrogannce and pride of persons, corporations, banks, and all institutions adhering the ESG metrics. In Jesus Name, let their plans be confused and thwarted, and come to nothing as You motivate that populace to rise destroying the plans of ESG metrics. Father, please protect Your world, and deliver us from those who hunger to control the people and economy of Your world. Amen
Psalm 33
The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;
He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.
11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart to all generations.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.
Psalm 2:
Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a [c]vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed,[d] saying,
3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
6 “Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”
If we abide in Christ and His words abide in us, we can have whatever we ask for because His words abide in us. Not going beyond His words nor falling short of them, we hope to pray with the wisdom He provides. May we always consider His words before we pray.
With that in mind, I pray You will give us the wisdom, courage, and fortitude we’ll need each day as we persevere in loving others and telling the gospel of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. God, help us resist the temptations of each day and deliver us from the evil impulses of our flesh. Set us free as Your body from carnal desires and worldly attachments. Guide us in every way to seek Your face and to resist evil. Help us look up when we’re tempted to be downcast, and strengthen our vision to see as You see. The prophecies are Your testimony, Lord, and we are Your servants, overcoming by the power of Christ within us. Open our eyes, Lord, so we can see Jesus that others might see Jesus in us. And help us embrace the unloveliness of the cross that’s given us to carry for us to live abundantly.
And the massive populist revolt? How? When?
We are the body of Christ, the Army of the Lord! We are at war and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church. Jesus…The Word of God has give us weapons to fight this war. His Word teaches us in Matt. 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Matt 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In Luke 10:19 Jesus gives us His power and authority. You have to know who you are in Christ!
Ty for reminding me we have power in God if we remember who we are… Gods children! May God bless you always for your what you do for him.🙏💞
God is all powerful. In prayer 🙏I have been shouting that climate change,as the lert describe it now is simply a fraudulent tool since the Jimmy Carter years used to control the masses. Tell us what and how we should live or die.
As we humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand, I pray that the greatest awakening that is even beginning to take place right now will usher millions into to the Kingdom of God. Thankyou Lord that you watch over Your word to perform it and Your word never comes back to You void. Your righteousness and justice shall prevail over America! All our trust is in You for nothing is impossible with you! I come to You Father in Jesus Name and petition You Lord to dismantle every evil plan of the enemy to assert control over the people of America in every foul and corrupt way. Weed all corrupt politicians out of our government and replace them with righteous leaders. Speak to pastors that they may educate their church to vote and to vote the Bible, to participate in programs and education to bring righteous changes in their States. The Lord raises leaders up and also takes them down. I pray and believe that the present administration and all connected to it will be taken out and replaced with righteous leaders.
Thankyou Father in Jesus name
Father in the name of Jesus I come to you asking that you intervene and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. No socialism or communism should come to our world as we know it as where the Lord is there is freedom. You set us free. Satan I command you to cease and desist in your maneuvers against our people and our country. I plead the blood over our country and our politicians. I ask that the blinders be removed that they may see the sin in this and the bondage. I pray Father you take control over our country founded on Godly values that have gone astray. I bind the strong man and loose the Love and compassion of God over our country. In Jesus name.
God help the souls of these evil,wicked people and companies!!!Americans need to start standing up to this corruption.
Lord, help us stand up and make ourselves heard. thank you, Lord
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But when a wicked man rules, the people groan”. – Proverbs 29:2
“If a ruler pays attention to lies, all his servants become wicked”. – Proverbs 29:12
In our battle against CRT, ESG, “cancel culture” and numerous other satanic marxist and secular agendas it is clear that ultimately our principle battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in high places. But it is instructive that the Word of God, even in the Old Testament, makes it clear that significant battles must also be fought in the social, political and physical realms also. The battles against worldwide evil from the battles fought by Moses, Joshua and David, to Valley Forge to Belleau Wood, to Tarawa, Iwo Jima and Normandy, to the Chosin Reservoir and beyond – were defeated by prayer and absolute trust in the Lord to accomplish victories in both the spiritual and physical realms.
I believe we are facing a time when we may have to accept the fact that extreme hostile social and physical confrontation may be coming and we must not shirk from it.
He is risen! Praise God, always trust in Jesus.
lord, give us strength. Lord along with the other pieces of spiritual armor listed, now cause our feet to be shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace that we may stand as bright lights blazing out in this darkness. Lord, fill us with the Power of Your Love and Sound Mind and let all fear be picked up out of us and cast into the sea. Lord, give us the faith of Jesus, who knew who His Father is, and where His help comes from. Lord, thank you for all the miracles You are already performing for us. Thank You, Lord for sending Your ravens to feed us and causing your widows to shelter us. Hallelujah!!!
WOW! Your article has given me a whole new realm of insight and understanding about what is really happening behind the scenes to get our country back. That is huge. So many financial areas I did not realize. I thank God for sending us the genius and wise man previously in office to make this change possible.
I will continue to pray with this new understanding. Thank you for explaining it so well and clear. No person or system should be allowed to control people in the way the have for too many years.
May God speed up the process to break “their” control and give us back our land of the free. Also, God, give millions of people this insight and understanding and lead us how to pray, intercede, and do whatever You would any of us to do to help.
In Jesus name I pray and give God the glory.
While I just prayed, I saw the train of His robe covering America much like Isaiah saw in chapter 6. He is covering and protecting as He facilitates and makes the changes and transfers happen.
Glory to God Almighty. And the angels sing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord!
EVRAZ Russia operations around the world, but Israel and NATO countries have Been used to promote EVRAZ, EVRAZ Chicago Illinois USA EVRAZ Claymont DeLaWaRe USA presidential aid and abet EVRAZ Pueblo Colorado USA! EVRAZ Portland Oregon owned by Russia oligarch re trains all children and rewriting history?
Armored Vehicles And Ships need steel EVRAZ Russia EVRAZ Portland Oregon USA chains Lady Liberty, GOD help us all! Psalm 91
Amen, God help us, and Praise be to our great and mighty Father who is our ever present help in our time of need. Lord, this is our time of need. Thank You, Father, yes Psa 91 AMEN
My prayer: Father in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I pray that you would intervene in this situation, and let your will be done, and help us, your people the House Hold of Faith, be watchful and prayerful, in Jesus name, AMEN.
We are in the midnight hour of an epic battle between good & evil. Those who do not know that our God is in control will not be able to cope. If there was ever a time for all to be on their knees facing God with their hands in the air it is now. May God have mercy on America.
Yes indeed it is truly incredible History and to be a Witness! EVRAZ Russia presses PoliticiaL Science and more issues that JESUS spoke about long ago! Matthew 24
God knows all this is going on already….. We pray about this every day but God has THE master reset and no one knows how this will come about, but Jesus who has been given authority over all heaven and earth. The best laid plans will not succeed without His say so. And when we pray, God will answer us because we keep His commands (in His word) and do the things pleasing in His sight. His word is forever settled in heaven and all things are held up by His powerful word.
Dear Laurie, Our time is not God’s time. I do medical care. Often, results are something unexpected, not what we think should happen. Sometimes there is an effect, but we don’t recognize it, or it comes to fruition only in years. We are all humans who become weary. But when you pray and become close to Jesus Christ, there will be a result beyond your wildest dreams.
This is Spiritual warfare to which prayers + action are necessary to effect a setback. Let their attempt at a Great Reset be their Great Setback. Prayers plus fasting wrapped in faith in the one true GOD will be so effective…if aligned with His will. I’m praying for my enemies to have eyes to see & ears to hear GOD’s truth & for Him to soften their hearts to accept Jesus as Lord of their lives. Only GOD, Who hears all prayers of the faithful, can make that happen. Dear Lord, let me be an instrument of Your peace to accomplish this miracle.
I have to admit I’ve become very weary from praying and not seeing any positive results.
Rev. 10:5-6 . . . that there would be no more delay.
Prov.13:12 . . . Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
Hang on Laurie, to God’s word. For His Word will NOT return void. He is a Good Good Father. There are times we need go through chaos b4 achieving His desire, that we live a quiet & peaceable life.
Thank you for the encouragement.
HOW LONG LORD? READ Habakkuk 1:1-5
Isaiah 40:31 Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…
Do not feel defeated… OUR GOD REIGNS and has “plans to prosper us, to give us a Hope and a FUTURE” Hang in there! WE GET TO LIVE IN HIS EVERLASTING KINGDOM FOREVER!!! YAAAAAYYYY!!!!
Thank you the encouragement. You and Milly have lifted my spirits.
Amen Laurie. keep your eyes lifted onto JESUS. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect Peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusted in thee” – Isaiah 26:3
“Whatever is pure true lovely trustworthy praiseworthy, think upon these things… And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:8
God bless you sister. JESUS Loves YOU!
you can add v.7 to rev.10:5-6 & 7
7 but that in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.
To Laurie and all reading through, the following teaching and great word from Donna Rigney (at Elijah Streams) has encouraged me and blessed me immensely. I wanted to share and feel free to pass it on:
Thank you Lord this did not catch you by surprise. I bow my heart and rest in you alone. Elijah asked God to open the eyes of his servant to see the vast army fighting with them. Pharaoh and his army were wiped out in one wave. You alone can turn our nation back to God and away from this ‘great reset’ attempt my godless and power hungry global leaders. WE are undone by these things and look completely to you. Come and save, fight for us. Blind the apostate and hamstring their plots. May your church flame Up in Holy Spirit Fire.
How can we combat or protect ourselves. Where to take your finances? This is no different than the previous maniacs who wanted to rule the world. Here we just have a wealthy group.
You might want to look into financial services in your area provided by a local bank that is FDIC insured or a Credit Union insured by NCUA. These are usually very customer friendly and appreciate having your business.
Pray harder than you ever have then relax remembering nothing is a surprise to our Father and He will redeem his people. We were asleep, complacent, not hearing the word of the Lord as satin roamed the earth looking to devour those he could. Put on your armor Eph.6:10-20 and use the Word and the love of God to ban together and resist the evil amongst us. Pray on your knees to our Lord. Pray unceasingly!!! Boldly stand up for our God and country! Love and all God’s blessings, Patriots and fellow believers
I love my country and am willing to do whatever I can to put a stop to this Great Reset that is being perpetrated upon our Nation by very evil liberals who want to control everything and everyone. I pray for America every day and pray for God’s intervention. We are in desperate need of revival – only turning back to God can save our Nation…
LORD, You destroy the works of the devil with a single word, Jesus! Let this and any other unholy plot against your people be thwarted. Those who prepare the trap will fall into it.
Deuteronomy 33:27: The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.
Praise you Lord, for people aware of what is going on. Please protect us Lord, and allow us to be a witness daily to someone who needs you. I pray that we would have revival, and that some of what Satan intends for evil will be turned around, and help our country. We trust you Lord. I thank for this organization that focuses on the only real answer to all our problems, and that is giving them to you. We love you Lord, and are grateful that we know you are in complete control, no matter how bad things look. I praise you God that our destination is sure, and nothing can take it away, or take us out of your hand.
Dear God, I humbly ask You to help the remnant of us who still believe in Your name, and that You – not the politicians – are in control. What is happening in the U.S. is scary, God, but it did not take You by
surprise. I ask You to build a hedge of protection around all of us who believe in You, and that You thwart any plans being made that are evil or sneaky. Thank you, God!!
Had it not been for the remnant we would be as Sodom & as Gomorrah Isa 1:9. Keep us blameless for your word’s sake. 1st Thess 5:23 for your righteousness’s sake. for HE is our righteousness, & he is the justifier, to them that believe Romans 3:22 26.
This is a vain attempt by men, lusting for power, to usurp the authority of God. The roots of this plan are clearly evil. Satan has been attempting to do the same thing through many generations, beginning in the garden of Eden. This plan is to deceive and by that deception gain control over all things including people. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? The “good news” is that Jesus laid down His life for us on the cross, paying our sin debt in full once and for all. He arose from the grave and ascended to Heaven. He is not dead, but alive, seated at the right hand of our Father, and He intercedes on our behalf. The devil was defeated at the cross. The only power the devil has is what we give to him. If we allow ourselves to be deceived we are giving away our God given power. Think about that! Our position is to pray, fear not and know that God will not be mocked nor will He be dethroned.
Luke 10:19 says: “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you.”
Romans 8:31 says: “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
May each of you and your families be greatly blessed throughout this week and Easter weekend. I pray the Lord will touch your hearts, and lives with His exceedingly abundant grace. Amen.
It’s the antichrist and NOW the New World Order trying to take over All the worlds largestbank’s are controlef by the freemasons .Look up Pope Leo the 13th. The Catholic Church has been saying the for years .We have to fight this . Its time for people to open there eyes and ears .
The gold, silver and cattle on a thousand hills are mind says the Lord God Almighty.
I Am near guiding and dire ting those who have ears to hear
Father, we proclaim that You are the only wise God and that Your Justice is the only true justice. I pray that Your Church would agree with You and prepare itself for Your return. We long for Your Leadership and ask You to finish all of Your plans as we endure these days and await for You to establish Your Kingdom upon Your return to this earth at the end of the age.
It would certainly help our economy if Banks who issue credit cards such as MasterCard would substantially lower their interest rates in half, currently in the 20s, i have not seen Credit card companies lower their rates nationwide ever. And if Banks such as Bank Of America would pay more interest on savings. Father i pray that you would give financial gurus common sense and a heart of flesh to do these things because their greedy hearts of stone have contributed to low interest rates on savings and high interest rates on credit card spending. Father thwart any wicked plans the elite may have to Profit by further financially raping the poor and damaging our economy. Father your word says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the Righteous. We ask that you show us the fulfillment of that! Father have mercy on the righteous and deliver us from the greedy and stingy wicked who have continually made decisions that have profited them & theirs yet driven up the cost of necessities such as fuel, food, housing and clothing For the rest of us. In Jesus name we wIt expectantly to see the answers to our prayers, innJesus name
Heavenly Father, we need a massive, miraculous reset to out world leadership starting with our our nation. We pray that those in leadership positions here and abroad that don’t know You will accept You as their Savior and also make Him Lord of their life. In the powerful Name of Jesus, I ask this. Amen
Amen, Wally! Exactly what’s needed!!
At 3 AM I was awake when this email hit my phone screen…this “great reset ”
Explains a lot
A few weeks ago I felt led to
Look up the companies that support Planned Parenthood (PP)
Many Big Banks and corporations are on the PP support List !!
As a Believer in Jesus and an ardent supporter of PRO LIFE
How can I
exit my business of those companies that support PP ?
To vote w my feet and dollars….
This will take time effort and financial planning…
A few years ago The former Attorney General and Former Senator from California Kamala Harris began the attack on a devout Young Catholic man
David Dalieden whose work exposed the harvesting and reselling of aborted humans by PP.
David now faces multiple court cases and felonies for exposing the truth of PP and their economic gain from their “recycling” program
He has been Cancelled and burdened by great legal fees yet he continues to Stand
Please PRAY for our Nation
Our Justice system,
Mr. Dalieden,
The Unborn and for Wisdom and our Freedom !!!!
In Yeshua’s
(Jesus) name
Yes ML I remember seeing that story twice on a Christian channel. I had wondered what happened to David Dalieden. He is still alive to tell the story, Amen. I want to mention/ comment this to Mike Lindell (don’t know him personally), who has helped Flynn in his defense, and lawyers in the voter fraud defense. Lindell is a great patriot in support of righteous causes for this nation.
All we can do is pray to the GOD who controls heaven and earth to move here on earth to right the wrongs, to help us to remain aware of the evils and to have the strength to speak out against the wrongs.
All the big corporations are lining up to “get in bed” with the ESG global plan. Companies like Coke, CVS, Home Depot, big banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, and many, many more. Actually, ALL the big corporations. The ESG “plan” will change our country. Our society is being re-designed by ESG scores, ( ESG: Environment, Social justice and Government), working together! Every person will have an ESG score. Your score will determine whether you get a loan or not, because this is all tied in to banks and financial institutions. If you are for oil, for example, you are out, your ESG score will go down! It is ALL ABOUT CONTROL AND MONEY. And….it is happening fast. The American people, for the most part, don’t have a clue!! The unions are “all in” too.
In Georgia, even the Republicans are coming out against Georgia’s new voting laws! Companies and sports teams are threatening to leave Georgia now. (wonder what Gov. Kemp will do?). Apparently their new law doesn’t fit in with the ESG agenda. It all ties in to ESG scores. It is all about control, and many in Congress, and in big corporations, are totally “on board” with ESG. This is about compliance, if you don’t comply with this agenda, you will be shut off from financial institutions and everything else! Companies, organizations, businesses, schools, etc. are too afraid to stand against this!
I listened to Glenn Beck, on the Blaze, last night (Mach 31) explain all about ESG and what is happening. He has one of the most efficient, honest, easiest to understand, explanations anywhere. He believes that he and the rest of us will be shut down, eventually, if all this ESG plan goes through (and it is very close). Let’s face it, we need a miracle! This has gone far beyond what any of us ever thought of. The elites, in every country, have planned very, very, well! However, our God is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all we can think or ask of Him. This is the time to “hit our knees” and pray like never before!
So sorry this was so long, but this is just the short, short, version of a little of what’s going on. I am praying for God’s mercy and for wisdom, and discernment for each one of us. God help us to wake up. We have been silent and trusting way too long!
May all those who “get in bed” with the enemy, be bug bitten to the core.
Pauline I believe we will be getting a miracle real soon. Many prophets (Elijah Streams) have been shown that Potus Trump will be back soon. May God retract all the edicts / laws made by the evil ones in false command. May God set laws in motion that will lead us/ this nation towards a more quiet and peaceable life. It may take chaos to get to peaceable living. May God deal with those who initate chaos/ mayhem, as was ‘Saul of Tarsus’. Lord may George Soros meet you on his way, to his “road to Damascus”. May he be blinded so that George can see your light. Change his heart and his sons’ hearts toward You, Jesus.
Heavenly Father, I pray the wealth of your people be redirected from these ESG financial institutions into institutions which support Your works. Wouldn’t it be great if wealthy Christians would be able to consolidate wealth to provide financial services to the body of Christ. May believers eyes be opened to see ways we can stand in prayer and action. Prayer is our greatest weapon to the pulling down of strongholds. Actions demonstrate we are of good courage but greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world.
Even worse he referred to the Lord as “That thing,” pointing towards heaven. May God forgive him.
Where are we going??? I pray that our leadership be prepared to give account to Almighty God for their transgressions to this country that they took an oath to protect. Give them wisdom, knowledge and understanding Lord.
He sees and knows what is being done in secret. He will not be behind. We can fully trust in Him. Lord, take us through triumphantly in the Grace and Love of Our wonderful Lord.
I hope u don’t believe in the Green Deal whivh will kill economy, cause povery and ignorance. I pray people who r tricked by this that God will take the blinders off their eyes in Jesus’s Name.
I highly recommend everyone download this teaching on Critical Race Theory and share it with your pastors, children and friends and family who will listen. It’s insideous. Pure evil. And it’s being implemented in the schools, public mostly, but some private, right now. I often think that the main reason the public schools have been kept closed in these blue states is to get the agenda prepared to push this CRT onto our children starting in kindergarden. It’s as evil as Satan himself and of course it is. He is the author of it and using his puppets to push it. America wake up! THEY ARE AFTER OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN’S MINDS TO CONFUSE, PERVERT AND DECIEVE!
We must be aware of Satan’s plans and speak out.
Thank you IFA for doing this.
Ephesians 5:9-17 (KJV)
9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
I’m 100% with you. I have been trying to make aware of this to my pastor and church but it sort of feels like being ignored to an extent. I believe if everyone sent this to their pastors and churches it may make a difference. You’re right, it’s PURE EVIL!
I am going to print it out and hand it to my pastor. I am going to say “Happy Easter Pastor. Here is a present for you.” Lol and pray he reads and receives.
Good idea!!
Well put! Hopefully, we are waking up quickly, very quickly. I agree with you, “thank you IFA, for having the courage to inform believers! The Word tells us, “My people perish, for lack of knowledge.” God bless.
The church has been asleep for so long. Covid exposed how anemic they are. Our society has been overcome with evil because the church has just sat back, not opposing abortion(approx. 350,000 babies murdered in 2020 but MSM isn’t showing that statistic on the news), transgenderism, same sex marriage….etc. Pastors need to be bold with their congregations unfortunately too many worry about offending someone. I say preach The Word and let God take care of the rest.
I also think it has to do with connection to the state. A friend and I were saying the 501C3 state exemption ties the church to the state. Whenever you do that, strings are attached. The churches end up bowing down to Ceasor, not the Lord Jesus Christ.
time to get our freedom back and stop this madness. People need to be aware of all this insanity while praying and decreeing God is going to save us from this evil. This is the time of the great harvest not for the evil one.,satan and his team WILL BE DEFEATED IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Venegence is mine says the LORD
Heavenly Father, if there’s anything about this that needs to be “paused,” it’s the enemy’s plan to accelerate his own imperial ambitions as revealed in the end-times Scriptures! May You put the brakes on his plan, in Jesus’ Name! Show all of your people how to proceed in these times, and while you’re at it, let Benjamin Netanyahu know how bad these ideas and aspirations are for Israel. Help the USA to live through this war, so that Your promise to the father of our country can come to pass rather than the destruction and enslavement the evil one desires! I ask for these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen–so be it. And thanks in advance.
Almighty God, You are the Creator and we are your creatures, Lord Jesus you came to save us and we rushed to judge and condemn you, O Holy Spirit you instill the truth and transformation that we need. Forgive us, heal us, lead us! Save us from rushing caring for our lifestyle rather than your creation. Save us from finding sources and people who agree with us rather than listening. Save us from denouncing and attacking when you speak through people different from us. All of are sinners. You speak in and through the most surprising people. And you call us to love, joy and peace. Transform us into people who love your creation, seek mercy and justice for all, and listen and communicate as followers of Jesus. Have mercy on us! How righteous we can sound and how devastating and misleading our righteousness is. Save us from ourselves! Fill us with your righteousness
I think that along with prayer we need to take some sort of action like pulling our money out of these banks and only doing business with companies that aren’t part of this takeover. I’m surprised at how many christian conservatives still do business with Amazon,Facebook ect…you know if it was the other way around the left would stand as a group to shutdown our businesses they’ve already done it.So yes we need to pray for the boat to reach the shore safely but we also need to row.
I totally agree with you regarding standing as a group. I am surprised that Christian organizations and churches continue to use FaceBook when they show their bias daily toward ALL Christian values. These corporations are using their economic power to control-it’s time we exert our economic power. Rumble is an alternative-it can only grow and improve with subscribers.
I totally agree! My husband and I have 5 checking/savings accounts and one credit card with BofA. Three are business accounts. We have set up accounts with ACCU (America’s Christian Credit Union) and have begun transferring our money out of BofA and will close all our accounts with them. I highly recommend ACCU.
Our founders would not have taken any of what we have been accepting. They would have risen up against such tyranny as they did against King George. Joe Biden us NOT the president just because he and other liars say he is. Presidents must be duly elected and he wasn’t. Why don’t I just declare myself president? Why don’t you? It is the same difference.
326 million people should not allow the few hundred in DC to ruin our nation. They are supposed to work for us. We must hold on to our 2nd amendment rights now more than ever because, Brothers and Sisters, those guns are all that is stopping complete takeover by these jerks who want it all for themselves.
Hang on to God. Hang onto patriotism. Hang onto your guns. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
I enjoyed that post very much!
Dear Lord, it appears to be typical Last Days/ End times behavior by the Power Elite who REALLY control our government. We know that the enemy is the one behind all of this evil. In the mighty name of Jesus, I bind the efforts to control and manipulate the world events by the Power elite. I loose a populist rise- up that will make it clear that this behavior is unacceptable in America. Wake people in this nation up, Lord, to know what is happening. By Your grace, revive us, and show us how to live. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Why are people so against taking care of the planet? Doesn’t the Bible say in Genesis for us to take care of the planet? I’m a Christian and believe in the Bible and what it says, but I am not really sure we as Christians are so against taking care of plants, animals, the planet, etc. I know there is an extreme to that, too, so I am not saying that I am completely an environmentalist, but I believe in a balanced approach of not going extreme either way.
We are called to be stewards of the earth. This is correct. My issue is with an elite group using it as an excuse to control all of the money and commerce. Thier ideas are not truly sustainable or environmentally friendly.
Not only that, but they rather “Save a Tree” than a Fetus.
Jesus, we ask that your will would be done and you would show us what our response should be in these days, that you would show us how to redeem the time and how to be stewards of everything you have given us. That our eyes would be fixed on You and that we would follow you, Holy Spirit, as You lead us. Give us discernment and direction. Amen!!!
This tyrannical plot to takeover the world is not a new concept, however, the current lies and propaganda that have been/are being presented under the guise of green/climate change/global warming/sustainable this-that-and-the-other (and a whole lot more buzz words)were formally drafted in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro as the UN Agenda 21, now agenda 2030/2050. They have been implementing portions right under our noses for decades. Way too much to tell here; read/research for yourselves! It is not being hidden anymore. The current divide & conquer technique AND the “crisis”/plandemic were created for billions of people to take a eugenics cocktail. Control, depopulation, and transhumanism are on the board. For the record, the tv is not telling of the THOUSANDS of deaths and injuries from the jab. And those who fear death are in bondage to the devil (Hebrews 2:14-15). Those who believe God are rewarded for doing so (Hebrews 11:6)
But……let God be TRUE and every man a liar. Saints of the Most High God need to TURN OFF THE TV, get on our knees and in the Word of God daily, put on the WHOLE armor of God, stand, and watch and pray without ceasing. In the words of Christ, “Take heed that ye be NOT deceived.” Not only about false Christs/prophets, but don’t be deceived about ANYTHING!!! “…Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
It appears that Charles Crismier is right in his proclamation about the drive to one-world order. If interested in hearing his radio program please visit: Very informative and inspiring.
I just listened to Charles Chismier
He said Bill Gates has developed a tiny chip that will contain our financials. It starts with our money in this global reset and goes downhill for us from there. I sure hope
Jesus ‘ world reset
( the rapture) comes before the chip is mandatory
Yes I really think he is a modern-day Prophet. I have been listening to him for years and he has been for the most part been accurate. I believe he is right about the financial info. Kind of scary but I hope Jesus will come soon!
Lord, in Jesus mighty Name, cause such confusion in the enemy’s camp that these illogical and extremely dangerous policies fall dead even before they even attempt a beginning. Proverbs 29:2 says When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan. Thank You, Lord.
I’m praying that the enemies plans will be null and void. We cancel out his plans in Jesus Name! Our nation is a Christian nation, the United States of America, under one God. We have liberty and freedom in this nation and I speak over the United States of America that it will never be a socialist/communist country. It will always stand for freedom, liberty, and justice for all.
Everlasting, Almighty, Sovereign Lord,
We praise and honor You! You created all things and You hold all things together! We confess that our country has loved power, money and materialism. We have placed our trust and security into our wealth and into man leaving our first love. This great reset is just a consequence of our habitual sin and our turning away from a You. It reflects a culture that is complacent and lazy. We beg Your forgiveness and mercy. I cry out just as Daniel did and just as Nehemiah did confessing our sin and asking that You move Your hand. You are Lord and nothing is beyond You. In Ps 135:5_6, 13 Says, “For I know that Yahweh is great; our Lord is greater than all gods. Yahweh does whatever He pleases in heaven and on earth…..Yahweh, Your Name endures for all generations.” Jer 32:27 “I Am the Lord, The God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for Me? Nothing is to difficult for Our God! Lord, take the ashes of our sin and turn them into Your beautiful masterpiece through the blood of Jesus. Keep us from falling into despair focused on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Maranatha Lord Jesus come quickly. In Your powerful, perfect Name we pray! Amen
Yes Jesus!
ESG is a drive to a One-World Order, which describes the “great reset”. Father I pray that companies will Not align with this ideology. Give us courage and discernment and help us make decisions that pleases You. In Jesus name.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm trying to control the world. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, amen.
Father, You are on the throne, and are above all things. We ask with pure hearts that you immediately stop the plans of this evil control over the world which You created. Bring chaos, confusion, and failure to every single plan regarding The Great Reset and these banks and world leaders. In You, we have freedom in The Holy Spirit because of THE GREAT SACRIFICE of our Savior, Jesus. May we all continue to have freedom in our daily living. Father, YOU alone have created all people and all things. Save Your world from this evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Using the parable of the talents as a guide, my husband and I have sought out opportunities for socially and environmentally responsible investing for several years. We want to do good, not just do well. I support transparency in the practices of companies I support, through purchasing or investing.
Lord Jesus Fount Of Mercy, guide and protect us against the evils of the devil. St Michael the Archangel protect us.
I am not praying against these things, because just as sure as the Bible prophesies that they will come, they will! I’m praying specifically that followers of Jesus Christ will inform themselves and their family and circle of friends of these impending prophetical fullfilments. That Christ followers everywhere, will KNOW the Biblical truths and prophesies are REAL and they are coming. But, IF we are prepared and we get others prepared for what we can do through God’s hand of mercy to fight it, we KNOW another TRUTH will take place, that is, that GOD will care for his people and will PREPARE a way out, an escape path! We need to learn to lean on him, not government. Bottom line – never, ever take on a number on your person.
Even as I pray against these schemes, LORD, I remember Your command to pray for our enemies. We don’t know by name, every person involved in these ESG schemes, but You do. We lift them up, along with Biden and others in our government who are working in support of these schemes, and we declare that no man can hide from You. In Your presence, Your manifest presence, all mankind must fall face down in recognition of Your glory and power. Let them be like Saul/Paul who cried out, “Who are You, LORD?” If You could remove the stony hearts of Israel and replace them with hearts of flesh, You can do it now for these people. Or you can remove them from power. Daniel 2:21: “He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” They make their plans, LORD, but we declare here and now that YOUR purposes win. (Proverbs 19:21: “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”) LORD, have Your way in this nation, in our leaders, and in us as well. Don’t let our hearts grow hard or our love for You cold because of this seemingly growing darkness. (Matthew 24:12). We are the light of the world. We will not be overcome by evil, but rather will overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). LORD give us strength to be like Christ in this world and to endure to the end. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
Amen! Yes Lord! Greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world! 1 John 4:4
Father, may we, Your people, called by Your name, Your eklesia, not be taken in by the darkness that is here and arising in increasing “dense” darkness, but may we awake, arise, and shine, for the Light has come. May we become a carrier of His glory to cover the earth as the waters cover the seas.
May we have eyes to see, and ears to hear. May we be those who are wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. May we be those who are hidden in Your secret place, only being a spectator, as we witness the reward of the wicked.
As is the time of Passover, representing the number 14, may we pass from darkness to wisdom’s light, by walking in the reverential, fear of the Lord, in worshiping in awe of Him, in humility and submission to the Lord, resisting the enemy, and He will flee from us.
Ours is the victory in the finished, completed work of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Sweet Jesus, Holy Sourit, Open the eyes of your people who have been asleep. Cause those who go by your Name to repent of compromise, immorality and living lukewarm lives that do not stand for truth and Your Gospel. We the church have allowed these false gospels of feminist theology, black theology or queer theology to worm their way into Biblical foundations. Your gospel is watered down and changed and we are now seeing the results on Biblical illiteracy. Thank you God for Sending the Revelation Of “ things which must take place” that we might repent and turn to you. Wake us up to the beast and the harlot of Babylon amongst us! Oh God cause us to return to Your Truth and stand firm in our faith for the battle ahead is Yours.
Lord we come against the evil that wants to destroy America this ESG theory is a foil to communism and critical race theory is a mindset that the enemy wants us to buy into.
Lord we call on your power to thwart the enemy and raise a new standard led by your people of faith. May we rise up and determine to fight the fight of faith with our Lord! We decree this prayer into the heavenly realms to battle for truth and justice in our country. In Jesus name!
COME LORD JESUS. As the world waxes worse and worse, it must be according to HIS WORD.Let them destroy themselves, our LORD JESUS, has a better plan for us.I choose HIS WORD, HIS plan, to look up,for the day of the Lord is near..
2 Peter 3:10-18
I will pray and cry out to The Lord that the true purpose of ESG be exposed… one world order ! I continually intercede for all of American to know the truth that will set us free from Marxist agendas like ESG !
Happy Easter on April 4th, 2021! We shall see that the Lord is good!
Let God ARISE and His enemies scattered! Christ is risen and will come ag!☦
Thank you for your informative article on ESG, as well as all your current events articles.
Just one comment: when people refer to Biden, he should not be given the title as President. The election was not “fair and square”. In my opinion, it would be preferable just to write “Joe Biden” (first name and surname). It would help readers not to conform themselves to the lie that the wicked want to propagate.
Thanks for taking my comment in Jesus’ Name.
Interestingly, yesterday I noticed Joe Biden refers to #45 as ‘Trump’, ‘the other guy’, etc. Very disrespectful for a real potus.
biden is NOT a ‘real’ potus. He’s faux.
Exactly Right, I and our Congregation.
I notice that most people still say President Trump, as do I, and it’s just Joe Biden or Mr Biden when I refer to him. Absalom took the throne from King David but it did not end well for him. Who knows what the Lord will do.
Whatever they plot and plan…God is still in control
Please Jesus remind us of what you told us…I will never leave you nor forsake you…Lord we trust you and trust your word.
I have been sending letters to senators, representatives, news reporters, attorneys general and university presidents to try to interest them in seceding and setting up a new Godly constitutional nation. It may have come to a time when we must STOP supporting those who are evil and do something revolutionary as was needed in 1776. I am praying for our Republic to be restored or for establishment of a new nation.
Thank you for doing all this. It may indeed have to come from a revolution… if God lead us that way
We know it’s only temporarily a fix, but we are to push back on evil as long as God leaves us here on Planet 🌎
Thank you, Judy. The problem is that we must deal with government as long as God leaves us here. We must try to leave our nation in a functional condition for our posterity. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. May God glorify Himself through all we do. God bless you.
First of all, Prince Charles is a man who has never worked a day in his life and who is part of a corrupt royal family. For him to attempt to decide how the rest of us should live is disgusting. As for Bank of America and the other banks mentioned, it’s time to take our business from them. Finally, God is always in control but we must do our part to eliminate the is evil.
Being a transplant from England and now a US citizen I would agree with you concerning Prince Charles, however, please do not tar the whole royals with the same brush. Queen Elizabeth II is, I believe, a born again Christian, as far as I can ascertain, and I believe she is holding unto the throne hopefully for William. If Charles gains the throne he has already said he will not be Defender of THE Faith but Defender of Faiths, plural, which cannot be a good thing.
Lord my prayer is that You will overturn the plans of the enemy in the monetary system and that we, Your children, would have wisdom to do the right thing as stewards of all you have given to us both monetarily and materially. Amen
I pray Prince Charles ad the royal family and all the elite become saved thru the grace of Jesus Christ. ☦
This ha gone far enough these control freaks need to be investigated for being spies , communists & Socialists , Fascist , of working for Foreign countries wanting to take over the USA , elected officials who are control freaks or power grabs I now think are spies working for Foreign countries trying to take over the USA & Americans freedom of everything, with the entrance of communism , fascism, socialism, Nazi-ism, , none of these allowed in the USA the USA must remain always a free country for all American citizens their children , but all parents must supervise their children
These are popping up all across the United States. It would behoove every family with children to connect with them. This is dire knowing what is planned for our children in education!
Who owns all of this? Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Soro$, Gate$…..The Eugenicists that hate us and are controlling and dominating every system that we the people use for living our lives. They make the rules about everything and rob us blind and slow kill us.
Please let us remember who God is!!! Personally, I think it is great if the big banks quit loaning money. Debt is a trap, freedom comes from being debt freed!!
As I read this article I was reminded of Psalm chp. 2 which says: The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder,
and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:
the Lord shall have them in derision.
Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Amen, So Be It Lord according to your Word in Jesus Name Amen.