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Father, thank You for bringing the truth of this to light. Now bring justice: Call to account those who bear responsibility.
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The Twitter files have proved to be far more incriminating than we could have ever predicted. Let’s pray against government propaganda and for free speech.

From Kanekoa News. Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, recently made a bold move by releasing the Twitter Files, which detail how the social media platform coordinated with federal law enforcement to silence voices that didn’t align with the company’s far-left agenda.

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What’s been missing from much of this analysis is the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) role in this censorship through a consortium called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), made up of four organizations: the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika, a social media analytics company.

The EIP published a report on its censorship of the 2020 election, The Long Fuse: Misinformation and the 2020 Election, which describes how the private-public censorship consortium was formed in the summer of 2020 to “monitor and correct election mis- and disinformation.”

This censorship network partnered with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a branch of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC), and the DHS-backed Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) during the 2020 election cycle and operated as technocratic thought police forwarding tickets of “mis- and disinformation” to social media companies.

The EIP built communication portals with Big Tech platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, TikTok, Reddit, and Discord; and liberal groups NAACP, Common Cause, the Democratic National Committee, and Harvard’s Defending Digital Democracy Project, cofounded by former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, throughout the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, to censor domestic “mis- and disinformation.”

They had about 120 analysts monitoring social media for 20 hours a day, forwarding tickets of misinformation to be censored, and this censorship pivoted to covid vaccines when they started the Virality Project in Feb. 2021.

A report from the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), a non-profit founded by Mike Benz, entitled DHS Censorship Agency Had Strange First Mission: Banning Speech That Casts Doubt On ‘Red Mirage, Blue Shift’ Election Events details this government speech control machine and its ability to control the narrative during the 2020 election:

Based on our investigation, below are seven bottom-line figures summarizing the scope of censorship carried out by DHS speech control partners, as compiled from their own reports and videos:

  • 22 Million tweets labeled “misinformation” on Twitter;
  • 859 Million tweets collected in databases for “misinformation” analysis;
  • 120 analysts monitoring social media “misinformation” in up to 20-hour shifts;
  • 15 tech platforms monitored for “misinformation” often in real-time;
  • <1 hour average response time between government partners and tech platforms;
  • Dozens of “misinformation narratives” targeted for platform-wide throttling; and
  • Hundreds of millions of individual Facebook posts, YouTube videos, TikToks, and tweets impacted, due to “misinformation” Terms of Service policy changes that DHS partners openly plotted and bragged tech companies would never have done without DHS partner insistence and “huge regulatory pressure” from government.

In short, CISA outsourced censorship to a web of like-minded private sector and civil society partners to circumvent unclear legal authorities and violations of the First Amendment.

Formed in 2018, CISA’s stated mission was to protect America from cybersecurity threats from hostile foreign countries, but that mission was quickly and quietly corrupted when the branch of DHS designated foreign and then domestic disinformation as attacks on critical infrastructure.

“One could argue we’re in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure, so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation, I think, is incredibly important,” Jen Easterly, Biden’s CISA said.

In other words, any US citizen spreading what the government deemed “misinformation or disinformation” was now carrying out a cyber attack on critical US infrastructure.

This leftist establishment-aligned censorship consortium flagged then-President Donald Trump, the highest elected official in the US government, as one of its top “mis- and disinformation” spreaders.

The EIP also targeted news outlets, including Breitbart News, Fox News, Just The News, the New York Postand the Epoch Times, as well as the social media accounts of prominent conservatives James Woods, Charlie Kirk, Tom Fitton, Jack Posobiec, James O’Keefe, and the President’s sons, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump, amongst others.

Every single “repeat spreader of election misinformation” cited in the EIP’s report was aligned with the political right. …

“The entire countering Russian disinformation on social media apparatus that had been constructed before July 2019 to censor, throttle and identify foreign disinformation was quietly, but entirely, pivoted to focus inward on domestic disinformation,” said Mike Benz, the founder of Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO). …

“The main character in the CISA side of this story is its then-director, Chris Krebs,” Benz explained.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency: Chris Krebs

To better understand the intent of this government censorship operation, the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO) report lists examples of Chris Krebs’ political bias coupled with his affinity for domestic speech control:

  • Krebs said in April 2022 that the Hunter Biden laptop still looked like Russian disinformation and that Krebs didn’t care whether it was or wasn’t Russian disinformation; the important positive thing, he stressed, was that news media did not cover the laptop during the 2020 election cycle. …
  • Krebs said he hopes conservative media outlets are bankrupted and forced to pay billions in damages in the ongoing lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems. He stressed the same fate should apply to anyone in the news media who questioned US voting machines during the 2020 election, which he helped administer. …
  • Krebs has repeatedly said on record that “misinformation” is the single biggest threat to election security. Note that Kreb’s role in government was not supposed to be as arbiter of truth; he was supposed to be a cybersecurity expert from Microsoft. Yet US domestic citizen opinions on social media became, in Kreb’s estimate, the top “cyber” security threat facing the US, replacing foreign hacking and malware.

“In total, the National Science Foundation (NSF) spent $38.8 million on government grants and contracts to combat “misinformation” since the start of the Biden administration,” according to the Foundation for Freedom Online. …

“EIP uses a system where each misinformation incident is classified as part of a specific larger misinformation narrative,” Benz continued. “EIP then turns around and pressures social media representatives to censor entire narratives at scale by using the network maps and narrative analysis that the EIP compiles and shares with social media companies.”

Krebs and the EIP’s decision to completely censor the narrative around voting machine vulnerabilities fails to acknowledge that congressional members aligned with the left, including Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Ron Wyden, and Sen. Kamala Harris, among numerous computer science professors and election security experts, spent the last 4-years warning the American people that computerized voting systems are often connected to the internet, compromised, and vulnerable to hackers.

In effect, the left was allowed to discuss the vulnerabilities of voting machines after the 2016 election and the right was censored for discussing those very same vulnerabilities after the 2020 election. …

Stanford Internet Observatory: Alex Stamos

After being fired by President Trump, Krebs started a private consulting firm with former Facebook executive Alex Stamos.

Stamos is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the Aspen Institute’s Cyber Security Task Force, the director of the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), and the founder of the EIP censorship network Krebs established while at CISA.

“Before receiving a $3 million government grant from the Biden Administration in 2021 after censoring the Biden Administration’s political opposition in 2020, SIO was originally funded by private foundations such as Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the Omidyar Network, and the Charles Koch Foundation,” Mike Benz explained.

Stamos momentarily dropped the veil of nonpartisanship when he compared “over half of the Republicans in Congress” to the terrorist network ISIS.

The unelected CISA censorship czar called on Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast to block OANN and Newsmax from their airwaves and discussed other potential ways to limit the reach of “conservative influencers.” …

University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public: Kate Starbird

Kate Starbird is the head of CISA’s “disinformation” advisor subcommittee and the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public director.

US government grants have funded her work on domestic censorship since 2013. …

“Starbird sits on CISA’s disinformation advisory panel directly with Vijaya Gadde, the recently fired top lawyer at Twitter who famously promoted censorship of the hashtag “#LearnToCode” on Joe Rogan’s podcast in March 2019, led the internal Twitter decision to ban President Trump’s Twitter account in January 2021, and vociferously opposed Elon Musk’s proposal to roll back Twitter censorship policies,” Mike Benz said.

“The Biden Administration provided Kate Starbird’s UW disinformation lab with a $3 million government grant (jointly with Stanford) just months after Starbird’s lab helped censor the Biden Administration’s political adversary during the 2020 election,” he continued. …

Starbird, as a member of the managerial class, is tasked with intellectualizing elaborate ways to justify censoring populist criticism of the corrupt political establishment, failed institutions, and disastrous policy decisions that have stagnated working-class incomes since the 1970s, created the greatest wealth inequality since the 1930s, and led to record inflation, supply chain shortages, and homelessness.

Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab: Graham Brookie

Graham Brookie is the figure who led the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab and a previous Obama White House National Security Council member.

The Atlantic Council is a NATO think-tank that boasts “seven living CIA directors – Michael Hayden, James Woolsey, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus, Michael Morrell, William Webster & Robert Gates – on the board of the group deputized by DHS to censor your opinions about mail-in ballots during the 2020 election cycle,” Mike Benz explained. …

“There’s no doubt that Donald Trump is the largest spreader of specific and important types of misinformation today, especially about coronavirus, or COVID-19,” Brookie said during a PBS interview weeks before the 2020 election. …

Incredibly, the Atlantic Council’s disinformation lab, tasked by the US government to censor the 2020 election, publicly tweeted its director’s disdain for the President days before the 2020 election.

Graphika: Ben Nimmo

Ben Nimmo leads the censorship role at Graphika and is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s DFR Lab. …

“In 2021, the year after Graphika helped censor the 2020 election for the Biden Administration, Graphika was rewarded with nearly $5 million in government grants from the Pentagon – all to facilitate more censorship work,” Mike Benz explained.

In June 2019, at an Atlantic Council DFR Lab conference, Nimmo trained a roomful of international journalists on how to spot “disinformation” in tweets by then-President Donald Trump and in ads promoting Brexit.

Senior journalists were encouraged to hold up placards reading “Bullsh*t” as Trump tweets and Brexit slogans played across the screen:

The Foundation for Freedom Online report details how this government censorship network was hyper-targeted against one specific side. …

The Foundation for Freedom Online report is the most comprehensive write-up of the US government’s role in outsourcing censorship to this public-private network named, in Orwellian fashion, the Election Integrity Partnership.

Founder Mike Benz, who previously worked for the State Department, has extensively documented the individuals involved, the flow of taxpayer funds, and how the government transformed foreign disinformation into domestic censorship.

You can follow the Foundation For Freedom Online and its founder, Mike Benz, on Twitter and check out their website at www.foundationforfreedomonline.com. …

Earlier this month, the head of the EIP, Alex Stamos, asked Elon Musk for “transparency” regarding the Tesla CEO tweeting, “the rules were enforced against the right, but not against the left.”

Musk responded to the CISA censorship czar, “You operate a propaganda platform.”

What do you think of these revelations? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Kanekoa News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Sue Tracy
December 29, 2022

Father , Thank you for uncovering what needed to be brought to the light. Father I ask you to not leave any stone in place that needs to be uncovered. Lord stop this scheme of the enemy to destroy our elections, restore righteousness and justice in our land and bring the person or organization into accountability. Restore our trust in our elections.

December 29, 2022

Father God destroy completely every room that is lurking release your Wrath on the evilness that tries to infiltrate the United States of America in Jesus name I pray

Donald Vader
December 29, 2022

Thank you Lord for answering our prayers… The swamp is not too deep for Jesus… Thank you Jesus for revealing the truth and bringing everything to the light and helping us to deal with this corruption… Amen


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