I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us love You rightly. As we put away malice, slander, and bitterness, help us love one another as the Body of Christ.
Reading Time: 8 minutes

I do my best to communicate whatever the Lord lays on my heart, but it’s not always easy. It takes time, active listening, and much prayer. Though I can’t respond directly to every comment visitors make on my podcast platforms, I do take time to read those comments. I am moved by the prayers of faithful intercessors, and I’m grateful for them.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


I’m amazed at the wisdom and knowledge my fellow intercessors share. Many share their spiritual victories, and reading such comments is always a huge encouragement. Sadly, however, some comments are accusatory and just plain mean-spirited. The greatest cause for concern is that it is not unbelievers who are doing the disagreeing and the name-calling — it is Christians, attacking each other, especially on social media. When will we realize that unbelieving people are watching us who claim to be believers? Our words and actions show people who we really are.

I’ve seen this sobering quote on social media: Be the reason someone loves Jesus, not the reason they hate Christians.  That is so true. Many people refuse to go to church because of the ways they see us act. Although I do not find that to be an adequate excuse, it’s still worth thinking about. As we have probably heard many times: We are the only Bible some people will ever read. In this sense too, our homes may be the only “church” some people will ever set foot in. Our character does matter. I pray that you will humbly let the Lord examine your heart as you read this article. 

And so the tongue is a small part of the body yet it carries great power! Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze. And the tongue is a fire! It can be compared to the sum total of wickedness and is the most dangerous part of our human body. It corrupts the entire body and is a hellish flame! It releases a fire that can burn throughout the course of human existence. For every wild animal on earth including birds, creeping reptiles, and creatures of the sea and land have all been overpowered and tamed by humans, but the tongue is not able to be tamed. It’s a fickle, unrestrained evil that spews out words full of toxic poison! We use our tongue to praise God our Father and then turn around and curse a person who was made in his very image! Out of the same mouth, we pour out words of praise one minute and curses the next. My brothers and sisters, this should never be! (James 3:5–10 TPT). 

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about our words (see Proverbs 11:9; 12:18; 15:4; 25:18). Words can be mighty. We can use them to encourage and edify, or we can wield them like a sword to tear others apart. The choice is ours. Jesus said that our words come from our hearts — and this applies to words spoken, written, or typed out. Yes, our words are directly connected to and reflective of our deepest heart condition (see Matthew 15:8–10). Thus, we are told also to guard our hearts, because from there flows the source of life.

Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions (Proverbs 4:23–25 MSG).

I like the way The Message translation calls it talking “out of both sides of your mouth.” This is what the apostle James alluded to when he said we use our tongues to praise God and then turn around and curse others. The verse also tells us to ignore the distractions, and that is exactly what we must do. Most of us are wise enough to run from sin. When Satan’s plans to entrap us fail, he will then set up distractions to make us take our eyes off of the prize. Gossiping, accusing, fighting, and slandering are tools of Satan, not of the kingdom of God. Spreading lies, sowing discord, and setting forth a lying witness are three of the six things the Lord hates, as described in Proverbs 6:16–19. The Lord doesn’t treat our words lightly, and neither should we. 

The Good Fight, or Friendly Fire?

Fight the good fight of the faith [in the conflict with evil]; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and [for which] you made the good confession [of faith] in the presence of many witnesses (1 Timothy 6:12 AMP). 

We are in a spiritual war, and that war is raging. We are surely aware of it — we’re all fighting battles, personally or corporately. We are fighting through our intercession — perhaps nationally, and some even globally, depending on God’s particular calling. But our fight is against powers of evil. We are told in Scripture that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (see Ephesians 6:12).

Sadly, though, many Christians are losing this battle. This is because rather than fighting against spiritual wickedness, we are waging war against each other. This is not fighting the good fight of faith. This is not edifying to the Body of Christ. No, this is what is militarily called “friendly fire” — when one accidentally fires a weapon on an ally, causing injury or death. Many wounded warriors in the Church have been the casualties not of the Enemy, but of other Christians. We must be mindful of one another. We are a diverse community — and that is OK. We often think and speak differently from one another; we have different upbringings and educational backgrounds; we operate from different giftings. And yet, we were all created in the image of God. We are all “fearfully and wonderfully made.” We must be careful not to wield our weapons unwisely and thus hurt our allies, who are our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Where Is the Love?

Christians are familiar with the lukewarm Laodicean church described in Scripture. Many have said that the American Church is Laodicea. But truth be told, if we read the seven letters in Revelation, we see the Church in more than any one of the churches described there. This is not to point fingers, but rather to encourage us to examine ourselves and ask, “Lord, am I like any of these churches?” The one letter out of those seven that has most captivated my attention is the one written to the church of Ephesus: 

But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches (Revelation 2:4–5 NLT).

When we first read Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, we see a multicultural church, one that thrived amid pagan worship. The believers there were a great example of perseverance, and they are mentioned often in the accounts of Paul’s missionary trips. Something happened between the journeys of Paul and the exile of John to Patmos, where the revelation from Jesus was given. The Ephesians had abandoned their first love, Jesus; their love for Him had grown cold, but in the course of this, they no longer loved each other, either. Wow! What a connection. 

Perhaps this is why Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves (see Mark 12:30–31). If Jesus is not our first love, we won’t love each other as the Body of Christ either. And I think it’s therefore safe to say that if Christians can’t love even each other, they surely cannot love their unbelieving neighbors. This is a downward spiral. 

So, how is your heart? Do you find yourself condemning the Church and other believers, more than you are praying for them? Are you quick to comment sharply against or to put down a Christian with whom you disagree? I’m not talking about scriptural correction. I’m talking about harsh judgment that is based on your feelings and opinions rather than on God’s word. Do you put down Christians whose expression of faith does not match your own? If you answer yes, then you are probably harboring something in your heart that is not of God — be it unforgiveness, bitterness, or even pride. If we do not guard our hearts against this, we can become defiled and then end up with cold and apathetic hearts.

It’s Time to Grow Up

One of the most convicting pieces of advice I’ve ever received came from a seasoned intercessor and chaplain, who said: “It’s alright if someone’s faith doesn’t look exactly like ours.” That statement made me reevaluate many things I had taken for granted, as well as my overall approach to other people. Though many of us may be mature in our faith, there’s always room for growth. We may eat meat for the mature, but we mustn’t condemn those who are still drinking only milk. I once drank that milk, just as any young believer does. We in the Church must stop writing off those whose faith doesn’t exactly match our own. Otherwise, we are nothing more than self-righteous pharisees. This is not God’s desire for His Church. Whether you agree with some other believer or not, if he or she has prayed and sincerely repented of sin and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, that believer is now your brother and sister in the Lord — regardless how you may or may not feel about that person.

Even though many wrongly say that Christians who talk about love are weak and preaching a message that is “watered down,” the fact is that love is powerful. Love is an identifier to others that we are His disciples (see John 13:35). Love is the essence of the gospel (John 3:16). We love because He first loved us, and God is love. For the sake of the gospel and of a world that needs Jesus Christ, we must examine our hearts. Social media can be used to promote the gospel and win the lost. It is a tool that can be used for blessing. Unfortunately, though, it can also be one of the most divisive and hate-filled of places. I scroll right on past and never get involved whenever I happen to see Christians battling it out in any comments section; in such cases my heart is grieved. In my mind I think: You are fighting the wrong battle, brothers. Social media has also given many people a platform and a “ministry” for tearing down other ministries, other churches, and other Christians who may happen to disagree with them. Such misguided people do this more often than they ever preach to the lost. Imagine what those who do not know Jesus think when they read such comments. We must do better, because we are representatives of His kingdom. 

The Greatest of These Is Love

We are called to love one another as Jesus loved us (see John 15:12). This is not easy, but He wouldn’t give us a command if He knew we were unable to keep it. If you want to know what His love looks like, just read 1 Corinthians 13:4–8. It is patient and kind, and it is not boastful or proud, nor does it ever dishonor others. His love keeps no record of wrongs, and it does not delight in evil; instead, His love rejoices in the truth. In an honest evaluation, does this sound like us? 

But the love of Jesus goes even further. It looks like washing Judas’ feet. It looks like the Lord praying and asking God to forgive the very ones who were shouting at him and reviling Him. His love is patient and gives mankind everywhere time to repent (see 2 Peter 3:9). I don’t know about you, but I want to be able to say one day that I loved as Jesus did. Don’t you? 

Let’s pray now:

Father, we come before You and give You all the honor, glory, and praise. Forgive us for falling short in the love department. Forgive us for those times we’ve judged others based on our personal feelings — which are not according to righteous judgment. We ask You to search our hearts for any hidden roots of bitterness toward our brothers or sisters in Christ. Expose anything that is offensive. Search our minds and our motives. Create in us a clean heart, and restore to us the joy of Your salvation as we repent of anything You reveal. We don’t want our love for You to grow cold, and we don’t want our love for the Church to grow cold either. We are one body, Your Body, called to love and serve one another. Give us Your heart that is moved with compassion for the lost and the hurting. We want to forgive others as we ourselves have been forgiven, and we want to love as we have been loved. But we can’t do any of this without You. Help us to do it Your way, so that we can become effective representatives of Your kingdom and avoid being a stumbling block to anyone. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Encourage others by sharing below some of your thoughts and prayers for the Body of Christ.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo credit: ©AudreyPopov via Canva.com.


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Marla Hartzell
August 23, 2023

One person said they sent you a snail mail. How would I contact you that way?

August 23, 2023


August 23, 2023

Father God may everything we say and do be done in LOVE 🥰. . Sometimes it’s very wise to just be still and pray for what concerns us. We are not called to judge. That’s Jesus’s job. Matthew 7:1”Judge not, that you be not judged. “ and 1st John 4:11 “Beloved, if God so loved us,we also ought to LOVE ❤️ one another. “ No human being is perfect, so let’s be positive and support one another!! If there’s error God can and will deal with it when we pray.

August 22, 2023

I was taught from very early childhood, treat others like you wanted to be treated. Prayers for everyone. I don’t push my Christian religion on anyone. I don’t allow people to push their lifestyle on me. In all my life, I am old, I have never had many people treat me bad. If they treat me bad, I walk away and put them on the prayer list. God will bring them to Him in His timing. I am Blessed. Everything bad that has happened to me God turns it into something positive. That’s how father in Him works. If He closes a door, He is going to open a better way. Prayers for our Country and leaders. Amen

Toni Kushner
August 22, 2023

Dear Gloria, I started to write my response, but have decided to mail it to you, because of its length. I hope you will read it. Your article was well stated and I can hear God’s Spirit in it. I cannot tell you how much IFA has been to me and used of God to keep me focused on those things that are eternal. It has been His Word and the Holy Spirit that has seen me through difficult days. His Word of encouragement and direction for me was from Phil.3:13 and Hebrews 12:2-3. I thank the Lord often for the ministry of IFA that has been a source of counsel, even if it is painful. God loves us and will use people like you to teach, correct and comfort. Thank You

Linda k Rice
August 22, 2023

This message lacks context. We are not privy to the “accusations” this author is referring to or the author’s comments that solicited these “accusations.” With so many voices saying so many things that are diametrically opposed one to the other, readers should be expected to voice their thoughts.

Is America going to be saved? Is there a moral reset coming? Or is it going the opposite direction? It depends on who is doing the talking.

August 22, 2023

Lord Heavenly Father I pray healing not only in my heart but also in the hearts of others. The last couple of years has been difficult for a lot of us as we have grown more divided. Some by choice and some simply by manipulation by the media or from falling for how cultural influencers tell us to think. We have grown more paranoid not that we’re racist but paranoid of what others are thinking. It’s hard and painful especially for those who truly do believe in Our Lord and Savior. God I pray for forgiveness and I do pray for healing that God that you’d not only open our hearts and eyes but that you’d give us the courage and strength to stand together and not against one another. Help us stick to your truth Lord and be good steward of the gospel. Lord I see the divide in the church which prophesied in Revelation. We are called to watch out for false preaching. Changing your words to fit the needs of the world and be more inclusive is not the answer. God I know you were specific and there is no blurred lines. I pray that others will see your truth and be able to discern what is true and what is not. Thank Lord for your salvation and forgiveness that I would be forgiven for my sins and thank you for the grace that you provide me with everyday as I try and fight my battles as others fight there’s as well. I thank you for being our salt and light and for getting us through our storms In Jesus name Amen.

August 22, 2023

Wow!! Powerful!!

August 22, 2023

Thank you Lord for these great words of wisdom and prayer in this article. Let me incorporate in my heart all these words of wisdom. Please guide me and all of your children that we will not be a stumbling block to those that do not know you or fellow Christians; but, that our tongues will be a beacon that will draw them to you and not a weapon of destruction that will pull them away from your glory. In the name of JESUS, Amen!

August 22, 2023

Really really good. It is such a temptation to mouth off. Lord! By the power of Your Spirit, bring repentance to me, to us.

August 22, 2023

Absolutely beautiful time of prayer on IFA on Tues at 12:15 pm. I am so grateful for the wisdom, insight, and encouragement IFA gives me. I don’t know how to send Judy M. an email, but this article was referenced and so I’m posting my thanks here to all writers/employees assoc with IFA. You are sooo appreciated and valued.

    Judy McDonough
    August 22, 2023

    Thank you, Susan, for this encouragement! I will pass it on to all of IFA’s writers. We are grateful for you as well!

Wendell Owens
August 22, 2023

Very well written and convicting, for I like others have used the word of God to condemn. Not doing so in a manner of love but of judgement, that I felt were in line with scriptures.
It served no purpose nor solve a single thing, nor shall it if not done in Love.
LOVE is the greatest of all the commandments, to Love the Lord our God and our neighbors as ourselves, by this shall they know that we are children of God. In the ministry, we forget that far too many times. Father, please forgive me when I forget my 1st love, that love you placed in me when I was 1st born again. Yes, I will prophecy as You direct me, but let it be done in love or let me keep silent,,,,, Amen.

Darlene Estlow
August 22, 2023

Thank you Gloria. God is gentle and loving with us his children; should we not be gentle and loving with our brothers and sisters?

Pamela Kay
August 22, 2023

Praise God !! What a POWERFUL Word to the Body of Christ. HalleluYah !! THANK YOU, JESUS. YES & AMEN to Gloria’s prayer !!
LORD, Help us each and everyone to be and live in direct connection with YOUR Heart and mind at all times, and with all people, to YOUR GLORY and purposes. AMEN.

Mary Beth
August 22, 2023

Thank you, Gloria. I repent, and repent on behalf of the body of Christ for allowing the enemy to bring division through words spoken with any other motive than love. Please, LORD, help us to learn how to speak the truth in love – with humility, grace, patience, and absolute trust in You. I renounce fear, bitterness, pride, impatience, fleshly anger, selfish ambition and any other ungodly attitude that fuels hateful thoughts and speech.

August 22, 2023

Amen indeed!! Very timely prayer and thank for your obedience.

S Yung
August 22, 2023

There is evidence of last days as we look through the lens of our culture. No one who is a member of IFA would most likely disagree with that statement. The Church is responsible for setting the standard of morality in the culture so what we are seeing in our nation is exactly what is visible in the pews. You may love your church and swear it isn’t like the culture, but the evidence is overwhelming against that mindset. I saw it in my own church after 13 years of membership and leadership. It tore me inside out and I wouldn’t be silent about it, I was asked to leave by the newly elected board and the new young pastor who we backed and funded for seminary. The church split and shortly after I was asked to leave, the retired pastor and his wife were asked to leave 2 months later. The church split and I’ve not been able to find a body of believers to worship with since. If it could happen in this church, it will happen anywhere. At the same time my parents church had a similar incident occur and the church was rocked off its spiritual foundation and split. My parents ended up moving. We need to recognize the enemy is on a full court press against anything that is moving heaven on earth. My personal opinion after all I’ve been through is that the “Church” is responsible for most of what is taking place in our nation. Children have become idles to their parents and are leading the home. Mothers are second in command making sure the children maintain their thrones while men sit quietly in the background so everyone remains happy. We are in a reverse course of God’s biblical organizational chart. I consider myself as part of the church even though I’m not attending right now, so I point the finger at myself. I just don’t know what to about it anymore other than weep and cry out to God. This article speaks truth of our spiritual condition whether we admit it or not. The evidence of our condition is right in front of our TV screens every day.

    Mary Beth
    August 22, 2023

    I hear your heart cry. I encourage you to remain faithful, and use this time without human fellowship to press in to YHVH. Dig deep into His Word, and seek Him diligently. I do pray that the LORD would provide the connections you desire to real fellowship with like-minded believers. Since 2006, when we left the institutional church we’ve experienced many forms of fellowship – just my husband and I, house church, Zoom Bible studies, Community Bible Study, etc. and are now part of a house church we join by Zoom. Don’t hesitate to think outside the box. A building is not the church, the church is people – and they can meet anywhere, at any time – wherever 2 or 3 are gathered, He is there. And even if you are alone, He indwells you and you can experience His precious presence.

    August 22, 2023

    I am so sorry to hear this. You are a still apart of the body, even though you aren’t attending. I pray that you are able to find a group of likeminded believers to gather with. Most importantly I pray for your healing. What you’ve described happens far too often. The enemy wants you wounded, offended, and ineffective. Even when Christians that hurt you are in the wrong, we are still told to forgive them. It will set you free from the pain you are feeling. I myself have been wounded by those I loved dearly in Christ a long time ago. It felt like the Judas kiss of betrayal. Once in prayer I cried out to God about it and he reminded me of Jesus, the man of sorrows acquainted with rejection. If anyone understands your pain, it’s Jesus. He’s touched by our infirmities. He’s also interceding for you. Long story short, the greatest encounter in have ever had with Jesus, is when I truly forgave those who wounded me. My tears of pain became tears of joy. I can talk of it freely now with no resentment, because I left it at then feet of Jesus. I pray you can do the same. God bless you.

      S. Yung
      August 22, 2023

      Thank you, Gloria. I have forgiven, but I have to continue to do so often. I, too, knew I couldn’t hold on to the hurt and bitterness because of the same reason–Jesus experienced for me with Judas’ kiss. And that is exactly what it felt like. The enemy knocked me unconscious. At the same time all of this happened, two very volatile events occurred simultaneously. One was very personal and the other was business (we are self-employed). We didn’t know for 3 years if we would lose everything. At a time when I needed the Body the most, they were part of the betrayal. God knew all of this was going to happen. I am not a victim and I refuse to become one. I am with a small group (from that former church of believers that left) and we have Bible study together. But it is the prayer team that I was a leader in that I can’t seem to replace. That’s the burn. I continue to ask God to lead me to where He wants me. I do watch a fabulous church on line (Gary Hamrick with Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA). This is the type of leadership I desire. Praying God will continue to raise up men who will all themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit during this difficult time. Thank you for your encouraging words. Love in Christ.

August 22, 2023

Father has declared many times that He has everything under control and that we are to get into His word more, cling to Him and trust Him completely. The darkness around us will intensify before the light finally breaks through but He is faithful. I truly do believe that and, on a bad day, I declare it to be true loud and strong until the thing that’s bothering me is gone. I know that the goodness of Our Father is prevailing against the evil around us and I encourage all my brothers and sisters to keep the faith, remain strong, trust in Him completely and know that His light is shining. Amen.

Lois P Willis
August 22, 2023

O how I amen these words!
As an adjunct to these thoughts, I’d like to add the issue of taking offense. Our nation has become so politicized. Our people have become so divided that it seems that taking offense comes so easily! As, Christians we are taking offense at some thing or someone and express -ing our thoughts in public. Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and as we accuse one another, we are in him and not in Christ. personally, I have asked the Holy Spirit to help me to recognize when I am taking offense, and then step back from it, and to seek the Lord., And to ask him – what is his view of this situation, what is his heart for the situation ? what would he like to see accomplished here? And as I do that, my heart turns to Christ and to kingdom thinking. I guess it really is taking every thought captive to the mind of Christ, which is where we as Christians need to live every day. it also afford the ability to proclaim the word of God into a situation; to proclaim his will on earth, as in heaven into a situation. So may I humbly suggest, that we all realize we’re taking offense and stop it, and that we will seek God for all these situations that upset us. why does it upset us? What is the root of the upset that’s good to know -is it spiritual or is it carnal in our own being. Jesus is the only way , the truth and the life and he did say love one another. He said the world would know us for that love that we have for one another. (John 17) So, may the love of Christ rule and reign in our hearts and words and actions; and may we truly walk taking every thought captive to the mind of Christ, and expressing his thoughts, I love what Jesus, said to the disciples —he only said what he heard the father say and he only did what he saw the father do.(John 5:19) May we do likewise -in Jesus name!
(Also, Phil. 6:8)

    August 22, 2023

    Lois, THANK you for this answer to my prayer of what is the Godly thing to do when something in the news upsets me: look to the root! WHY does it upset me? what has HE said about it? (and, in the process, get my mind off the idol of the problem, and back on to my Savior and Good Shepherd)
    So simple, but so profound.
    Up to now, I’ve just been focusing on who God IS in relation to whatever is upsetting: the Light, the Truth, the God of just balances, etc, but your comment will help me get not only get deeper into why the situation upsets ME, but also, once in God’s armor, to seek that perfect blade of the Sword of the Spirit that I need to wield at that moment.
    We are not powerless, but I have been acting as though powerless. Again, thank you so much, sister!

August 22, 2023

So thankful for this message, Gloria. When I fail to love the Lord my God with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength it is difficult to love my neighbors as myself. May my heart be overflowing with “First Love for Christ Jesus” my Lord & Savior. In Your Steadfast Love I pray Lord Jesus. Amen.

August 22, 2023

That is a great message! Thank you for sharing this. Father, forgive me.

Lillian Oliveira
August 22, 2023

Oops! It wasn’t Jesus who said that ! It was John 3.:35 or, Oh dear, I’ve forgotten it already,,,but I’m 85. Sorry! But Let us LOVE ONE ANOTHER! Perhaps we all need to remember this again. And work on loving our enemies, too. Lillian Oliveira

    Mary Beth
    August 22, 2023

    You’re a sweetheart, Lillian! Your 85 years hasn’t kept you from actively engaging in intercession, and I applaud you. Your comment gave me pause for thought, because although I know this phrase is lyrics from a popular song, I couldn’t remember if it was Scripture. It is definitely Scriptural, because I John is all about love and alludes to the fact that a hallmark of the Christian community should be their love for one another. Couldn’t quickly find it in my concordance or a word search. Anyone else know?

      August 22, 2023

      Let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:7-8 NKJV

      But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44 NKJV

      And, PS, Lillian, I’m 85 too – too soon old and too late smart?

Allena Jordan
August 22, 2023

This is an encouraging timely word from the Lord for all of us.
Lord, help me to love my brothers and sisters in Christ more fully, better than I have in the past. May the world know that we are Christians because of our love for one another. Amen.

August 22, 2023

Father, may your church decrease as YOU INCREASE. HOLY SPRIT fill us and empower us to love You and love others. The greatest is love. IN JESUS NAME AMEN

Lillian Oliveira
August 22, 2023

This verse belongs in here: “They will know we are Christians by our love”. Jesus spoke these words to the disciples.. If the love isn’t there, how can they believe we are truly Christians?!

Rita Harl
August 22, 2023

Thank you for your great insight and reminder of how we have fallen from what God wants His church to be. An examination of conscience brings convection to my heart.You have been instrumental in changing the heart of a believer today.

Patty Jacobson
August 22, 2023

Thank you, Gloria. Such wisdom. This friendly fire so bothers me. I do believe the Holy Spirit has aided you in the writing of this post. Jesus bless you! Most sincerely, Patty Jacobson.


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