Father, preserve our nation and the religious liberties and foundations we still stand on. Help us not stray any further away from You, but draw us back to You.
What is the connection between belief in God and morality? And how important are God and prayer in people’s lives? Pew Research Center posed these questions to 38,426 people in 34 countries in 2019.
Across the 34 countries, which span six continents, a median of 45% say it is necessary to believe in God to be moral and have good values. . . .
People in the emerging economies included in this survey tend to be more religious and more likely to consider religion to be important in their lives, and they are also more likely than people in this survey who live in advanced economies to say that belief in God is necessary to be moral. Differences occur within countries as well. In general, people who are relatively nonreligious are more inclined than highly religious people in the same countries to say it is not necessary to believe in God to be a moral person.
Despite variances in religious observance, a median of 62% across the countries surveyed say that religion plays an important role in their lives, while 61% agree that God plays an important role in their lives and 53% say the same about prayer. Since 1991, the share of people who say God is important to them has increased in Russia and Ukraine, while the opposite has occurred over the same time span in Western Europe.
In the eight Western European publics surveyed, a median of just 22% say belief in God is necessary to be moral, while in the six Eastern European nations studied, a median of 33% share the same view. Prior research establishes the European continent as increasingly secular on the whole, though among Europeans, there are notable differences between Eastern and Western countries in attitudes toward religion and religious minorities.
Opinions on whether belief in God is necessary to have good values vary by region
Of all 13 countries surveyed in the European Union, Greece has the largest share of residents who tie belief in God to morality (53%), followed closely by Bulgaria (50%) and Slovakia (45%). Still, in many countries on the European continent, relatively few people say it is necessary to believe in God to be moral, including just 9% in Sweden, 14% in the Czech Republic and 15% in France.
By contrast, nearly everyone surveyed in Indonesia and the Philippines (96% each) draws a connection between belief in God and having good values. And nearly eight-in-ten (79%) in India say the same. But in East Asia, South Koreans are somewhat split on this question (53% say it is necessary, 46% say it is not), while smaller shares in Japan (39%) and Australia (19%) take the view that it’s necessary to believe in God to be a moral person.
Among those in the Middle East and North African nations surveyed, at least seven-in-ten in Lebanon (72%), Turkey (75%) and Tunisia (84%) think belief in God is necessary to have good values. Israelis are split on this question, with 48% of the population on either side. . . .
Majorities in all three Latin American countries surveyed say that belief in God is necessary to be moral, with the highest share in Brazil (84%). Catholicism remains the largest religion in Latin America, and majorities of Catholics in all three nations surveyed think it is necessary to believe in God to be moral. . . .
Strikingly, both Russia and Ukraine have seen an evolution of opinion on this question, but in opposite directions. Russia has seen an 11 percentage point increase since 2002 in the share who say belief in God is necessary to have good values, while Ukraine has seen an 11-point drop. Aside from Russia, only two other countries – Bulgaria and Japan – have seen significant increases in the share of their publics who hold this opinion (17 points and 10 points, respectively). In addition to Ukraine, four other countries – Mexico, Turkey, South Korea and the United States – have seen significant decreases in the percentage of their publics who say belief in God is necessary to be moral. . . .
More education connected with belief that God is not necessary to have good values
In most European and North American countries surveyed, individuals with more education are less likely to say that belief in God is necessary to be moral. This pattern closely tracks the connection between income levels and the way people answer this question, because there is a significant correlation between educational attainment and earnings.
In addition, there are differences on this question among respondents at different education levels in several other nations included in the 2019 survey. In 24 out of the 34 countries surveyed, respondents with higher levels of education are significantly less likely to say belief in God is necessary to be moral. There are no significant differences among the other 10 countries included in the survey.
In 15 countries surveyed, those on the ideological right are significantly more likely to say it is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values (ideology is self-reported and varies by country). Majorities of those on the right in the U.S., Greece, Argentina and Israel say that belief in God is necessary for morality; less than half of those on the left in those countries say the same. The left-right gap exceeds 30 percentage points in the U.S., Poland and Greece. . . .
Slovakia is the only country surveyed where those on the left are more likely to say that it is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral: 49% of those on the left in Slovakia agree, compared with 33% of those on the right. . . .
The importance of religion varies around the globe
In most of the countries surveyed, more than half of the public says religion is either “very important” or “somewhat important” in their lives. However, Europeans generally show less religious commitment on this measure than people in other regions.
When asked about the importance of religion in their lives, majorities in 23 out of 34 countries say religion is very or somewhat important to them. This includes nine-in-ten or more in Indonesia, Nigeria, Tunisia, the Philippines, Kenya, India, South Africa, Brazil and Lebanon.
Majorities in several of these countries have particularly high levels of religious commitment, saying religion is very important their lives. Such attitudes are common in Indonesia (98%), the Philippines (92%), Tunisia (91%), Brazil (84%), India (77%), Turkey (71%), Lebanon (70%) and all African countries surveyed – 93% in Nigeria, 92% in Kenya and 86% in South Africa.
Meanwhile, the European countries in the study tend to have much smaller shares who say religion is either very or somewhat important in their lives, including 22% of adults in Sweden, 23% in the Czech Republic, 33% in France and 39% in both the Netherlands and Hungary. . . .
The rising significance of God after the dissolution of the Soviet Union
Following well-documented trends that trace the decline of Christianity in Western Europe, the share of Europeans who say that God plays an important role in life has declined since 1991. Spain, Italy and Poland had the most dramatic decreases, with declines of 26, 21 and 14 percentage points, respectively. This trend is mirrored in many other European countries, including Lithuania. Since the collapse of the USSR, Lithuania has seen a 12 percentage point drop in the share of its public that feels God plays an important role in their lives.
At the same time, other former Soviet republics where religion was harshly repressed or effectively banned during the Soviet period have experienced an increase in the percentage of people who say God plays an important role in life. Both Ukraine and Russia have experienced double-digit increases in the share of people who agree that God is important to them. In Bulgaria, a former satellite state of the USSR, 41% said in 1991 that God was important in their lives. Today, a majority of Bulgarian respondents (55%) express that view.
Similar trends hold for those who say prayer is an important part of their daily lives.
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Father, preserve our nation and the religious liberties and foundations we still stand on. Help us not stray any further away from You, but draw us back to You.
Did you know that when God created man that his law was imprinted on the heart of every man,women and child. That is how they know what is good and what is evil, so when they are before God no excuse will be heard for the evil that they do. How does man know what is good and evil? Because are heart knows and are conscience is seared to know the law God has given us his moral law to govern a nation and set laws to be used so as that nation will prosper. How do what know what is good and evil ,we only know because those who believe in God follow him in obidence. If a nation who knows Gods law and obeys his moral law it will prosper in that land. But if that nation that uses the law and knows the law of God and who believe in the trinity of God and then turn from him and makes it’s own law, we have then rejected him and will fall. Our nation has put God out of everything and rejected him and those who teach our children to do the same and teach them to not believe in him. Gods word says it would have been better for the person who teaches these things to have a mill stone put around his neck and drowned or to not even been born. The laws that govern this land now,now make laws to protect those whom do evil. Those who call evil good and good evil do not fear God Almighty and teach our children to do the same. Our we somewhat responsible for this also? Is it our own fault when we vote people in office who are lawless and hate the laws of God to govern our nation,even those who bribe and do evil just to have a seat of power cheat,steal even murder in darkness are insidious, they make a open pit ( like the basement) for others to fall into. Thinking it’s all ok to be lukewarm when it comes to Gods Holy word. He said i rather you would be either hot or cold and not lukewarm for if so I will spew you out if my mouth. I hope he finds all Christians hot in heart for the desires of their hearts burns for Our Lord God Jesus Christ.The ones who walk in evil are the ones who have darkend souls and have eyes that are haughty and they seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way and their path is full of destruction. so they sit and plan and wait and then attack, they are horrid beasts with razor sharp teeth for they get high and are addicted to destruction.they love the way it makes them feel.People fear them but one of the worst is they will use others and promise them with false laws even pay them to do evil in Hope’s to build a large army of demonic destruction that now is out to destroy the land and become ravenous wolves to destroy anyone who will not join their demonic army of destruction. They oppress the innocent and even the leaders of these pacts do not care that they have the blood of innocent on their hands. Will God have mercy to let our country collapse and start over so as to cleanse this land with war between good and evil. Shall we sacrifice to turn our nation back to him and heal our land.we must never forget that Our God Almighty is still on his THRONE. We all know also that God said he will not contend with man forever.Has the world finally came to that because we all know and see the evil is increasing ,are these now the perilous times in which we live as told in Roman’s 1 and is the prayer of the last saint about to take place.For when that happens we will see his Glory in te sky and will be taken in the blink of a eye.God Our Creator has foretold us when we see these things happening then the time is near so be ready,do as God has told you,to keep busy and continue in obidence and also to not fear, continue in prayer and reading of his Holy Word so as to guide you and pray for one another,even the unsaved and encourage the body of believers and support them for his time is near. we will vanish in the blink of a eye,then sudden destruction will come upon those who are left behind, chaos will overtake them and they will know why.God says that man will see things happen that the world has never seen before. They also will see the dead in Christ arise,meaning graves will actually crack open and bodies risen taken up to be with Our Lord God and as they are taken up they will see their bodies renewed, We are also to pray for the unsaved for Gods desire is that all men will be saved and that should be our desire in which we are to pray these things so as to save the remember we were once like them before we belived or did believe and rejected him to do the desires of our own heart. Our pitty should be that if they do not then their souls will be thrown into the lake of fire, that you should have mercy on them for we know what awaits them. God says we should pray for our enemies so as their souls might be saved. Even the things that they do are evil and oppresses us and we hate the things they do,a least our love and compassion should be for their souls.How about sitting down and write out a prayer for they all are in need of prayer.prayer for our missionary across the world that God will protect them from harm and the gospel to continue for the soul of man to be saved. I suggest ccx a web site I throughly enjoy and t hff are are prayers you can learn and even add to for things of all occasions and devotions with the bible and if you want a book study of the bible like to do a chapter study in which I will be starting soon withb1 john,doing the introduction with it. But the prayers on there are biblical to scripture. Its called knowing Jesus. You will get hooked on it for it explains verse by verse what it means. Another is gty.org by John Macarther, he is really seasoned by the Holy Spirit and another is ligonair ministries by rc sproul,the thing I love about them is they have 24 hour chat room with bible studies,devotions very sound doctrine and teaching. If you have a biblical question ,you go to their chat room and answer your question,they even pull up a article for you to save and read and study.those sites I have given to you are of sound truth of doctrine.i have learned and been taught through them by the teaching of tHoly Spirit to help give me understand G ou ds Holy Word.i know this is long and things are scarey,we worry about our family and friends and worry about their salvation.but stay strong in all the promises of Our Lord God and king and know his promises are true and belive in them.continue to prayer brothers and sisters and pray for Pres,Trump and VP Pence and his administration along with their familes that they will seek God’s Guidance and pray to him and that all will grow strong in their faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Pres.Trump carries the weight of the world on his back and most of all Gods will be done in his life and those of his family. May Gods mercy and blessings continue to be with us all.bye
Our Father in heaven,
Holy is Your Name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let the Body of Christ be reminded that You are omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent God. You are the only one that can see human soul, heart and their intention. Your power is beyond our understanding. Your Holy Spirit is with us as we received the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
We thank You that we can pray 24/7. Please forgive our sins as we forgive others who sins against us.
Lord God, show us what You want to do with our lives. We thank You that we are Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which You have prepared in advance for us.
Let us remember James 4:
1 What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?
2 You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask.
3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.
4 You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
5 Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”?
6 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
8 DRAW NEAR to GOD and HE WILL DRAW NEAR to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
9 Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom.
10 HUMBLE YOURSELVES in the PRESENCE of the LORD, and HE will EXALT you.
11 Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?
13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.”
14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”
v16 But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil. v17 Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.
Father God we, the Body of Christ want to be loved by You because You’re showing love to a thousand generations for those who love You and keep Your commandments. Exodus 20:6
Father God, we ask that the resources of the ungodly (Antifa, BLM, The Good Club, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, GGE, Open Society Foundation, the Hollywood Elites The Globalist, The Cartels, MSM, CCP, Russia etc) to dry up. Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we speak to the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances to dry up from the roots.
In Jesus name bind demonic principalities of witchcraft, hate, and division that keep America from unity.
Keep us humble and rely our trust on You forever and ever.
May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all from today onward.
We love You, Father… thank You for loving us first. For Yours is the glory forever and ever. In Jesus’ holy, mighty, majestic, and matchless name we pray, Amen.”
Oh Lord, we have become wise in our own eyes and think we are king! Oh how the mighty will fall. Lord, turn our hearts to YOU. Help us to repent and grant us mercy and grace! Lord, help us to glorify You and share Your lovingkindness with those we meet throughout the world. Please hear us and bring hope to Your children! Jesus, please pray for us! Holy Spirit, intercede on our behalf as the days grow darker and the end draws near! In Jesus Name I pray!
Make America (and thus the world) a safe place for Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Godliness. End Abortion & Euthanasia, Return The Bible, The Ten Commandments and The Lord’s Prayer to public schools and keep it there & Allow Free Speech & Freedom of Religion to prosper. Let our students and citizens read & understand The Constitution and learn the historical framework and history of how and why it was penned and why it is attacked by the devil through paid campaigns from foreign countries and the discernment to see it trying to be eroded through media and some of those in government and why The President was elected at this point in history to stop it being eroded and show how it is used. Mobilize voter registration and let no evil attempt to defer it. Place basic laws for screening & prevent any underhandedness or manipulation of votes. Strengthen the righteous & let people follow God’s laws when voting & not lean on their own understanding (Prov 3:5-6). In The Name of Jesus, Amen.
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Pray in the First 100 Days of the Trump Administration!
A President’s First 100 Days are critical. President Trump has come out like a rocket with tremendous actions, EOs, and position statements. For the next 100 Days, we will be undergirding the Trump administration in targeted unified prayer. Join in as we pray for 10 minutes EACH DAY at noon ET.
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Did you know that when God created man that his law was imprinted on the heart of every man,women and child. That is how they know what is good and what is evil, so when they are before God no excuse will be heard for the evil that they do. How does man know what is good and evil? Because are heart knows and are conscience is seared to know the law God has given us his moral law to govern a nation and set laws to be used so as that nation will prosper. How do what know what is good and evil ,we only know because those who believe in God follow him in obidence. If a nation who knows Gods law and obeys his moral law it will prosper in that land. But if that nation that uses the law and knows the law of God and who believe in the trinity of God and then turn from him and makes it’s own law, we have then rejected him and will fall. Our nation has put God out of everything and rejected him and those who teach our children to do the same and teach them to not believe in him. Gods word says it would have been better for the person who teaches these things to have a mill stone put around his neck and drowned or to not even been born. The laws that govern this land now,now make laws to protect those whom do evil. Those who call evil good and good evil do not fear God Almighty and teach our children to do the same. Our we somewhat responsible for this also? Is it our own fault when we vote people in office who are lawless and hate the laws of God to govern our nation,even those who bribe and do evil just to have a seat of power cheat,steal even murder in darkness are insidious, they make a open pit ( like the basement) for others to fall into. Thinking it’s all ok to be lukewarm when it comes to Gods Holy word. He said i rather you would be either hot or cold and not lukewarm for if so I will spew you out if my mouth. I hope he finds all Christians hot in heart for the desires of their hearts burns for Our Lord God Jesus Christ.The ones who walk in evil are the ones who have darkend souls and have eyes that are haughty and they seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way and their path is full of destruction. so they sit and plan and wait and then attack, they are horrid beasts with razor sharp teeth for they get high and are addicted to destruction.they love the way it makes them feel.People fear them but one of the worst is they will use others and promise them with false laws even pay them to do evil in Hope’s to build a large army of demonic destruction that now is out to destroy the land and become ravenous wolves to destroy anyone who will not join their demonic army of destruction. They oppress the innocent and even the leaders of these pacts do not care that they have the blood of innocent on their hands. Will God have mercy to let our country collapse and start over so as to cleanse this land with war between good and evil. Shall we sacrifice to turn our nation back to him and heal our land.we must never forget that Our God Almighty is still on his THRONE. We all know also that God said he will not contend with man forever.Has the world finally came to that because we all know and see the evil is increasing ,are these now the perilous times in which we live as told in Roman’s 1 and is the prayer of the last saint about to take place.For when that happens we will see his Glory in te sky and will be taken in the blink of a eye.God Our Creator has foretold us when we see these things happening then the time is near so be ready,do as God has told you,to keep busy and continue in obidence and also to not fear, continue in prayer and reading of his Holy Word so as to guide you and pray for one another,even the unsaved and encourage the body of believers and support them for his time is near. we will vanish in the blink of a eye,then sudden destruction will come upon those who are left behind, chaos will overtake them and they will know why.God says that man will see things happen that the world has never seen before. They also will see the dead in Christ arise,meaning graves will actually crack open and bodies risen taken up to be with Our Lord God and as they are taken up they will see their bodies renewed, We are also to pray for the unsaved for Gods desire is that all men will be saved and that should be our desire in which we are to pray these things so as to save the remember we were once like them before we belived or did believe and rejected him to do the desires of our own heart. Our pitty should be that if they do not then their souls will be thrown into the lake of fire, that you should have mercy on them for we know what awaits them. God says we should pray for our enemies so as their souls might be saved. Even the things that they do are evil and oppresses us and we hate the things they do,a least our love and compassion should be for their souls.How about sitting down and write out a prayer for they all are in need of prayer.prayer for our missionary across the world that God will protect them from harm and the gospel to continue for the soul of man to be saved. I suggest ccx a web site I throughly enjoy and t hff are are prayers you can learn and even add to for things of all occasions and devotions with the bible and if you want a book study of the bible like to do a chapter study in which I will be starting soon withb1 john,doing the introduction with it. But the prayers on there are biblical to scripture. Its called knowing Jesus. You will get hooked on it for it explains verse by verse what it means. Another is gty.org by John Macarther, he is really seasoned by the Holy Spirit and another is ligonair ministries by rc sproul,the thing I love about them is they have 24 hour chat room with bible studies,devotions very sound doctrine and teaching. If you have a biblical question ,you go to their chat room and answer your question,they even pull up a article for you to save and read and study.those sites I have given to you are of sound truth of doctrine.i have learned and been taught through them by the teaching of tHoly Spirit to help give me understand G ou ds Holy Word.i know this is long and things are scarey,we worry about our family and friends and worry about their salvation.but stay strong in all the promises of Our Lord God and king and know his promises are true and belive in them.continue to prayer brothers and sisters and pray for Pres,Trump and VP Pence and his administration along with their familes that they will seek God’s Guidance and pray to him and that all will grow strong in their faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Pres.Trump carries the weight of the world on his back and most of all Gods will be done in his life and those of his family. May Gods mercy and blessings continue to be with us all.bye
Our Father in heaven,
Holy is Your Name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let the Body of Christ be reminded that You are omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent God. You are the only one that can see human soul, heart and their intention. Your power is beyond our understanding. Your Holy Spirit is with us as we received the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
We thank You that we can pray 24/7. Please forgive our sins as we forgive others who sins against us.
Lord God, show us what You want to do with our lives. We thank You that we are Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which You have prepared in advance for us.
Let us remember James 4:
1 What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?
2 You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask.
3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.
4 You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
5 Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”?
6 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
8 DRAW NEAR to GOD and HE WILL DRAW NEAR to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
9 Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom.
10 HUMBLE YOURSELVES in the PRESENCE of the LORD, and HE will EXALT you.
11 Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?
13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.”
14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”
v16 But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil. v17 Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.
Father God we, the Body of Christ want to be loved by You because You’re showing love to a thousand generations for those who love You and keep Your commandments. Exodus 20:6
Father God, we ask that the resources of the ungodly (Antifa, BLM, The Good Club, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, GGE, Open Society Foundation, the Hollywood Elites The Globalist, The Cartels, MSM, CCP, Russia etc) to dry up. Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we speak to the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances to dry up from the roots.
In Jesus name bind demonic principalities of witchcraft, hate, and division that keep America from unity.
Keep us humble and rely our trust on You forever and ever.
May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all from today onward.
We love You, Father… thank You for loving us first. For Yours is the glory forever and ever. In Jesus’ holy, mighty, majestic, and matchless name we pray, Amen.”
Oh Lord, we have become wise in our own eyes and think we are king! Oh how the mighty will fall. Lord, turn our hearts to YOU. Help us to repent and grant us mercy and grace! Lord, help us to glorify You and share Your lovingkindness with those we meet throughout the world. Please hear us and bring hope to Your children! Jesus, please pray for us! Holy Spirit, intercede on our behalf as the days grow darker and the end draws near! In Jesus Name I pray!
Make America (and thus the world) a safe place for Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Godliness. End Abortion & Euthanasia, Return The Bible, The Ten Commandments and The Lord’s Prayer to public schools and keep it there & Allow Free Speech & Freedom of Religion to prosper. Let our students and citizens read & understand The Constitution and learn the historical framework and history of how and why it was penned and why it is attacked by the devil through paid campaigns from foreign countries and the discernment to see it trying to be eroded through media and some of those in government and why The President was elected at this point in history to stop it being eroded and show how it is used. Mobilize voter registration and let no evil attempt to defer it. Place basic laws for screening & prevent any underhandedness or manipulation of votes. Strengthen the righteous & let people follow God’s laws when voting & not lean on their own understanding (Prov 3:5-6). In The Name of Jesus, Amen.