For those who are looking for an increase of favor and opportunity in the assignments God has given you, focus your attention on the first-fruit crop which will open the way for greater harvest and production.
Many of you have been given a commission and assignment from heaven and are looking for more connections and opportunities to grow that which has been planted in your heart. However, the Lord is encouraging you to pay more attention to bearing good fruit than on establishing a production platform. It is the FIRST FRUIT ITSELF that will draw heaven’s favor and create a larger platform for growth.
From the fruit of his mouth a man is satisfied with good, and the work of a man’s hand comes back to him. (Prov 12:14 ESV)
Sow the seeds of obedience in that which God has called you to do. Put your hand to the plow and be faithful for the measure you currently have. Be a good gardener in the portion you’ve been given and steward your field as a master vinedresser. Do not look for immediate results or instant access. The seeds of your vision and call must be given time to mature and grow. Water them through prayer and wait as a watchman.
When it is time, that which you have planted by the Spirit will bear fruit and draw those who are hungry for its taste. The seeds that you are called to plant will be unique from others. The fruit born of your heart carries its own aroma, taste, and substance. Do not compare yourself with other vinedressers or gardeners. Each one He calls will bear different fruit, according to their seed and kind. The prophetic words spoken over your life may water the seeds in your heart and stir your potential, but it is your faithful labor to bring forth a first-fruit crop that will create further opportunities for growth and expansion.
She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard… Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. (Prov 31:16, 31 ESV)
If you watch carefully, pray faithfully, and wait for its harvest, the fruit you bear will draw those who have a craving for it. You will not have to wonder or worry about who will see the fruit of your labors or who may join in your cause, for they will be drawn to it as flies are to ripe produce. It is not your marketing skills in the potential of the produce that will attract others, but the fruit itself.
Use your emotional and spiritual energy to tend to your assigned field and garden. Even when you don’t see results, trust that your obedience is working underground, feeding and maturing that which you’ve planted. Do not be distracted by other gardens that may seem to be yielding fruit, for each field has its own harvest time. You must focus on that which the Lord has given you grace for and that which works without striving.
Even at the first sign of fruit, there is a time of ripening. Fruit must fully mature in order to taste good and be digested properly. Be careful not to pick the fruit before its time for it will carry no aroma and no flavor. As heaven ripens the fruit from above, the sweetness of the fruit will begin to draw those whose spirits are searching for it. There will be no pressure to perform or need to produce, because the fruit itself will draw those whom the Father has destined to taste it and share in its harvest.
Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you. (Ps 128:1-2 ESV)
Be patient in this time of growth and ripening of fruit. Know that the favor and increase will come in due time as you are faithful in tending the dreams in your heart and the seeds in your hand.
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WANDA THANK YOU. I was one (and still battle at times) by looking over into the vineyard of others in comparision of what God has given ME to do. Indeed, it as a case of competition, and distraction. I wanted to be a “better than” and the “doing the more” as opposed to plowing the field that my God assigned to ME. Your words cut to the core of what NOT to be AND what not to do-and WHAT to be and WHAT to do- when it comes to “blooming where you are planted.”
This is a wonderful message. Thank God for the message and for His
people responding to it.
What a blessing that there is no striving. Not for them, not for you. God is awesome. Thank you so very much for such a timely message.
Thank you for this Word. The words said are encouragement to me for obedience to what is given me to do each day as led by the Holy Spirit. The words spoken also encourage us not to have a spirit of competition or comparison or distraction. When others are seeking us to be in the field at this time, God called us to a time of fasting and prayer, especially for America. We have had joy in ministering and right now others are putting pressure on us to stay out there ministering the way we were, but we are committed to obedience and desire to please God and not men. We had many confirmations to embrace this time of prayer and give God the Glory for all that HE does. We have joy in every season.
Wanda, Father told me you wrote this word just for me! And indeed, it fits my situation down to every word.
Be encouraged, you will be blessed as you have blessed me. We are about to witness the end of the age. About the transgender problem- it is all about demonic bondage. The second section of Father’s Books gives detailed instructions on what to pray to clean up these bloodline issues.
For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. James 3:2 I hope this is the case with Wanda! That title & article is pure salvation by works! For we gets God’s blessings by being conformed to what he has already given! Not by earning his Blessing by the work we do! A much better title would be
First fruits are the evidence God’s favor!
In my associations it is common understanding that a cup of water truly given in Jesus name! Is more highly regarded by Him then the Great and Mighty works listed in Matthew 7:22
Tom – I like your suggested title as that is truly the intent of this article. We should never try to “earn” favor with God by our works. The issue I was addressing was the temptation to gain “increase” and greater influence by focusing on our production and marketing skills instead of simply being faithful to what we’ve been given. God is the one who brings the increase. Bearing fruit is not to be labor intensive but an overflow of loving service. Blessings!
Praise God we agree on that!
May I say the Key in this exhortation is … as servants of God our flesh and our spirit battle everyday. Our faith our hope to share the love of Jesus Christ is to bear fruit each day. To bear fruit as a light in this dark world. And when we put aside everything for the upward call of Christ He will answer, just continue bear the first fruit, the best, fruit, Jesus. Don’t get caught up in the heaviness of the days personal loads of life, take time to continue to bear the first fruits of all you can to for Him. I see Wanda is saying continue to bear the FIRST FRUIT Jesus Christ. It says in…. Matthew 6:33 But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. …. continue to water, plow, and await, for the Harvester will come and deliver. Our Savior, Redeemer, Deliver, and King Jesus Christ. He will answer! As we keep Him ‘FIRST”
He will open up the doors of fervent petitions you need answers for…. a love one coming to Christ, a love sick one being healed, an opportunity for the futurance of the kingdom of God. To be encouraged His blessing come in different ways.. 🙂 God Bless !
Really great word! Thank you!
such an on time confirming word. Thank you for your sensitivity to the Spirit, and for this post!
God’s richest blessings to you! (Eph. 3:14-21!)
Giving praise to Father God and thanks to you for a RHEMA confirmation.
Blessings beyond measure