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Father, we pray that You would bring people back to church. Help those who profess faith in You to follow Your commandments and never forsake the assembly of believers, God.
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The pandemic seriously harmed church attendance across the nation. What are your thoughts?

From The Christian Post. A new study on how the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns impacted church attendance in the United States has found that roughly one in three Americans now say they’ve stopped attending religious services.

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The pandemic lockdowns disrupted religious participation for millions of Americans, notes the study, titled “Faith After the Pandemic: How COVID-19 Changed American Religion,” conducted by the Survey on American Life, a project of the American Enterprise Institute.

In the summer of 2020, only 13% of Americans reported attending in-person worship services, which increased to 27% by the spring of 2022, but the rates of worship attendance were still lower than they were before the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, it adds.

In the spring of 2022, 33% of Americans reported they never attend religious services, compared to 25% who reported this before the pandemic, as per the survey, which clarifies that only a few among the most religiously engaged Americans are part of that group.

The largest declines in attendance were seen among adults younger than 50, adults with a college degree or less, Hispanic Catholics, black Protestants, and white mainline Protestants, it explains.

However, the largest increases in attendance during these two periods were seen among adults aged 30–49, adults with less than a college degree, and black Protestants.

Conservatives, adults age 50 and older, women, married adults, and those with a college degree were more likely to attend than were other groups in both periods.

“Much of this decline in attendance was due to people completely abstaining from worship,” the survey says.

Nationally, religious identity among American adults stayed largely consistent during the pandemic, with minimal evidence of religious switching during this period, the study adds.

While 19% of adults changed their religious identification during the pandemic, including 6% who were unaffiliated pre-pandemic but reported a religious identity in spring 2022, 5% who reported a religion pre-pandemic were unaffiliated in spring 2022.

Last August’s edition of the “State of the Bible: USA 2022” report from the American Bible Society found that 40% of Generation Z adults ages 18 and older attended church “primarily online.” They were followed closely by 36% of churchgoers ages 77 and older.

However, the report suggested that among Gen Z and millennials who had made a meaningful commitment to Jesus, about 66% did not attend church either in person or online at least once a month.

Last November, Lifeway Research released the results of a phone survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors conducted from Sept. 6 through Sept. 30, 2022, which showed while churches were resuming the majority of their in-person services, on average, attendance at their churches in August 2022 was 85% of their Sunday attendance levels in January 2020.

Still, those attendance levels marked the highest in over two years.

The average church reported 63% of its pre-pandemic in-person attendance in September 2020. By August 2021, that number climbed to 73% and jumped another 12 points in 2022, according to the study.

“While there are a handful of exceptions, we can definitively say that churches in the U.S. have reopened,” Lifeway Research Executive Director Scott McConnell said in a statement at the time. “While masks began to rapidly disappear in many settings in 2022, churchgoers have not reappeared quite as fast.”

Last March, Pew Research Center released a report showing that the percentage of Americans who said they had attended religious services in the previous month had leveled off as more churches and houses of worship had lifted various COVID-19 meeting restrictions and safety precautions.

Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers and pastor at West Bradenton Baptist Church in Florida, told The Christian Post at the time that he believed “there are times and there are seasons in the life of the church where a plateau is not a bad place to be.”

“If you are holding your own with attendance right now, if you are stable in attendance, I view that as a victory because it’s been harder to draw new people in during this season,” Rainer said.

How are you praying for increased church attendance? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Used with permission. By Anugrah Kumar from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Aaron Burden on Unsplash)

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Julie Jaunese
January 15, 2023

My home church is Grace Family Church in Tampa Florida. We continue to increase in numbers, not decrease. Why is this? I believe it is because our church has bait to reach children from birth through High School and then beyond. The word of God never changes, as our Pastor says, but the bait to draw them in, can change with the times. Churches, all churches, need to decide what their mission will be. I am 72 years old and have know God my entire life. The church doesn’t need to reach me, it needs to reach young people. The music is fantastic for the youth, a little loud for me but remember, I’ve been reached. We also have 7 locations around Tampa and Clearwater, planting churches where people need to be reached. We have small groups who meet during the week. I lead two such groups at our church, one monthly and one weekly. Let me ask people who think this is a season for churches to not grow—-“Are you a contributor or a consumer?” If you are my age, are you trying to dictate what is done on Sunday or are you helping in children’s classes on Sunday or complaining because the music is too loud? Are you CONTRIBUTING your time to bring the wisdom you have to those who need to know God? The Main Street church needs to look at what they can do to bring people in the door. In 1993 when this church began, my husband and I were part of the 40 people who started it in a house. When we had our 20th Anniversary, we rented the Ice Palace (Amalie Arena) and we filled it with people. When we had our 25th Anniversary, we held it at the Raymond James football stadium.

When we began, our Pastor, Craig Altman, came with the vision God had given him. Perhaps churches need to ask God what they need to do to bring in the children. Begin with them. The parents will follow, if for nothing else, to find out why the children want to go to church. We even have a rock wall for kids to climb as kids are dropped off or picked up in “The Zone” the area for K through 6th Grade. We have High School students fill the auditorium each week, as well. Ask your church what YOU can do to help bring people in.

January 15, 2023

The Fall of Church Attendance?… we have an Internet!… and if two or more are gathered in his name, there is he in our midst!
The ensuing is an alternative prayer solution to in-person prayer and the “non-synchronized prayer” systemic with this website… and, feel free to copy and paste the following simple ad hoc widget into your Notepad text editor (use a Monospace Font format… e.g., Consolas… and name your file, We Pray), change the prayer wording and prayer time (including zone!) as you please for posting and agree together for “targeted supplications”! Simple! And here’s one prayer for consideration!…
If you’d like to pray for the safety of E. Jean Carroll and
for her successful civil lawsuits against Donald J. Trump,
then place your fingers on the circles in the image above!
All the Best!… and may God find you Blessworthy!

    January 15, 2023

    If we confess with our mouths the LORD JESUS CHRIST and believe in our hearts that GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be saved!

Anndre Dove
January 15, 2023

I hope and pray churches become less judgmental. Where I live I feel like spirit-filled churches are all into appearances and many of the older denominations have the love and care so desperately needed. I pray we can get together. I have had a hard time finding a local church near me. So, I am doing online church still. I want to simply focus on loving God, loving others, worship, bible and prayer. I want the 5 fold ministry but God has to be the focus. Please pray for revival in Wisconsin and the Midwest. It is not up to our efforts or programs, but God’s.

January 15, 2023

Church attendance is good and required, but salvation and trust in JESUS alone is needed to be born-again and make it into Heaven! Then we that are born-again need to share the gospel of JESUS CHRIST for salvation with all we meet in JESUS NAME! Amen!


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