The Enemy Is Within
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The Enemy Is Within
Do you recall amid the tragedy of George Floyd’s death in 2020 watching the riots break out in cities across America almost overnight? “Black Lives Matter!” “Defund the Police!” “No Justice, No Peace!”
Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.
And mere days after the horrendous, unprovoked Hamas attack on Israel that saw the slaughters of 1,600 civilians, the wounding of over 14,000, and the taking of some 200 hostages, those same sorts of riots broke out in a number of cities and on many university campuses.
Where do these well-organized and carefully orchestrated eruptions come from? Similar slogans and cookie-cutter signs mysteriously appear amid the angry activists — all at the same time!
- “Gas the Jews!”
- “Stop Genocide in Gaza!”
- “Free Palestine From the Land to the Sea!”
These “almost overnight” eruptions are reminiscent of the apostle Paul’s experience with a crazed “pop-up” mob in Ephesus, where some cried out one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most of them did not know why they had come together (Acts 19:32 ESV).
After the initial gasps and sympathetic shows of support for Israel, we experienced some whiplash — as we watched footage of pro-Palestinian protests and angry anti-Israel demonstrators demanding that the Jewish state refrain from military action and embrace a “cease-fire,” and as we listened, astonished, to the UN’s secretary general brand Israel an “occupier” while the Turkish president called Hamas a “liberation group.” Left-leaning and taxpayer-supported NPR’s senior correspondent stated: “Israel forces have killed over 6,000 Palestinians, including 2,700 children!”
The well-oiled, anti-Israel propaganda machine quickly spun out the story that Israel callously blew up a hospital, taking 500 lives — and The New York Times, the Associated Press, CNN, MSNBC, and the like all heralded that 100% false story. (The New York Times later admitted its error — two full weeks after the damage was done.)
Is there an enemy within who is coordinating, manipulating, and masterminding the demonization of Israel?
The Enemy Within
A recent television drama titled The Enemy Within dealt with terrorists who are plotting destruction. These terrorists target a CIA deputy director and threaten to kill her daughter unless she reveals the names of four top agents. She caves to the pressure, and the four agents are murdered. Consequently, she is sent to prison but is eventually released to join in hunting down the terrorists.
If you are a “watchman on the wall” who is perceptive to the tactics of our Archenemy, I invite you to unite with God’s “secret agents” for a similar assignment to expose pernicious people at this precarious time.
A Similar Situation
The book of 1 Samuel records that while David and his men are away at Ziklag (near Gaza), the Amalekites come and take the women and children as captives. David and his men are left weeping and petitioning God for what to do. With all due respect to the Pope and to Hollywood celebrities demanding a cease-fire in Israel and Gaza today, I note that David mobilized hundreds of Israelite defense forces to fight those enemies: And David slaughtered them from the twilight until the evening of the next day; and not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled (1 Samuel 30:17 NASB). This was not revenge, but rather retributive justice, and it is historically sanctioned as being a “just war.”
No appeasement here! David and his men vanquished the enemy and recovered all the women and children hostages plus the plunder. Those Amalekites were like today’s terrorists — and David sent them a message that Israel was pursuing “peace through strength”!
The Bible records that Ishmael was a “wild donkey of a man” (see Genesis 16:12) and that his descendants would “live in hostility” (see Genesis 25:18). But God has a special enmity toward Amalek and his descendants: “ … the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” (Exodus 17:16). Like today’s jihadists, the Amalekites lurked in hiding to pounce on the weak and helpless — as when the Israelites were “tired and weary” after their escape from Pharaoh at the Red Sea.
Think about this in view of Biden’s catastrophic open borders. This has allowed some 8 million illegal immigrants to sneak in, and we know that terrorists have slipped in among them, forming secret terrorist sleeper cells in this country. From their hiding places, they wait to launch an assault along the lines of 9/11. This is no question of if, but of when. The enemy is within.
Gaza in the Bible
Acts 8:26 tells us that an angel spoke to Philip the evangelist and directed him to go to Gaza. On the way he had a “divine appointment” with an Ethiopian man and was able to lead him to Christ and then baptize him! Philip then continued on his journey to bring the gospel to transform lives — the very same mission we have among all humankind, including the Arabs.
Decades ago, Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians and has supplied free electricity, water, employment opportunities, and humanitarian assistance. Hamas moved in and established control, exploiting the region as a terrorist base from which to annihilate the Jews.
God loves the Palestinians and has his “secret agent” Messianic believers moving in their midst, at risk of their own lives. Hamas uses the Palestinians as human shields and makes them captives to the machinery of maniacal extremists who must be exterminated like roaches in a home. Then there can come a true Palestinian liberation, through the gospel of Christ coupled with the already existent Jewish care.
In 2009 Obama gave a glowing speech titled “A New Beginning” in Cairo, where he hailed Muslim history and accomplishments, calling for commitment to partner with Muslims, whom he portrayed as peace-loving and desirous
of cooperation. He called for welcoming Iran and for providing financial assistance (which Biden continues), even while they develop their nuclear weapons. Iran is the No. 1 supporter of terrorism worldwide and has trained Hamas for this recent attack.
The enemy is within.
Here’s the deal: Hamas has infiltrated America. According to a George Washington University “Program on Extremism” (Oct. 23) and a special report by Mark Levin (Oct. 22), the Muslim Brotherhood and the UN Special Committee on Palestine have met (going back to 1992) to “liberate the land from the abomination and defilement of the children of the Jews. … It is a jihad martyrdom.”
Twenty Muslim extremist leaders met for three days in Philadelphia some 20 years ago and now have a presence on over 300 campuses as they prepare “for a curriculum in schools to counter ideas of a peace accord with Jews.”
War in the Middle East is underway; anti-Semitism is “normalizing”; some 270,000 illegal immigrants entered the U.S. in September (a record!); half the students at Harvard believe Hamas was justified in attacking Israel; and anti-Israel demonstrations keep “spontaneously” erupting. We’d better be fervent in our intercession and faithful in standing with Israel in its hour of need — as we consider seriously that the enemy is indeed within.
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Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: ALEXANDRE LALLEMAND on Unsplash.
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Heavenly Father, thank You for this insight that You continue to reveal, we need it. Far too many have forsaken Your teaching and traded it for what has been called “higher education”. Your word is the highest, there is no other. You told us to gain wisdom, insight and understanding. We sought worldly titles, worldly wealth and followed false ideologies, Father forgive us. We did not measure against Your written word. Please redeem us from this misguided way as we cry out to You. Close doors on the wicked and deceiving, uproot the evil in every embedded place. Let the light of Christ be promoted and received, rendering evil acts and plots useless. Jesus has said “Do not fear, only believe” in multiple scripture. LORD, have us take hold of this powerful word of truth and move according to Holy Spirit. Show us Your wisdom, insight and understanding for the days we are in. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
I totally agree. Lord has shown me in the middle of the night about the BLM about these things that this author is talking about just popping up whenever there’s a situation. a house divided will not stand and the enemy is using these people for that strategy. They have been placed waiting for the signal.
Thank You Lord, that You are Victorious in ALL things, You are UNDEFEATED and You have NEVER lost a battle! Let us boldly take up our positions as Watchmen on the Wall proclaiming Victory in Jesus’ Name. Amen
Thank you for this Watchmans Word. May we have ears to hear.
The Lord led me to the entire book of Amos (msg) today. Very sobering
The first time I ever laid my eyes on obama on TV being interviewed by the news, GOD spoke one word about him to me. I was shocked and began doing research on him. He is a community organizer and a person he really admired was Saul Alinsky who wrote a book “Rules for Radicals” that talked about how to “effect constructive social change!” Hillary wrote her college thesis on Saul Alinsky. They are marxists and hate America! Alinsky dedicated one of his books to lucifer. I believe obama is the shadow leader behind the scenes who is directing antifa, blm, the organized thefts, the trans movement, gays suing florists and bakeries and all of the chaos going on in America today. FATHER GOD please expose the “shadow person” or “people” behind the scenes directing the highly organized chaos in our country! Please bring them to YOUR Justice in JESUS NAME! Amen!
I couldn’t agree more. We have to be watchmen on the wall. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.