In a recent article, I mentioned that in 1647, the colony of Massachusetts passed the Old Deluder Act, with “the Old Deluder” referring to the devil himself. In the past, this act declared, Satan kept people from reading the Scriptures by confining the Bible to a tongue unknown by the common people (namely, Latin). Now, the colonists said, he is keeping people from reading the Scriptures by way of ignorance of the English language.
It was ordered, therefore, “that every township in this jurisdiction, after the Lord hath increased them to fifty households shall forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him to write and read.” This way, as the children learned to read English, they would be able to read the Bible.
In the 1500s, when William Tyndale translated the Bible into English, he paid for it with his life, being imprisoned, then strangled by hanging, then burned after death. And this was by the authority of the English Church, which had become corrupt in so many ways. Can you imagine “Christian” leaders wanting to keep the Bible out of the hands of Christians?
Thanks to the pioneering work of Tyndale, Church policies changed, and so, these early American settlers had the English Bible in their possession. (It was called the Geneva Bible, which preceded the King James Version and which they preferred to the King James, which they perceived to be the Bible of the Church of England.)
But the fact that they were free to practice their religion, with the Bible fully accessible in their native tongue, did not guarantee that they would actually read the Bible.
In their judgment, the greatest obstacle was now illiteracy, hence the passing of the Old Deluder Act, guaranteeing that every child would learn to read English.
Similar sentiments were expressed in the New Haven Code of 1655, which stated that the purpose of education was to equip children to be “able duly to read the Scriptures … and in some competent measure to understand the main grounds and principles of Christian Religion necessary to salvation.” It was also assumed that this was the key to the colony functioning well: citizens who knew their Bibles would make the best citizens.
Of course, there are many aspects of colonial life that we would differ with today, most notably the enforcing of Christianity on the colonies. (Needless to say, where slavery was practiced, we would deplore that as well.)
But that is not my point here. Instead, my point is to say that these God-fearing, Bible-revering settlers realized that Satan was always working overtime to keep Christians from the Scriptures. That’s why they were determined to see their children educated. This way, they could read the Bible for themselves.
Today, Satan has a fresh new tactic, and it is working marvelously.
I’m not talking about suppressing English translations of the Bible.
To the contrary, there are more than 450 English translations of the Bible, many of them available free online. (Check out or download the YouVersion Bible app.)
Many of us have numerous copies of the Bible in our home, and literally, at the tip of our fingers, we have instant access to dozens of translations of the Word. A simple click, and there it is: the Bible on your phone or tablet or PC.
We can even set up a program to remind us to read the Bible every day, with the passages in question appearing right on our screens.
As for literacy, while there are some Americans who never learn to read, that number is extremely low. And even for those who cannot read, they can listen to the Bible in audio form.
The Word of God, in one form or another, is available everywhere. In fact, Tyndale would be shocked beyond words to see just how available the Bible is in our day here in America. He would also be shocked beyond words to see just how much we ignore it.
The Bible is more accessible than ever, yet, relatively speaking, we hardly access it. There really is a “scandal of biblical illiteracy.”
The Old Deluder is at work again, and he is proving quite successful.
What is his key tactic today?
I believe it is distraction.
Never before have we had so many things vying for our attention.
It’s just not emails. And texts. And direct messages on Facebook and Twitter and What’s App (and a host of other platforms, all demanding our attention.)
It’s also endless cable TV channels, which are now being overshadowed by endless internet options, including the ability to watch almost any past movie or TV show or current sports event by the hour.
It’s constant social media posts. And a 24/7 stream of news. And limitless ads pulling us in a million different (and oh-so-interesting) directions at once.
One night, while doing some research on YouTube, I noticed a fascinating nature video listed in the column to the right, which then led me to another fascinating video, this one about violent, predatory animals.
Soon enough, I was searching for videos on subjects like, “Lions vs. Hyenas” or, “How Strong Is a Gorilla?” – and on and on it went.
I’m not sure if I wasted 60 minutes or 90 minutes that night, but for sure, the time was wasted. I simply got distracted.
And how many have been distracted by things far more harmful than nature videos?
Of course, we can’t blame the devil for keeping us from the Word. That is our choice and our choice alone.
But we can recognize the temptations of our age, temptations which have even robbed us of the ability to concentrate. And we can make a fresh determination to put the Word of God first in our lives.
May I encourage you to avail yourself of the embarrassment of Scriptural riches we have today, making focused, devotional reading of the Bible a priority in your life?
If enough of us do that, putting into practice what we read, it will have a revolutionary impact on the nation. Literally.
How will you fight against the devil’s tactic to keep us from reading God’s Word? Let us know in the comments below!
(Used with permission from Dr. Michael Brown. Photo Credit: Unpslash.)
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Put God first. Read the Bible before reading or doing anything else. Join the Bible Read-a-Thon. Keep eternity in mind. Everything here will pass away but God and his word.
A born-again Christian can’t blame everything on the devil. Yes, he has deceived the world and those not saved, but true Christians are not under this sway.
I have to be honest with myself and admit my priorities are out of order at times-the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life… or I’m just plain old tired.
But the more I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help me love His Word, He does … and reading and/or listening to the Bible on cds is enjoyable, not drudgery, and I feel His Presence.
When I was a newborn believer, I read Bible seriously. I attended Sunday school, read Bible at home and prayed when I had time. Over the years, I became less and less enthusiastic reading His word either because of work pressure, family commitment, social engagement, etc. Bible became a cookbook of some sort to me. I read it only when I needed help, comfort and direction in face of the many problems in the physical world. The fact that so many injustices had happened in the world made me realize that it is wrong and immature to take God’s word as some sort of cookbook to offer solution to world problem. The Bible contains the wealth of God’s wisdom. It reveals God’s plan to humankind from beginning to end. It offers light where there is darkness. There is no other way of this world saving itself except through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
Dear Father God,
I kneel down before you, feeling unworthy and embarrassed, repenting from my immature thought and expectation I once held towards your word. I ask you for your forgiveness and guidance so I can focus on your word from here on and live life guided by the Spirit, avoiding all the distractions and temptations from both inside and outside of me. I pray this in the precious name of our Lord Jesus, amen.
You gave us your Word, and we thank you. Please help us as a nation return to it. Please help us hunger for it. Please help us store the Word in our hearts. Please help us to understand what you want to convey by giving us the Holy Spirit’s help. Please help us to live out the Word.
In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.
In my opinion, the best plan for reading the Bible in 1 year is “Daily Bible Reading Calendar”by Master’s Line. I try to divide the reading in 2 sessions: AM and PM. I have gotten behind in my reading, but by December 31, I am finished! The WORD of GOD is like daily medicine to me. I think about Psalms 1 which tells you to meditate on the WORD day and night, as well as the end results when you do. When I neglect reading the Bible, I can tell. I am starving and thirsty for it! Each year you read it, the Holy Spirit is faithful to give more insight and speak volumes!😊🙏
Post a Scripture every day or week in social media for all to see. Even unbelievers can learn the Word this way.
I did this when I subscribed to LinkedIn.
Turn off the TV…. give yourself permission to use social media ( and only for a very short time) only after you’ve done your bible study. putting social media before God is idolatry plain and simple. We are far too relaxed about our relationship to God. We are taking God for granted. We are blessed beyond measure but we are also very spoiled. Like rich kids who don’t have to work we’re acting like spiritual things should just be given to us just because. I’m always amazed at how little people who profess to be Christians actually know about scripture. I remember once telling a pastor that Abraham’s son, Ishmael, had twelve sons also. They were not The Chosen, but they were also descendent’s of Abraham. He didn’t believe me. For really good sound bible study try BSF or Precepts for Life. You will be amazed how much you will learn. You will enjoy reading the Bible. God bless you as you move past the enemy and move toward your Heavenly Father.
Father, give us a Bible revival. Give us joy in reading your word and growing in you.
Thank you. I am committed to reading through the Bible every year. Doing that gives an understanding of the timeline of the Bible.
I purpose to Not begin my day without FIRST STUDYING PROVERBS using each day as my guide. Whenever I study prayerfully I ask HOLY SPIRIT for REVELATION KNOWLEDGE AND TO HELP ME APPLY THE PROVERBS TO make it Relevant in our world and my day! Yesterday I read Proverbs 20, it speaks of teaching your son’s to be honest and just! It also describes Deceptive Kings and how GOD views Fairness and Honesty in dealings! I shared it online BECAUSE I COULD SEE OUR GOVERNMENT IN PROVERBS 20! ARROGANT, SELF-INDULGED, DISHONEST, DECEITFUL, BOLDLY LYING ETC. I than pray for GOD to move and RECEIVE GLORY FOR ANYTHING THAT brings hope, light and Shame to hidden sin within our Leadership. As HOLY SPIRIT LEADS I DIG DEEPER TO LOOK FOR MORE TRUTH with DISCERNMENT to Give to others so that they Recognize our Need to Seek GOD via HIS WORD FIRST! I ALSO CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL TRANSLATIONS, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! MODERN VERSIONS LITERALLY ADULTERATE THE ORIGINAL! GOD BLESS YOU ALL TODAY AND ALWAYS! SHALOM!
In my experience, the more you read, the less you know. The less you know, the more you read. The Word of God is EVERYTHING. Thank You Father for Your Word made perfect and whole in Jesus Christ…made persevering and eternal in the Holy Spirit. Amen
The Word of God:
was in the beginning, with God, was God
is the seed in Jesus’ parable
is inspired by God
is for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;
endures forever
is tested by God
is upright
blessed those who hear and observe it
is sanctified
is the sword of the Spirit
is truth
is THE Power of God
testifies about Jesus
In my experience, it requires discipline, dedication and consistency to devote a portion of the day to read God’s word daily. It is being intentional and mindful that God’s word is our light in this dark world and our guide in our life journey. Without God’s word, we’ll get lost and confused by lies of the evil one, the enemy.
May God help us to seek Him always, to study and reflect on His words and put His words into practice. Amen.
Without becoming legalistic about it, years ago I determined to read through the Bible in a year. It turned out to be one of the best “disciplines” I’ve ever done and have continued it now 20 years. There are many “Yearly” Bibles with readings for each day of the year that I have done, but I prefer the Chronological Bible that has the readings in chronological order Old Testament through New Testament. My day never feels complete without my daily reading. Occasionally events cause me to fall behind, but catching up is never a chore but what I look forward to by the Grace of God.
I so identify with your comment Laurel. BTW, I do not feel there is legalism in determination. He most assuredly put that determination on your heart. Peace to you and all those you love.
I feel that once I finally read the Old Testament all the way through, I finally understood how history really works…and also drew out so many important life lessons! I try to make a point of reading Deuteronomy 3 x per year.
I really enjoy the Old Testament. It is very action-packed! I see Jesus in each book.
having a touch of ADD it has been more evident to me that distraction it in full force today.
I am working and praying on less tube time and tech to clear my mind and heart if this to focus on education.
This is a great article. I so appreciate the phrase “interesting things I learned along the way to looking for something else”.The Lord led me to disconnect cable service a few months ago. I watched one or two programs on You Tube but mostly play worship music all day long. It keeps me focused and grounded.
I love Dutch’s Give Him 15! We watch the video version with breakfast! Great way to start the day!
He led me to turn off the TV, the video the news if only for a short time (see Dutch Sheets and his 15 Minutes) If you only have 15 minutes, you learn as others to Praise, Pray and on to lear7n Worship…