I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, have mercy on New York. Thank You for reports of revival in New York. May it spread and spread.
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We were very interested in these articles about the extreme new policies taking effect in New York. Here is a short description followed by a link to the article.

NY Post EDITORIAL: NY Gov. Hochul’s drug-war surrender will be the death of NY neighborhoods

  • Decriminalizes the possession or sale of hypodermic needles and syringes by addicts to inject drugs.
  • To reduce overdose deaths, it will instead be the death of downtowns and residential neighborhoods across the Empire State.
  • One result: NYPD cops are now under orders to let addicts freely shoot drugs and share needles.


NY Mayor De Blasio announcing the end of gifted children programs in public schools

A boon for Catholic schools which do offer gifted programs

  • Nearly 18 percent of New York City school children failing to show up on the first day of instruction.
  • A risqué drag queen performance at a 2017 New York City elementary school talent show probably didn’t help enrollment numbers either.


Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash.

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October 20, 2021

LORD, In the name of Jesus, I ask that You send Your Holy Spirit to hover and brood over those who are addicted to drugs, in prostitution, trafficked, or are doing the trafficking. Send them Your light, hope, and truth. BE a beacon to them that shines in their darkness, LORD of the harvest, send faith-filled fearless workers into Your harvest field. May a powerful awakening happen on the streets of NY and homes where hopelessness now reigns. Raise up Kingdom Warriors from those who are broken in NY. Make the evil one pay in spades as the holy joy of the LORD ignites in the streets and spreads throughout the nation. What a corrupt government means for evil will become one of Your greatest moments, LORD! Send Your light and Your truth to heal and save the people of NY. Be Glorified in the midst of Your triumph! Thank You All Mighty God!!!

Joyce Swingle
October 20, 2021

We pray for repentance in New York City and New York State. Cut the hearts of those who don’t know you to hear the Savior’s Song of Salvation and bring them to their knees in holy repentance. Please mitigate the judgment that is coming to bring a course correction; that it may not be everything that is planned in the hearts of evil. Protect those who know Your Name, O Lord, that they may survive and even thrive in these times, for You will have need of their labor in the harvest that has come and is coming. In Jesus’ Name.


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