What should the youth of America do with the school shootings? It is up to those of us who are a bit more senior to disciple our youth in why things are happening and what they should do about it. I hope to offer a path forward. How should they properly respond?
First, a self-awareness/reality-check moment: The youth of America have grown up with the headlines carrying a constant theme of soft target killings. Previously safe places such as schools, marathons, universities, restaurants, theatres, malls, and even churches are now potentially dangerous environments. Social media has magnified the wounds, intensifying the anxiety by creating a platform for emotionally-charged communication to go viral, infecting even those who before didn’t actually feel fear.
Is it any wonder why youth are walking out of school and rallying all over the nation? THEY ARE SCARED! I don’t blame them. The sense of safety is gone. Some sort of strange evil has come over our nation. It’s like they are growing up with an unacknowledged civil war lurking behind the shroud of seeming peace, never sure when it’s going to jump out and kill again. It’s a guerilla-style civil war with no real rules of engagement.
The youth of America expect the government to do something about it! Again, I can’t blame them. One of government’s roles is guarding the safety of its citizens. Yet we know, ultimately, “unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen (police, military, law enforcement) watch in in vain.”
What’s really going on here, in God’s perspective? What should America’s youth do? How can we pray for them, empower them to do what God desires? I want to put some power back into their hands, not just the government’s. Youth of America, with Christ, YOU CAN DO something about this strange evil.
If you are going to hate soft target killings, you need to hate it on all fronts. Abraham Lincoln knew this. He knew during the Civil War that God had stepped down into the affairs of men. God had heard the cries of the African slaves for freedom, and He was moved to answer in His great compassion. Lincoln knew a secret. For the civil war to end, slavery had to end. When America turned away from slavery, God would grant grace for the scourge of war to cease.
Youth of today, be wise: If you want to end the bloodshed of soft target killings, pray like never before for the ending of abortion.
March down to the abortion clinics and demand they close their doors. Mark my words, the soft target killings will continue until we as a nation examine our ways and turn from innocent bloodshed. God loves the unborn babies too much to protect a nation that’s not protecting them. Seventeen students died in a school in Florida and massive rallies exploded. Where are the walkouts for the more than 3000 children killed every day in the abortion clinics of America?
Please pray:
- For a revival of urgency in the youth to pray for LIFE in America. When I was a youth, I cried out with urgency for the ending of abortion. We stood in front of the Supreme Court praying with fasting, hunger pains and all, wearing the LIFE tape on our mouths like our lives depended on it. And I think they did, and still do. The next generation needs to take their place in prayer, pleading the blood of Jesus.
- Pray earnestly for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God’s heart of love in His judgment and the doctrine of innocent bloodshed.
- Pray for a LIFE Revolution and a flashpoint moment on the abortion issue. The youth of America, if they want to walk out of their schools, should walk straight to the abortion clinics and demand of their fellow American citizens, “NO more soft target killings!” They should demand of their President an emancipation proclamation for the unborn. They should demand of their Congress a law to end abortion, just like the 13th Amendment abolished slavery. They should demand of their Supreme Court a better opinion than Roe v. Wade.
The Doctrine of innocent bloodshed reloaded for another generation:
To fully understand, we have to go back to the days of Noah. Noah got off the boat to a whole new world. As the waters dried, the world rebooted with some new hardware (weather patterns) and God had a chance to reprogram the operating system. How did God do things differently after the flood that He didn’t do before? He inoculated the world so that wickedness would not again progress to place it had before the flood when “the wickedness of man was great on the earth and every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5) Every, only, and continually—these are powerful words.
In the Garden of Eden, God set out consequences for eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: “. . . In the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:17) To this day, in our current age, when mankind sins, it brings death to our inner man and even outer. In the days of Noah’s worldwide upgrade, God communicated another consequence of sin which would work to inoculate His treasured people from wickedness that would become every thought, only evil continually.
God creates with words. He created the new operating system tucked inside His blessing to Noah and his descendants. Yes, the word of God calls it a blessing! God, in fact, blessed us with these words:
And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “…From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man.
“Whoever sheds the blood of man,
By man shall his blood be shed,
For God made man in his own image.
And you, be fruitful and multiply, increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it. (Gen 9:1,5-6)
The first time I met the Lord in this Scripture was when I was a young man standing in front of the Supreme Court with a piece of red tape on my face, with the word “LIFE” written on it. I was there to stand in the Gap as an intercessor for the ending of abortion.
As the Lord met with me, I felt so loved. Up to that point in life, my revelation of the Father heart of God was limited to the following grid: If I was unjustly picked on in school, my dad would console me when I got home. That’s it! As I meditated on Genesis 9:6, suddenly I realized that my dad would get the keys to the car, go to school, find out the name and address of the child who picked on me and go and confront the situation. My Abba in heaven would FIGHT FOR ME. His love washed over me! I now knew, if someone were to take my life, there was no consequence short of death itself to communicate to the world the value that God places on me because I’m created in His image! I walked away from this encounter with the Lord feeling like a million bucks!
But then I began to get nervous for our nation. We have shed the blood now of more than 60 million innocent children in the abortion clinics of America. Israel got the painful Genesis 9:6 inoculation shot in Ezekiel 22. Gentile nations also get the Genesis 9:6 inoculation shot as described in Ezekiel 35. The United States got the Genesis 9:6 inoculator in the 1860’s during the Civil War. It worked. The wickedness of slavery ended.
As for this strange evil lurking? In Ezekiel 35:6, God says, “[B]ecause you did not hate bloodshed, therefore blood will pursue you.” Bloodshed is pursuing this generation and will continue to do so until we hate abortion and remove it.
Abraham Lincoln understood God’s Genesis 9:6 inoculator. In his second inaugural address, he stated:
“…Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said ‘the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’”
Lincoln in true wisdom and the fear of the Lord understood God’s Genesis 9:6 inoculator. He knew God was completely righteous and totally loving in the midst of it. He defended God’s character as being good in the midst of the judgment! Will we?
Six hundred thousand Americans died in the Civil War. That’s more casualties than all the other wars America has fought in . . . combined! If the Genesis 9:6 shot for slavery was the Civil War, what does America have coming now with 60 million babies mutilated and suffocated in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb?
Pleading the Blood of Jesus:
The first killing of an innocent person in God’s creation was when Cain killed his brother Abel. Abel’s blood cried out to God. In Hebrews 12:24, we see that Jesus’ blood speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. This is the hope of the Gospel. Christ has taken the required bloodshed upon himself to satisfy justice. We must turn to Him and receive His lordship in order to be saved. That means trusting in His work of salvation, but also turning to Him as Lord of our lives. We must turn to Jesus and end abortion. Then the soft target killings will stop.
Plead the blood of Jesus in your prayers. If the children of Israel, the night of the Passover had killed the choice lamb, put the blood in a bowl, but forgot to put the blood on the doorpost that night, what would have happened? Beyond a dead sheep, also a dead firstborn son. The Lamb has been slain! Let’s plead the blood of Jesus.
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O Sovereign Lord, we cry out to You for mercy. As we stand in the gap for this nation, we pray for righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost to be restablished and restored.
For the sake of the glory of Your Name, complete the good work You began at the founding of this nation.
We know and understand that we are living in the last days of this age. Yet as lawlessness abounds, let Your righteousness abound even more.
In the matchless name of Jesus we stand together in faith and unity and we bind the spirit of murder. We bind the spirit of wickedness in this nation. We loose righteousness and peace and joy, and we pray that You would bring down heaven on earth.
We pray for Your will, Your purpose and Your plan to be established here in America.
Lord we pray for the preservation of all life, especially the unborn.
Shine Your light into the darkness; confuse and destroy the plan of the enemy within the abortion industry.
Restore righteousness and integrity in the Body Of Christ with a hunger and thirst for only Your form of righteousness.
We come to You in humility Lord. We submit to You; we resist the devil and we know that in doing so, he has to flee.
Put Your Word in our hearts and our mouths, because it is a weapon that the devil has no match for. Baptize is with the infilling of the Holy Spirit and continue to lead and guide us, I pray.
I’ll be honest. I was writing out the 3 prayer points, and I am having a hard time grasping the point of number 2. The sentence structure leaves me scratching my head as to the meaning. I agree with the article. I just want clarification for that.
When we sanctioned the killing of children, it was only a matter of time until they began killing in the most heinous means. A door was opened for other violent acts upon children–razors in apples at Halloween, poisoned candy. . .it’s been a progressive slide since Roe v Wade in the SPIRIT. We rebuke the spirit of death, the spirit of MOLECH, that would target innocent lives and steal, kill and destroy. Lord Jesus, have mercy as we apply the precious blood of Jesus over our schools and youth; over those who work in our schools, over these buildings and properties. We ask You might dispatch angels to guard and protect. Thank you for those who have courageously sacrificed in our schools–bless those called to minister and teach, coach and counsel–bring true revival to our schools. May many respond to the call to run for the School Boards, to volunteer in creative capacity, to seek ways of blessing. May Planned Parenthood presence upon our school campuses be eliminated; may the young people be inspired to stand and resist the spirit of abortion, and we THANK YOU LORD for removing this scourge from our nation. Thank you for the countless young people who participated in the March for Life this year, and may their dedication and fervor GROW; we really could see great change in our laws SOON by Your grace Lord–for the least of these.
My spirit grieves for our Nation for the merciless killing of over 60 million babies because of the lack of the Love of God and the fallout of such reflected in this horrible act murder. I pray to God for forgiveness and the cessation of this daily slaughter and that we the people will do all we can to bring this to a halt. This I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!
Dear Heavenly Father, I repent for our sin in our nation.Forgive us our sin and for the shedding of the blood and murdering of millions of babies. In Jesus name I pray.
Yes the roots of violence and murder in our nation can be found in our legal murder of the unborn. It (the root) holds the evil in place, permitting the bad tree to keep on bearing very bad fruit. You have absolutely hit upon something huge, and we can continue to shine light on it.
Oh God have mercy! We cry out in repentance for our sin of rebellion and lawlessness in our nation. Forgive us for calling evil good and good evil and for the shedding of innocent blood- the murder of millions of innocent babies.
ABBA prick our consciences and cause us to be convicted of sin, righteousness and judgment.
I have never forgotten this: probably about thirty years ago a pastor from England spoke at our church and said that there was a spirit of murder over the U.S. because of all the abortions. We have seen that increase over the years.