Things got ugly fast and they stayed ugly until the end. That’s why headlines from both the left and right spoke of “chaos” and a “circus” and a “bitter shouting match.” As I tweeted early on, “I have heard family arguments that were more mature and civil than this. Unreal.” And then later, “There’s so much dirt flying it’s hard not to feel dirty just watching.”
Over at Red State, Joe Cunningham put it like this: “This is a hard one, folks. Time and again, this debate proved to me that this is a terrifying time to be alive. Two old men shouting at each other while a third old man tries to get them to stop shouting at each other? Watching this debate was a type of self-destructive behavior that I’ll be recovering from for a while, I think.”
Howard Kurtz on Fox News said: “It was the presidential debate as barroom brawl, as television shoutfest, as exhausting insult derby.” Over on CNN, Chris Cillizza stated: “It was, without question, the single worst debate I have ever covered in my two decades of doing this job.”
The sad thing, though, is that the debate was a microcosm of the state of America. We are gravely divided. We are nasty. We burn bridges rather than build them. We don’t trust anyone that is not in our camp. We are deeply suspicious. Everyone seems biased.
And are there any, national, unifying voices? Sadly, there are not.
As for the debate itself, there were clear misses on each side (and I say this as someone with decades of experience in public debates).
When you refuse to answer a head-on question (like Biden refusing to answer whether he would pack the Supreme Court if elected), you lose. When you do not expose a blatant lie told about you (like Trump failing to refute the “very fine people” Charlottesville lie), you lose. When you constantly interrupt, you lose (Trump started it, Biden joined in, Wallace added to the confusion).
But in the end, regardless of who you think won or lost the debate, we all lost.
Many of my Twitter followers agreed, as indicated by the responses to a post-debate poll which asked, “Who won the debate tonight in your opinion?”
As of this writing, about two hours after the conclusion of the debate, the responses were: Biden, 8.6 percent; Trump, 37.2 percent; Neither, 20.1 percent; America lost, 34.1 percent.
So, even among a largely conservative Christian voting base (meaning, those following me on Twitter), almost as many said that “America lost” as said that Trump won.
The overall conduct of both candidates was inappropriate, unnecessary, and at times disgraceful.
And again, I say this as public debater myself. You do not need to retaliate and break the rules. In fact, the lower your opponent goes, the higher ground you should take. It makes you look better and your opponent look worse. When you get down in the mud together, you lose your dignity in the process.
It’s true that Trump had more “gotcha” moments than Biden – as documented here – but still, this was a tough debate to watch, especially when all three were talking at the same time. (When I asked on Twitter, “Who is being more civil in the debate?,” the answers were: Trump, 18.9 percent; Biden, 21.7 percent; Neither, 57.9 percent; Both, 1.4 percent.)
All that being said, there are many issues from the debate that need to be unpacked.
What of Biden’s attacks on Amy Coney Barrett? What of Trump’s response to the question about white supremacist militias? Will Biden’s renunciation of the Green New Deal and the defunding of the police hurt him with the radical left? Will Trump’s touting of his handling of COVID-19 turn undecided voters off? These are just a sampling of the questions that must be asked.
As for Chris Wallace’s handling of the debate, while he definitely had to combat Trump’s interruptions more than Biden’s, he did seem to scold Trump like a child while also failing to challenge Biden for his evasive answers the way he challenged Trump. On a certain level, his reputation might end up taking the biggest hit of them all. As for how Wallace could have done a better job of keeping control, that is easier said than done.
When it came to the actual substance of the answers, I felt Trump did much better than Biden. When it came to behavior, while Biden may have been nastier in terms of name-calling (“racist”; “clown”; “liar”; “shut up”), I felt that Trump’s incessant interrupting made him look worse. Even the way Biden answered the final question about accepting the outcome of the elections made him seem more reasonable. Yet Trump has good reason for questioning whether he can expect fair play in the days ahead.
Ultimately, I tweeted, “Tonight’s debate reminded me again that there is a LOT I don’t like about the way @realDonaldTrump handles himself, but hands down, he gets my vote for policies — as well as gets my vote against the Democratic policies.”
Unfortunately, with the name-calling and insult-flinging, what really mattered most got lost, namely, the diametrically opposed policies of these two candidates and parties. Hopefully, that will be the greater focus in the days ahead.
As for watching two more debates, I’ve lost my appetite right now. As for reflecting on this debate as being a snapshot of America today, that’s what grieves me the most.
Editor’s Note: Watch the video below to see Dr. Brown’s full breakdown o the debate.
(Used with permission from ASKDRBROWN.)
What did you think about the first debate? Discuss in the comments. . .
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Father, I ask that the debate between Pence and Harris be civil. I ask that each present their parties platform, exactly what they stand for and plan to do if their party is re-elected. No Lies!!!!! Let Truth be told. Leave Trump’s personality out of it. Don’t let this be just Pence trying to defend Trump’s actions/remarks/behaviors. Make it clear what the policies are that you will be voting for, when you vote. God, help the Church to vote for LIFE, ISRAEL, Freedom of religion, a Strong Constitution, ………..In Jesus Name.
Today’s prayer call with Michelle Bauchman summed up what Trump was up against!! Thank you, IFA for this prayer call. I also heard an excellent video by Lance Wallnau that said Trump was one man fighting against Biden, the moderator, and the representantive of the Democratic Party who was in Biden’s earpiece. Biden had someone telling him what to say but Trump was left hanging by himself while even the moderator was helping Biden.
A third commentator I listened to said that Biden was extremely hopped up on medicine to get him through because his team had asked for breaks every 30 minutes. And a forth commentator said that Trump needed to be bold to show the people that he is decisive and not at all socialistic.
President Trump never has a breather. He is attack incessantly day in and day out. He has been treated with disdain and hate since he started his campaign and there is no let up in sight. How he manages to get up each day and face the negative insults can only be credited to the Lord’s provision of strength and energy. I agree the debate was an exhibit of disrespect and animosity. Our country is fractured and a flame that may devour us has been smoldering for a good long time. We are on a path of self-destruction. May God grant mercy. I pray our nation can be saved and once again be a beacon of hope and a shining city on a hill.
I’ve always heard the best defense is a good offense. I believe President Trump knew going in that all Biden would do is attack everything he has accomplished and blame him for everything that is wrong in our nation. I believe Trump’s strategy was to keep Biden off balance to lessen the rhetoric of the left that we all knew would be spewed by Biden. Wallace was definitely biased in favor of Biden which is wrong. The moderator should be fair to both. The questions Wallace had designed were to make Trump look bad and Biden look good. NO hard questions for Biden, all questions for Trump were an attack on issues already settled. I want to know what is in the future of this nation, not a dogfight of who is worse. Trump was never given the opportunity to tell us!
The serpent came out of his lair during the debates. He was hiding and then came out with a vengeance spewing lies through the mouth of Joe Biden. Every name that was called the president was what the enemy is himself. He brought confusion. President Trump was expecting a confused opponent. The ambush was unexpected.
Lord, the serpent of coronavirus also came out and bit President Trump, Melania, and their staff member Joy. Abba, we beseech you to breathe your breath into our President and Melania and to bring in the joy of the Lord as they recover. As the President rests, we pray you will take up the battle and will work on his and our behalf and fight this war for our Commander and Chief who was wounded in this battle. As the enemy rejoices as he did when our Lord was crucified, may you bring another miraculous resurrection, this time for President Trump. We pray for our president to be humble and pray and turn from his wicked ways so our land may be healed. We come against the spirit of pride that wants to enter in to him. May Donald J Trump see you fight his battles and be his Defender. May he draw close to you in this hour. Fill him with the breath of your Spirit and with fire. We speak to the four winds and pray they would fill President Trump and all those working for your kingdom with your breath, with your Spirit. Hover over President Trump, Melanie, and Joy. It is not my by might nor by power, but by your spirit says the Lord. May you fill him and us with the fire of revival and may Donald J Trump know you more intimately during this time of recovery. Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do on our behalf! You are worthy of all praise and honor and glory. You are our risen Lord and King and we bow down and worship you and thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for fighting for us! We worship you, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!
The Lord led me to October 1st and 2nd in My Utmost for His Highest last night. It was perfect for this situation. God’s concern is President Trump’s heart and growth in faith. President Trump is a pragmatist. He is a doer so I expect this is VERY difficult for him. I am reminded of the verse that says, The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. God, you know this is impossible for our dear President, but with God all things are possible. You are the one who said, It is finished. If the President can’t campaign between now and Election Day, then you have “called a lid.” YOU have decided that you will take it from here. He must trust you. Please strengthen his faith and build his character in the Valley of Achor. May his trouble become a door of hope. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I agree with most of Michael Brown’s assessment, but felt he missed something caught by another Michael. Michael Schisler notes that sometime after the ten minute mark, Mr. Wallace stopped being the impartial moderator and started running interference for Senator Biden. Mr. Wallace accused President Trump of not putting forward any health care plan forward, then would not listen to his answer, trying to argue with him during the response. Though I disagree with the title of the column, he does a yeoman’s job of giving us the play by play of this brawl. (I have trouble seeing this as a debate: debates are moderated by a neutral party, are run by reasonable rules, and are even-handed.)
Heavenly Father, please permit the next debate (if there is to be another one), to be far more civil than the last one. Please allow a more reasoned approach between these two candidates who both claim to be Christians.
Maybe PresidentTrump was feeling tired. I say this because it has just come out that he has Coronavirus.
Lord, we are reminded of what Elisha told his servant in 2 Kings 6.
…an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
This was a reminded that the warfare is spiritual. We pray constantly and fervently for our President and our nation. We are the hands and feet of Jesus in the earth. We live by faith, not by sight. We live by faith, not by feelings. In the natural the debate may have looked like chaos, but we trust that you will bring order out of the chaos, just like you did at creation. In Jesus Name. Amen.