I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would protect every female athlete across America. Preserve the integrity of women's sports and keep the transgender lie from overruling safety and common sense.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Trans athletes don’t just threaten the fairness of women’s sports. They also threaten the very safety of the female athletes they play against.

From New York Post. During a girlā€™s hoops game earlier this month in Massachusetts, Collegiate Charter School in LowellĀ forfeited a game against KIPP Academy at halftime because they had three players go down with injuries. …

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There was no mention that KIPPā€™s squad,Ā according to the Daily Item, has a biological male player standing ā€œmore than 6 feet tall with facial hairā€ who identifies as female,Ā reports Fox News.

And the player in question was involved in at least one of the injuries ā€” a detail that, ahem, seems pretty pertinent.

Footage of the play has sparked an uproar on X, with users commenting that the trans player appears to be ā€œtossingā€ the girl around. The words ā€œbatteryā€ and ā€œassaultā€ were also used. …

But it wasnā€™t some flagrant foul. It wasnā€™t, technically, a dirty play or a cheap shot. The reality is, this was a normal fight over possession that happens in the course of every basketball game. …

This tangle perfectly illustrates the physical inequalities that inherently exist between the sexes. It doesnā€™t matter if a trans athlete plays by the rules of the game or is the picture of sportsmanship ā€” they will, on average, be stronger, bigger and faster than biological girls.

And that makes them an absolute danger to female opponents. And especially in a physical game like hoops. …

Itā€™s lunacy to put the feelings of a biological male over the physical safety of biological females.

AĀ June Gallup poll foundĀ that 69% of survey respondents said that athletes should compete on teams that correspond with their biological sex. Thatā€™s up from 62% in 2021.

So we have to deduce that the remaining believers in fantasy are the ones overseeing this mess. The adults abdicating their responsibilities and leaving female athletes to stand up for themselves, if they dare.

But a resounding silence has been noted from men. Male coaches, male athletic directors. Professional athletes, pundits, people who talk all day about sports but always manage to avoid this third rail….

Itā€™s easier to keep quiet than to be labeled with a word that ends with -ist, or -phobic. Itā€™s time we stopped fostering a phobia of common sense.

Because this is a ticking time bomb. It only ends one way: with more serious injuries to girls.

Share this article to make people aware of the danger posed by trans athletes in women’s sports.

(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: South_agency/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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Gail Segars Rainey
February 27, 2024

I am in agreement with your prayers. I also have this one comment: SILENCE IS A SIN OF OMISSION EQUAL TO SIN OF COMMISSION! UNIVERSAL CHURCH IS NEVER TO BE SILENT!!!!!

Beverly Windle
February 26, 2024

Heavenly Father, I pray that logical minds would speak out about this problem. As Coaches, we have fought so hard to make girls and women’s sports about strengthening girls and women physically, and spiritually through training and competition. Allowing men to enter into this arena is wrong. it is wrong physically and emotionally for the females and it is hindering the male from understanding his true identity in Christ. I pray that the leaders, in the governing body, of each sport will stop this infiltration of male athletes into female sports. They have the power to do this through their sports rules committee. Give them the courage to do it.

February 26, 2024

It’s time for the fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles, male cousins, male politicians, male corporate leaders, male coaches, male sports personnel, male sports commentators, male pastors and male ministers to stand up to speak up about this demonic practice. No longer can they remain silent, fearful, reluctant, timid or lackluster. If they don’t stand up on this issue, satan will have permission to proceed further as he has done in other nations where females are being sexually assaulted and violently raped and the men have stood by and allowed it to happen. Have some backbone (God only removed one backbone to make women) and be the Protectors and Priest that God ordained you to be!

I bring to your remembrance Father God your Word in Malachi 4: 5-6- “Before the coming of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, And the heart of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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