I Prayed have prayed
Lord, alert the church to HR5. We ask that you would protect us from this horrible resolution being pushed in our Congress right now. We pray that religious freedom would continue to be protected in our nation.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

“HR 5, wrongly named the Equality Act, is the most extreme threat to religious freedom, free speech, privacy, and to women’s rights that has ever been proposed by Congress,” warns Liberty Counsel.  By considering sexual orientation to be the same protected class as “race” a whole new set of application of the equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws will now apply to anyone claiming to be gay or a different gender identity.  No longer will the free exercise of religion allow business owners to do business in a way that follows their faith–these exemptions will not be valid after HR5.  The “500-pound gorilla”–the aggressive gay lobby is essentially bullying the rest of the nation to elevate their lifestyle to special rights status.  This resolution must be stopped.  Read more about what is at stake, and what HR5 will require if passed in this analysis provided by Liberty Counsel.



If passed, this bill could impact churches, counselors, adoption agencies, Christian-owned businesses and the free speech of  Christians everywhere. We urge you to pray about this resolution and write and call your representatives in Congress.

Follow this LINK to send a message to your Congressman or Congresswoman.

Read the full bill here.

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March 30, 2021

Why is the Church elders so quiet on the evil hr5 bill? It’s not enough to write letters; The Church Elders should be educating and calling the congregation to the streets to protest against the evil that hates God to abolish His children from freely worshipping without governments’ big nose intruding and treading on our Christian lives.
The Pastors around the world need to get some courage and its congregation and rightfully protest in the streets against this evil tyranny.
Jesus is coming soon and we don’t have time to waste.
I’m on a mission to call every Church leader to get them to practice what they preach.
So far, I’ve called several Churches. I’ve been hung up on, calls not returned and most weren’t even aware of the HR5 including the staff. SAD!
This weighs heavy on my heart. Jesus is coming soon and the Church seems to be bowing to gov. instead of God; possibly in fear that they’d be arrested or fined and even closed down.
May I remind them, the building is not the Church but the true children of God.
I believe the Church is starting to divide while instead it should strongly beuniting together and fighting for the kingdom of God with courage and boldness.
Who ever reads this, PLEASE pass this on as Iam one sheep on one huge mission and I need your help to let your Church leaders know it’s past the time to protest peacefully yet boldly.
Time is running out.
PLEASE pray for me in my mission for Christ and God’s glory.

God bless each and everyone of you who reads this. Your in my prayers as well.

February 27, 2021

The Creator created a man and a woman, Adam and Eve! All other deviations are the activity of the devil! And whoever defends these deviations for the sake of violence against the Creator’s children is himself a devil, a devil in human form!

A Woman of God
May 13, 2019

I am just learning of this HR5, is this still being discussed in Congress and House of Representatives?

Ray Clark
April 29, 2019

I’m afraid the tiny minority in our nation are the true “Born Again” Christians who have given themselves to God / Jesus Christ in a child-like way (Matthew 18:3-11) of loving and depending on Him entirely. With 64% of Christians believing that same sex marriage is moral and should be normalized, our nation is in total moral free-fall. If we think Sodom was morally bad, imagine how much worse they would have been with our technology where sin comes to us through TV, internet and cell phones? Sodom had become reprobate (lacking judgement) and so has America in that it seems our nation has lost all sense of judgement in turning right into wrong, wrong into right, good into evil and evil into good. The only hope we have is to draw close to our Savior, hold onto His hand as He holds onto mine and do as John said in 1 John 3:3…”And they that have this hope in Him, purify themselves even as He is pure. Pray, vote, call our elected officials and keep on praying. Maranatha = Our LORD = (property owner) is coming!

    R. Shuler
    May 9, 2019

    Ray, I honestly hope we are the silent majority. We just want to live out our Christian lives in peace, and raise our children to be Godly. But this present evil we live in has grown strong with the blood of innocents and it won’t be quenched until it has the lives of our born children as well, and our worship to their master. It’s time to put on our armor. There are No rusty swords in this battle. Our every choice is an act of war. We either use our swords for the LORD, or for satan( the ruler of the air for this era). Be bold, stand firm and be ready!
    Maranatha, a God Bless!

      R. Shuler
      May 9, 2019

      Our very exsistance is a threat to their evil agenda, be not fooled, they know our numbers and our strength, they know the power of God. Everyone of God’s children has the power of His Holy Spirit living inside of us. Use it for His kingdom! Call your representatives, pray, tell people! Be a Kingdom warrior. May Jesus help us and illuminate their evil hearts to the saving knowledge of His shed blood before it’s too everlasting late for them all.
      Maranatha!🕊 God bless

      Ray Clark
      May 9, 2019

      Thank you for your encouraging words, but as a realist, I must be honest in looking at Americas abandonment of God and wonder how this could be happening to our great Christian nation that was once the beacon of light to the world? We must understand the problem before we can find the answer.
      (Answer) Sin is abounding and perilous times are upon us today as foretold in (2 Timothy 3.) Paul was not talking about the world becoming more wicked, but was actually speaking about the “Christian church” in the latter days becoming more abundantly wicked and losing their godly witness to the world. (v.5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power of God to change them – into righteous people.) The Church of Jesus Christ has always been a “standard” of salt and light to the world, but through modern media, the world constantly watches a gospel that morally changes no-one. We are taught that God is okay with our blatant sins after we are saved, because He has forgiven us of all future “sins” (regardless of how gross they are) and this freedom releases Christians to openly sin. That kind of gospel being seen by the world has taught them there is no difference between their wickedness and the church of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not save us so He could walk with us in our sins. He saved us so we could walk with Him away from our sinful lifestyles through having (Fellowship) with Him. We have given the world a bad example of Christianity and partly created this nightmare. The world has become intolerant of Christianity because they think we are weak and outdated. May God have mercy on us individually as we are called to seek His face, repent of our sins, and turn from our wicked ways, so He will hear us, forgive us and heal our land.(2 Chronicles 7:14

        R. Shuler
        May 9, 2019

        Hallelujah, what a wonderful truth you share. Yes, we were born for such a time as this, sadly, you are right. The mainline denominations have become apostate~sifting with the world. Our entire congregation has stepped away from the apostate UMC. We do not believe the things they are pushing from the pulpit. Christians, like you say are to live a set apart life, holy, and close to Christ, and our influence in politics will bring safety and security to all families.
        God Bless

          Roseann Davis
          May 14, 2019

          Denominations are apostate because “church” was put ahead of a personal relationship to God. But God is merciful and loving us despite ourselves. The world is the womb of Heaven. And is just the beginning of true eternal life. We stand in Shalom knowing God is on His throne and we are His children. In this world… But He has overcome the world. Praise His Holy Name. Hallelujah. Amen.

        May 23, 2019

        I can’t believe this is happening to America. This is what Congress is doing behind our backs. They turn Americans against each other with lies and corruption. They are trying to erase God from our lives as they push these agendas that go against everything America was founded on. Soon American citizens will be the minority in America if we dont stop all this. No One is ever going to make me go Against God and his Word. Christians the only way to stop Satan and his plan is for us all to put our differences aside. We must fight together till the last Day when Our Messiah Jesus Christ (PBUH) Son of Mary Returns. All Abrahamic Religions must come together and respect each others beliefs. Now that peoples eyes are opening I hope people will see that governments have twisted and use fear to cause hatred. I am a US Army Infantry Veteran and was an atheist my whole life until I returned from war. I am a white born American. I am a Muslim. I dont hate Jews or Chistians and I love Jesus Christ (PBUH). THE QURAN SAYS all Jews who follow the Torah given to them by moses(PBUH) and all chistians who follow the Gospel given to them by Jesus(PBUH) and live a righteously will go to heaven. Have Faith in Our Lord. And we will all prevail. There is a calling for a reformation and a silencing of extremist/jihadist who spread hate in Islam.

Marilyn Trotter
March 26, 2019

I believe every word given in the Bible…according to the scriptures… We are not to conform to the ways of this world!

Maris Spiers
March 26, 2019

While I appreciate Dave Kubal and his fervency to get the word out to all Christians to stand up and speak up against HR5; I am not impressed with IFA. Who did not take the election of Nancy Pelosi seriously enough to realize that this was eventually going to happen under her leadership. We never heard of any of this while Ryan was Speaker. Not Once! I was truly hoping that when the Supreme Court handed down it’s ruling and the Christian Baker in Colorado who by the way tripled his business once all of this began! was free to return to his field of expertise and bake – there would be peace and respect for Christian convictions. But that is not the case at all. There is a real determination to try to stop the Christians from living their lives simply because the homosexuals do not like Christians. The fact is when you tell someone the truth; if they are interested they will listen if they are not they will scream – judgmental! And is due to the fact that your truths convicted them by showing the the truths and they did not want to hear the truth.

Christians are blessed by the Father God in everything they do. All Christians have the right to live their lives according to their convictions. There is no grey area there! We need to be very focused on Jesus and Hiw Word. In the book of Colossians He instructs us to live by His Precepts; not mans. And in the book of John; He tell us to love Him more than these. It is time we get serious about our Christian faith and start standing up for what we say we believe.

God Bless You

March 26, 2019

Dear Lord our God, we love you. We need you. We worship you. We beg for your mercy, forgiveness, counsel, and favor. We pray against this bill and many like it going around the nation as those who stand against your HOLY WORD are attempting to indoctrinate our children to believe the lies of the enemy. We cannot fight this fight without YOU dear Lord. Please raise up your children to stand against this bill. Please raise up legislatures who know you and fear you to speak up for truth, family values, religious liberty, and freedom of conscious. With your blessing of protection and wisdom, we can stop this evil movement. Without it, dear Lord we are powerless. Please stop this madness. Please protect our children. Please convict the pastors who call themselves yours. Please raise up a remnant, an army, a hedge of protection and use us dear Lord as your hands and feet to save our nation from perversion, rebellion, and separation from you. Please use us dear LORD and lead us and guide us in the way that we should go. In the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST we pray. Amen!

    T. Blanchette
    April 15, 2019

    I agree with this prayer a thousand times over! Thank You Lord that You listen to Your children! Thank You Lord that You LOVE Your children enough to bend down Your ear and hear our hearts’ cries for this nation. Thank You Lord that what ever nation we are in, You have Your remnant. Thank You Lord that You alone are the God above all gods, and that while man can raise his fist against You it is for naught! Help us to remain faithful to be Warrior Prayer Ambassadors for Your perfect will to be done on earth AS it IS being done in Heaven! Thank YOU Lord, that YOU LOVE us enough to TELL us what You’re plans are for mankind. Give Your remnant the Holy Spirit insight and courage to remain standing in You, and for You. Amen!

    Roseann Davis
    May 14, 2019

    Amen! In our weakness His strength is made perfect. Praise Him forever and ever. Thank You our Holy God and we are trusting You to fight this battle for us by Your power and by our obedience. Show us what to do clearly. Give us wisdom and discretion . Amen!

March 25, 2019


Alan K. Veasey
March 25, 2019

HR5 replace rights of conscience and civil liberties protections such as the first amendment for the pleasure of a tiny minority of haters. If this becomes law liberty would become a thing of the past. The tiny minorities will oppress any who disagree, including loyal leftists. Marxists and cultural Marxists revolutionaries eat there own to maintain the fervency of the revolution. Remember the Stalinist and Maoist purges and mass murders.

    R. Shuler
    May 9, 2019

    Yes Alan, I agree. The evil in this nation has stooped so low that canibilism is the final evil. Greater is He who lives in us than the evil that is in the world.
    Maranatha🕊God Bless

March 25, 2019

We loft this bill to You Lord..may You forsake all pla s of the enemy in this land and may Your Truth prevail. We thank You Abba that You are our ALMUGHTY FATHER and every power emanates from You. We cancel every evil work in this land and invite the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of our lawmakers in Jesus Namr.Your favor is upon this land and we recognize Yout.mighty Hand is at work even now. Thank You Lord for the glory manifest, in Jesus Name. Amen


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