What causes despair and burnout in intercessors? This is a critical topic right now because many intercessors in America are experiencing despair and burnout or have gone through this recently.
I have certainly experienced discouragement from the events of the last few months, which I described in a recent IFA post. God has continued to teach me about the roots of intercessory burnout.
Letās start with a simple question: What are our responsibilities as intercessors?
I have learned much over the years about boundaries in relationships. It is critical to understand, in any relationship, what is my responsibility and what is not. Setting boundaries in a relationship clarifies the roles of each person, helping each other to set goals and accomplish the tasks at hand. This is necessary in all relationships!Ā When boundaries are not defined or enforced, we have all seen the problems that result. A strong-willed child without discipline creates chaos in a family. A controlling boss who micromanages stifles employees, causing discontent. A spouse may have good intentions but may actually prevent their partner from maturity and responsibility if the helping is codependent.
How do boundaries apply to intercession? I prayed about the boundaries between God and myself in the area of prayer. I realized they were vague and ill-defined. Is it possible my lack of understanding in this area contributed to my struggles with discouragement? I found out that it did. Itās normal to be discouraged at times, but it should not affect our prayer life which is so central to our relationship with God.
I came across some Scriptures that help define the boundaries that God set for himself and for the human race.
Then God said, āLet us make man in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule (have dominion) over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock over all the earth and over all creatures that move along the ground.ā So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female, he created them. (Gen 1:26-27)
Notice, the Scripture says, let them (man) rule, not let us (God and man) rule. In his book, Rediscovering the Kingdom, Myles Munroe writes about this.
āThis statement is most critical and contains the secret transfer of power and authority from God to man. This is significant, because the nature of Godās holiness and integrity does not allow Him to violate His own words. He established mankind as the only legal authority on earth, with the power of attorney to act on His behalf. Perhaps this is why God has never done anything on earth without the cooperation of human entity.ā
So, God created man to have relationship with Himself and gave us rule over the earth. He did not include Himself in ruling over earth. Here, the boundaries are defined for God and for us.
The next part of the Scripture discusses the nature of what we have dominion over. Myles goes on to say, āIt is essential to note that the human entity is not included in the context of manās domination. The implication is that God the Creator never intended man to rule over or dominate his own kind, but rather to rule the creation and resources of earth.ā
This part of Scripture shows that God intended man and woman to propagate and have dominion over the earth. This promise was spoken at the time of creation and is still valid today. Also, it shows that we do not have dominion over each other. We cannot control people, what they think, or what they do, which is witchcraft.
Why is this important? We see our country slipping into darkness. We all feel this urgency and āburdenā to fix it. We struggle when we pray so fervently for so long and it seems God does not answer our prayers. Is there any solace in understanding that God gave a fallen man dominion to rule over the earth? What do we expect the outcome to be? How can a fallen race ever govern righteously? I believe that God intervenes only when asked to.
God is sovereign, created the earth, gave man dominion over it, and made us proprietors. He has limited His activity and intervention on the earth because He gave over his dominion to us. If we want Him to intervene, we must give Him permission. The way we grant permission is through prayer. Saint Augustine said this, āWithout God we cannot, without us, God will not.ā
We have a very important role in changing the world for good. God created us to work with Him to bring about change in this fallen world. We are a team, each with a role to play. Ā This concept is important to understand. It establishes the boundaries necessary to allow us to do what we can do, pray, and allow God to act on those prayers. He wants relationship with us. If we do not understand what our role is and what Godās role is, we can take on a responsibility that is not ours. When that is done and God chooses to not answer our prayers in our timeframe, we can go into despair and give up.
God created the earth and gave us dominion over it, knowing full well that man would fall in the garden and fallen man would be ruling the earth with influence from the Prince of the power of the air, Satan himself. Of course, governments would come and go creating all sorts of havoc. He waits for us to call out to Him to intervene as He is bound by his promises to let man have dominion. Ā So, let us trust Him that in His wisdom He set up the boundaries for man to govern. Ā Can we trust Him that He knows what He is doing? He had a plan from the very beginning to allow His creation, us, to find Him and worship Him from our own motivations. His plan is unfolding according to His timetable.
Let us not get overwhelmed by all that we are seeing today. Let us keep our eyes on the Lord and be diligent to continue to pray, which is the method created for us to petition God to intervene on our behalf. Let us trust Him as He is the one who chooses to answer our prayers in His timing. Also, let us be careful in praying for others. Our prayers do not control people or rule people. Our prayers should be from a posture of love and respect. āGo get them Godā prayers are not very effective.
I think back over the last 5 years how I put myself through much agony. My role is to petition God with my prayers. Itās up to Him to intervene and answer them. Itās a subtle distinction that can be missed when we focus on doctrine rather than relationship. As believers, we also have authority over the spiritual forces of darkness. We can pull down strongholds and bind the enemy. But the final decision to answering our prayers is God. We must have faith to believe in His timing and in His ways of doing things when we ask Him to intervene, even if we do not understand.
Do I think my prayers were in vain because I was a bit off in my approach in prayer? Not at all. God is a God of grace and mercy. Itās not what I prayed that was the issue, it was my motivation to pray that allowed the wind to be taken away from my sails when I didnāt get my way. Ā I think my prayers were heard, itās just that I was setting myself up for disappointment with my zeal to fix our nation. Only God can do that and in His timing.
To properly understand our roles as intercessors, we must develop a close relationship with our Father God, His Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. When we come to believe in Jesus and obey God, a whole different world is opened up to us. The Kingdom of God is ours and with it so many benefits. Ā One in particular is that we are adopted as sons and daughters of the Creator of the Universe!Ā Not just servants, but sons and daughters. We have been adopted into a family.
We who have been made holy by Jesus, now have the same Father he has. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call us his brothers. (Hebrews 2:11)
This is very significant. I was raised in a large Italian family, with many aunts and uncles and cousins. We got together often, sometimes 50 or more us. There was much singing, and dancing, and eating. Ā There was a sense of belonging, that as a child, I cherished. I did not earn the right to be a part of it. Ā I was part of the Family, the Famiglia. I had the rights to enjoy all the benefits of the gathering because I was simply born into it. We now have the same Father Jesus has. We are in His family. As believers, we are now part of a larger family, to discover and walk into.
Prayer is communication with God. Developing that relationship is crucial to becoming all we can be in Christ. Itās never been about religion, itās about relationship. As we come to know Him better, His ways, His Kingdom, our prayer life will be more effective and we will be less tossed about by the cares of the world.
In summary, I have tried to show scripturally, that boundaries are established in the Word defining the responsibilities between ourselves and God.
When we see evil manifest in our nation, we can so easily be pulled into the fray and take on the responsibility to defeat the enemy. When we get into this state, we have overstepped our authority and feel āheavily burdened.āĀ I do not believe this is helpful in our walk with the Lord. Jesus says to wear His yoke, for He gives use light burdens. I believe it when we understand the boundaries between us and Him that we are able to take a heavy burden and cast them onto Him.
Come to me and I will give you restāall of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. WearĀ myĀ yokeāfor it fits perfectlyāand let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only lightĀ burdens. (Matthew 11:28)
ThereforeĀ humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, having cast all yourĀ anxiety on Him, because He cares about you. (2 Peter 5:6,7)
(I am in no way implying we only pray and then let God fix everything while we sit around and watch. We also are to get involved in society and make known our positions on issues and go wherever God leads us. I believe we are like a boat and God controls the rudder, but we control the boatās propulsion. If it is not moving forward, the rudder cannot steer the boat.)
I hope this article helps you maintain and establish healthy boundaries in your relationship with God. I want to pray for anyone struggling with apathy, discouragement, or despair:
Dear Father, I lift up my fellow intercessors and ask for wisdom and understanding to help their relationship with You grow in trust and love. May the concept of boundaries be illuminated in each personās life. Show them what they are and how to establish them in their own lives. I bind the spirits of discouragement and despair in all our lives. I pray You teach us how to open up our hearts to you. For those that have never had a loving family and sense of belonging, I pray you bring revelation to them to understand we have privileges for simply believing in You; not earned or based on any merit, but gifts based on Your Word. Ā Father, pour out Your love on all who feel unloved.
Do you have a good grasp of your role as an intercessor? Please share your wisdom to others on how you cope or what you do with disappointment when you feel God is not responding in a timely manner to your prayers.
Michael Guidera is an IFA intercessor, retired from a 35 year career developing implantable medical devices that have brought help and relief to thousands of people. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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For those feeling burnt out, remember you can always run home to Jesus for comfort and rest, He will pick you up when you call!!
Here’s an older but awesome song I love (but had actually forgotten about)! I came across it again today & I hope it encourages and comforts every tired warrior, as it did me:
Be Blessed!
Thank you for your insight in this article. For those of us praying for those suffering an addiction , this brings us back to our foundation and helps define us. We need to be reminded “…the final decision to answering our prayers is God.”
Being reminded of the boundaries not only set by us but, those set for us , is essential for our relationships with those for whom we are praying.
Jesus stands at the door and knocks. It is us that must open the door. In effect – giving Him permission. It is part of the boundaries He has set-up. There is God’s part and man’s part. In His Sovereignty He will not over ride our personal wills. He did not want that kind of relationship with us. He wants us to truly love Him. Not by force. I believe this is why we sometimes get a “no” to our prayer requests. But God is faithful, He will continue to proceed. There is so much we don’t understand. Bottom line with God is our heart motive. We can do the right thing with the wrong motive, do the wrong thing with the right motive and everywhere in between. David is a great example!
Great article and very well written! There is so much coming at us everyday which becomes so overwhelming and the anxiety levels continue to rise. We do see victories and then we feel a sense of hope and joy to be knocked down again by another evil showing up. God showed me, just last night, a vision of myself and the Lord bathed in light in the center of all the chaos of the evil around us. And in that light the storm was calm and the chaos could not touch us. I had such peace and strength in Him! He showed me clearly that if I keep my eye on Him and trust Him I will remain calm in Him! He will win this battle! He is bigger than all of this! We need to pray and praise him always!
Thank you for your transparency. I also have felt a heavy burden and weary. But, you reminded me to trust God after I have prayed. And remember what is my responsibility and what is Godās. Let God be God, Yet inviting Him into every situation.
Good article except you contradict yourself when you say God is sovereign and that we āgive Him permissionā to intervene. God IS sovereign and we donāt give Him permission to do anything. He is Lord God Creator. King of kings, Lord of lords. He doesnāt need permission from His creation to move. He desires our worship and unceasing petition. He desires, as you said, that we lay our burdens at His feet and be yoked to Him. But He and He alone leads. We follow and we NEVER grant the Creator of the universe permission. Iāve seen this written before and it sounds almost heretical. Please pray and ask the Lord for clarity here. Thank you and God keep us all under the shadow of His mighty wing.
I used the term permission because He set the boundary by giving only man dominion over the earth, to rule over all the resources and animals. He did not include Himself. I am simply respecting Him by acknowledging the boundary He set. He said, you rule over the earth, I grant you all authority. If I want Him to intervene, then I graciously ask Him, I petition Him.
Hey Michael, I replied to your response but didnāt see the button to click to reply so i think it just went back to IFA. Let me know if you see it. Thanks brother
No,, I do not see your post.
I have to say your comment comes so much closer to what I believe about
my Father in Heaven. What kind of father would He be, if He just said,
“You’re on your own, don’t bother me, I am busy, busy, busy!” I remember
the first time I heard that there were Christians who actually believed this!
I was a newly, new-born Christian, after years of being very religious! It
surely did not match up to what even as a new, born again, spirit-filled Christian
I knew was true about my Father in Heaven. Actually, who is there that gives advice
to God? Well, Moses did a lot of it and that was Moses; but I am not Moses and this to me
is the essence of the matter: God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
to die for the sins of the whole world – but He loved and still loves ME, so He let me be
forgiven for my sins and sealed unto the Day of Redemption of the whole world. I learned
that I am an heir and joint heir with Jesus and have access via Jesus into the throne room
of God. Very special access due to the sacrifice Jesus made for me. Every single day, the
Holy Spirit advises me not to forget that God tells us in His Word, “Lean not to your own
understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me” and the promise He makes is that He
will direct my paths!!! In His Word is found the secret of His teaching His ways to the humble;
not so much the proud! And, all His paths are mercy and loving-kindness. We never, ever praise
Him enough!!! Jesus said that He always is working and His Father (my Father) is always working!!!
May the Lord bless and strengthen us all to do His work, while it is still DAY!!!
Such an excellent and clear article! Thank you, Michael. We need such biblical exhortation in these challenging times. You have lifted up ‘arms that hang down’ and ‘strengthened weakened knees’.
One of the best articles I have read here. Perfect for this season.
Thank you for your message on boundaries, which really resonated with me. As a father, I recently became aware that I had boundary problems with one of my sons. Now I can see, God the Father has had boundary problems with me.
Dear Heavenly Father, while I continue to pray for this nation, I do believe we are rapidly approaching the days described in Your word, which Your son said would be āas in the days of Noah.ā Our nation is inundated in evil and deceit, and it seems every day they multiply. Nevertheless, though the end of the age may be near, I still pray for this nation. I still hope and pray that the evil that has hijacked America may be removed and that we as a nation may yet stand against evil in Your name in these darkening days. Many say our nation does not seem to be mentioned in the words of Your prophets, and it is my hope that this is part of your design as well. I pray we may be a secret āweaponā of sorts in the struggle ahead. Even if that is not the case, we must all continue to pray for good, pray for the best, pray for the lost and astray, and take solace in the knowledge that whatever happens, Your will shall be done. May we all perform whatever duties you have for us without hesitation and in good cheer. In Jesus precious name I pray O Lord, Amen.
God bless you, Michael, for this inspired article. What a blessing! I often get worried that I’m not covering everything that needs to be covered with prayer. But I see that with God’s leading Spirit and Jesus’ light yoke, when I’m tired, I CAN rest, praying for renewal.
No doubt I have experienced (like many) incredible burnout that pretty much borders on depression at times. Trying to find some balance, “real life” articles like the above help. I think I have a long way to still go but it’s a day by day process of learning to see and understand God while trusting Him for the “unanswered prayers” or the mysteries I just don’t comprehend.
Appreciate any & all prayers to help me through this period of time.
Thanks for sharing that! I often feel similarly depressed. Isn’t it helpful to know that His burden is light?!?
Amen. It doesn’t feel light at times but I’m learning to believe his promises over how I “feel”.
This is a beautiful article, meant for encouragement and Godly counsel for all who seek His face and pray His heart. May we be encouraged by his Word and persevere with focus and steadfastness for His Glory and the salvation of many.
We are only vessels used by God. This has helped me overcome burnout.
āNot By might nor by power but by My Spiritā says the Lord Almighty. Zachariah 4:6.
We only gain victory through Godās power! I the Lord will save them! But we have this treasure in jars of Clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.
Thank you for this encouraging article. We are indeed God’s stewards of the earth and He created us to rule and have dominion over the earth, not people. I think most of us were disappointed and discouraged over the last election but we can’t stay there. I believe it’s more important now than ever to pray and to lift up our leaders.
We can’t control or manipulate God. He has a timing for everything and he does hear our prayers and intercessions. I’ve learned that people aren’t the enemy. My husband used to say that everyone is either captured or free. I believe many in office are captured by the enemy and doing his work though they have no idea that they are. I pray for God’s intervention in their lives that they can be saved and do God’s work for our country or that if they won’t, that they would be removed and replaced by men and women of integrity who will be agents of good for our country.
Some things JESUS had to say concerning the duty and honor of prayer:
Matthew 26:41
Stay awake, and pray that you will not be put to the test ā the spirit indeed is eager, but human nature is weak.ā
Matthew 21:13
He said to them, āIt has been written, āMy house will be called a house of prayer.ā But you are making it into a den of robbers!ā
Matthew 21:22
In other words, you will receive everything you ask for in prayer, no matter what it is, provided you have trust.ā
Matthew 26:39
Going on a little farther, he fell on his face, praying, āMy Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me! Yet ā not what I want, but what you want!ā
Matthew 26:42
A second time he went off and prayed. āMy Father, if this cup cannot pass away unless I drink it, let what you want be done.ā
Luke 11:
2 So He said to them, āWhen you pray, say:
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 3 Give us day by day our daily bread. 4 And forgive us our sins, For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.ā
A Friend Comes at Midnight
5 And He said to them, āWhich of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, āFriend, lend me three loaves; 6 for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before himā; 7 and he will answer from within and say, āDo not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to youā? 8 I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.
Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking
9 āSo I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 11 If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!ā
“we have overstepped our authority”. Hasn’t Jesus given us the authority in His name: Luke 10:19, Jeremiah 1:10 ?
You might never know from where āThe Windā (Ruach haKodesh) blows, but He will teach you all things if patiently you wait for Him. I just had a Holy Spirit epiphany when reading this article! From the very beginning our Father told us how it was going to be! He gave US dominion, and we did not understand how to take it with and in His guidance and counsel. The human race blew it when we began to want control each other by way of government, selfish power and authority, without the Fatherās input and direction.
I am an intercessor who has grown weary and frustrated because I have not had Godly wisdom and knowledge in knowing how to pray effectively and effectually. This article has been a tremendous aid and an uplifter of my spirit. Now I have a better understanding of how to approach a Holy G_d, my Father, in prayer. Thank you. Bless you. Shalom!
Thank you for this article and prayer. I am so thankful for the growth I’ve had in my prayer life and walk with Jesus.
It’s a fabulous journey!
Please pray for our Pastor Rick who has serious heart issues. He is going to Alabama for an evaluation for heart transplant. He loves the Lord and is such a great teacher of God’s word!
Thank you!
Mr. Michael Guidera, thank you for this excellent article and prayer for all intercessors everywhere!
Rees Howells is my role model for intercession. He expected knowledge and victory through perseverance.
Thank you..that blessed me so
We are called to pray..believing. We must also listen,rest in His presence. Expect His perfect will, not our selfish desires. Why do we pray? For kingdom business or to move on to the next request. His holiness is what we seek Prov 9:10. Stop telling God what to do& let Him work through us as we seek His heart’s desire.
Spiritual Burnout?
His burden is light. Jesus Christ controls history. Our praying is based on the power of the Spirit. We don’t move anything, the Word of God in our soul (if it’s there), the power of the Spirit and Jesus Christ controlling history is the engine in this. No burn out in this.
This is a relaxed mental attitude test for believers in this land. It’s in the Lord’s hands and He protects those who are “growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ”, no matter how terrible the events are, Faith Rest with knowing the Plan of God for your life and His promise of provisional grace- He will provide what you need regardless the destruction that surround us. Elijah in 1Kings 17 and 18 are a great example of this.
If a believer is having spiritual burnout they are trying to push the plane faster and basically out of God’s plan for the moment. He works all things together for good for those who love Him.
Effective prayer is a result of spiritual growth – taking in the accurate teachings of the Word of God on a consistent basis. And that build up of Bible Doctrine in your soul will insulate you from burn out.
By the way and we have read this many times, our country is declining not from unbelievers and their revolutionary actions. We are declining because of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If My people (Believers), who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Christianity in America has lost its salt – take in accurate Bible teaching on a daily basis and there is no burn out. You are relaxed and know this is all in God’s hands. You certainly pray.
Since we are surrounded by so many examples āof faithā, we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us. We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up. We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the joy ahead of him, so he endured death on the cross and ignored the disgrace it brought him. Now he holds the honored positionāthe one next to God the Father on the heavenly throne. Think about Jesus, who endured opposition from sinners, so that you donāt become tired and give up.
Hebrews 12:1-3 –
Needless Casualties of War by John Paul Jackson is an excellent book on this subject.
Thank you, I needed that word!!!
If one looks at the example of the prophet Daniel in chapter 9 of his book, one can see the elements of prevailing prayer. One needs to have a right relationship with the God of heaven. One does that by confession and repentance for/of sin. Also one must know and understand God’s will for themselves and for the nation as a whole. Knowing God’s will is knowing God’s word. Praying God’s promises reflects an understanding and knowledge of both.
As a nation, we are at a precipice of destruction and if we do not continue to intervene either by prayer or personal involvement the nation that we once know will be lost.
Amen. My relationship with God is important. Praise God for revealing this to us!
āThe boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
Indeed, I have a delightful inheritanceā. Ps. 16:6
Wow! Thank you for this article to encourage us! I needed it!
I have been working on boundaries in my personal life for a few years and never thought about these boundaries! Our part is to pray, to seek His face, not just His hand! To stand firm and to believe!
He is Able! He is the Lord our God in whom we trust! May we love Him with all of our hearts, minds and strength!! Amen
But, I believe, also, that we show our love for our Lord by obeying Him (John 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.)
He did command us to go and make disciples, and surely in this day the fields are indeed white for harvest. Making disciples includes baptizing them,in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all things He has commanded.
I certainly have not done that.
May God strengthen each one of us to obey Him in this vital area of building His kingdom.
Thank you for these encouraging words! I have felt this discouragement and I needed to be reminded of these truths. The Holy Spirit used this to put wind in my sails – a push so to speak to keep going and donāt give up and donāt get discouraged in the waiting and to keep my eyes on the One who is in control!
Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.