Lord God, have mercy on us. Forgive us for allowing this to become law. We ask You to turn the tide of public opinion; and we ask that You help each of us to do our part to end abortion in our respective spheres of influence.
This is the last post in this week-long series on abortion. Abortion is an unpleasant subject and this post may be the hardest of all to stomach. For previous posts in this series see Hidden in Jesus.
We have established…that doctors do not want to risk having a viable baby survive an abortion–the “dreaded complication.” In the past, doctors faced with a live birth had been known to finish the abortion outside the womb. With the passage of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban (2003), making it a crime to kill a baby in the process of being born, however, they could now be charged or prosecuted for infanticide.
So, according to OB-GYN/ abortionist Dr. Krystral Brandi, doctors take the precaution of “stopping the growth of the pregnancy,” a euphemism for killing the baby before “pregnancy termination,” that is, delivery.
The method of choice for killing a viable baby is Digoxin, a poisonous cardiotonic steroid obtained from a foxglove plant and normally used to treat atrial fibrillation. In late second and third trimester abortions a lethal dose of “Dig” (Didge) as abortionists call it “stops the growth of the pregnancy.” Studies showed that a 1.0-mg intrafetal dose injected into a baby’s body or amniotic sac typically causes fetal demise (measured by cessation of cardiac activity) within hours of administration. From “Digoxin,” Wikipedia.
“Effectiveness and safety of digoxin to induce fetal demise prior to second-trimester abortion” adds, “A[n] analysis of 1795 pregnant women between 17 and 24 weeks’ gestation who received varying doses of digoxin… was conducted. Fetal heart activity documented by M-mode Doppler sonography on the subsequent day was considered failure.” Note: If the baby was still alive after the injection of digoxin, the experiment failed.
So a 1.0-mg intrafetal dose of Digoxin kills the already doomed baby.
But what if the doctor, instead of wanting to deliver a dead baby, WANTS to deliver it whole, with all systems intact and functioning? Under what conditions would he or she wish NOT to use Digoxin?
Ask Planned Parenthood. They are the biggest abortion provider in the country (over 300 abortions per day) and they want late- or full-term babies aborted without Digoxin so they will be “fresh”–that is, intact and functioning–so specific body parts can be “harvested” and sold at a profit. Leaders of Planned Parenthood were caught in multiple undercover films by Center for Medical Progress (CMP) founder David Daleiden arranging these sales.
Selling “fetal tissue” to labs is, within certain parameters, legal–and lucrative. But what Planned Parenthood assures women is just “cells” or “fetal tissue” includes brains and parts of brains (“hemis, forebrain, hindbrain, brainstem”), hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreases, “renal vein/artery, ureter, inferior vena cavaveins, aorta.” Even arms and legs sell.
Dr. Katharine Sheehan is the longtime Medical Director for Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest who still provides abortions for the affiliate. In March 2004 during the federal Partial-Birth Abortion lawsuits, Dr. Sheehan testified under oath that fetuses coming out completely intact during the abortion procedure was a predictable part of her late-term abortion practice at Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest:[30]
Q. Dr. Sheehan, have you ever had a situation where the fetus comes out intact or partially intact?
A. Yes, I have.
Q. And how often does that occur?
A. It comes out partially intact very frequently; completely intact, less so. Just last week I was working with a resident from UCSD, and we had three of our 12 cases proceed so that the body of the fetus came out completely intact. Q. Do you have a preference as to whether the fetus comes out intact or partially intact? A. I definitely do. I prefer it come out intact.
(Dr. Sheehan Direct Examination, 188:5-15)
The Center for Medical Progress points out, “It is critical to remember that the abortion cases slated for body parts harvesting described by procurement company representatives*(see below) are all cases where the fetus cannot have been killed before the procedure by Digoxin, and therefore is alive at the time of delivery.”
If you have the stomach to pursue this subject, reminiscent of medical experiments on living humans by Nazi Germans, here are the links to the actual tapes of Planned Parenthood reps sipping wine and laughing over the Lamborghini they will buy as they haggle over money from the sale of body parts of babies aborted live:
The Center for Medical Progress releases the following statement on the announcement this evening that HHS is terminating a contract signed in July with Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) for “fresh” aborted fetal organs and tissues. CMP founder and project lead David Daleiden remarks:
So long as HHS trades taxpayer dollars for freshly-aborted baby body parts, the U.S. government is setting its own abortion quotas and sending the message that these children are worth more dead than alive. By terminating a grotesque contract for “fresh”aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood’s business partners ABR that never should have been signed in the first place, HHS has taken a small first step to stop the epidemic of trafficking tiny baby hearts, lungs, livers, and brains from late-term abortion clinics into government-sponsored laboratories for taxpayer-funded experimentation.HHS’smission to “serve all Americans from conception to natural death” cannot permit trafficking unborn children to stitch their body parts into lab rats.
*Pancreas/14wks/HEPES with antibiotic/Gel Pack/HIV,HBSAG, HCV/FedEx Priority Overnight/UMASS (DiIorio)2 SPEC=*IMPORTANT: Use gel packs that are NOT frozen but just chilled.**
*Brain /16-18wks/Complete but can be in piecest/Use Client Supplied Media/WetIce/HIV,HBsAG,HCV/Use Clients FedEx Priority Overnight/Temple Univ (Langford-Otte)1 SPEC=**Note: Media contains anti-fungal/anti-mycotic and antibiotics*
*Mid Brain/10+wks/RPMI/Wet Ice//HIV, HBSAG/FedEx Priority Overnight/Universityof Illinois at Chicago (Qu-Yang)1 SPECBrain/14+wks (2cm in width)/Whole brain In-tact or one whole Hemis intact/Dry
*Brain/14+wks (2cm in width)/Whole brain In-tact or one whole Hemis intact/DryIce on aluminum foil protocol/FedEx Priority Overnight/HIV,HCV,HbC,HBSAG,RPR/Yale(Franjic)*IMPORTANT: Please document PO#SNP5725137 in the reference section. Donorinformation required: Sex of fetus if identifiable,Age,Ethnicity,Past druguse if known.**Same Day, Pick Up**__________________________**PROCURE ON THURSDAY ONLY*
*Fetal kidney (In-tact: Renal vein/artery, ureter,inferior vena cava(descending aorta); without Digoxin applied)/18-20 wks/RPMI/WetIce/Same day pick-up/ Ganogen, Inc. (Chang)1 Spec=**Call co-founder Jay 415-238-6686. Personal pick-up on site near cliniclocation to reduce ishemia time****PROCURE ON THURSDAY ONLY**
*Brain/17+ gestation/Both Hemis In-tact -or-call for approval of hemis, forebrain, hindbrain, brainstem(semi-intact(70%)approved)/RPMI/WetIce/Stanford (Zhang)1 SPEC=Note: Please call Steven Sloan with a best guess delivery time window (Ex:eta- 11am to 1pm) Mobile: (941) 228-0511
*Brain 8+wks/Inact Calvarium -or- <7wks/Whole Embryo/RPMI(1-2hrs;ASAP)/WetIce+barrier/The Rockefeller University(Croft)1 Spec=**Ships to StemExpress Lab for procedure***Same Day, Local Delivery**
Note that “fetal tissue” or “cells” is a misnomer. At “18-20 wks,” these babies have developed “Renal vein/artery, ureter,inferior vena cava(descending aorta).” At “17+ gestation” their brains have developed “Both Hemis, forebrain, hindbrain, [and] brainstem.”
And note that preference is “without Digoxin,” meaning the baby is alive when they remove these organs.
Does this break your heart? Share a prayer in the comments below for abortion to end in the U.S.
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How you can pray for this issue:
Lord God, have mercy on us. Forgive us for allowing this to become law. We ask You to turn the tide of public opinion; and we ask that You help each of us to do our part to end abortion in our respective spheres of influence.
Father in Heaven, I am trembling with horror and anger, and once again shocked and sorrowful at the vile, evil, inhumane, torturous treatment of the most defenseless form of human life. Enough! Lord, please cause every abortion clinic to sink into the ground, never to be seen again. Let all others who would be present receive Your righteous judgment for the babies they sacrificed on the altar of Baal, over and over and over again. I repent for the vicious actions being taken against these babies, who You hold close to Your heart. It breaks Your heart, and it breaks ours. Have your way, Lord.
Please send your spirit to work in the minds of our populace, thaw brittle hearts, draw them to You. I pray You would work to save these precious little ones from being cruelly poisoned or hacked to death.
Deuteronomy 32:35: Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.’
Oh God. Lift the veil off these murderers’ minds & hearts & eyes. How can they be so cold and callous? Oh God forgive us. Remove the occult shields of protection off everyone involved in the abortion industry, by the blood and power of Jesus. Amen
This makes me nearly physically I’ll. Then have some say it isn’t true.
There is an Auto Parts store that I pass every day. My Spirit says there is a similar store for Baby Body Parts.
My body, should and Spirit rebels and I see Christ being nailed to the cross and the very ground crying over His shed blood.
So I stand before Him with no defense and say, “guilty, as charged.”
Suddenly, I’m free. Jesus is waiting with outstretched arms, nail pierced hand with His Blood.
I fall into His arms weeping still over 50,000 that never had breath of life for a future.
He is the Alpha and the Omega. Beginning and the End. The gift of my life I owe..
It is my prayer Lord God, that You would sent Your hounds of heaven to wreak havoc in the lives of all who support this horror. ALL Father. I could cry forever but will ask YOU Abba Father to rise up and bring justice to these innocents. And I pray unflinching, all consuming judgement for each and every one involved in this ____. There is not a word in my vocabulary to identify this sin but You know it well Lord. May they know terror as they fall into the Hands of the LIVING GOD!. Forgive me Lord, I have no mercy for these individuals. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
After “trying” to get through this article, there are just no words to express how I feel…..We Have to continue to Stand, Pray and Educate and do all in the power of God to stop this….. I pray Proverbs 24:11 ~~
Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering toward slaughter Amen
Oh Our Father, there are no words to express the grief and anger and shame of face that hearing this elicits. We repent on behalf of our country for murdering our children for pleasure, inconvenience, and profit. Forgive us, Lord, for averting our natural and spiritual eyes from seeing this and weeping and repenting…
You have given us the weapons to fight this battle as Your army on behalf of the little ones who are not able to fight on their own…Your Word is our Sword (offensive weapon), and our Shield (defensive weapon). Holy Spirit, Your Word comes with power and authority. Show us how to fight this battle and lead us. We are Your willing army. LORD, overturn abortion/the murder of our children so that it is no longer legally sanctioned. Convict those who have any part in this travesty from promulgation of abortion, to carrying out this heinous act, to encouraging it, to legalising abortion, to profiting from the murder of our children, and bring each one to repentance and the turning away from any part of abortion. The enemy has always been about the destruction of the “seed”/children (Revelation 12). We state, “NO MORE!!!” In The Mightiest Name Above All Names, JESUS CHRIST, our Commander in Chief✴️
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Father in Heaven, I am trembling with horror and anger, and once again shocked and sorrowful at the vile, evil, inhumane, torturous treatment of the most defenseless form of human life. Enough! Lord, please cause every abortion clinic to sink into the ground, never to be seen again. Let all others who would be present receive Your righteous judgment for the babies they sacrificed on the altar of Baal, over and over and over again. I repent for the vicious actions being taken against these babies, who You hold close to Your heart. It breaks Your heart, and it breaks ours. Have your way, Lord.
Please send your spirit to work in the minds of our populace, thaw brittle hearts, draw them to You. I pray You would work to save these precious little ones from being cruelly poisoned or hacked to death.
Deuteronomy 32:35: Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.’
I think most people dont realize the extent of what has fetal tissue the pharmecutical companies use in not only vaccines but other medications.
Oh God. Lift the veil off these murderers’ minds & hearts & eyes. How can they be so cold and callous? Oh God forgive us. Remove the occult shields of protection off everyone involved in the abortion industry, by the blood and power of Jesus. Amen
This makes me nearly physically I’ll. Then have some say it isn’t true.
There is an Auto Parts store that I pass every day. My Spirit says there is a similar store for Baby Body Parts.
My body, should and Spirit rebels and I see Christ being nailed to the cross and the very ground crying over His shed blood.
So I stand before Him with no defense and say, “guilty, as charged.”
Suddenly, I’m free. Jesus is waiting with outstretched arms, nail pierced hand with His Blood.
I fall into His arms weeping still over 50,000 that never had breath of life for a future.
He is the Alpha and the Omega. Beginning and the End. The gift of my life I owe..
I am literally raging.
It is my prayer Lord God, that You would sent Your hounds of heaven to wreak havoc in the lives of all who support this horror. ALL Father. I could cry forever but will ask YOU Abba Father to rise up and bring justice to these innocents. And I pray unflinching, all consuming judgement for each and every one involved in this ____. There is not a word in my vocabulary to identify this sin but You know it well Lord. May they know terror as they fall into the Hands of the LIVING GOD!. Forgive me Lord, I have no mercy for these individuals. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
After “trying” to get through this article, there are just no words to express how I feel…..We Have to continue to Stand, Pray and Educate and do all in the power of God to stop this….. I pray Proverbs 24:11 ~~
Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering toward slaughter Amen
Oh Our Father, there are no words to express the grief and anger and shame of face that hearing this elicits. We repent on behalf of our country for murdering our children for pleasure, inconvenience, and profit. Forgive us, Lord, for averting our natural and spiritual eyes from seeing this and weeping and repenting…
You have given us the weapons to fight this battle as Your army on behalf of the little ones who are not able to fight on their own…Your Word is our Sword (offensive weapon), and our Shield (defensive weapon). Holy Spirit, Your Word comes with power and authority. Show us how to fight this battle and lead us. We are Your willing army. LORD, overturn abortion/the murder of our children so that it is no longer legally sanctioned. Convict those who have any part in this travesty from promulgation of abortion, to carrying out this heinous act, to encouraging it, to legalising abortion, to profiting from the murder of our children, and bring each one to repentance and the turning away from any part of abortion. The enemy has always been about the destruction of the “seed”/children (Revelation 12). We state, “NO MORE!!!” In The Mightiest Name Above All Names, JESUS CHRIST, our Commander in Chief✴️