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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank you for these states that are ready to ban abortion if the Supreme Court allows. We pray for more states to follow this good example.
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Arkansas’ governor has signed into law a measure that would ban abortion in the state if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns its landmark 1973 ruling legalizing the procedure nationwide.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s office says the Republican on Tuesday signed the legislation, making Arkansas the fifth state with a “trigger” abortion ban on the books. (The other four states are Mississippi, Louisiana, North Dakota and South Dakota.) The majority-Republican Legislature gave the bill final approval last week. . . .

Also Tuesday, a House panel endorsed a proposal that would ban most abortions 18 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy. That proposal now heads to the full House for a vote.

Arkansas already bans abortion 20 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy.

Pray for an end to Roe v. Wade as the law of the land with our free prayer resource. Click HERE.

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March 4, 2019

Lord, since the federal government refuses to protect the unborn we ask that you raise up state governors who will. We also ask that you remove those evil one in the 8 states that have already passed late term abortion laws. Father speak to these governors and others in pollical leadership and show them that they are be use by Satan to kill, steal and destroy.
Bring a heaven born revival to this nation.

February 24, 2019

Father God,
I echo my brothers and sisters that we long to see the sorrow and
pain of abortion removed from our hearts and the lawbooks.
Please change our hearts so that we see every child as the gift from
You that they are and a blessing as Your Word says. Please open our eyes that we would believe Your Word which is truth. Please bless and encourage the lawmakers and all people who are praying for our country to revere the Lord and the sanctity of life.
Thank You Lord Jesus.

February 22, 2019

Look into it and you will find that Roe lied. So 600,000 babies have been murdered on the basis of
a lie. Please, dear Father in heaven prevent more to be murdered which now includes infanticide. This is first degree murder, and Father in heaven, I don’t understand how this can become legal.
May Your Name be Praised.

February 22, 2019

If the blood of Abel cries out , how much more the blood of innocents we have spilled.
LORD forgive our sin and heal our land
Bless all the officials and States who are taking a strong stand for LIFE
CONVICT all the legislators of the
Evil of abortion
In JESUS Name I pray. ANEN

    Maria Walker
    February 25, 2019

    I stand with you Brenda!! I come in agreement with your prayer request my sister in Christ! No matter how dark it gets we the Body of Christ stand against all this evil in Jesus Name and bind the author of all evil here on earth !! Psalm 33:11 says “ But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations!! We stand on the Word of God and call it forth in Jesus Name!! We the Body of Christ loose according to Matthew 18:18 the Spirit of Truth to the earth, to this nation, the Supreme Court, the White House, Congress and all of Government!! May the Fire of God fall and the wind blow in this nation to cleanse and to heal!!! In Jesus Name!! To God be the Glory!!!

Mel Spence
February 21, 2019

God bless the State of Arkansa and doubly bless the Heart and souls of it’s people for taking a stance for the lives of the innocent.
Thank you Arkansaions for standing up for life in the womb. LORD, have mercy on us.
Father God, have mercy on our Country as the BLOOD of every child that was aborted,cries out from the ground that we walk on. They never had the chance to live the life You appointed for them.

Bill Hanson
February 21, 2019

We pray the Holy Spirit would work a revival and that law LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION would become the law of the land. Bless our nation to see the Light of you Father God.

    February 21, 2019

    God bless the State of Arkansa and doubly bless the Heart and souls of it people for taking a stance for the lives of the innocent.
    Thank you Arkansaions for standing up for life in the womb.

    February 22, 2019

    Amen to these prayers. Lord open the eyes of the blind that they will see the truth that abortion is nothing less than murder

Margaret Korrodi
February 21, 2019

Father GOD help us to turn from our wicked ways & heal our land. In JESUS NAME

Charlene Vlcek
February 21, 2019

Forgive us LORD. Help us to kneel humbly before you and pray. Heal our nation. Open the eyes of the people who are blind to you. O Lord protect the sanctity of life! Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen

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