Texas Revival Still Going Strong!
Texas Revival Still Going Strong!
As the world watches Israel, we’re overcome by emotions. It’s nerve-wracking and heartbreaking to hear the daily reports of casualties. We are praying more than ever before for Israel, because we know its importance to God and its place in Bible prophecy. We continue praying for our nation as we sense the Lord’s return drawing near. Whether you believe we are in “the last days” or not, the Bible teaches that before Jesus returns, we will see a harvest of souls. Though we’re seeing chaos and evil increase, we’re also seeing God move in the midst of it.
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I was excited to learn of a revival taking place in my home state of Texas — a revival that has been going strong for five years now! I pray that this encourages you as much as it did me.
Pastor Mike Fehlauer, of New Life Church, Corpus Christi, says the revival broke out in July 2018 on a Wednesday night. I wondered why this revival hadn’t gotten much press. I, for one, had no idea what God was doing just a few hours away from where I live.
In 2018, a church member with stage 4 cancer was told he had six months to live. He was going through his course of treatment and was scheduled for radiation and chemotherapy. During this time of revival, he felt the touch of the Lord. When he went back to the doctors, the imaging showed that all the cancer was gone. He was completely healed.
A woman who had undergone a hysterectomy was having problems due to hormonal imbalances. Desperate for God to heal her, she sought His presence. That woman became so certain of His healing touch that she went back to the doctor a few days later. He was completely shocked as he showed her the X-ray. “I don’t have words for this,” he said, “but you have an ovary.” Although it was a completely creative miracle and she received only one ovary, it was enough to heal her imbalance.
Those are only two of many miracles that have occurred in that church, and countless miracles are still taking place. Thank You, Jesus! You know what we need!
Everything you expect when you hear the word revival has been happening, but the greatest miracle is the salvation of people. “When God shows up, it brings conviction of sin that leads to repentance,” says Pastor Mike. He estimates that from the time this revival broke out, roughly 5,000 people have given their lives to Jesus and been baptized. Isn’t that amazing? Even COVID-19 could not stop the move of God.
Beyond the Church Walls
In December 2021, Pastor Mike held a prayer meeting with his life group, small-group leaders, and the college-ministry team. His message was on modeling ministry according to Jesus. That model is simple: Our Lord preached the gospel, laid hands on the sick, cast out demons, and told His disciples to go and do the same. It’s that Great Commission we know so well. About Generation Z, Pastor Mike told his team of leaders: “I know we never told them they couldn’t, but that’s not the same thing as telling them that they can.” With those words, the church’s Gen Z members were released — commissioned to go onto their college campuses and into their schools to fulfill the Great Commission.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19–20 NIV).
In 2022, something shifted: The church “spilled out” beyond its four walls, to college campuses, high schools, and middle schools. “One of the first things that happened was, in January 2022, at Texas A&M campus, a young adult called his pastor and said that something happened on campus at a local plaza,” recounted Pastor Mike. “A group met there on campus and defiled the name of Jesus. The students said: ‘We want to go there tonight and worship Jesus right there in the very place where His name was defiled.’ A couple of students showed up on the steps of the plaza and started preaching, and kids got saved.” This was the beginning of an outpouring at Texas A&M. Yes — revival broke out on a secular college campus and is still going. Many students even got baptized in the fountain at the plaza.
Can we pause and praise God for the obedience of these young people and for answered prayers?
On Sunday nights, too, youths were experiencing an outpouring of the Spirit. Twelve kids from different schools came to the youth pastor and said: “We want a Bible club in our school.” The youth pastor responded: “Do you think you can get a teacher to sponsor a club?” The students immediately texted their teachers, and every teacher said: “Yes, we will sponsor your Bible club.” So, just like that, there were 12 Bible clubs in 12 different schools. And that increased to 20 Bible clubs in 20 different schools. The clubs started with 80 kids and grew to 100, and now there are 170 kids in these clubs. The clubs became active everywhere — with people praying over the schools every Wednesday morning, and with students praying for and preaching and ministering to other students. Pastor Mike says he was getting texts telling him that the students were breaking onto campuses to baptize students: “The kids discovered everywhere they went was a pulpit for them to preach, and that is what they have been doing.”
In August of this year, a college leader held an outreach and 1,078 college kids showed up, which is 10% of the student population. Of those, 124 gave their lives to Jesus that night and were baptized. Thank You, Lord, for what You are doing in the lives of these students!
Revival Begins With Us
It’s interesting to note where the revival began: It began in the local church. The members were unified, praying, and repenting, and one day God answered by pouring out His Spirit. I say this because many people think that if only we get our elected officials in, we will see a revival. Don’t get me wrong, yes, many of our elected do need Jesus. But revival happens first in the Church and then spreads outward. At New Life Church, it began within the four walls. Then the young adults took that move of God out onto the college campuses. The youth brought Bible clubs and prayer into the schools, and so on. So, it starts with the Church, though it’s never intended to remain there: It is meant to impact society and to shift the culture.
Here’s how we can pray for New Life Church and the revival in Corpus Christi: “Surprisingly, there has been no pushback on the college campuses,” Pastor Mike said. “This comes as a surprise, because it is liberal. The Bible clubs in middle and high schools are receiving pushback. When this happens, we push back too; we remind them of the law in Texas that says they cannot deny a student-led Bible club.”
Intercessors let’s pray for the staff of the schools — that the Lord would soften hardened hearts. Let’s pray that they would give their lives to Jesus because of the testimony of those young people. While we’re at it, let’s pray for the staffs of the schools where our own children, grandchildren, and loved ones are in attendance. Let’s pray for Bible clubs. If God can do it in Corpus Christi, He can do it anywhere. Why not? If God has done it before, He can surely do it again. Amen.
Pastor Mike requests that we pray for a continued spirit of unity.
“Sometimes we feel the friction, sometimes there’s flare-ups,” he said. “We recognize the Enemy is trying to bring division. It’s enough to keep us on our toes, but it brings us to our knees in repentance. We ask the Lord for His protection from enemy strikes. We are in unity with the Lord first, and then with one another. If we find there is friction, we are quick to go to one another and repent. This isn’t about us, but what the Lord is doing. We have to hold on loosely, yet we must protect it fiercely.”
Amen! The pastor is right: When God moves, we must trust the leading of the Holy Spirit. That good movement must also be protected. When people try to lead a revival by their own effort and strength, or to reduce a revival to formulas, that can quench the Holy Spirit. “Formulas” will only replace an authentic revival and make way for a religious spirit to enter. Mere religion and true revival cannot coexist.
Pastor Mike concludes with a word of encouragement: “Never underestimate the hunger of the people. I think that’s what I did in 2018. People were hungry for the presence and power of God. Every revival, from the Great Awakenings and everything in between, was marked by prayer, unity, repentance, and hunger for God. Hunger is what keeps revival moving. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus taught that those who hungered for righteousness would be blessed and filled. People are still hungry for God. The harvest is ripe, and we are seeing revival.”
Amen. Let’s pray about that now:
Father, we praise You for the news of this revival and of what You are doing with the younger generations. We pray that You will continue to bless Your people. Bless this move of God in Corpus Christi with greater unity. Let those church members move in one accord, with one heart and one mind, to do Your will. Give them the wisdom and discernment to sustain this move of Yours. As Your Spirit keeps moving through the school campuses, we pray that those who resist will be changed by Your presence. We pray that Your kindness would lead not only the students, but also parents, teachers, and staff members to repentance.
Blow, mighty breath of God! Breathe on college campuses and schools nationwide. Breathe on prayer meetings. Wherever people are gathered in one accord to lift high the name of Jesus, let Your Spirit be powerfully present. You said that when Jesus is lifted up, he will draw men to Himself. This is what we contend for — that the world may know that there is no other name under heaven and among men by which we can be saved. Salvation belongs to the Lord! We recognize that this is the time of harvest, and that the fields are white. We say yes to being laborers; we say yes to sharing the gospel. There is no time to waste. Lord, prepare our hearts to be a part of what You are doing and for what’s to come. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
New Life Church has posted a Facebook reel describing this powerful revival. You can watch it by clicking here.
If this article has encouraged you, share your thoughts and prayers here.
IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: New Life Church.
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Part of the problem with people not hearing about revivals like this where miracle healings happen is because people get healed but they don’t have the courage to get online and brag on God.
Lord, please break off the spirit of timidity and give healed people the courage to tell the world about it. In Yeshua’s Holy Name!
Yes and Amen!
I submitted to Christ on April 3, 1972 and have prayed for revival ever since. I have led prayer for revival for years now. They will be excited to hear about THIS!!
Thank you for sharing these stories
From my husband – Doug- I had the privilege to have lunch yesterday with a group of pastors. While sharing prayer requests and praises, one of the pastors, with tears in his eyes, shared what he had experienced on his way to the lunch. He stops at Sonic every morning to get his coffee, and today there was a homeless man there, so the pastor asked him how he could help him. The man said, he was hungry. When the pastor returned with some food, the man then said, because of what is going on in Israel I want to get saved. The pastor lead him to Jesus, then the pastor went back inside Sonic and gave the manger his card, and told them to give man what ever he wanted to eat and he would pay for it every day when he picked up his coffee. As the pastor was leaving, the new brother in Christ said, I will see you in heaven. As the pastor was sharing this praise/prayer request he received a text -The pastor began to weep and to share what the text said “the Sonic manager went to check on the man to see if he needed anything else and they found the man dead”
right where the pastor had left him.
May we be sensitive to the leafing of the Holy Spirit and take the time in these days to share life and the love of Jesus with anyone God puts in our path- we never know-
What a testimony of the love and grace of God, and of how our obedience to Holy Spirit direction can alter someone’s eternity! I cried, too!
We are currently in a farming community called Slaughters, KY. We are here sharing a Biblical View of Life and we needed a place to stay. Our hosts shared with us that Mount Gilead Church here in Slaughters has had a month long revival happening among the youth. In just over a month, 180 have been saved and 30 have surrendered to the call of full time missions. The revival is still continuing. Youth are getting saved. There have many miraculously healed. These youth are now going door to door in their communities and small towns in the area sharing the gospel. I am so encouraged. If you look at the landscape where this is taking place it’s farm land for miles and miles. God is moving mightily. Be encouraged child of God. I am praising God for all that I am witnessing. Another church here in Slaughters, KY is seeing people saved every week, many of them youth. They feed over 100 people every Wednesday, most of which are children and youth. A Spanish church in nearby Sebree had prayer for the married young women in their church because so many were having miscarriages. Every single woman they prayed for has been healed and able to bear children. Wednesday night services there are lasting for hours and God is moving mightily among this congregation too. It is so exciting to see all that God us doing in every place – yet there is so much more to be done. I am joining in prayer with you and believing God for miracles!
Dear Lord I Praise the name of Jesus! I am so thankful for this revival! I am so thankful for this wonderful work of the Holy Spirit!
I am so thankful for these young people who have heard Your call and answered!
Bless them, Lord! Help my Baby Boomers generation to follow their lead!
We ask that Your word is spoken in every generation, and all come to repentance!
In Jesus nam! Amen!
AMEN Lord Almighty! Let the Holy Spirit spread revival for all the brothers and sisters in the big state of Texas!! Let the other 49 states follow suit ASAP! Strength in numbers 💪 to fight evil throughout this country!!
Holy Spirit, we are thankful for Your moving powerfully in Corpus Christi. My spirit resonates with the thought that this is a prophetic sign. Revive Your body, in America, in Israel, and in the nations LORD. May we fan the flames of revival through our intercession, our obedience to Holy Spirit’s leadership, and our bold witness.
Praise God! Thank You, Jesus, for saving us, teaching us, and using us for Your Glory! Thank You! Thank You! Praise You, Lord!
Jesus, when you left this earth you reminded your disciples that they had the same authority as You and even greater authority because you were going to the Father. That is what is happening in Corpus Christi. They are believing You meant what you said and are acting in Your authority. Praise God! May we go and do likewise.
I’ve read about revival breaking out in collages in other states as well. Our youth are seeking truth that they aren’t getting from any source concerning the worldly education or political leadership. We that Know the way, truth and light Must lift up the name of the Lord. Praying this awakening will continue. We and our family and our nation need this outpouring of GOD. Please keep praying for this reviving to continue.
I am praying this revival is a prophetic sign that there will be NEW LIFE in the BODY OF CHRIST (Corpus Christi) all over this nation and world..
Thank you, Gloria, for this very encouraging report. Make no mistake, God is on the move. Holy Spirit, lead the way!
Thank you, gloria, for this very encouraging report. Make no mistake. god is on the move. Holy Spirit, have Your way in our land.
I praise God for His goodness touching lives with the power of the the Gospel.
Oh yes, this article encourages me! Pastor Mike’s statement reminded me of an Oswald Chambers’ message.
Pastor Mike: “This isn’t about us, but what the Lord is doing. We have to hold on loosely, yet we must protect it fiercely.”
Oswald Chambers: “Keep your life so constant in its contact with God that His surprising power may break out on the right hand and on the left.”
Dear Abba Father, You are God Almighty and You are Mighty to Save! I simply ask for You to break out all along the Border. Break out in Austin. Break out in Dallas. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and with Surprising Holy Spirit Power, You are about to break out on the right and the left, the north and the south and no state or political boundary will contain YOU. As we hold on to You loosely, I pray it pleases you to fiercely saturate with salvation. To God be the Glory now and in all the days to come. Amen
Yes and Amen to Carol’s prayer. Father God we lift your name high above any other name. Fall upon us Lord Jesus. Save us. Save those we hold close and dear to
our hearts. Give us boldness to speak the truth in love. Pour out your Holy Spirit on college, Jr. High and High School students. We love you dearly Jesus and desire obedience to you alone. Amen
I lift the Name of Jesus high in my family. Lord, draw us all to Yourself and glorify Your Name among us. Amen