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Heavenly Father, thank You for Governor Abbott's insight into protecting religious liberty in the state of Texas!
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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the “Save Chick-fil-A” bill into law Monday.

The new bill prohibits the government from taking “adverse action” against an individual or business based on contributions to religious organizations.


The Texas legislature passed SB 1978 after the San Antonio City Council voted to block Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant at the city’s airport.

Chick-fil-A’s owners have donated to Christian groups like the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. And critics have accused Chick-fil-A of discriminating against the LGBTQ community by supporting groups that may hold biblical views about sexuality.

Supporters say the bill was necessary to protect religious freedoms, including the rights of individuals or groups to donate money to groups with religious beliefs.

Dallas News reported that Gov. Abbott, a Republican, did not hold a public signing ceremony, but had previously tweeted his support of the bill….

… Republican state Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-TX) said there’s a legitimate need for the bill, arguing that the real hatred is directed at people of faith. “Should any city council be able to refuse me as a vendor in their city simply because I make donations to my church, which holds a biblical view of marriage?”…

(Excerpted from CBN News article by Andrea Morris)

QUESTION: Has there been backlash against Chick-Fil-A in your community?Ā  Share in the comment section below…

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June 26, 2019

GLORY TO GOD for Chick-Fil-A!!!! What a beautiful example of BLESSED!!

Tom Sandhoff
June 22, 2019

Thank God for the Cathys and other devout believers who will stand up for righteous principles! Every weekday as I see drive in lanes filled and wrapping around the restaurants, I thank God who continues to bless His people who remain determined to honor His commandments and principles. I salute Governor Abbott and the legislators who crafted this important bill.

June 14, 2019

As with everyone responding above-great, great service, very good food, and very supportive of the communities where they are in business. I drive out of my way to order at Chick-Fil-A when Iā€™m out of town. Every individual, Iā€™ve observed has been treated with the utmost respect and personal attention.

The company champions loving their neighbors as themselves, simply by walking out their faith. Truly, they are set apart which is how we are all called to be.

Victoria H.
June 14, 2019

That’s correct. They are even making commercials with gay couples. So sorry it’s come to this. Don’t push that nasty stuff on us! Ewwww!

June 14, 2019

I love Chick-fil-A and the Kingdom principles they stand for. I work at a General Motors plant in Ohio and we have Chick-fil-A available in the plant, I love it. I will agree to pray for the current situation

June 13, 2019

We have two chil-fil-a’s in driving distance. Both are always packed!

    Kathryn Inouye
    June 13, 2019

    We live near 2 chick fil a’s. 2 are under construction. They are always busy. We eat there at least once a week. Very calm atmosphere, no matter how busy.

Carole Neve
June 13, 2019

The Chick-Fil-A’s by me in Michigan are thriving. People love to go to Chick-Fil-A.

June 13, 2019

I noticed Chick-Fill-A is still closed in the Houston Airport. Hope this new bill will help them re-open and be able to serve the airport community. Praying for our freedom to worship as we so chose!

Nathan Milazzo
June 13, 2019

We have no Chick-fil-A in our town šŸ™

June 13, 2019

The time to stand for what you believe to be right is now. Thank God we have people that are taking that stand.

Darrell Mordente
June 13, 2019

Glad to see the Texas governor standing up for what is right. Sad to see that it took a bill to guarantee what the 1st Amendment guarantees. The problem is that the LGBT radicals demand that society accepts their lifestyles as good — not just tolerable. That is what same-sex “marriage was all about. That is what Gay Pride marches are all about. And they will not be happy until everyone “bends the knee to Baal”.
Christians must come to the realization of who is supporting these attacks on companies like Chick-fil-A, and do something about it — at the election polls.

Betsy West
June 13, 2019

No push back at all in our city of Washington, PA. We have the best Chick-fil-A ever. The lines are wrapped around the building nearly every day (except Sunday, : ). They donate extensively in the community and give outstanding service. When the national back lash began this store experienced even greater success.

June 13, 2019

The backlash in our small mainly rural area came when ‘they’ accepted a Panera Bread to be built instead of a Chick-Fil-A.
The area is now practically deserted, since the two main stores closed. Curse themselves? I think so. ‘They’ should have listened to the majority of the people, who wanted a Christian restaurant! On a positive note, our entire congregation voted to leave the UMC. We had moved to a fire department for services for 48 weeks, because the UMC had locked our doors, and we have just received our church back, at a small price. Praise the LORD! We now can hear the Gospel preached in the building that our families had built over a hundred years ago! Amen

    June 13, 2019

    We absolutely love Bshul’s report which indicates a community of strong Christians who take a stand and are bonded together. How powerful! May all of us in our communities ban together and fight to defend our rights to worship in righteousness and have Christian commerce! No one is forcing any group to participate; we are not attacking or violent to anyone; we speak the truth and people have a choice to listen or not. That is real freedom! In our community, we too have a wonderful Chick-Fil-A and as Betsy says, “the lines are wrapped around the building nearly everything day but Sunday :)!!!!”

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