I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for the controversy between Texas and the Biden Administration to be used by You to bring good at our border and for our nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sovereignty is the issue at hand. Does Texas have the right to protect its own border? What do you think?

From Fox News. As Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continues to tout the state’s right to self-defend itself from a migrant invasion, some Democratic lawmakers are calling on President Biden to take control of the state’s National Guard.

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Abbott issued a lengthy statement Wednesday, saying the federal government broke the compact between the U.S. and the individual states.

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting states, including immigration laws on the books right now,” Abbott said. “President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them.” …

While Abbott issues statements about the Biden administration overstepping its authority, Democratic lawmakers like Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, is accusing the governor of taking a play out of former President Trump’s playbook.

“Greg Abbott has continued to use political stunts and inflammatory language to advance his own agenda, violating the Constitution and endangering both U.S. citizens and asylum seekers,” Casar posted on X. “Abbott is following the Donald Trump playbook: making immigration harder and more dangerous, so asylum seekers are pushed into the hands of cartels and the system remains broken.”

Casar continued with a string of posts, saying he agreed with Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, who on Tuesday tweeted Biden should seize control of the Texas National Guard. …

“Governor Greg Abbott is using the Texas National Guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border,” Castro posted to X on Tuesday. “If Abbott is defying yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling, @POTUS needs to establish sole federal control of the Texas National Guard now.”

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, who is running for governor in the state, also called out Abbott for “using the Texas Guard to defy a Supreme Court ruling.”

“When Gov. Orval Eugene Faubus did this in 1957, [President] Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas Guard to ensure compliance with the law,” O’Rourke tweeted. “Biden must follow this example of bold, decisive leadership to end this crisis before it gets worse.” …

From New York Post. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott received the support Thursday of all but one of the nation’s Republican state governors in his feud with the Biden administration over border security.

GOP governors from 25 states signed onto a joint statement in support of Abbott and the Lone Star State’s “constitutional right to self-defense” …

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott, who says he voted for President Biden in 2020, was the only GOP holdout.

“We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border,” the statement released by the Republican Governor’s Association read. …

“Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation,” the statement concludes. …

Several of the Republican governors that signed the joint statement have also issued individual declarations of support for Texas and some have pledged to provide the state with resources to combat illegal migrant crossing.

“I am willing to send National Guard down there to stand alongside,” South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said during an appearance on Fox News, noting that she has already done so in the past. …

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine called the situation at the southern border “untenable” and the Biden administration’s immigration policies “a total failure” in a tweet vowing to back Texas in its standoff with the feds.  …

“If President Biden won’t defend us, states will have to defend themselves. Arkansas stands with Texas,” Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted,

“The Biden Administration continues to refuse to secure the border. Virginia supports [Abbott]  and Texas’ constitutional right to defend itself,” Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin wrote on X.  …

What do you think of this whole situation? Is Texas justified in its response to the Biden administration?

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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March 19, 2024

The Constitution and Governor Abbott are in agreement. President Biden has and is violating the laws of our land, not only by not protecting our border, but in other ways to, like promoting voting for non-citizens. Lord Jesus, turn the hearts of our leaders to reject lawlessness and pursue the patterns You have designed for nations to prosper.
I agree with what Valerie has written.l
I thank God for the many governments who have boldly expressed their support for Texas to protect their border. The federal government is to support the states, not oppose no them!

Valerie Vanorden
February 1, 2024

Lord Jesus, we lift up Governor Abbott, the TX rangers, the USA Federal government, and each and every precious, blood-bought soul involved in this debacle. Tonight, here and now, I do submit myself to you, Lord, and I resist Satan. Lord, your Word says “submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”. Your word says “God is not a man that he should lie”… Your word says:” When two or three gather in agreement, what is bound in heaven will come to pass on earth”!!! Hallelujah, Lord, we pray-ers claim the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary 2000 years ago. Your word says that the blood will never lose its power, and that your Word is settled in heaven, and that Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess THAT JESUS IS LORD to the GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER. AMEN. Hallelujah. “It is finished”, your last three words on the cruel cross of Calvary, You, Jesus, did it. You gave up the ghost, descended into hell, and on the third day you resurrected, all for the sake of fallen mankind and for whosoever would believe. Amen. It is done. We thank u , Lord, for having full control over these times. Our days and moments are in your hands. We give up worry, and receive the peace that passes all understanding. We give up striving in our flesh, your Word states ” the wrath of man does not accomplish the will of God”. We surrender our anger, and we know that your word states in two places: ” be angry and sin not, let not the sun go down on your anger, and in Mark ch. 4, “Jesus looked around in anger” at those who rebuked Jesus for healing the man on a Sabbath. Jesus was without sin. Therefore, Lord, we own our emotion of anger. Be angry and sin not. We are angry at sin every day, as you are, Lord. The drugs, the brothels, the men-stealers, the lies, the cover ups, the corruption, the false dealings, the principalities in high places that are against you and your kingdom, Lord Jesus! We do bind Satan, here and now, in Mexico, at the border, at the Rio Grande river, in our own homes, in our conversations and thoughts, and yes, Lord, in Texas and the United States, espu at all of our points of entry, at our borders.

January 30, 2024

Yes, LORD, you support our borders. Send your warring angels, your guardian angels, your ministering angels to Texas and all across our land. Protect us, protect our critical sources and supply chains. Protect our freedoms. Protect our health. Do not allow another J6 with the truckers convoy. What the enemy meant for evil, use for your glory. Awaken America. Awaken your church. We ask you for revival for all peoples and for the revival of your church to be salt and light in this dark world.
We raise a hallelujah, in the presence of our enemies
We raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
We raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
We raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me

We’re gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear our praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive!

Hallelujah! What a mighty God we serve! We look to you, Abba! We look to you, Jesus! Pour out your Spirit on all flesh. Route the evil one out of our land. Use what the enemy is doing for your glory! To You and to you alone! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

January 30, 2024

I totally support Gov Abbott as he defends Texas & our nation – & the brave governors who support him – God is on their side.

Murrell Wilhelm
January 29, 2024

I agree and support all of the governors who are willing to support governor Abbott!!!

Frances Schleg
January 29, 2024

I agree with and support Governor Abbot.

Stephanie Foster
January 29, 2024

Absolutely! Stand strong, fellow Americans. United we stand…

“One nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all!”

Solutions can be created to help others in need. We do not have to have chaos forced upon us! (And we don’t have to forsake our own in the process!)

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy – The children of God are not called to be submissive victims! We’re created to be overcomers!

United we stand, and to God be the glory!!

Liz Lewark
January 29, 2024

It’s 12:33 on 1/29 I just woke up with this urgency to pray and alert other prayer warriors to pray for our Nation. I live in Texas, pray for us as well. With them sending lots of troops to Eagles Pass, one small section of the border, the rest of the border is not secure and with most of our troops out of country, we have become vulnerable. Pray for the safety of our Nation.
I share this with a prayer group and someone else was up and replied she felt the same urgency. Pray!!!

January 28, 2024

Lord, put Your hedge of protection around Gov. Abbot. He is standing for the right to protect the Texas border. I ask You to send a legion of Angels to help in this insanity,,,

Solantarin Tomenique
January 28, 2024

“the nations that forget God shall be turned into Hell” – not only have we forgotten the God of our Fathers, upon Whose principles this once-Christian Nation had been founded, we are defying Him with every abomination known – may we repent before He brings down full judgment upon US/A

Ann Shaw
January 28, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant Gov Abbott the strength to continue to be bold in protecting our border.

In Jesus’s name Amen

January 28, 2024

I agree wholeheartedly with Governor Abbott.
Scriptures speak very clearly in regard to borders set up for our protection. The Biden administration is not doing that. We just have to be reminded of how many we have been. lost due to the fetenyl brought by the drug cartel; or those who have been murdered by immigrants; or the prisoners sent by other countries; or the child trafficking,etc. This is Not protection. Lord, I pray that you put a stop to this open border policy.

Leon Henderson
January 28, 2024

I pray daily for our border security and the men and women enforcing it.

January 28, 2024

It would seem to me that an individual elected by the people, for the people to be the President of the United States of America, who is inaugurated with their right hand on The Holy Bible, reciting the following oath before God and man:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”, would also be aware that the following is stated in The Constitution of the United States of America:

“Section 4 Republican Form of Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

https://constitution.congress.gov › s…
Article IV Section 4 | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress“

Praying the office of the POTUS will be cleansed, The Constitution of the United States of America upheld and oaths spoken be honored and kept before our Almighty, Sovereign Creator to whom we pledge our allegiance , “🇺🇸One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all🇺🇸.”

Karen Harp
January 28, 2024

ABSOLUTELY, I stand w/Gov. Greg Abbott!!! Because this admin has
abdicated its Constitutional
Responsibility, Texas MUST Stand Strong to defend her own borders! I DO 🙏 For GOD’S Hand of Favor on Gov. Abbott & for his courage & strength to do
What IS Right for Texas!
“The only thing that allows evil to flourish is IF Good men will do nothing”!!! We
Along with Gov. Abbott can NO LONGER allow this evil administration to fail the state of Texas or the United States of America by NOT Closing & Properly defending our borders!!!

kris fisher
January 28, 2024

Texas is more than justified and actually long overdue. We have been urging Gov Abbot for many months to Man-up and defend our state from INVASION and praying for a back bone. I believe GOD is finally helping him to do the (right) thing that he has known that he should do for a long time!! PRAISE YOU LORD for hearing the cries of your people and for leading Gov Abbot to fearlessly do his job!!

Terry Durnal
January 28, 2024

Our president needs to wake up and see what all these illegals are doing to our nation! Our once beautiful and safe nation is no longer! Biden thinks he’s going to get votes, is the only reason for his lack of leadership and foolish behavior! God will intervene and he will bring our nation back to its roots.

January 28, 2024

I believe that Texas has a right to defend its border.

Cynthia Suarez
January 28, 2024

President Biden and vice president Harris Both took an oath to defend our country. Unfortunately they both have abdicated their responsibility to the old they took. It hurts and shocks us to see what they are allowing to happen at the border. Anyone can see that it is pure chaos down at the border. We truly do not know who is entering into our country, Russia and France would not allow this. They are not protecting the young children which are being trafficked. And when did the United States of America Become a travel agency to fly people wherever they would like to go at the expense of the American taxpayers? Governor Abbott, thank you for putting your foot down,
And trying to continually find solutions to this chaos. I truly cannot understand how the Biden administration can boldly lie about the situation at the border. Governor Abbott, we are praying for you and for the situation at the border.

January 27, 2024

Biden continues in his “puppet role” to the deep state that controls him. Never in my 70 years on earth have I witnessed such a weak, cowardly & corrupt man. I’ve never experienced such abuse of our laws. Though God can save any man or woman, I have real doubts about Biden & so many that work with him. The level of corruption & deception is beyond comprehension. To witness someone with such a total disregard for a state(s), their sovereign right to protect their border, towns & citizens, as well as the people of the nation – it is the epitome of corruption hiding behind a leadership title that was never earned legitimately. How do these people sleep at night knowing full well the evil they have promoted?? I pray that God will NOT let them sleep anymore until they repent.
My hope is that the citizens of TX will take up arms “full tilt” & defend themselves as needed. I’m not concerned about the illegals & their situation. America has always welcomed those who did the legal work to come here within our established laws. Those that have chosen to scam & skirt our system…I have no patience for & would willingly help deport them as needed.
Mr. Biden & his administration are intent & deliberate in their efforts to destroy TX & our nation. I pray that God will raise His powerful hand against the Biden administration. Mr. Biden needs to be reminded that God & God alone is in charge.

    January 28, 2024

    Very well stated! Could not agree more
    Praying for God’s spirit to reign down on America and all that profess the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AS LORD !!

Victoria Z
January 27, 2024

Father force our nations highest government leaders to uphold the law. The Biden administrations neglect of border laws has been a national disgrace for 4 years. Something shoukd have been done in the beginning but better late than never. We truly need divine assistance Lord and thank you fir hearing and answering our prayers on this, in Jesus name.

January 27, 2024

Why the residents that are leaving in Taxas haven’t peacefully protested against either party. They shouldn’t be neutral. Are they against Biden or Abbott?

January 27, 2024

It is unimaginable to me that we have a present federal government that will not do what is so clearly defined in our Constitution as to the protection of our national borders. We are in a state of emergency and I agree , we are being invaded. The states are justified in protecting the citizens within their borders from this present danger.

January 27, 2024

Texas is more than within it’s right to protect themselves.

Marcia Sinkovitz
January 27, 2024

Praise God for strong & Christian leaders in our government!

P Dougherty
January 27, 2024

I stand with Texas!

January 27, 2024

Texas has my whole hearted support. There is no way Americans can foot the bill for these illegals, even Chicago is complaining, most all these sanctuary cities are complaining. The best thing that has happened is the immigrants being shipped to these cities so they have to see what it’s like to tend with this invasion.

Dianne Jackson
January 27, 2024

Governor Abbott is totally justified in his stand.

January 27, 2024

Justice and mercy go before His throne and yes the Governor has a right to defend the boarders being mindful of from who. Praying he be praying for heart of wisdom and that God would guide his heart not a party. As there are persecuted Christians in Mexico our brothers and sisters in Christ would we refuse them shelter or a child. All Mexicans are God’s children He made all men. And we own nothing the land belongs to God. We are called to have the heart of Christ and we reap what we sow , to treat others as we would want to be treated-what if the circumstances where the opposite and we needed help. There must be way through seeking God’s wisdom to allow those God’s children seeking shelter and refuge from the enemy for we fight not against flesh and blood to give mercy and be able to keep those who seek to do harm out. Pray we seek God’s wisdom with a humble heart before we condemn or speak ill of anyone. To speak ill of another man is to speak ill of their Maker, He also choices our kings.
Daniel 2:21
21 He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;

We our called to pray intercession not judge but seek His wisdom and His heart. Would we return separating families and locking children in cages which is what Hilter did. May love which is the greatest commandment guide our hearts in Jesus name.

    P Dougherty
    January 27, 2024

    Yes, Mexicans are also Gods children (btw its not just mexicans jumping the border, but military age men from China and the middle east) and all Gods children are accountable for lawless behavior. Allowing anyone to spurn the law with impunity is not compassion, its enabling!

    Marcia Sinkovitz
    January 27, 2024

    Christians are commanded to obey the law, as all people are! We don’t have to tolerate illegals who disobey our laws. If they want to obey our laws and enter legally, then good.

Bev Baker
January 27, 2024

Why is is Phi Scott a Republican when he voted for Biden? Is he out of his mind? Republicans need to stick together or they will never win.
Thank the Lord for Gov Abbot. More governors should be like him and everyone needs to stand with him. God Bless you Gov. Abbot

January 27, 2024

Absolutely standing with Gov. Abbott. Stand firm against the evil powers who are trying to destroy America and its people. Gov. Abbott is a strong and an upstanding US citizen. Stay strong. We the people who love and stand for truth and justice support you. We pray for your unrelenting strength in these evil days in which we live.

    January 27, 2024

    I agree. May other states come along to support Texas at this time. With God’s will we will have legal immigration in the US.

January 27, 2024

I pray for the real president who won the 2020 election to take his rightful position in gov. For this to happen, for this to happen I pray for the churches to repent of Nicolaitanism and control of the people. I pray for a Purim for the people of God, where they turn to Jesus and all the evil that was planned against them was turned back on them. For this we pray for the manifestation of the REV 12:5 mature Son of Jesus to be birthed.

Iris Winters
January 27, 2024

Ephesians 6:12-13 (King James Version)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

JP jones
January 27, 2024

Civil rights movement of the 1960s destroyed states’ rights

Ron Deere
January 27, 2024

I live in TX. Back in the Obama days, the TX legislature was ONE VOTE AWAY from removing itself from the union! The difference this time, as opposed to the 1800s is that now the Federal government would just attack the removed state instead of talking to the leadership of the state.

Fred Rivenburg
January 27, 2024

The US constitution seems to indicate to me that Texas, like all border states, has the right, and obligation, to protect the borders of the USA. It also allows for the unique situation of having soldiers under the command of both the federal and state governments and that the state can enforce border protection when the federal government can’t, or won’t do so. I believe that Texas should continue to lead the Texas National Guard and allow for civilians to assist the National Guard has has been done since 1636.

January 27, 2024


Darlene Estlow
January 27, 2024

The Supreme Court did not say Texas had to take down the wire; they simply said Biden could cut the wire. Governor Abbott will let them cut the wire, going along with the Supreme Court decision, but Texas will simply put up more wire. Father, we pray Biden would not bring about a civil war, but would back down.

January 27, 2024

Remember the Alamo! I thank God for Governor Abbott.

Andra L Bryan-Coberly
January 27, 2024

The Marxist in D.C. do not care about Americans they only want to keep control over “We the People”. Texas has every right to defend their citizens and their border. Americans are sick and tired of this Invasion under the “Obama” administration and the deep state.

Nancy Klinck
January 27, 2024

We support Gov Abbott’s DECISIONS AND COURAGE !
We are in much PRAYER FOR HIM AND OUR STATE!! And nation !!
Texas Ranger saying “ ;
A man in the wrong can not stand before a MAN IN THE RIGHT !!!!

Louise Duspiva
January 27, 2024

Texas has every right to defend it self against the illegals any way they need to. Biden wants the illegals to come in so they can vote in the coming election. Biden is a traitor to the U.S.

January 27, 2024

Just a response to Beta O’Rourke. He does not know his history. Faubus was defying both the Constitution and federal law, the same thing the current administration is doing. His comparison is not valid. I stand with Gov. Abbott and Texas and am praying for God’s power, will and glory in this situation.

January 27, 2024

Beto just keeps putting nails in his political coffin.

January 27, 2024

As a Texan living in southern part of the state, I have witness the strain and crime that some of these desperate people have create coming in illegally. The average American citizen NO longer feels safe. Joaquin Castro, of San Antonio, TX, has not a clue about this as he is one of the elite. He is a total politician, period.
Daily, high speed chases occur on our road and streets between law enforcement and traffickers carrying illegals into our state, fences are cut, property damaged, citizens treated and hurt and this is just outside the cities.. My son, a rancher, found a abandoned truck with a illegal laying in the back with a broken neck almost dead from several days exposure of 100 degree weather, after he was abandoned. Authorities were called to help him. In the cities people are intimated by hoodlums wanting money or places to stay. Rest rooms in public places are overwhelmed and filthy. Big stores, such as Walmart, are dangerous especially the parking lots. And on top of that traffickers cruising the isles for potential candidates for sex trade.
All this so this administration can give the vote to illegals????? We need God’s help and we need to pray.

Grant Windholz
January 27, 2024

Oh yes Lord God Almighty, I pray for the sovereignty, wisdom and strength for the great state of Texas and support of all 27 other states who back them up against our wicked/evil and lawless government controlled by a brain dead puppet of Biden and his Administration! The strength of prayer in these challenging times. AMEN 🙏!

Jane Napper
January 27, 2024

Texas has the right to defend her land and people.
Bìden and his far left helpers want this disaster to take place.
They are opening the border on purpose regardless of who
is harmed.

January 27, 2024

I agree with our govenor

Gail Crocker
January 27, 2024

We need to continue to pray for divine intervention at the midnight watch!
That the constitution that was vowed abeyance to is being trampled on by this administration to the detriment of every state, is causing increasing lawlessness, taxes, risk of diseases long gone from the US population, and national security breach of exponential proportions. (with the number of single males from most every foreign countries even the swarm enemies of our country!)
God help us to rise again from this curse on us for turning a blind eye to increasing Godlessness!

Phyllis Neff
January 27, 2024

One of the responsibilities of every nation is to protect its borders and its citizens. When a federal government, like the rogue one we now have, abdicates its job and leaves the people vulnerable, then the individual states must protect the people within their borders. Yes, Governor Abbott, stand strong and protect the people of Texas!

tracy johnson
January 27, 2024

As one observer put it, “Heaven has a wall and strict immigration policies; Hell has open borders”

sean sullivan
January 27, 2024

The idea that the Biden Regime would invoke a Constitution that it has openly defied and defiled during its entire time in office rivals the Pharisaical levels of hypocrisy called out by Jesus — Texas has the economy to become the Lone Star Republic again, and begin the building anew of a real America as One Nation Under God …

Doris Hughes
January 27, 2024

Open boarder means diseases such as leprosy, polio, etc. will be back. Did you know illegals don’t have to take the vaccine, the bio-weapon) only American citizens have to. In Canada same thing. Also Canada has assisted suicide only for their citizens but not for illegals. They also have open boarders.
Schumer congressman, said we will replace every American with immigrants coming through the boarder.
Lord send your mighty angels to help Gov. Abbot to close the boarder in Texas, in Jesus name and it is done! Amen

Herb Johnston
January 27, 2024

The federal government has three original purposes. One)-, to defend our borders-, two)- to enforce and guarantee our constitutional rights-,
three) to do business/diplomacy with foreign governments.
That is the entire purpose of the Federal government.
Anything above and beyond that, is not only government bloat-,it but is illegal.
That means 97% of the federal government is illegal
Not only is the Biden regime allowing who knows how many Untold numbers of criminals to cross the border- along with regular people, but are actually partnering with cartels that are creating a network of crime across our country. The very fact that this article has to be written here on the IFA platform-, and that the point has to be continually debated and renegotiated-,as though there were any other point to be made-, shows how far afield our country has gone from sanity and from proper Jurisprudence based on the Constitutional foundations of Liberty as founded in God’s Word-, the Bible.
It goes without saying that Governor Abbott is well within his legal rights and his duty-,to defend Texas, and by extension,the United States of America. The same God who created and designed Sanctuary cities for those who had accidentally committed murders so they would not be dealt with too unjustly-, is the same God who in His Justice allows for Humanity to protect itself from the onslaught of evil that is being disguised as Hospitality towards strangers.

At this point all I can pray is-, God save us all

January 27, 2024

I recall that Texas entered the United States with ability to secede if necessary and once again become it’s own Nation.

I think it is time for Texas to once again become it’s own nation since the “President” has failed to protect Texas from these invaders.

    Herb Johnston
    January 27, 2024

    Ya!! Amen

    Doris Hughes
    January 27, 2024


    Linda Rath
    January 27, 2024

    Yes, you are exactly right. Texas is the only state who can legally do that, as that was part of the agreement for Texas to join the United States of America! I pray that we will not get in a civil war with the “blue states.”

Jeane Whiteside
January 27, 2024

Biden should have made a bold decisive move and continued to build the border wall and guarded it with manpower. He should have supported our sovereignty and enforced laws of safety for citizens. He’s a traitor as are most of our members of Congress. And they should all be impeached. I hope and pray whoever is pulling the puppet strings will soon lose control and it all falls down so the Lord can raise up righteous leaders.

Denise Richey
January 27, 2024

Father, manifest your wisdom, strength and courage to/on Gov. Abbott and his administration that they come together as one and the state of Texas comes together as one to defeat the enemy here and the ones coming in and to stand firm in You, Jesus, our Rock, our Salvation, our strong tower, our Help in the time of need and right now we are in a time of need!!! Break all satanic holds on this state, the land, the people, the officials, the government and fill us with Your power, love, peace and joy! Thank You. One other thing: the people coming in, in some miraculous way, show them Your love and that they are so loved and how to come to a saving knowledge of You, Jesus, to have that relationship that will last for eternity! In the name of Jesus Christ! Amen and amen ❣️

January 27, 2024

Texas is justified to defend their borders and I stand with Governor Greg Abbot. Lord break the Pagan heart of president Joe Biden that he will see the wickedness of his ways and turn from the Satanic influence he is enshrouded with and give his heart to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen

Ron Schumaker
January 27, 2024

The line in the sand has been drawn.
Our God will prevail as His Kingdom will
come and His ‘Will’ be done !!!!!

Terri B
January 27, 2024

It really is a shame that it has to come to this, that the states have to make a stand because the Adminstration that is in place in the White House will not. God bless Governor Abbott and the other Governors standing with him. I pray that Katie Hobbs here in Arizona does the same. Dear Father, thank You for exposing all You have for everyone to see, that America has fallen away from You. Bring us back Lord, open the eyes of the ones who are blind to all that has been going on, bring America back to You! I declare, America Shall Be Saved!!! In the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus! Amen and Amen.

    Herb Johnston
    January 27, 2024

    First Katie Hobbs must undergo complete spiritual transformation. When a human being rises to a position of power within the framework of a government system.. the point of that being that it is in control and holds sway over an entire state.. that level of authority-,when usurped by evil, becomes so inculcated in that evil-, that it is unlikely most of the time- that that person can extract themselves from that control from the evil one-,even if they desire to- without a huge prayer effort and manifestation of God in the miraculous-,through the holy spirit..in that person’s life. This is how human history is littered with human beings having sold their souls to Satan become the tyrants that we are also familiar with.. not to be differentiated that much from tyrannical religious leaders that create false religions

Vickie Hodgeman
January 27, 2024

Governor Abbott is absolutely doing the right thing and is constitutionally correct. It is Biden who is breaking the law by allowing open borders.
We need to be taking a strong stand against the corruption and evil taking place. This is a spiritual war between God and Satan, and we know who wins!

Cheryl wagner
January 27, 2024

Joe Biden is breaking our laws. Political games are being played! This is a clear abuse by the Federal government, and is a disgraceful drain on our Country. Is it okay to destroy a nation who is always so generous in giving? Borders are good. Proper vetting of people needs to happen.

Cynthia Camarillo Range
January 27, 2024

I stand with Governor Abbott and as a Texan we have the right to defend our state, lawfully through the US Constitution and the Texas Constitution. Each state has the right to govern itself. We declare Texas as a State Under God!

Daniel Peeler
January 27, 2024

Yes, I believe Texas is Justified. Only twenty years ago, Democrats themselves were vehemently opposed to illegal immigration. Until they realized they could corruptly wrest power away from their people and their opponent political parties by utilizing illegal voting by illegal immigrants.

Tammy Best
January 27, 2024

Yes border protection is a must for the protection of US citizens and citizens from other countries. God have mercy on every person and help us to be about your business and your ways in protecting people. Guide us with your Word by the leading of Holy Spirit to teach us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Thank you Jesus our Savior. God open the eyes of the blind so they can see there are more for us than against us. Open our eyes to your wonderful Word that is able to save and convict people of sin and to accept Jesus as there Savior. Thank you Jesus for everything and everyday that we can be about the Father’s Business. Amen

January 27, 2024

Lord, please send your mighty angelic warriors to guard, keep and protect our nation from terrorists who want to harm us. Strengthen the resolve of Governor Abbott and the Texas state leadership. Cause the Biden administration to back down, and silence their threats.
But, O Lord…You have used what appeared to be crisis and disaster to bring about Your will…we see this in Your Word when the Pharoah and the Egyptian solders were pursuing the Israelites and they seemed to be trapped. Or, when Joseph was sold into slavery by His brothers. Your plans and purposes were brought forth. There are people from many countries crossing our borders…from Central and South America, Mexico, Haiti, Venezuela…even China, India, and Russia (https://www.economist.com/united-states/2024/01/18/americas-southern-border-has-become-a-global-crossroads) You said Go and make disciples of all the nations…maybe You are bringing the nations to us? Please grant Your Ekklesia wisdom, discernment and the resources to minister to these ones, wherever we encounter them, and share the Gospel with them.

January 27, 2024

I’m with Babit, They need to apply like the way it has always been done. Not like a theft in the night.

Jeannette Raynes
January 27, 2024

It’s not just the TEXAS border – – – it is part of the southern border of the US! Why does this administration allow the sovereignty of the USA to be disregarded in this way?

Chen, Lubin
January 27, 2024


January 27, 2024

What better way to destroy a country than from within. The Biden/Obama administration has made it clear that is their goal. However, the only thing that will stop this is Jesus. We need to continue to pray to the only one who can help AND continue to do our part with voting out the destructive people in the government AND standing for Truth.

January 27, 2024

It is our God given right to stand for justice. Governor Abbott is doing what the administration is not doing, and should have done. We must be bold as a lion, cunning as a dove. Praying that The Lord continues to Strengthen Governor Abbott, and the Wisdom, only our Lord can give him to walk in.

Elinor Fischer
January 27, 2024

Article 4, section 4 of the US Constitution reads as follows: “The US shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican form of government, and SHALL PROTECT EACH OF THEM FROM INVASION . . . And against domestic violence.

January 27, 2024

Where is Cackling Kamala in all of this? Isn’t she the border czar? My fear is the civil war that this administration is creating and it will not be pretty. It is more than the Texas National Guard this administration will come up against. If the citizens of the state of Texas come together and join their forces, it will not be pretty. Pray for our Lord’s intervention to throw confusion at this administration such that the individuals tasked with confronting the Nation Guard refuse and turn away.

    Jeannette Raynes
    January 27, 2024

    And that every mouth that utters lies and iniquity will be stopped! Ps 63:11

January 27, 2024

I pray 🙏 a hedge of protection about me and all my brothers and sisters in Christ as God’s holy boundaries are reestablished! In the name of Jesus I decree and declare God’s Word from:

Deuteronomy 19:14

Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it.


Deuteronomy 27:17

Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark. And all the people shall say, Amen.


Jesusita Varela
January 27, 2024

Father, in Jesus name intervene concerning our boarders in Texas and Arizona. Send angels to guard and protect our borders. Do not allow Terrorist and evil to walk in. Lord, thou are mighty and powerful. You are with us! We are not afraid! Your right hand saves us!

Brian lynch
January 27, 2024

It is truly a shame how this situation is playing out. I pray for the truth to prevail. Biden has definitely overstepped his bounds, and Abbott has every right to be upset about how his state has had to deal with the border crisis. Lord Jesus, please use this terrible situation for good. Please, let this situation be resolved in a fair and honest fashion. Thank You, Jesus.

Chinedu Okoye
January 27, 2024

Governor Abbott should secure our borders and protect Texans. No sane property owner accommodates or welcomes any visitor who enters his/her property by jumping over the fence. If Biden is too weak to do the needful, he should not stop Governor Abbott.
To those at the borders: I say, GO THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR!

Cindy Riley
January 27, 2024

Lord God in Heaven,
We humbly fall before you asking for your mercy, wisdom, discernment, and guidance in the boarder situation and all the evil that is plaguing this nation. We are being attacked in all directions and it feels so overwhelming. We are so grateful that we don’t walk by sight but by faith and you told us what is ahead. If it be your will, help us to fall on our faces before you with broken, contrite and repentant hearts, seeking your face and heart. Strengthen your children and help us to stand on all your promises, including the healing of our land. Help us to defend the blessing of this nation that you have given us. Forgive us for all the bad choices we have made because we didn’t seek you or trust you. Guide our actions and help us to be willing to stand. We know that if we loose Texas, this nation will fall. If that be your will, help us to rejoice and look up, seeking your return. Help us to praise you and serve you. Help us to be your City on a Hill and you beacon of hope.
In Jesus mighty name I pray,

January 27, 2024

Lord I thank you for your assistance in our times of need. I see you working through good men, and women. Our country has been blessed, because of our faith. And you are calling back your flock who has wandered off. All things in your time.

In Jesus name

joe blais
January 27, 2024

Joe Biden (and many of his staff) should be held and be convicted of treason as his #1 job is to protect the American citizens. He will go down as the worst poda in USA history provided we survive this fiasco.

January 27, 2024

Thank you Lord for Governor Abbott and all the good people taking a stand to keep terrorists, gangs, drugs, sex trafficking, spies, and criminals from walking across the border along with precious people who just want to work hard and have a better life. There has to be an orderly process. In this clash with jezebelish forces, give Texas and America a decisive victory O God.🇺🇸

January 27, 2024

Thank you Texas for standing for the constitution of the United States of America, and protecting our borders we pray for President Biden that he will start. He swore to protect our voters to protect the constitution of United States of America and he has broken that, and we called him into accountability.

Philip M Stackhouse
January 27, 2024

I believe God has given the states the right to protect their citizens from the lawlessness brought on by the lack of leadership shown by the empty White House. The governors must protect their citizens from this lack of leadership shown by this tyrannical and worthless White House and his corrupt administration!!!

Mac Garrison
January 27, 2024

Governor Abbott is absolutely right to stand firm against the overwhelming invasion of his state and our nation, brought about by the fools which comprise the Biden Administration. All sovereign nations must have secure borders, and since Joe Biden took office, we no longer have secure borders. It makes one wonder what kind of payoff Biden is getting from the drug cartels.

Mike Johnston
January 27, 2024

Yes, Abbott is completely justified to close the border. Just look at the very early 20th century history of our immigration policies – often suspended for valid reasons.

Carolyn Howell
January 27, 2024

It’s beyond sad to me that the President of our great country appears to be working against the majority of what Americans want for this country. Its attempts to wear people down so they can have power is disgraceful to say the least. The writing has been on the wall to see that the corruption of illegals to cross the border goes right along with the plan of letting illegals get state id’s and now they are pushing for all states to require id’s to vote. And now I see he is pushing for illegals to vote. It is not fair to the American people. I pray Father you stop the evil that is desperately trying to take over America. I pray Father that you expose the corruption in our government, and hold responsible and justify all attacks of the enemy. In the precious name of Yeshua 💝🙏

Grant R
January 27, 2024

Governor Abbott is in the right.
The democrats are simply wrong.
Our Founding Fathers were established that the Federal Government had very limited powers. In fact the current administration failure to follow immigration laws that are in place is criminal.
Since the southern border is likened to a war zone, the current administration is acting like someone committing treason against the United States of America citizens.
The border crisis has been nothing but a political disaster and all of the illegals have been become a burden on our own infrastructure.
The democrats are wanting to destroy America. Their policies are abusive and eroding the American people’s liberties which is protected by our constitution.
The Biden Administration is simply evil. May God intervene and restore like He has done when Israel had wicked kings.

January 27, 2024

The only GOOD at our border will be the closing of it! FATHER GOD please stop the flood of illegals into America with YOUR Mighty Hand! YOUR WORD tells us that we are to do things decently and in order! Our border is not functioning decently or in order! Please put an abrupt halt to ALL illegal border crossings immediately! Please put the authority in the hands of border state Governors like Governor Abbott who is trying to obey and enforce our USA Constitution and his state Constitution and laws of our country! Help him to be victorious quickly rather than later! Give him favor and help to restore Constitutionality back to our border and his state in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Jamie Hotelling
January 27, 2024

Thank God Governor Abbott has the courage and wisdom to protect Texas borders from the deluge of illegal immigrants! He is defending the safety of all Texacans. On the other hand Biden and his wicked administration care nothing for the safety of Americans. I’m so thankful many other governors fully support Governor Abbott’s decision to protect Texas borders.

Stephanie Dash
January 27, 2024

Yes, I believe they do have the right to protect their borders when they’re being overwhelmed and invaded and it’s becoming a burden on their system. If the Federal Government isn’t going to abide by The Constitution and protect our nation by securing our borders, I feel the border states have every right to do so!

Carol R
January 27, 2024

FATHER GOD please send laborers to stand with Governor Greg Abbott as he fights for Texas! Let them be victorious in keeping his state free from the pollution of illegals flooding into our country! Let other border state Governors and legislators join with Governor Abbott to stop the flow of illegals and to send every last one of them back across the border! In fact FATHER GOD let this be the beginning of the reverse border crossings BACK INTO MEXICO in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Hannah Alisia Ball
January 27, 2024

Father, in the name of Jesus,

You are holy, and there is none like you. You are wonderful and deserve all our devotion. Father, I come before you on behalf of America. We confess that we have failed you. We have turned our backs on you and followed other gods. We have committed grievous sin against you. We repent for turning our backs on you, and your anointed one Jesus. Your Word tells us that when we from our wickedness that you will hear our prayer, forgive our sins, and heal our land. We confess that we have loved our sin more than you. We confess that we have corrupted the word of God, and made it out to be a lie. We confess every time that we have partnered with the enemy for murdering innocent life; we confess for every time that we judged others instead of loving them unconditionally, we confess for all the time we have wasted and forsook our covenant with you Almighty God through your son Jesus Christ. We humble ourselves before you and beg for your mercy on our land. Our land is broken; only you can heal our land. Intervene by your mighty hand, and remove the corruption out of the hearts of every American person, including our governors, senators, congressman, judges, the president, and his staff. Purify the hearts of every person, and this great nation from the Pacific to the Atlantic all the way to Alaska, Hawaii, and all US territories. Strengthen us Almighty God by your hand, we submit ourselves to your leadership King Jesus, we give you our hearts, our minds, our wills, our souls, and our whole lives and beings. We surrender to you and ask you to move us, use us in ways only you can to save our nation.
In the authority of Jesus name,

January 27, 2024

Father God we pray your hand upon this situation with Texas and the right to defend their state. May you go before them and with them in all of this in Jesus name amen

Herbert Lubitz
January 27, 2024

Not one State should give up thrèir soverignty. BIDEN has been selling us off to our enemies like Chìna and Ukrain. Bìden needs to be hung for all the treasonous acts without Congress and is corrùpt.

January 27, 2024

Gov Abbott has, in my opinion, waited far too long to take this step…..I’ve got to admire his restraint and attempts to get the government to abide by its own laws. These are NOT asylum seekers but an all out attempt to take over America. While Congress and the Courts dither, our children’s future is being stolen…..and our vets sidelined to care for able-bodied men.

I pray for.God’s intervention and justice to come swiftly.

Edward Finley
January 27, 2024

If we don’t take a stand now our Nation will no longer be Sovereign. Governor Abbott is withing The Constitutional Rights to Defend his State from all enemies Foreign or Domestic.

January 27, 2024

I personally stand with Governor Abbott. I live in Kentucky that is ran by a weak Biden loving governor with questionable morals. I do not feel protected by our elected at all and am so grateful God alone is in charge for REAL. I am praying with all intercessors for God’s protection for Mr. Abbott, his family and his state. I believe Mr. Abbott is doing God’s work in looking out for the interests of not only Texas but America. No other country can you just waltz in when and where you want. The United States, just as other countries do, has a procedure for allowing immigrants to come here and none of those conditions are being adhered to or upheld by our Government. I am saddened that the Supreme Court doesn’t see how wrong this whole set up is and I am going to increase prayers for God to open their eyes and convict them concerning their wrongful decisions.

I pray God will strengthen those like Governor Abbott and others that are standing behind him. that as he did in King
David’s day he will fight for us. (When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Psalms 27:2KJV) Father we speak the name of Jesus over this situation and humble ourselves before you and ask you please to heal our land.

Fr L David Mani
January 27, 2024

Governor Greg Abbott is right. Joe Biden and his administration is wrong.
I do appreciate the Governors joined hand and fully support Governor Get Abbott in his efforts to protect his State Texas.

January 27, 2024

This is not simply a case of A Biden/Abbot skirmish. The People of the USA have been ignored and put at peril way to long by their own “President “ , a “president” who is truly NOT the true president. We the People KNOW Biden is merely a puppet AND fool. Abbot has a duty to protect his citizens. If a civil war must begin somewhere in defense of our country and our people, I for one say let it begin here at our Southern Border and if it does I am willing to pack my bags today and join their fight to protect Texas and the USA from a phony “would be” president who is an obvious traitor who cares more about protecting and harboring illegals than our country’s own true Patriotic citizens ready to give their own lives if necessary. Biden and those claiming he is president are a lying traitorous pack of wolves who should be taken into custody, and either imprisoned or hung for the treasonous puppets they are. If it’s coming to a civil war, let it begin if it is what it takes to regain the Oval Office. No I am not som crazy or violent fanatic, just sick and tired of watching traitors and fanatic incompetents constantly trample us under foot. May our God, who Biden and his supporters know nothing about help us by interceding His will. God bless and protect those God fearing patriots who stand ready to imply and support His will.

    January 27, 2024

    I completely agree with you! Biden and the entire group are guilty of treason against the United States and its people! FATHER GOD please remove every last one of biden’s cabinet and supporters into prison quickly in JESUS NAME!

    January 27, 2024

    Well said Robert !! This Texan would totally agree with your post. NEVER has our government of the United States of America been so divided between having faith in Jesus or following this corruption of Satan we are experiencing today.
    Our prayers and partnership with the Heavenly hosts must be active this very day as this battle is RAGING this very moment!! Hallelujah!!

January 27, 2024

I am a Texas citizen and could not be more proud of our governor right now! It is also very encouraging to see that people, not just all across the nation, but all around the WORLD are routing for us and for America! This isn’t just a fight between Texas and Biden. This is a fight between Biden and America! I think we all know why they are letting so many millions just walk across the border. And it’s about time someone stood up and did something about what’s been going on. America is fed up!

Lino Zamacona
January 27, 2024

Americans have the right to protect and secure our borders.

January 26, 2024

I am so glad that gov Abbott is not giving in to the tyranny of Biden and the rest of those who are in power and bent on destroying our country. I am a long time San Diego native, my only years not here were when I served in the army. It is heartbreaking to see the homeless, drug addicted, decline of our beautiful city. My hope is that many do unite and stand up to what the bigger agenda is here. We here in CA miss the strong leadership we had years ago. Texas example certainly gives me hope. I have been praying for leadership change and revival in our country for 15 years now. My 4 grown children have been impacted between lack of reasonable rent/home ownership, health insurance on our strained system as illegals get head of the line, and gang violence with the influx of drugs, even fentanyl.

January 26, 2024

Not only Texas, but every state of the nation, or every country in the whole wide world should be able to protect its borders and its people from any and all invasions! It’s as simple as ABC! To stand by and do nothing while your children are dying from drugs as a result of the invasion? And where other children are made to stay home from school to give their school over to illegal aliens? No! No! No! That is not right! Wake up America and take a stand for the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free!

January 26, 2024

We here in Arkansas stand with Texas who must begin to protect its citizens. Rise up and defend!

January 26, 2024

I stand with Texas and Governor Abbott. Open borders are not legal and should not be tolerated by any state particularly the border states. This current tyrannical government is up to no good and We The People should stand against them even if it means a civil war. Perhaps that is what Biden and company are aiming for.

January 26, 2024

Texas is more than justified in its action against the Biden Regime. I support the other states signing on in support of Texas.

Maybe the Red states will finally come together and incorporate a Sovereign state.

Let’s pray for our country and its Christian values.


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