According to Fox 4 KDFW, “Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that statewide pandemic restrictions put in place last year, including his statewide mask mandate and capacity restrictions, will end on March 10.
“It is now time to open Texas 100%,” Abbott said. “Every business that wants to open should be open.”
Abbott made the announcement while visiting small business owners in Lubbock. He said for nearly half a year, most businesses have been open at only 50-75% capacity. . . .
All places of business, including restaurants, event venues and bars, will be allowed to reopen at full capacity.
Businesses are no longer mandated to require masks, but they can still issue their own individual mask requirements.
The order does give businesses the power to still require masks and limit capacity if they choose. . . .
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities must continue following guidance from the state’s health and human services.
Schools are being told to follow guidance from the Texas Education Agency. . . .
Abbott has said he’s optimistic about the increasing availability of vaccines across the state. So far 5.7 million vaccines have been administered in the state.
Plus, the governor said Texans now know how to protect themselves and have access to antibiotic treatments for the virus.
“Despite these changes remember this, removing state mandates does not end personal responsibility personal vigilance is still needed to contain COVID it’s just that now state mandates are no longer needed,” he said. . . .
“We have our local experts that are all saying this is not recommended. This is not a good idea at this point,” said Dallas County Health Director Dr. Philip Huang.
Hospitalizations are the lowest they’ve been in months. Yet, they’re still on par with the summer peak when the governor first issued his mask mandate. The governor says the current downward trend and increasing vaccine distribution played a role in his decision.
“COVID has not disappeared. It still exists in Texas, the US and across the globe,” Abbott said. “But it is clear from the recoveries, the vaccinations, the hospitalizations that state mandates are no longer needed.”
More than 93% of Texans have not been fully vaccinated.
If hospitalizations in a region rise about 15% for seven straight days, a county judge may use COVID-19 mitigation strategies in their county. . . .
The message from Dallas County’s top medical official to everyone is simple.
“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should,” Dr. Huang said. . . .
“On the day 25 new deaths raise @DallasCountyTx death toll above 3k, @GovAbbott lifted all his state orders designed to protect you and those you care about from #COVID19,” Jenkins tweeted, encouraging county residents to listen to health experts and continue to wear a mask.
In Tarrant County, leaders say they do not agree with the decision but they say their hands are tied.
Before the governor’s announcement, Tarrant County Judge Whitley said he had no plans to rescind the county’s mask order. But to avoid confusion after Abbott’s announcement, Whitley changed course and lifted all county mandates, including the county’s disaster declaration. . . .
Tarrant County leaders say they do not agree with Gov. Abbott’s decision, but their hands are tied. The county judge decided he might as well lift the county’s emergency declaration.
“I probably would have waited until after spring break,” Whitley said. “It seems like every time we relax, then people go 180 degrees and so we end up with a spike.” . . .
Joe T. Garcia’s Restaurant Owner Joe T. Lancarte says he expects a spring break rush but still plans to operate at half capacity at the Fort Worth location.
“Even though it’s going to be 100%, we are not going to open 100%. What that number going to be, I don’t know yet. But it will not be 100%,” he said. “I kind of like wish they could have waited a few weeks, like after spring break, but we’ll handle it.”
Staff will continue to wear masks and check temperatures at the door but give customers the option to enter unmasked if they choose. . . .
“There’s still going to be confusion,” he said. “Because while he has rescinded his order with regards to the state and that’s businesses and buildings that may belong to the state, the president has not rescinded his order.” . . .
Some state health experts say if lifting restrictions is where the state is headed, they’d prefer a more measured, targeted approach over time — with lifting the mask mandate the final step.
The DFW Hospital Council released a statement, calling the governor’s decision unfortunate and said losing the mask mandate will likely cause further spread of the virus.
“I really just think we are so close. If we could just make it to the summer and fall,” said Dr. Diana Cervantes, epidemiologist and assistant professor, UT Health Science Center in Fort Worth.
She suggested starting with opening up nursing homes where vaccinations have already occurred and expanding to restaurants as the state heads into spring where eating outside and opening windows is an option. . . .
“There’s a time difference between having a vaccine come out and actually having it in people’s arms and then having enough time lapse to say they are covered,” she said. . . .
“I think what we really want to avoid is that spring break spike,” Cervantes said. . . .
“At this level of cases, with variants spreading, we stand to completely lose the hard-earned ground we have gained. These variants are a very real threat to our people and our progress. Now is not the time to relax the critical safeguards that we know can stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities, not when we are so close,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. . . .
Nearly two million Texans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. But with children not eligible and many adults refusing to get the shots, Texas may not reach what’s called “herd immunity” for a long time.
Experts have said Americans may need to continue wearing masks in public into next year regardless of how many people get the vaccine. . . .
Newsom blasts Abbott for removing Texas mask mandate: ‘Absolutely reckless’
According to Fox News, “California Gov. Gavin Newsom Tuesday blasted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s “absolutely reckless” reversal of a coronavirus mandate requiring masks. . . .
In a bid to reopen Texas “100 percent” Abbott also said he will rescind the state’s previous executive orders and allow all businesses to reopen at maximum capacity. . . .
Meanwhile, 96 percent of California’s population remains in the most restrictive purple tier, though a number of counties are expected to move to the less restrictive red tier this week. Newsom is facing a recall effort, which could be nearing a vote, over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. . . .
Like the rest of the country, Texas has seen the number of cases and deaths plunge. Hospitalizations are at the lowest levels since October, and the seven-day rolling average of positive tests has dropped to about 7,600 cases, down from more than 10,000 in mid-February.
Texas, the second-biggest state, was behind California and New York for Covid-19 deaths. . . .
What do you think about Texas’ governor ending the statewide mask mandate? Discuss in the comment below. . .
(Photo by Lynda M. Gonzalez-Pool/Getty Images)
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I agree totally with Governor Abbott.
IF the vaccines are being touted as the miracle bullet and over half the country has received them then why do you need a mask?
The CDC said long ago that masks were not the answer! No one denies the virus is real but it’s been used as a mind-set imprisonments and control. That was it’s purpose all along. And it has worked! Wake up America! It’s been a conditioning of the mind game!
Thank you Governor Abbott for taking a stand. We’re proud of you.
As for Governor Newsom…He’s being recalled…so much for his opinion.
It was a good decision even though it poses a threat to Abbott’s career. This is not the bubonic plague, for goodness sake. The virus has treatment options now and still 99% of people recover. The country/world should never gone into a lockdown. At least people can think for themselves now. Stand up for what you believe and are led by our Lord.
I am thankful. Long overdue.
As a resident of Lubbock, Texas, I am so very pleased with Governor Abbott’s decision!
I believe it is a Good move to get back to people deciding what is important to them and not being controlled. So grateful and happy the governor is opening up his state! Praying the economy boosts and the people are healthy and strong!!!
Florida has never had a mask mandate and our economy is one of the best in the nation and our suicide rate is lowest. Masks have been proven not to provide the protection claimed and even CDC has agreed.
Washing hands and staying home when you are sick is the best advice our mothers ever gave us. Quarantining sick people and keeping businesses open has worked best throughout all the plagues the world has gone through.
Churches stayed open and Christians prayed together and victories were won. Its past time to stand up to Satan’s ploy of keeping bars open and riotors rioting while keeping churches closed and God worship from defeating him.
We’ve been played and it time to take back and overcome!
Amen !!! So well said!!!
I think it is wonderful to have our God given freedom again!
Thank you Governor Abbott!
If you want to wear a mask, wear one! But don’t enforce healthy people and children!
It is called Liberty which the constitution demands for people of America. COVID did not kill the US economy but rather the government did.
I applaud Texas and hope the rest of the nation follows suit! If anyone is uncomfortable without a mask, by all means, wear one! Enough with the fear! We are ready for this, ready and able to make decisions about our health and well-being.
Our Texas Governor did not say people can’t wear masks – he just said we don’t have to. If you are scared to breathe the air, by all means wear a mask. If you’re sick, stay home. If you’re healthy and have either had Covid or the vaccine, why should you be forced to wear a mask? It’s interesting that most of the people I know that caught Covid were diligent mask wearers, while the people I know who never, ever wear one and have refused to cower at home (including my 89 year old mother in law) haven’t even had a sniffle.
Good for him! I pray for more state leaders to have courage to follow his example and lift restrictions that are ruining our economy.
I think that all states should follow Governor Abbots lead. I believe that we have reached a point in this country where all of these restrictions have become a way for control by the government. We now know so much more about COVID and how to treat it. Also, there are several studies that say masks do not stop the spread of COVID. So, lets open this country and get us back to living normally while still protecting the elderly.
I am praying that other states will follow Texas’s lead so we may get our freedoms back. God is in control and we should be fearful. Amen to Psalm 91
Agreed! I wish WA State would do the same, but I’m afraid our mandate will never end!
I’m from South Dakota. WELCOME BACK TEXAS! – to honoring the Constitution and returning the right to chooseback to the people! Praying for the other states to move out of fear and back into faith as well. The US Constitution gave We The People authority- as the Founders of our nation intended. And our US Constitution is in agreement with the Bible which is the main reason it has stood this long. Prayer and the fear of the LORD will return this nation to God where we belong. If you have a relationship with God, your life and health are in His hands. And our LORD has power over EVERY disease. Thank you Jesus for Gov Abbott making this decision!
Amen! We live in WA State and I hope it’s okay to be envious of all of you in SD! Wow, praise God for your governor. We can’t even imagine having leadership like that in WA. It is so unbelievable oppressive here and the spirit of fear is so very sad. I’m reading a book the Constitution to my kids now and they are loving it!
We pray for all the States and all in leadership. And we so appreciate our governor. Even with our governor taking a stand, power was then delegated to the cities. Our city tried to mandate regarding wearing masks or us being fined – for all businesses and our churches. The businesses already have the legal right to refuse service to anyone, without a mandate. When they involved the churches the believers stood up and quoted our founding documents word for word saying that no law shall infringe on the freedom to worship God. The city relented. And we praised God. I’m so encouraged that you are sharing the Constitution with your children. Living in and under fear is not of God. LORD JESUS, we need You in the United States to stand for those who are standing for You – You are our strong tower, refuge, defender, and deliverer. We run to You for safety. Bring the other States along to know who You are and to worship You. Turn the hearts and minds of the governors to follow You only. In Jesus Name, Amen
Blessings on you!
I thank God for our freedom in Texas!
Go Abbott! God Bless America
I stand by and support the Governors decision to open Texas at 100 percent!
Amen. Someone with some courage to follow the real science. Texas is doing the right thing and others should follow.
Totally agree with the Governors call for Texas. My husband and I pray Psalm 91 all the time over ourselves and our families. HE (THE LORD) SAVES US FROM THE SNARE OF THE FOWLER AND THE DEADLY PESTILENCE. Every verse from Psalm 91 is awesome. We follow the guidelines and totally rely on the Lord for HIS PROTECTION over us. I can personally attest to what God does to protect us: I am in my car, all of a sudden I see a bus pull out from a side street, there was going to be an accident, no time to swerve, my car ended up on the other side of the street, no accident and I said Thank You Lord. Praying like crazy for this nation, even if I can’t see anything, I know He does abundantly above all that I think or ask. It just seems like a lot of evil is going on in this country, still believing with all of my heart that no matter what it seems like, God is in control. Just thankful to the Lord.
I think Gov. Abbott is taking the government out of our personal lives and putting the decision on how to run our life back in our hands, as it should be. This is the freedom our Founders provided for us in the Constitution. If you choose to mask, fine, if not fine. Just respect the other person. If you mask and a business has unmasked patrons, and you do not want to be around them, choose another business. If a business requires masking and you choose not to mask, like wise, respect the owner and go to another business that allows unmasked folks. Also, do not berate someone for their decision to mask, or not. That is their choice, and personal freedom. You cannot impinge on someone else’s rights, mask, or not. The people that have berated the governor have talked out of place, and belittled themselves. If they are in a place of leadership, I feel sorry for the folks under their leadership!
I agree with all my heart that state should open! Governor Abbott is right, governors do not have the authority, amen and amen! We can try using common sense and leave the rest to God. We are told not to fear. Fear-mongering is how evil gains power over us. Amen
Gavin Newsom is a total hypocrite whom has been spotted at large gatherings not wearing a mask. For him to condemn Gov. Abbott for the no mask policy is totally ridiculous. I know Californians that have been isolated in their homes for more than a year. The Lord tells us not to walk in fear but in wisdom.
My Prayer TODAY…
I Agree and Amen!
Psalms 91 over states that make a decision to OPEN UP
Science Facts be revealed and sinister agenda to be REVEALED and held ACCOUNTABLE
I believe that as an adult I’m able to make a sound decision on wearing a mask. I really don’t need the government to make decisions for me to wear or not to wear a mask. I’m glad I can make my own sound decision. Thank you
Finally, a governor is brave enough to go with common sense and the data showing no correlation between mask mandates and supposed “covid” test results. The PCR process was never intended to be used as a diagnostic test (see video of its creator, Kary Mullis, speaking about it), and has never been validated for that purpose, it is not even clear what a positive test result means. When the gene multiplication process is run for more than 35 cycles before a “positive” result is determined, experimental results show that no live virus can be cultured from the genetic material so manufactured. The paper detailing this was published by Oxford University Press, Academic division, so should still be up on the internet.
My husband, family, and many friends and I agree that we are relieved and thrilled that we can finally remove the masks. We are proud of our governor for giving us the right to make our own adult decisions on whether or not we want or need to wear a mask. For us, we will not where them. We finally feel free again. What a relief! Thank you Governor Abbott!
It way past time for all the states to do the same
I applaud Texas ! Now all states need to follow their example!
That is the right thing to do: allow both people and businesses the right to choose! My mom (80+ years old) and my sister (60+) will not be getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, but still agree with the mask mandate. I don’t since I have sinus issues and wearing a mask all day at work unless it is designed to be breathable makes me literally sick. (Besides being ineffective at blocking COVID.) Considering the free speech and freedom of religion issues many of the other states have dealt with, it makes me wonder if there isn’t some grand scheme to make those who disagree with the left-statists (https://www.zeroaggressionproject.org/mental-lever/left-statists-and-right-statists/) seem less human.
I completely agree with the 100% re-opening and no mask (muzzle) declaration in Texas. Thank you Texas! The CDC has clearly shown that over 99.5% of everyone who gets covid recovers. We could clearly see that distancing and muzzling did nothing statistically to covid counts. I thank God for giving us amazing immune systems and for revealing truth. Thank you Governor Abbott for starting a victory train over this “plandemic”.
Thank you, Texas. May other states follow your example. The American people are not the problem. We have been told to mask up and shut up for one year. It is time to de-mask and speak up, along with prayer before it is too late to save our nation. We have been lied to more than told the truth about this “pandemic” and politics. I had Covid-I am still here at 70 years old. I will not get the vaccine. I will no longer wear a mask in public. It was a way for the government to get our citizens under their deceptive control. It is TIME we begin to look like ourselves, unmask, and speak up when we can in order to seek truth over this demon driven deception.
We are all weary- how long will we submit to satan’s plan to keep us quiet and submissive?
Thank thee, Lord Jesus, for Texas to lead the way for all the other states which implemented Emergency Orders. May the people of Texas be a shining example for the rest of the nation! Please continue to protect and bless their God fearing people in leadership. Lead more souls in repentance and salvation, please, dear Lord.
Anyone, who knows about Event 21, understands this is really a plandemic. China couldn’t get even with Trump using military might, so they infected us so the Dems could use it as fear mongers to not only destroy Trump, but also destroy our economy and attack our rights under the Bill of Rights. The mask mongers are bullies, who want to enslave us under communism. The Democrat Party was founded by a member of the Illuminati. People should have the right to decide for themselves whether they want to risk getting sick or not. Since the advocates of aborticide want a woman to have the right to decide to murder her baby, people should also have the liberty to decide about everything else too. Anything otherwise is hypocrisy. The Dems should change their name to Hypocrats.
Amen. Go Longhorns.
It’s about time. I requested this action a year ago. We’re adults and can decide what is best for ourselves and families, we don’t need a “nanny” state.
I am proud of Texas. We should never have had a mask mandate for healthy people. The only people that should wear a mask in all states are those with low immune systems and at risk.
Only the most vulnerable should have to quarantine so Texas is right to set everyone else free to earn their money and live their lives. Thank You Lord for their courage.
Amen— God is working it out for all the late comers–they better hurry–
Good for Texas! I pray our governor will find courage to follow Texas and Mississippi governors.
I feel like this article was pretty biased toward the mainstream media/propaganda views of CoVid 19 and how to effectively deal with it in society. I am sure the governor of Texas is also looking at the scientific studies that are being silenced in our country and in our world that reveal what hundreds of scientific studies show about the effectiveness of wearing masks; nanoparticles, which would carry CoVid, blow right through the masks. Masks offers no protection. Science also shows that is is better for humanity to be around each other than to social distance, which actually causes more harm. For those reading this article, please realize there is another side to this mask/vaccine/social distancing issue, and you are not going to find it doing a Google or YouTube search because of censorship.
I agree with Gov. Abbott. Texas needs to be 100% open
Be vigilant.
Be wise.
Be a judge over your own self.
It will all be ok.
I raise a Hallelujah! Welcome back Gov. Abbott to honoring the constitution and our civil rights! Thank you for letting the people to make their own decisions concerning our health. Don’t listen to the naysayers. They’ve been saying all the same stuff for the last 338 days of the 15 days to slow the spread. No governor and no President can make a law. Let freedom ring!!! If God wanted us to wear a mask he would have made us with one. Oh wait He did, it’s called an immune system.
He is opening Texas too soon. Listen to the scientist, not politicians.
I disagree with you, I did not mean to Amen your comment.
Which scientists? They all are not agreed on this. Dr. Scott Atlas doesn’t agree with Dr. Fauci, and a simple search on either Google or Duck,Duck,Go will give you immunologists who think herd immunity is a good thing, and mask mandates and other measures prevent it.
what scientist they are in bed with left wing politicians which is the reason this circus has gone on too long alreday.
AMEN!! Let every state follow suit!! !
Lord, thank you that the Governor is placing the responsibility back in the hands of the people. I pray for each individual to makes wise decisions preferring one another.
That we will have learned much in this Season of self care and health care.
For the Businesses Lord, direct each one.
I do believe in herd immunity and I am grateful that young people who have been isolated will now have wisdom as they come back together. In Jesus Name.
Hopefully this will stimulate other states to follow suit and not continue to be silent while being federally suppressed and steady losing sovereignty.
We are praying for Texas!
Hallelujah and praise the Lord that Governor Abbott is choosing faith over fear! Let the people decide and choose how to protect themselves with proactive therapy besides masks and vaccines! Praying over Governor Abbott and leaders in that state. Amen
Amen Cindy.
I live in Texas, I am Praising God for Governor Abbot and that he lifted the mandate.
If someone is sick, stay home!!!! We don’t want a socialist state or nation. The control behind the entire COVID thing is Not Of God. Jesus came to set us free from sin. It is a sin to place man or government above God. We need to walk in that freedom that Christ died for.
Thanks! God bless him! Make sure that people and doctors have ivermectin for covid prevention and treatment.
Vitamin D deficiency is related to COVID severity and prevention, as well.
Yep! Take your daily vitamin supplement with vitamin D — it’s good for your immune system !
I totally agree with Gov. Abbott! Hallelujah! Open up ALL the states! Get out from under “mind Control” and fear!!
Great move! Too long in coming. Gov Ducey – open up AZ!
I applaud Texas Governor Abbott. Hallelujah! I pray his action catches on so we can get out from under Satanic fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind
I totally agree with Governor Abbot. It’s time to open Texas and build the economy. Thank you Governor for your wisdom and courage and believing that everyone can be independent and responsible. Praying for you. ❤️👏
100% in agreement. Any real investigation of the facts says this control over people’s lives through mask wearing is not effective and actually more harmful (particularly requiring masks on young people) does more harm than good.
I completely disagree. God told us to greet one another with a holy kiss not hide from one another in a mask.
I thank God for Governor Abbott. He is one of few with the voice of reason and freedom. He is giving people and businesses freedom of choice. We have heard thousands of times over the past year what we should do by people who don’t know but are only guessing. We have enough information to think for ourselves.
I applaud the Governor of Texas. I think more states should follow suit. This entire pandemic is being used to keep and instill fear in the American people and also so they can advance their agendas. States really need to start opening their businesses more rather than receive bailout money for their states. It is my understanding that masks are virtually useless with this virus. A lot of lies have been told regarding the virus, not to mention the deception going on behind the scenes.
Thank you Lord for moving Abbott to do what he did. We serve a God of fear not confusion! Lord, thank you for the doctors that are unfortunately being censored. Thank you for Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Makovitz, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr Russell Blaylock, Dr Lee Merritt, and the list goes on. Help us, since there is so much information out there, for us as believing Christians to take time to know. The Fear of You Lord, is the beginning of wisdom. Your word says to seek YOU & YOU will be found. You Lord have so graciously given us YOUR words to make rational decisions. YOu are Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. Lord, please cause people to ask questions, seek truth and not accept the norm of the main stream media, medical etc. Your ways, Lord are higher than mans. Thank you for exposing and informing the ones that desire to know the Truth. Continue to wake up the church to follow you and YOu alone. In Christ’s undefeated name,Amen
May Texas lead the way and be a beacon of Light and Truth in our covenant nation!
All of the people will never be pleased by any decision. Patrick Henry said “give me liberty or give me death.” I applaud Gov Abbott. I’m thankful to God for His grace and expect a full recovery for Texas.
You are exactly correct in all statements
As a healthcare professional for over 38 years we have been duped. Mask are useless for this virus. The CDC just recommended placing women’s nylon over their masks because the mask people wear are not sealed. So basically we have worn useless masks for over a year. God please allow the truth to be revealed and protect those medical professionals that have been attempting to tell the truth. You did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.
Amen— God is working it out for all the late comers–they better hurry–
Freedom to wear a mask or not should be just that , FREEDOM to decide for oneself.
I agree with the Governor of Texas. People and businesses should make their own decision about opening up and wearing masks. Our country needs to open up so people can go back to work and support their families. Too many business in my state of Kentucky have closed for good due to the shut down. I pray many more Governors will follow and open up their states.
Thank you Gov. Abbott for this common sense decision. The vast majority of our state citizens agree with this and see it as long overdue. We have to take continued precautions, which we already know how to do. Those so called other “leaders” within our state who disagree need to start expanding their study of COVID and why masks “don’t work as well as the narrative says they do”. COVID COVID COVID is the constant “fear cry” of our enemy Satan and his human puppets that push their repeated control tactics. COVID hasn’t destroyed lives or businesses near as much as we have been told but government deception, mismanagement and outright fraud have done more damage and death to our nation that is impossible to measure. And that “lack of leadership” is prevalent in places like NY and CA with their governors (there are many other state leaders too). Newsom WILL be recalled and rightfully so for his decisions that are destroying that state while he doesn’t abide by his own tyrannical edicts. Cuomo will hopefully be removed for his decisions that resulted in manslaughter to so many elderly.(we pray for his removal) His attempts to apologize, instead of being sincere, are pure political theater. He openly has stated he will not be removed from office. Now with the battery of sexual harassment charges coming forth, people keep asking “where is the MeToo movement now”?
*Lord, you alone are the judge of everyone. You alone have seen everything and know every person’s true intentions. We give these leaders into your hand. The people of our nation and states need and desire truth, honesty, integrity and courage. We ask that You Lord, would oversee the various leaders within this nation. If & when they continue in deception & dishonesty, then remove them from office. If they continue in scripted political apologies, remove them from office. Replace them with people who serve you and follow your heart. In Jesus name amen.
I believe ALL states should reopen and therapeutics should be widely available to everyone everywhere as we build immunity to something that is no worse than the flu. !!!!!!!
I am all for it…………
Has anyone noticed that the flu has disappeared? Has anyone noticed that overall death rates are year to year no different? Has anyone noticed Pied-Piper Fauci constantly contradicts himself, but always has his hand in the government till? Has anyone noticed that the government had to change the definition of a pandemic, and use a PCR test with a 97% false positive rate at over 35 amplification cycles, to create a false pandemic? Has anyone noticed that viruses are too tiny to be filtered by masks? Has anyone noticed that Florida, with no mask mandates, is doing much better than California?
We do not serve a God of fear. Government wants fear to rule us all.
Steeple, wake up!
Yes! I noticed!
I wish people would stop, take a deep breath, and THINK!!
We should all decide for ourselves. Majority rules. EVEN IN HEALTHCARE! This is still the land of the FREE unless we loose our guns since our vote does not seem to count now…
Our opinions and emotions don’t matter. The Constitution matters. The Bible matters. That’s all. Mandates are unconstitutional. Forcing individuals or businesses to mask or not is unconstitutional.
Praise God! Praying more governors will follow his lead.
Praise the Lord for Abbott’s courage and trust in the Lord!
I applaud his fearless decision.
Being a Texan, I’m proud of him for lifting these restrictions and letting Texans have the freedom to choose.
Businesses need to be open at 100% so we can come out of the economic oppression.
Good for Governor Abbot!!!
It’s always one more week, month, year, after spring break… enough is enough. For those who feel safest with a mask, wear a mask. For those who do not, don’t wear a mask. This is the only way back to democracy. This convoluted propaganda that the mask protects others and not you is ludicrous. What do I think??? I’m absolutely sick of bowing down to oppression, hypocrisy and fear. Christians are called over and over to despise sin and expose it (Ephesians 5:8). 100% supportive of Texas’ right now.
There’s been so much double talk reporting on the value of masks. At one time I read where over 80% of those who contacted covid wore masks. And Covid report of deaths falsified as some died from other causes but they had to report Covid as the cause of death. As with the vaccine doctors of good repute taking opposite sides in regard to dangers of the vaccine. I don’t want to take it. And am not. My family members work in health field and don’t want to take it. But the hospitals they work in require it. Who can trust them as they are tied into the government and receive what I call bribe money for cooperation? As with businesses who are in debt to banks. They are all in line with policy of the government mandates.I had blood work done last August for surgery on my hip. The hospital didn’t even sanitize the area where blood was taken. I went two different times and watched each time. Yet when I went to Kohl’s they wipe down the counter as if they were going to be involved in some medical procedure. Now they are one of the companies who quit selling Mike Lindell my pillow products. So I ordered two pillows and DVDS of voter fraud proof to pass around. We as His church should have resisted in the very beginning. Those who want to wear a mask wear it. If you’re compromised stay home. If you’re fearful stay home. It’s common sense to do so and since when do we need government telling us to wash our hands? I’m sorry about any sickness people have had but it’s coming out now that there are medicines that help combat Covid. President Trump called it out to begin with and it should make us question why that was shit down so quickly. Sheesh. Church. Wake up. We’re supposed to be leading in righteousness peace and joy. It’s the kingdom of god the enemy is after. Trump protected us.
I disagree. Trump did/does not protect us. Jesus did. Wake up church. We are Jesus followers – Trump is not our God. Yes he did some good things (like declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital) but he gave Christians a black eye. He used us. We need to repent and reset our focus on Jesus.
Trump is not my Saviour or is the republicans or democrat party my idol. Trump did stand up for Christians and was vocal about it. He did help our economy and he did make a difference with other nations for our good. Children not being in school has caused damage to their future and the evil social agenda the present administration want to teach our children is child abuse.
We finally have a governor with a brain. This has been the worst hoax perpetrated on all the world by those who have sought to control populations. I thank the Lord for this governor and his insight.
Governors govern.
Intercessors intercede.
State’s Rights & Sovereignty v. Federal Government Dominion.
We have a serious problem with self righteousness in the context of self government without a keen understanding of “The Tree of the Knowlege of Good & Evil”, we can be ‘like’ God….
“We will not be ruled by You” is the cry of the fallen human race, give us Barabbas the insurrectionist instead!
We can never legislate conviction but a fresh breeze of Mercy can change every heart. The Kingdom of Light overcoming the kingdom of darkness.
We need sweeping reforms? No! We need God’s transformation into Christ Likeness! We need Revival! (Thank you Sean).Then we can acquire a ‘clear eye’ to discern good & evil. If the Light in you becomes darkness….how great the darkness!
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world….” yet said we are to be Lights in the world…in the world, but not of the world…
Powers & Principalities are making power plays throughout the world and especially in our own country. Hiw do we fight? We must go higher, we must go further in, we must go lower! We must hear the Counsel of the Lord at His table, in His Throneroom then obey.
Like the men Aaron (high mountain) & Hur (liberty), we must hold up the arms of Moses to defeat Amalek in our day. Let’s not wait 600 years for a David to arise to annihilate him. It’s all or nothing, David understood, David placed the head of Goliath in Jerusalem! Let not the Lord look for another! Many have callings but few are chosen. I want to be among the chosen who fulfill thier calling, thier top shelf destiny.
Mask or Not to Mask? We need the Lion of Judah to Roar over us like never before!
He is not respect to science and public heath experts just for his own political interest. Due to political deviance, US has largest Covid death in the world although we have the most advanced medical capability and the most talent health experts. It is shame for Taxis governor.
Biden opened our Southern border and 108 illegals crossed into Texas this week and tested positive for Covid, yet I’m supposed to wear a mask to help stop the spread of Covid? If you really cared about stopping the spread Joe you wouldn’t have opened our borders. Thank God for Governor Abbott, it’s time to put an end to this nonsense. Living in a constant state of fear is not living, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow with or with out wearing a mask. Do what’s right for yourself but stop with the mandates, time to open up and get back to living.
Gov Abbott has looked at the numbers, and he has made a wise decision to open up Texas. Perhaps he has also looked at the over all deaths for all causes in the USA, and noticed that they are about the same now as they were pre Covid. Total deaths for all causes is a very important number that the Covid Narrative people are reluctant to talk about.
We were targeted in the beginning by our enemies to take this nation down. Trump had a medicine that helped and it was shut down by this present administration and it was not dispensed as helpful but instead we had machines that proved to be detrimental to patients and even caused death. This was used to kill steal and destroy people. Our economy and freedom as we knew it. I applaud this state and pray fir good success. Some states that have opened up are already seeing this. Thank God who died all things well. And He created science. They are bit by bit lining up with Him as time goes on.
Praise God for bold leaders like Texas Gov. Abbott!! May his boldness cause every state leader and it’s people in this beautiful country to realize truth and to end the foolishness right now! We need our country to get back to trusting in the Lord and stop living in fear! May the Lord bless governor Abbott and all those governors who take a bold stand for truth and righteousness!!
Thank God for our governor. I’m so glad I left California. I’m thankful for godly leadership in Texas. I pray we keep it that way and that we have a great awakening to the fear of God and righteousness in America.
Our family left California too!! Praise the Lord for Governor Abbot and for his ‘common sense’. If only common sense would have played out since the beginning. There will be many businesses who refuse to adhere to the lifting of the mandate. I don’t care if others want to wear a mask but we all should be free to decide.
And so we need to continue fighting for that freedom. (See Dutch Sheets ‘Give Him 15’ today, really good!)
God sees those who have used Covid for Evil and who have kept available therapeutics from helping the sick. His Justice is coming. Let’s continue to band together with like minded Americans and Keep Keeping on!
Every state should drop the mask and vaccine mandates.
We as Americans should not be forced to do either of those.
There are wonderful therapeutics that you can take that work against the virus like Hydroxychloroquin and Ivermectin.
Ask yourself why these were kept from the people?
Thousands maybe tens of thousands of lives could have been saved.
The enemy is behind all this.🙏
You said it!
I am a Texan. I am grateful to Greg Abbott! It is about time!
There is s bigger plan with this “mask thing.” I truly believe it creates more fear & governmental overreach.
I someone is fearful, let them wear the mask that by the way increases risks of bacterial pneumonia & more.
Plus my husband had an accident with a saw & I had to take him to the ER. Of course, I had to stay in the car, while he was seen.
They took his temp & it was over 105! They started freaking out & he told them it was the mask. Though they refused to believe him, they finally tried to pacify him & let him take it off for a few minutes then retook it. The next time, his temperature was normal!
As a former CDC infectious disease staff and disease outbreak coordinator/director, it is, in my opinion, that the mask mandate be eliminated. The depths of bureaucracy and knee jerk reaction to every possible situation lends itself to NOT allowing science to dictate direction. Instead, our current leader (if you can call him such), and others in power, including Fauci, want to exercise control and micromanagement of each situation. The mask idea was and continues to be ineffective. The liberal media jumping on the bandwagon confuses the public and our govt leaders continue to spread inaccuracies thru them. Good for Texas, may other states follow their actions. Pray for leadership stability and that city, county, state and national leaders will be honest and seek Gods will for every possible action.
I live in Texas and am very THANKFUL that Gov Abbott made this move. There is already considerable pushback by our less conservative city leaders. The way I look at it is if the MASKS were such a great prevention tool, the virus #’s should have plummeted since basically the entire Nation was under the mask mandate. But the mask appears to have done very little do prevent the spread.
I live here in Texas and there are too many people that refuse to wear a mask. I am disappointed in the Governor’s decision. Should h ad waited at least till have of Texas was vaccinated before removing the mask mandate. Also, Houston has all 5 variants. Fully agree with the 100% opening
As a Christian I applaud governor Abbet‘s action. I wish more states would open up. I think too many people are ruled by fear. The government would like us to follow Like sheep and do whatever they say. But we are not ruled by fear but of power love and a sound mind. People should be able to have a choice about wearing masks and distancing. I think the repercussions of the shut down in this country will be built for many many years. I pray for the struggling businesses that have been forced to shut down.And why should the big box stores prosper at the expense of families just struggling to make ends meet? Lord have mercy on us who have forsaken our faith and given in to fear. Let Christians unite in prayer for restoration of our country and a return to biblical standards. Lord I pray for a great awakening to happen in our country and around the world. You are our only hope.
I am very pleased to see that Texas is opened. Now for other Republican states to do likewise😃
I am a believer. I trust in the Lord. I do not understand all the division re: Masks and this Covid Pandemic. Some “Christian brothers and sisters” and others get so worked up and sound off about those who wear masks and are being careful – NOT SCARED. My wife and I are among the mask wearing group. We believe it is best for us and for those we come in contact with to be careful. It seems to me there are those who feel superior because they don’t need to wear masks. To me they are saying “I don’t care about you.” I’m pretty tired of it. Former national leadership made things worse by ridiculing those who wear masks. The Lord is in charge and has the plan for all of us. The Gov’t needs to open up safely. Mandates are not good BUT wearing a mask is a smart and caring thing to do!
You wear a mask if you feel safe. Insisting that others wear one and judging them if they do not is exactly what the enemy wants of us. To see the “other” group as selfish and arrogant. Freedom of choice is so important to some Americans that they are willing to take a calculated risk, even die, for freedom. If you have your mask on, and even more importantly the blood of Jesus Christ and a hedge of protection around you, no weapon, sickness or plague will come to you or your family. Psalms 91 my friend❤️
Psalm 91 my favorite. Vs 4.
I realize others feel differently about this subject. I appreciate your reply and wish you the best.
God Bless.
I Agree with Texas. Let each individual choose if they want to wear the mask.
Thank you Lord God for Governor Greg Abbott. Guide him in all Your ways. In Jesus Name.
Gov. G. Abbott I thank you!
I hope that ALL states will do what TEXAS has done and get rid of all of these mandates and FREE OUR NATION TO BREATHE AGAIN!!!! Lord, deliver our nation from unConstitutional manipulation and control and from FEAR. We pray our airwaves will be filled with TRUTH instead of LIES. We bless the state of TEXAS to continue to be a righteous leader.
I have never seen people so taken over by seudo science in my life. How many movies over the last 10 years have we watched dealing with “deadly” viruses and the scientists HAVE TO WEAR HAZMAT suits to be protected!!!! VIRUSES ARE TINY!!!! Wake up!! Masks are a control, fear mongering tool. I can’t believe IFA just wrote this article and put it up. PLEASE START PRAYING THAT YOUR FEAR IS REMOVED!! AND QUIT SPREADING THIS DEMON.
absolutely, all states should open it is way past time, and throw the stupid masks away that don’t work anyway.
I am very grateful to Gov Abbott’s decision. After hearing Kristi Noem at CPAC the other day I am convinced that he made the right decision. Go to America’sfrontlinedoctorsummit.com to get more info on why the masks do not do what we are told they do. I am of the opinion that our current White House leaders are using this covid-19 to control us and are seeing just how far they can push us into submission. This is a practice run for when they want to push us into submission that won’t be related to our health! Dear Lord, continue to give Gov Abbott Your wisdom in leading our state. Thank You for a man of integrity and courage who will not follow the leftest communistic ideals. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Are we the church or not??? This article from multiple sources, just feuls fear. It would have been better to have a person of faith write the article and encourage, and admonish the body that we ARE the church, and we must stand against the spirit of fear that has overtaken our country. Why would we spit out an article laced with fear? This is a prayer movement-a prayer site. And even the prayer that was written concerns me. This is not about taking care of the planet. This was a satanic attack on the church and the country. We cannot use their “news” to rally people to pray! We have the Word of God that gives us POWER over COVID. Now I know why Jesus asked if He would find faith on the earth. Smh. We can’t be intercessors and report info like this. We must be people of THE faith.
Ose, you are right on! We need to stand together or we will all fall under the demons of fear!
I think that the Gov has done a courageous, not stupid, thing. Everyone knows the masks are more cosmetic than preventative. I pray that all who trust God will continue to trust God, and all the rest, who have allowed fear to take up residence in their hearts, will trust in God’s sovereignty over all this nonsense. Co-vid is not killing people-fear is! Fear is destroying businesses, relationships, churches. Who is behind fear? Not our God! How can we share the Gospel if we can’t even talk to people?
Lord Jesus, deliver us from fear-of man, of “experts”, of “science”. May we put our trust in You alone.
AAAAAAMMMENNN!!!! Nothing left to say!! 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿
Amazing!!!!!!! God’s strength be with the TX governor!!!
I think it’s terrific !! God Bless him !!
Dropping the mandate does not force people to not wear a mask. It enables those who do not wish to wear a mask to not be forced by government. It gives the choice back to the individual. May God have mercy on us all.
There is a risk, but people now know the risk. Businesses cannot stay closed or nearly closed forever. I pray that people would be reasonable and do the things that help keep them safer. Spring breakers, be smart not reckless!
God, give us the wisdom that we need; help us to seek You and listen to Your voice!!
Thank God and Mississippi too! Hallelujah! God is good! God is truth!
Heavenly Father, I plead the Blood of Jesus over the State of Texas.
IF this decision is motivated by money please expose it and remove those in office who put profit before the people safety in Jesus name. Amen
I think it is a courageous move. It’s about time someone step up to challenge the lies of the Chinese virus plandemic. Does anyone else notice how all of a sudden the common flu went extinct? Which experts guaranteed that wearing masks protect you from getting the virus???
I agree that we are all grown ups, responsible citizens. Let us govern ourselves. The virus is here to stay. But God has a natural way of building herd immunity without all the extra poison.
Either we live in fear and keep promoting fear through these government mandates or live in faith.
One of the governor’s statements two months ago was,”we don’t need to micro manage people’s lives.” At that time I thought, ” how refreshing to acknowledge people were capable of using common sense.
I till believe that is possible.
It’s the right move. Even illegals coming into the country because of Bidens ridiculous policies at the Border ONLY have “covid” which is basically a FLU. They’ve exaggerated this virus to the 10th degree. The science NEVER added up. It was all a political ruse to accomplish what it did, remove our great President. I say, let freedom reign. NO MASKS and allow people to govern themselves. We’re grown ups for goodness sakes !
My only fear is all the ILLEGALS coming into the USA & Texas so close to the border & now they are being tested as positive for the China Virus ?? I am not sure about this all thou as a retired nurse I was sure wearing masks etc was over once I retired.
There’s more science and truth to “Masks Don’t Work” then to wearing them ….don’t be a victim to fear, it will rule you for the rest of your retired life, once you let it in….
Amen Dee I agree with you I listened to a video my cousin in Montana sent me. It was from Dr’s without borders excellent goes into all the lies etc being told to us about this virus. check out www. drswithoutborders.org if that does mot ork reply to me I will get back to you.
Thank you so much Patricia….I will check them out and pass it on…also have you ever seen Dr. Simone Gold? She’s awesome on this stuff!! Blessings to you
hi Dee here is the exact site Americansfrontlinedoctors.org if you have a problem let me know & maybe we should just have our own social media site no one to censor us.