While many across our country are facing severe winter weather crises, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is creating a different type of storm in our nationās capital as they try to push through one of the worst bills imaginable ā the so-called āEquality Act.ā
I realize that by now you may be tired of hearing about the Equality Act and the problems it poses. Yet we have been warning about it for some time because it represents a grave threat ā not just on one issue ā but to many of the values that our nation holds dear.
And the threat is truly serious. The Equality Act would overhaul our federal civil rights framework to mandate abortion access and special privileges for sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), leaving many to suffer the consequences, including women, children, medical professionals, and people of faith.
The Equality Act mandates an anti-life, anti-family, and anti-faith agenda upon all Americans.
Please contact your Representative today to tell them NOT to cosponsor and NOT to support the Equality Act.
Here is a brief overview of some of the problems with the Equality Act:
The Equality Act jeopardizes womenās privacy and safety.
The Equality Actās expansion of the Title II āPublic Accommodationsā definition means that females would no longer have privacy in public bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, or even battered womenās shelters. State and local laws to this effect are already causing fallout: A kindergartener was assaulted by a boy in her school bathroom. A rape survivor was forced to quit her job when her employer began allowing men into womenās private facilities. A man was allowed residence in a shelter, and nine women are suing because they were sexually harassed.
The Equality Act unfairly penalizes female athletes by allowing biological men to compete in womenās sports.
For example, biological boys won first and second place at a Connecticut girlsā high school indoor track championship. As a result, two biological girls fell below the threshold to advance to the next meet, inhibiting their ability to be seen by college recruiters and obtain scholarships. Scholarships are sometimes the only avenue students have to pursue higher education, which could lead to better job opportunities and better pay.
The Equality Act would undermine real civil rights gains women have made.
For example, the Small Business Administration Office of Womenās Business Ownership, whose mission is to āenable and empower women entrepreneurs through advocacy, outreach, education and support,ā would have to give biological men who identify as women access to its programs.
The Equality Act would interfere with the medical profession.
It would force doctors and others who provide legitimate hormone treatments and surgical procedures for patients with certain physical conditions to offer those treatments for individuals with gender dysphoria. Their moral or medical opinions about assisting individuals in physically altering their bodies would be disregarded. Medicine would be politicized despite science telling us these treatments are actually harmful. A 2011 Swedish study, one of the most robust on the issue, found that post-surgery individuals had a suicide completion rate 19 times higher than the general population. The risk of psychiatric hospitalization was 2.8 times higher even after adjustment for prior psychiatric disease. Additionally, death by neoplasm (a benign or cancerous mass) and cardiovascular disease was 2 to 2.5 times higher. There is also evidence that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones can cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes, blood clots, stroke, and more. The Equality Actās requirements would override a doctorās concern about any of these points.
The Equality Act could erode parental rights.
When Ohio parents declined hormone treatment for their child, the Childrenās Hospital of Cincinnati involved child protective services, and the parents were ultimately stripped of their parental rights.
The Equality Act would severely erode religious freedom.
The Equality Act expressly exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), our flagship religious liberty law.
The Equality Actās expansion of public accommodations could require churches and houses of worship to violate their beliefs regarding how they use their facilities.
Its changes to employment law would prohibit some houses of worship from ensuring their clergy and employees abide by their doctrines or beliefs about marriage, sexual behavior, and the distinction between the sexes.
Federal aid could be denied to students attending faith-based institutions unless those institutions abandon policies and practices reflecting their sincerely held beliefs about marriage and sexuality.
The Equality Act would inhibit faith-based charitiesā ability to operate.
Faith-based organizations and others play a vital role in the adoption and foster care system and generally receive funding under Title IV of the Social Security Act to help do their important work. The Equality Act would force them to violate their beliefs or shut down, displacing children like the thousands left hanging in Illinois when Catholic Charities was shut down under a similar law.
The Equality Act could be the most pro-abortion legislation to pass the House in a decade.
Not only would this bill expand āpublic accommodationsā to include health care providers, but it would add sex discrimination as a protected class. It would then define prohibitions on āsex discriminationā to include preventing treating āpregnancyā¦or a related medical conditionā (which can include abortion) less favorably than other physical conditions. This change would essentially create an abortion mandate. In conjunction with the RFRA exemption and expansion of what constitutes a public accommodation, this also jeopardizes long-standing federal conscience laws that protect those opposed to abortion. The Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion, would also be in jeopardy.
The Equality Act shamefully attempts to usurp the civil rights movementās history and legacy.
In no way are oneās sexual conduct and inclinations equivalent to skin color. Suggesting or implying as much diminishes the hard-fought gains of this movement. Indeed, scientific evidence shows that āsexual orientationā is quite fluid and that āgender identityā is not fixed. But if the Equality Act becomes law, its backers may use the courts to force its ideas into public school curricula around the country. Indeed, the idea that these notions are equivalent to skin color is false, and failure to recognize this falsehood only harms all affected.
The Equality Act mandates an anti-life, anti-family, and anti-faith agenda upon all Americans.
Please contact your Representative today to tell them NOT to cosponsor and NOT to support the Equality Act.
(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
Will you tell your representatives No?
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Hi, can I still call my Senator to vote no on the equality act?
If I can still call, how to do know who to call? Thank you!
Praying that the USA will become a one nation again the Democrats are totally running the world there are females and there are males there are all races that Are important I am tired of celebrating Black history story is destroyed white history please make America great I knew we shouldāve kept Trump
H.R. 5, the so-called “Equality Act” is now being considered in the Senate. Please email your Senators now with your comments about the bill’s negative impact so noted above. It undermines the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act as well. Thank you.
We must speak out it’s a call for those who are acting upon the word. How else will they hear how else will they know.
I don’t know where else to post this thought that has been in my heart for years and now must speak it out at this time. We must not regret that our accounts and those we have depended on are being shut down because of censorship and likes because christians need to rise above all this and create our own.Take back the mountain. I know there have been some attempts but we need to be google and facebook etc. We need to be better and independent from them. We can not continue to be dependent on all the current evil technology. There may be birthing pains (to say the least)to achieve this but I believe this is what the Lord wants to do. The snow in Texas also killed germs and may prevent covid from spreading. The snow can be used for good and in the other parts of the country as well.
God we ask you to give ideas inspiration radical innovations and provision to people you have gifted in these areas so our voices can be heard and Your people can communicate. You have said to overcome evil with good. The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. We believe You will help accomplish this as we stand on Your Word and as we pray in faith that You will provide the means to accomplish this mammoth but possible task in Jesus Name Amen.
I notified my representative through AFA Action. (American Family Association)
Shame on those who even created this. Oh Lord, forgive us! Amen
As a child of God, I know this bill is wrong. But since God is Sovereign over all He can use it to His good purposes. We should always try to stay in Godās wii every day. Somehow, I do not believe many in this Pelosi-controlled congress are asking His will; but just shoving their liberal ideas thru Congress to rule over conservatives.. Some who are ministers or have Godly values must remember that in that day we will be judged. So give some thought to what real Godly living should look like. In Christ. Stan
When I click on action it says ā this campaign is no longer activeā
I take exception to a phrase in this article that indicates that scientific evidence proves sexual identity is quite fluid and gender is not fixed. Am I misunderstanding something here?
This campaign is no longer active. message still showing when you click TAKE ACTION.
Just like writing to my State Representatives and Senators ALL Democrats, get nothing or they aren’t currently voting on this measure. Then there is always the I’m a sponsor of this Bill or it’s my Bill. Which is code for the shredder sound or I’m going to vote with my party and
or to pass this Bill. I still keep on doing it, the V.P. keeps sending out her threats via the Fake News Channels, but in the end God’s Will will be done, and I know that nothing they say or do will be accounted to any of us.
I sent my Rep a letter in this regard. If we don’t pray and speak out, we will not be heard.
If you get a message that says this campaign is no longer active simply write your congressman/woman a short message asking that they vote against it. Look their name up on the internet and write them a short note asking that they vote against it.
Why is campaign no longer active?
I tried to take action and a message said This campaign is no longer active.
Lord please guide our representatives and give them wisdom, courage and strength. Father God please help them to focus on helping American citizens.I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
vote NO on the Equality Act
Where’s the outcry from churches,pastors,church boards and the congregation over this.Every church in AMerica should be calling and writing to Congress,pastors need to be telling the church about this.We as Christians must speak up!
I just emailed my Congressman. This is an abomination!
This is most likely the reason why our Heavenly Father has allowed the CO-VID plandemic to occur. He–not she–is trying to both shake up and wake up His Body of Believers into action. And judging by the way things are going, we’d better “get with the program VERY SOON!
Note to IFA – the link for action states it is no longer active.
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Praying the scales are removed from the eyes of our government leaders as well as our spiritual leaders in this nation & that they would repent of the evil intentions that are being pushed & stand for righteousness. truth & justice in Jesus Name Amen
No no no!
Lord help us at this crucial time of need for our country’s legislature. We can’t do this without your divine intervention and sovereignty. You are in control of all things, not man. You are God and God alone who created heaven and earth. We pray against this wicked act bill and desire the will of your holiness and truth. We lift up holy hands and praise you for you are mighty and powerful. We cast down any demonic activity that interferes and brings shame and death to God’s people in Jesus’s name.
You can still look up your congressional representative’s website and email him or her at this link:
that link also gives you the opportunity to look up your senator’s information. If this act makes it forward, it will go to the Senate.
Thank you for providing the link to send message to our Representatives as “button” provided in the article has been disabled. Very specious and appears big tech is doing their best to take away our voice.
Heavenly Father, in the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, defeat and bring to nothing the “Equality Act”.
Lord, with You, “all things are possible”. Deliver our country from those who have “ears, but don’t hear”; “eyes, but don’t see”. Open the eyes of those who would call, “evil, good”, and “good, evil”. Deliver our legislators and the people of our country from the deceptions of powers of darkness. You parted the waters of the Red Sea, protected Your chosen people with a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night as they were delivered from slavery in Egypt. Lord, You can do anything, and pray for your mercy to deliver us from the
evils that would be perpetuated if the “Equality Act” is passed. Please save us from such an evil. I pray for those who don’t know You as their Lord and Savior, and who defy the rules and laws instituted by You to keep enable us to live out lives that glorify You and serve others. Lord, thank you, for delivering us from evil. Amen
from the attacks on the family.
Link no longer working to take action!
Yes, I think Big Tech has shut US down now!
Bryan provided a direct link to reach our representatives
Let’s be honest and truthful about what the agenda really is here. It’s not about equality at all. It’s more about population control through abortion, homosexuality, and now sex change. It all equals less people. This is part of the hidden agenda and promoting these ideas would guarantee a reduced world population. This goal has already been in the works for quite some time. I have read about and I believe it goes back to the Rockefeller foundation. They believed that a certain number of people needed to be maintained. Please do some fact checking on this.
Perhaps the reason is that the House already had the act introduced, and it is expected to be introduced into the Senate next week. We should contact our senators ASAP
The distinguishing element of the first beast in revelations 13 was church/state rule. The Roman Catholic Church /state union was using the power of the state to enforce so called catholic beliefs and persecute those who refused those beliefs -True Christians. This was the first beast that was give power to make war with the saints.
The Bible says there rose another beast like unto the first beast and exercised power as the 1st beast.
Listen to verse 15: āand the 2nd beast had power to give life unto the 1st beast.ā
The 2nd beast would take on the image ( or the same state/church United relationship) of the 1st beast giving life to it.
THATS WHERE WE ARE AT NOW. The religion of leftist liberalism using the power and force of the state to mandate , enforce and sanction their beliefs on to the people. If anyone resist …..the Bible says āthe 2nd beast exercised power of the first beast (make war with the saints of GOD). – persecute
That my two cents ….. i wish you all well, GOD speed and love the LORD.
I also tried and it informed me it was no longer active. Big Tech may have something to do with it, I’m sure.
I tried it also and got the same results
I blame big tech, very possible we have been cancelled or shut down.
Please stand against the equality act. Know that I pray for you Senators and Representatives. Please continue to do the right thing. Disallow this ungodly attempt to demoralize our society!
Rep. Stivers, Citizens in Ohio who elected you are concerned. Please be a statesman, and not a politician, as you are confronted with the so equality act. If you have been paying close attention, you know that this is part of the socialists’ agenda of evil. I urge you to vote against this horrendous bill. On the surface, parts might seem benign and of no consequence. But rest assured, they have many more freedom suppressing plans in store. Hopefully, you and your colleagues will be on the right side of history as we all are dealing with this vile administration. I’ll be praying for all of you.
I tried to go and act in what was written but it said it was no inactive
Yes, it must have been taken down by big tech.
God hear our prayers to stop this insane legislation! Wake us up to the destructive lies, schemes and evil bing imposed on us. Hear our prayers Lord Jesus! In your name we pray! Amen
I received same response.
Rep. Cooper vote against the equality act.
These issues and the sex trafficking that exists makes me so uneasy. There has to be a way to end this evil. I prayed for it to end before. The victims need our prayers more than we have to rid ourselves of knowing that these issues exist. The abortions in the world have to stop too. Father God please intervene and help the babies, children, and adults suffering from this evil. Help stop the weather warfare with chemtrails and made up matter and situations contrived as well. Please restore us to the 1776 republic asap. God bless Donald J. Trump and the next new American administration in 2021 I am hoping so.
Please activate the link. But if it isn’t reactivated, we will email or write our representatives. We won’t let the technical glitch be a victory for Satan in silencing our voices!
I have emailed my senate and house..the house agrees as they are republicans but both democratic senators object even if we the people do not want this and they do not listen to anyone but themselves
Father God forgive us and the evil that has come to steal kill and destroy but you sent your Son Jesus to save Father God we pray for this to be annulled in the precious name of Jesus šššššš
Let your no be no,yes be yes. This time it is definitely NO! Keep our elected officials on their toes. Stand firm!Pray&speak out. Train our next generation God’s justice…in love, of course! Lord, help us is our cry!
Father God, Please step in as the evil continues to rise. We know that you are above it all and this is no surprise to you. Forgive us for not taking action sooner as your Church. Please give your body here on Earth (us) wisdom on how to fight back against the plots and plans of the wicked. We thank you that you sustain us Lord. You know we are getting weary in this fight, please provide us with supernatural strength to stay engaged in this spiritual battle. We trust and believe your words are true Oh God and you are building us up (your Church) and gates of Hell will not prevail against us! We thank you and ask all of these things in the power of your son Jesus name, Amen ā¤ļøšļøš„
Link says no longer active? Glitch or was that shit down?
We are able to copy and paste or use this information and write our own brief concern to our Representatives! PLEASE! I have been sending emails using my phone to our Representatives, Senators, other elected officials. God has brought us this far and are you going to just give up, give in now??
Anything worth anything in life is worth the effort! Thank the Lord for the blessings He has, He is, and He will bestow upon us!
āOnward Christian Soldiers….ā
We all need to send emails, call, send handwritten notes to our elected officials. āThe joy of the Lord is our strength!ā āWe CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.ā
This is a first for IFA and a disturbing disappointment. I chose this article to read in full. It was extremely long but I was drawn to the subject matter and wanted to be involved. But youāve taken down the campaign so that we cannot tell our representatives, no. Please remove the article or activate the campaign so people can do something about it
How about searching online for your representatives contact information. Perhaps a phone call or even handwritten letter would be more impactful even!
Obama’s hand is in this. Father God intervene.when the enemy comes in like a flood. You said Lord “you’d lift up a standard against him”. Amen
Father we pray for sanity in this illegal administration. Let Your kingdom come in this nation and dispel the plans of the enemy to destroy our society.
Our hope and trust is in You and Your plan and Your will to be done. Thank You, Father.
There are only two sexes, male and female! This is insane!
I clicked the link to send my message to my reps, but it was blank except for one sentence stating that it was no longer active! What is going on? Is this part of the effort to restrict our ability to make a statement?
I also tried to use this link and found the message that it is an inactive link. Why
When I went to Take Action, I saw that this campaign was no longer active. May I ask why? This has never happened since Iāve been following Intercessors for America.
I sent a message that you can not send a message to your rep. because it states that this campaign has ended. What gives?
GGGRR! We Americans better start speaking out for our nation. Or we will lose her. That is another cold, hard truth.