I Prayed have prayed
Lord, education in America is clouded by those in high places seeking to advance their own worldview ā€” often in direct conflict with Your truth. I want to know how to be an effective agent of Your truth and to support good teachers of the next generation.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A group of current and former teachers and others in Loudoun County, Virginia, compiled a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system actions, including its teaching of controversial racial concepts ā€” with a stated purpose in part to ā€œinfiltrate,ā€ use ā€œhackersā€ to silence parentsā€™ communications, and ā€œexpose these people publicly.ā€

Members of a 624-member private Facebook group called ā€œAnti-Racist Parents of Loudoun Countyā€ named parents and plotted fundraising and other offline work. Some used pseudonyms, but The Daily Wire has identified them as a whoā€™s who of the affluent jurisdiction outside D.C., including school staff and elected officials.

The sheriffā€™s criminal investigations division is reviewing the matter ā€” but the groupā€™s activities might be no surprise to top law enforcement because the countyā€™s prosecutor, narrowly elected with the help ofĀ $845,000 in cash from George Soros, appears to be a member of the Facebook group. . . .

In recent years, Loudounā€™s school system has flooded its curricula and policies with racial rhetoric, paying aboutĀ $500,000Ā to one racial consulting company alone. It requiredĀ all staff to undergo ā€œEquity in the Centerā€ training that promoted a sense of injustice and urgency.

Share your prayers about this in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Article by Luke Rosiak. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Norma B.
March 24, 2021

Great prayers! Thank you for all of the information. I prayed parts of your prayers because they are much better than anything I could add.

March 20, 2021

Father in the name of Jesus i come here to join with other intecessors to seek your will and prayer strategies. i feel this article has provided limited information about a situation blaming George Soros although no significant tangible evidence of that has been provided, so i feel unjust to accept that aspect of the article as true fact as opposed to suspicion but i know a curriculum is followed in our schools and i pray for those who are in charge of deciding those curriculums and putting them in writing, for those who teach them and the children of America who learn them. Father you are sovereign over all.Father we live in a nation full of people with diverse backgrounds, beliefs, faiths and gods and it is impossible at this point for judeo christians to enforce all of their religious beliefs and practices on our nationā€™s schools yet the basic fundamentals of right and wrong are inherently spiritual based on YOUR law, and Father even the book of Romans 15 says gentiles without your law have a law in their heart, so i appeal there, to the law you put in manā€™s hearts. Father do a work there such that the elite who appear to have control in our nation would instinctively perform the law even without knowing it Romans: 14For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;ā€ Father convict and cleanse the major Decision makers of America of their pride and idolatry of self, and materialism, so that the secret law of mens hearts that you put in rvery heart is overcome with true brotherly love and compassion and let that come forth in American governmental laws, decrees,taxes and decisions made for our nation and i also pray that you raise up intecessors who truly pay the price with fasting and true consecration and holiness such that you can work through them freely to powerfully decree your word and perfect will in for our nation, our government, our schools, economy, churches, communities, cities and states which would truly and openly glorify you and Jesus Christ and become our reality throughout our nation. Father may you reveal line by line issue by issue phase by phase the precise prayer strategies to your intecessors to pray that forth. Despite what we see we believe you are
Already working these very things behind the scenes and we thank and praise you for it. In Jesus name Amen!

Bobbie Taylor
March 20, 2021


Michael Emery
March 19, 2021

Lord we ask that You would push back against ungodly policies in our public school systems. We ask that ideologies reflecting the principles of socialism and communism would have no place in our schools. Expose the fallacies of the critical race theory (CRT) to all. We pray that attempts to push this stuff would be opposed by teachers and parents at every level. Lord we ask for true reconciliation between all ethnic groups and races. Help us to love our neighbor. At the same time help us to stand boldly against those who would push CRT. Lord have mercy. Come to our assistance Lord. We pray in Jesus name.

Yvonne Pendleton
March 19, 2021

Acts 4:29 states we ask for boldness to speak against threats/be fearless to do so. Pray against this reverse discrimination.

March 19, 2021

FATHER GOD please encourage parents to pull their children out of public schools and put them in private schools or in a Homeschool group in JESUS Name. Parents, I am a public school teacher that pulled my children out of public school when they were in middle school to homeschool them because schools’ attitude of opposing parental rights to children was just beginning. I stand up fpr parental rights and authority over their children to colleagues often. All schools aren’t like this, but a lot are because of the communistic teachers’ unions; local, state, and national. Pray about it and GOD will direct you. GOD told me to pull my children out and teach them. There are wonderful Christian curricula available as well as many homeschool co-op groups that will help you. As far as the other children whose parents may not be able to move them out, there are many Christian teachers still in public schools that pray daily for schools and students.

March 18, 2021

This racial curriculum should have every parent awake and standing up to every school board in this nation! This LIE cannot be allowed to attack and infiltrate our children and grandchildren! It needs to be stopped and pulled out, by the root!! If good people will get involved and speak up, things will change, if they don’t, God help our kids! Some devious lies can be exposed and stopped……this curriculum is one of them!! Stand up parents and grandparents! Get involved!

    March 18, 2021

    “If you harm one of these little ones, you might as well have a millstone put around your neck and be thrown into the sea and drowned.” The Bible is very clear on this! I agree, parents, grandparents, please stand against this deceptive agenda. You must, for your children’s sake. Stand up for good teachers, but don’t put up with the bad ones! Politicians, teachers, school boards, can be “taken on” and defeated, if they are promoting or teaching these lies! They took the school board on in San Francisco, and won. There are more of us than them! We’ve just been silent too long!

Sharon C King
March 18, 2021

Lord, May You pour out Your protection on these parents who are trying to make sure that their children receive an education based on truth! Open the county’s leadership to investigate this school district’s policies. May Your wisdom be sought, and Your Will be revealed. We know You Love ALL people the same, and have created them in Your image; somehow that message has been buried, but yet that TRUTH will overcome ALL evil purposes.
Help us, O Lord God!

In Jesus name, Amen.

Mary Ann Canfijn
March 18, 2021

May God help us! This is truly sickening! May those vigilant parents continue to stand and withstand!
May they have courage and wisdom and be an example to others all over America. For the children’s sake!
And the glory of God! By the power of Jesus’ Name!

March 18, 2021

Christians need to obey the Lord in the 7 mountains mandate – one being education. Get your kids out of those indoctrination centers. Team up and help homeschool each other’s kids. Anything but this garbage. Every kid out of school, causes that school to LOSE tax money (per kid). 1000s of dollars a year. Maybe as much as 6 to 8K per child.

And the church must not leave out the single moms/widows with fatherless children leaving them stuck in those hellholes. Just because one’s kid is okay and protected shouldn’t allow them to stop there. Her brothers and sisters in Christ should not leave her kids behind to the wolves and stuck in those ungodly cesspools. See James 1:27 – God isn’t kidding about it.

Downsize everything, so we don’t need as much yearly income, support Christian businesses, etc. The church should be helping every single person in the church thrive. God wants us to unify. To bless one another. To be a unified solid wall of protection linking arms with the entire church to keep evil out. Power in numbers and unity.

We need to stop giving our money to devils every place we can. Those teachers work for the parents because they work for their children with their tax dollars playing their salaries. We can silence them by leaving in droves and causing their layoffs by lack of demand for teachers. They shouldn’t be rewarded with jobs as teachers of minor children, if they are going to be used by satan to attack our children/us.

No more Mr. Nice Christian. This is beyond ridiculous. We don’t put up with this.

Lord, show us the way to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves in dealing with these demonic vultures in Jesus’ name, amen.

These people cannot be negotiated with. They will say they agree to compromise and do the exact opposite and keep accusing anyone who diagrees with them as racist.

March 18, 2021

Public schools have forgotten who makes their paychecks possible. People in Loudon County are paying a LOT of money in taxes, and deserve respect when they disagree with the curriculum, or anything, for that matter, that is being “taught” to their children. Loudon County was high profile in censoring the Dr. Seuss books, and a year or so ago, was putting books in the elementary school classrooms that had to do with “gender choices.” There are Christians in Loudon County who need to come together and make their voices heard.

Carolyn Lecce
March 18, 2021

In the quietness of my office, LORD, I come before You to lift up Christian Teachers especially, who are being bombarded by all of this propaganda that goes against their own personal values. Father, show these teachers HOW to remain vigilant in these days of unrest. Provide for their very needs both financially and physically. I pray for their protection especially in these days of such evil. Father – most families cannot afford private education and are forced to rely on public. As much as I am cringing at the thought of what the future of my grandchildren is – Father show me how You might use me, my church and my gifts and talents to be a voice of truth. Father give us a boldness as we receive the answers to our prayers that requested evil to be exposed. Now that it is becoming more and more evident that we have been complacent – Father bring us to action. Let the ripple effect of each believer’s obedience to the call You place on them, have a magnified effect on the communities that we inhabit. Take each act of purpose, and use it to bring truth and integrity into these classrooms. Father I call on You, the sustainer and giver of life – to bring hope to every parent. I am lifting up pre schools, elementary, middle and high schools; Father I lift up community colleges, and Junior colleges, State Colleges and Universities, both private and public. Raise up Your church to stand in the midst of this chaos and let us, Your church reflect the hope and light of Your gracious purpose for those You died for. Heal our families Oh God. Raise up our husbands and sons to be warriors with a call to excellence in whatever arena they have influence. This is why You came – I am trusting in Your faithfulness. Bless us with discernment – extraordinary discernment. Amen

David Scott
March 18, 2021

James Dobson interviewed a man named Tom Papania during the 1990’s. Tom’s grandfather brought the Mafia to the USA from Italy. Tom was working his way up thru the ranks of the Mafia to take his grandfather’s place when he died or retired when God got thru to him with the gospel. The 2-hour interview was entitled From Mafia to Ministry. During that interview, Tom frankly said that all labor unions in the USA are controlled by the Mafia to some extent except the in-house unions. He said that certain unions are completely under Mafia control. The Teachers Union is one of them. A British journalist wrote Far And Wide to expose how the top leaders of the Mafia network with the top leaders of the Communist Party. Both the journalist and his publisher were murdered within a week after his book went public. The British government confiscated all unsold copies of his book. During the 1980’s I had the opportunity to read a copy that survived the censorship. In 1905 a group of communists met in NYC to plot how they could take over our nation’s universities. Within the next 20 years they got control of 25. When they were satisfied they controlled enough universities they plotted how to take over our public schools. During the primaries, Jimmy Carter had a speech writer, who had an idea to make his candidacy appealing to Jewish voters. When he told Carter about his idea, Carter responded, “I don’t care about the bleep bleep Jews! We’ve got to find a way to deceive the Christians!” When that speech writer realized how evil Carter was, he resigned. Around 1982 I met a Christian refugee from Rhodesia. He asked me if I remembered how Carter put economic sanctions upon Rhodesia until they elected a black president. After I said, “Yes,” he went on to say that the US media cover up what really happened next. Rhodesia held an election and chose a black Christian. Carter told them he was unacceptable and ordered them to elect someone else. The second election resulted in a black satanist winning. Carter said Mugabe was acceptable and lifted the sanctions. The media reported the second election as thought it was the first. You can find more proof of Mugabe’s satanism in James Rutz book – Mega-Shift. When Carter was in the WH, my father-in-law had proof the oil crisis was the result of a conspiracy among the oil companies. He had a nephew, who worked in the WH and arranged for Dad to present this evidence to Carter personally. The oil crisis ended within a week afterward. When I asked Dad what it was like to meet the president, he gave a very unusual response. He said, “It was rather spooky.” I asked what made it spooky. He replied, “His smile never reaches his eyes. When I looked into his eyes, they were black. I felt like I was looking into a bottomless pit.” I’ve had run-ins with satanists since 1966, which matches what Dad saw in Carter’s eyes. Black eyes are typical of satanists. I even had a death threat from a satanist as recently as yesterday. The FBI director got me started investigating communists in 1962 and I discovered its link to satanism in 1973. I could write a book about these things. The main point I want to make at this time is that Jimmy Carter created the Education Dept., which is really unconstitutional, for the purpose of enabling the communists to take over our public schools. Our children are being brainwashed by traitors.

Marlene Bickel
March 18, 2021

I’m sorry to say it but there are some Christian and private schools that are no different/better than the public government schools.
Parents and whosoever must stand and resist this evil indoctrination in the schools and find ways to bring about the changes that need to take place for the good health ( spirit, soul and body) of all students. If there are teachers who are teaching wicked, evil agendas that are against the Bible and the Constitution of the USA, then they must be removed by whatever means necessary. The Federal Govt should NEVER have had control over our children’s education and in my pinion, needs to be abolished. Even the state govt should only have minimal oversight with the bulk of things being done by the local school boards, teachers and parents in the various communities in each county/parish.
Many teachers unions need to be eliminated. From what I’ve observed over many years, they are all about what’s best for them and not what’s best for the students anymore. That’s been most obvious this past year, with students and parents suffering in many ways……(FYI–I have at least 6+ relatives in various positions in the educational system from elementary school through college, throughout the country.)

Mark Tracy
March 18, 2021

Parents take a stand with a backbone of steel! These are YOUR kids. Teach them in righteousness and in faith and love for all people of all nations whom God loves equally. Maybe it is time for a mass exodus from the public school system, and parents form their own community of education. Fund one another, support one another, use your gifts and talents, pool your resources, keep the government at arms length, no 501c3 applications, take no part in government programs, grants, scholarships, or curriculums even if they look attractive–there is always a cost to freedom when accepting “help” from the government, but keep good records and be good stewards of finances, facilities, student progress and safety in case they come knocking. Stay out of debt. Pay your taxes. Publicize heavily when government interferes. Take advantage of Godly legal counsel.

Mary Lehman
March 18, 2021

Heavenly Father, We ask that those who conspire to brainwash our children will be thwarted in their efforts and their motives will be brought to light. We thank you Father for parents who are involved in knowing what is taking place in our schools and will not be intimidated by those who wish to silence them. We pray for parents to seek office at the school board, join the PTA and be a reminder that we will not be silent especially where our children are concerned. We also pray for those who are pushing their political agenda that they will have a heart change and amend their ways. We ask this in the name Jesus who is quick to forgive us when we confess our sins. Amen

March 18, 2021

Push for vouchers!!!

March 18, 2021

It may be time for more parents to place their children in a Christian school or homeschool them. This is beginning to go too far now. Lord, forgive us to allowing evil to infiltrate the school system. Please protect children form further indoctrination. Help us support good teachers for the future generations. In Jesus name, Amen.

Paul Cirillo
March 18, 2021

Lord, I pray for a revival of home and private schooling! Let it be so!

March 18, 2021

Lord God,

Forgive us for allowing evil to infiltrate our schools. We stand in the gap for all teachers, administers and parents that hold fast and stand firm for Godly values. We ask that You grant them courage and expand their sphere of influence making away to bring truth and integrity back into our public schools. Lord, we pray that many would rise up to run for school board positions and that alternative publishing companies that want to develop curriculum that reflects truth would gain momentum and have a place in the school system. We pray for alternative forms of educational channels including charter school, private schools and home schooling will continue to grow and Bring positive, godly change to children. We pray that parents will instill a strong and consistent Christian worldview and that grandparents, uncles and aunts will also participate in prayer and modeling Godā€™s Truth when given opportunities. Lord, we pray for righteousness, justice and truth to prevail in the education of our children. We ask in Jesus Name!

    March 18, 2021

    You have captured my heart’s cry to the Lord on all the points you have addressed, Denise, especially our need to seek forgiveness from the Lord. So much of the evil that has been allowed to prevail in our nation over the decades, is do to the silence of me and our brothers and sisters in Christ. I am the first to acknowledge my need to do more than just vote for someone in office that will keep my Christian values. šŸ˜ž I am trying to make up for lost time by writing my congressman, senators, sign petitions or wherever I have a voice to share righteousness.

      March 18, 2021

      I am with you, my sister. I have signed petitions, shared articles and IFA posts with meany and contacted my congressman…..I have them on speed dial on my phone! I am praying that God would stir the hearts of complacent Christians to put their faith into action. James reminds us that Faith without works in dead! We must be doers of the Word! You are on IFA which already launches you into the doers….prayer is an action and done with earnest avails much! Keep on my sister in Christ! Keep on….He is coming soon!

        March 18, 2021

        Yes and Amen Denise! You’re comment made me teary eyed! Staying in this fight on my knees with you Sister! May the Lord richly bless you! šŸ™šŸ¼

          March 19, 2021

          Thanks friend! We need to be praying for each other! God is good, faithful and at work! We have nothing to fear!

March 18, 2021

Pray like Solomon
My goodness this is getting out of hand

March 18, 2021

Lord please uproot the communists from the public school system. Please give parents boldness and mighty courage to take a stand. For those that can I pray they can put their child in a private school or homeschool. Protect innocent minds and hearts from this insanity!

Brittaney Hudgins
March 18, 2021

Father, You love us all but the life of Jesus taught us how precious your children are to you. Forgive us as parents for not seeing the hate and deception the enemy has been trying to feed the children through our education system. Forgive us also as your church for not being more prayerful and guarding the youth of this nation. We come before today because we need you to intervine. We ask your spirit sweep through the land with all justice and truth and we ask you to protect our sweet innocent children. Gaurd their gates Lord from any poison in Jesus mighty name šŸ™ Amen


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