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Lord, we are nothing without You. We need more of You in our nation--more kindness, more truth, more of Your presence!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

It appears there is an increase in violence against Trump supporters–much of it directed at those who are bold enough to host signs in their yards and property. Recently a rural Nebraska farmer found that his tractor, combine and other farm equipment that was adorned with Trump flags were all on fire. A devastating loss for this farm family, one of many of the midwest farm families who support President Trump in the election and fly flags and host signs of support. That public support may have cost him and others like him.

Threatening letters against public Trump support is another tactic being used in several parts of the country. From Daily Wire:

Someone is sending letters to Trump supporters in New Hampshire, threatening to burn down their homes if President Trump loses the presidential election but will not concede defeat.

As WMUR reported, the letter, which Milford police stated has been sent to various homes in the town displaying support for the president, stated:

Dear neighbor. You have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address has been added to our database as a target when we attack should Trump not concede the election. We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make sure that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for fire damage. You have been given “Fair Warning.” Always remember, it was “you” that started this Civil War. Be prepared to face the severe consequences of your pre-emptive actions against democracy.

Brookline police Chief Bill Quigley confirmed two Trump supporters in his town also received the letter. “I was kind of quite shocked that anyone would send a letter out with that type of threat,” he admitted.

Quigley said he alerted the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, adding that the perpetrator could be charged with a serious crime. He explained, “Not only with us, with criminal threatening. It’s on a felony level, because of the threat of burning homes down and causing injury, but it could also be with the postal inspectors, something on the federal level.”

Prayer Point: Pray for civility in our nation and safety for our citizens.

One Milford resident named Kelly told WMUR, “I was very taken aback. This is my home. You’re not supposed to threaten my home. I’m very worried in the sense that this is going on in my town.”

Milford is a small town of roughly 15,000 people; Brookline is even smaller, with roughly 5,000 people.

The threats follow a “suspicious” fire incident in Minnesota in late September. Law enforcement officials in the state began investigating a fire that burned down a garage and three vehicles at a Trump-supporting household, calling the fire “suspicious” and saying that the matter was under investigation.

“This morning, at 3:48am our house was supposedly targeted by BLM/Antifa,” the family wrote in a Facebook post. “We woke up to a loud explosion, and saw that our camper was on fire, along with both of Dennis’s trucks, his garage and our entire back yard. Thank God our main house is safe. We are safe. Our children are safe. Thank you so much to the Brooklyn Center Police Department, Minnesota for helping us get our family out of the house, and a special thanks to officer C. Jordan and another officer and firefighters for saving our dogs. He said it was so hot they almost had to leave them. Thank you God we are alive and safe, and pray that justice is served.”

In mid-September, in Maine, Trump supporters found dog poop in their mailboxes, allegedly courtesy of a middle-aged woman riding a bicycle. Alyshia Canwell, a patrol officer with Hampden Public Safety, told WGME, “She has been picking up dog feces and putting it in mailboxes, specifically of people who have Trump signs outside,” adding, “She has been also defacing Trump signs, writing comments on the signs.”

Join us to pray for protection from violence, and for free speech to be honored in our nation. Have you encountered any threat or intimidation for any of your candidate support? How have you dealt with it and covered it in prayer? Share below.

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Mel Teoh
October 26, 2020

Thank You that a lot of American are awaken and asking for Your mercy and forgiveness and You intervened in 2016 election. We are so grateful Father-God. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your love. Thank You that You are steadfast.

Father-God, I asked for Your blessings of discernment and protection physically and spiritually to all the American who are trying to support the TRUTH.

Father-God, I’m praying like Elisha prayed for his assistant in the Bible
2 Kings 6:17
And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Open our eyes and the enemies eyes to see that we are surrounded by Your angels. Thank You Father. In Jesus Name. Amen.


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