I Prayed 1,534 have prayed
Father God, we pray for Your will to be done and You told us what it is--to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thes. 5:18) We thank You for who You are and all You have done.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

IFA invites you to take a break from negative headlines and join us in thanking God for what He has done this year in our nation and the many answered prayers we have witnessed. Today IFA’s prayer webcast Pray with Others Live will focus entirely on thanksgiving.

It will be interactive! We are asking you to share answered prayers with us! Let’s focus on answered prayer in government, our nation, or states and community.

Post a comment below with answered prayers or join the webcast through Facebook and post a comment. Or send an email to content@ifapray.org with your answered prayers. We will share as many answered prayers as we can on the broadcast.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it at 12:15 pm ET, watch the webcast anytime at IFApray.org/watch/.

Here are the details:

Join live at 12:15 pm ET, November 22, 2022 at IFApray.org/watch/ or at IFA’s Facebook page. Or call (667) 771-7910, access code 2452#.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thes. 5:18).

I will enter his gates with thanksgiving and I will come into his courts with praise (Ps. 100:4).

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November 26, 2022

I have prayed with Thanksgiving and want to also thank IFA for their sacrificing their holiday time from their families to keep us encouraged and motivated, through prayer with others!

Kathy Emahiser
November 25, 2022

Father, we indeed thank you for all that you have done for this nation, especially opening the doors to freely worship you. May those doors remain open. You are worthy of all our praise and worship just for who you are. Again, we say thank you.

Carla S Shier
November 24, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you for your loving kindness to us and all we love. I will enter his gates with thanksgiving and I will come into his courts with praise (Ps. 100:4). I have deep gratitude in my heart to my Jehovah Rapha for my husband currently recovering from six bypass open heart surgery. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thes. 5:18).
I praise God for being able to live in a free nation and a caring community. His love, Jehovah Jireh has turned His face toward us and continues to provide for our family. I’m very grateful for our four children and their spouses as well as our 14 grandchildren and one great grandson. I praise our Lord for allowing me to work in ministry for 35 years. He is always good and I have so much to praise Him for daily.

Grant Windholz
November 24, 2022

What a wonderful prayer 🙏! This country is NOTHING without our Lord God Almighty! Give him the glory for the existence of America! We as Americans must humble ourselves, pray, trust, honor and have hope on this Thanksgiving Day and everyday. He controls everything!

Brian Lynch
November 24, 2022

Thank you, Father god, for ALL of your blessings, and the blessings that You will continue to pour out upon America, and upon my life in particular. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Darlene Estlow
November 23, 2022

I am very thankful for answered prayer. I have watched God change someone I had prayed for for years and have been amazed at what He has done.

Kathy Emahiser
November 23, 2022

Father, we thank you for your faithfulness to your unchanging word which is life to us and health to our flesh. You respond to all who cry out to you in faith. We just love you Father.

November 22, 2022

I am very thankful that in my local election a very left wing woke canadate didn’t win a seat on our county school board.
Plus all the liberals on our school board have been weeded out except one.
By God’s grace may the others stand strong against her. agendas

Jerome Jagla Jr
November 22, 2022

A healthy new grandson born on my actual 76th birthday, with my daughter & her son doing well as we celebrate his first month on Earth.

Shelly & Bernie
November 22, 2022

I’m so thankful that my husband and I have gotten more into IFA and now, we are also involved with IFA-Michigan…it is so great to have all these people to pray with each week.

Jerald & Judy S Pike
November 22, 2022

The best path in Life is to Seek and Serve JESUS, Our SAVIOR Daily.
Studying and Witnessing is essential to reach those sound us!
So Much to Be Thankful For!

Loving PRAYERS Daily!

Sue Tracy
November 22, 2022

Thank you for all You are doing with our borders, helping with our Drug problems and coming to the aid of those being used for sex trafficking. We love you and are grateful for all you are doing in our world. Thank you for all my and blessings thank you for protecting us.

Leila Dalrymple
November 22, 2022

Gracious Heavenly Father, I give thanks for all the ways you have blessed and nurtured us and our nation, for Your goodness and Your love. Lord Jesus, we ask for Your mercy. We plead Your blood over our nation and each of us. Please grant a turning of hearts to Your truth. Please bring us back into alignment with You and Your Word. We pray for Your mighty soul harvest and declare that the United States of America belongs to You! You created it for Your divine purposes and we boldly decree that we are STILL ONE NATION UNDER GOD, OUR SOVEREIGN LORD! We give thanks that You are just, HOLY, Righteous, and love us beyond comprehension. Thank you that you hear every prayer and always answer in the ways You know is right to do. We give You all honor and glory! In Jesus’ name, amen.

November 22, 2022

Thank you Jesus, for giving me and my family our temporal needs and for your loving support when we hit bumps in the road. Lord I am storming Heaven with petition, praise and thanksgiving for all those here on IFA. Sweet Jesus, I know You hear all the prayers of our hearts——I lift up all those with special needs, especially my grandson age 15. Thank you so much for being so kind, Amen

November 22, 2022

My daughter’s home and property was not burned up in the recent Maui Hawaii fires. The fire came very close. We prayed Psalms 91 over her door I’m praising God for not letting the fire 🔥come to her door ✝️

Jean Johnson
November 22, 2022

Heavenly Father, THANK YOU for being faithful, even when we were not faithful!!! Thank You for always choosing what is best for us, even when we didn’t know or feel like it was Your best for us. Thank You for not sending Your full wrath against us, even though we deserve it. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen and Amen!

Bo Ehrig
November 22, 2022

Thanks You Yahova

Dona Schmidt
November 22, 2022

I couldn’t log on to fb, yet I rejoiced with you in Thanksgiving! It was so inspirational ! Thankful for all that the Lord is doing! From roe v wade , sanctuaries for babies,
The IFA prayer in the 50 states, the wonderful work that IFA is doing! To God be the Glory!
He gives us more grace, as the burdens grow greater, Jesus since more strength as the labors increase, to multiply trials multiplied mercy He gives more grace He gives He gives hallelujah

Rosa Siemens
November 22, 2022

Thank you Father God for awakening the Church. Please help her to know what her identity, purpose and mission is and to stay away from apostasy.
In Jesus glorious name I pray.🙏

Rosa Siemens
November 22, 2022

YAHWEH, Elohim,
I give you honor and glory for all your blessings and for all those challenges you have allow us to experience. Thank you for showing us the evil plans of the enemy before they have a chance to put it into policies that go against your Will and your views of this world.
We trust you and pray over Psalm 37: 1-13. Amen 🙏🌹

Rebecca Thornton
November 22, 2022

Oh wow! Rejoicing with you over your sons healing Norma!! Praise Father God!!!

Norma Karibas
November 22, 2022

I Thank You Father, Jehovah Rapha for healing my son from granular vasculitis! The scars on his body from all the damage of the disease also were removed by your hand! My son Nick would say “Mom, don’t worry about the scars, Jesus had more scars!”. After praying over his legs that Jesus would remove all the scars, within weeks, all the scars were gone!! We give ALL Glory and Honor and Praise and Power to His Holy Name! We love our Lord of Hosts, King of Kings, The Alpha and Omega, The Great I AM”

Cheryl Peltz
November 22, 2022

Thank you Lord, for victories won across our nation, in our churches and homes. Thank you for being faithful, even when we are not. Thank you for answered prayers, and the protections, provisions, and peace we enjoy daily. Thank you for health, wisdom and discernment to navigate the issues and challenges we face. Thank you for being the rock we have built this nation, your church, our lives on. Though storms may rage, we will not fall and be destroyed. You are faithful and good! In Jesus name. Amen.

Faithlyn Brown
November 22, 2022

Father, I am deeply saddened about this proposed ungodly legislation targeted at marriage by Your standards. I grieve with You at this affront to Your holiness. Let this decree and declaration of rebuttal against this unlawful and unholy Bill be cast down without delay, in Jesus’ mighty Name.

    Leila Dalrymple
    November 22, 2022

    Father GOD, I stand in agreement with Faithlyn. In the name of our precious Savior, Jesus, amen!

David DuBois
November 22, 2022

I am thankful for the Christian heritage of my country. This morning I watched the U.S. Army band chorus sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic, which ended in a rousing “Amen”. I am thankful for God providing me good health, a good financial condition, loving family, and that He is my shepherd, opening and closing doors for me as appropriate. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with me, His rod and his staff they comfort me. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Praise the Lord!

November 22, 2022

I thank you Lord for answering prayer in where we are asking for continued exposure of all things that are not of You. Each and every day You continue to expose the evil ones plans and all that he has done. You help all of us working and praying for righteousness and justice to come forth to continue the path toward that goal. May we all be in the palm of your hand. Protect and watch over everyone and their families that are exposing TRUTH. Most of all Lord God continue to take the blinders and mind control off the people to see what You are doing and to accept what they need to see and hear. We love You Lord Jesus, we thank you for being our Advocate, Healer, Deliverer and most of all our Savior. True Freedom only comes from You Precious Jesus. We thank you for that Freedom in Christ! Hallelujah! May more experience that Freedom as we go through 2023. In Jesus Name I pray.

November 22, 2022

Father God, thank you for the overturning of Roe vs Wade, for waking up this great nation , one heart at a time,! Thank you in our family for bringing our prodigal son back to you and for restoring relationships in our family! You’ve not only miraculously healed friends with cancer but you’ve answered so many daily prayers with miracles as well!!! I could write a novel on the miracles of this year alone, but these are the first ones that come to mind. Please continue molding us to be more like you. May we humble ourselves, repent and turn to follow you the remainder of our days, shining Your light for others to do the same! In Jesus’ name I pray!!!

Esmeralda Winchell
November 22, 2022

I am thankful that my family is doing great. Even though some of them are in other states they have connected with a church family. I am thankful that we are all in good health. I am thankful that the Lord has provided with the finances to fix our car and repair electrical problems in our home but most of all I am thankful that He is Lord of our lives. Thank you Jesus!

Angi Glass
November 22, 2022

I stand with God’s word and am praying the needed 3 of 12 republicans that GOD will change their minds on HB 8404. We must push back against the darkness and believe in the Holy Bible that marriage is ONLY between a man and a woman. LORD, hear our prayers.

    November 22, 2022

    Yes and amen!!! Believing that He will be glorified by this!!! In Jesus’ name!!

Drew Kronenberger
November 22, 2022

Thank you Lord, for establishing three new school board members in CISD (Conroe, TX) who are committed to sharing your truth in love!

Glory Swiniarski
November 22, 2022

I’m so thankful we live in the United States where we still have FREEDOM to worship our Lord & Savior! The person of the Holy Spirit is such a perfect gift, since He hears our prayers and answers and we even hear His voice…

November 22, 2022

Thank you, Father from bringing my 91-year-old Dad back from near death to robust health this year. You were with us, guiding every moment, healing, help, encouraging blessing. We will celebrate Thanksgiving with him in his home this week.

Donald Vader
November 22, 2022

Thank you Lord for all things and thank you IFA for all your hard work and commitment to the Lord and the body of Christ… Amen

Gerri Candelaria
November 22, 2022

I pray every night that God would give the graces necessary to turn back to God and the Catholic Church to my children and grandchildren. Two days ago my 17 year old granddaughter told me she wants to be baptized and take classes to become a Catholic. Praise the Lord!

CM Brown
November 22, 2022


I thank You that I did not wake up in a hospital bed, as many others have. I lift all who are sick up to You, and ask you to give them peace, comfort and healing. I thank You that I have never gone a day hungry, and I lift up those who right now have nothing to eat. I thank You for Jesus.

Vaughn Cassidy
November 22, 2022

Praise the Lord God for protecting us financially through all this hardship and providing us opportunity to help others!

November 22, 2022

Lord, Thank you for Allena Jordan who posted the above comment. I remember this song well from my childhood. I just looked at an old hymnal I have and it’s refrain is “sacrifice of praise”. Thanks for the history of the hymn also.
I read through the hymn quickly, and then I realized I hadn’t let the words sink in or barely thought about them. So I slowed down and reread it, thoughtfully. Now I will reread this hymn meditating on the Lord. and in a thankful spirit.
We have so many things on our mind, there is much to do and enjoy, and contemplate, we have a hard time slowing down to focus on God. I am thankful Jesus encouraged me to read through the comments. I read another person’s post that even after 30 years of service the person wanted to know God in deeper ways. Sometimes knowing and experiencing God can be painful. Be ready to give all to Him, trusting him through it all. And be ready to thank Him.

Elizabeth Crouse
November 22, 2022

Praying for America and Gods will and how I can help others in need

Bev Hawes
November 22, 2022

Thank you El Shaddai (God Almighty), for your blessing upon our church. We took out a consolidation loan in 2017 for $1,875,000 to be repaid over 15 years. Our church has a membership of approximately 400-500 people, many of whom are retired and living on a fixed income. We have been paying around $325k a year toward repayment of this loan. As of the first Sunday in January, 2022, our remaining balance stood at $655,000. Our Pastor believes in debt cancellation rather than debt reduction, so the church was challenged to become debt free in 2023. On September 4th, the church celebrated it’s 103rd Birthday and we celebrated with a church announcement that we were DEBT FREE as well. We have since created a maintenance fund goal of $350k and are currently at $130k towards that goal! All this in the worst economy of 2022! GOD IS ALIVE AND WELL and continuing His work in Eustis, FL. We praise His name and now we are able to do even more for Him and our community because of HIS GOODNESS! We give God all the Glory, Praise & Worship for who He is and ALL that He is capable of doing through His children!

November 22, 2022

Thank you Father for showing me that the continuing years I serve you, (30 so far) I realize how much of a novice I am when it comes to the things of God like prayer and knowing Your Word. I am hungrier for your precepts now than ever. There is so much I need to learn and experience and I am forever grateful that I can truly say after thirty years I don’t know it all.
As you know Lord, I made a commitment to master Your Word a few years ago and I am continuing that journey until I see you in glory.
Thank you for loving me with as Jeremiah said “an everlasting love.” I stand on your promises and know that no matter how fierce the trials You are my shepherd who goes before me in every trial. Help me to continue to draw nigh to You and you will draw nigh to me (James 4:8). In Jesus’ name, Richard

Janet Semones
November 22, 2022

I have been praying God would remove all those from office (federal and state) who do not have the interest of the American people at heart; those who are only interested in themselves and what they can gain from holding office. He has done it! One in particular is leaving, and I know God is cleaning house. Praise the Lord!!

November 22, 2022

I thank our Lord, Jesus Christ for giving us the promise of salvation through these evil times. Satan thinks he has won, but God KNOWS ALL! I have so many things to be thankful for, especially a family who believes.
Praise Jesus! I await Your return! Please keep me with You in these times of despair. Amen.

Beverly Miller
November 22, 2022

Even though I live alone is an apartment, I have a wonderful family , everything I need and so much more. I am truly blessed. All praises to my Awesome Lord.

November 22, 2022

I’m thankful roof over our heads, food on the table, good health and be thankful all others blessing.

November 22, 2022

I live in Belen, NM. When I moved here 5 years ago I found a church that preached the Word of God in a powerful way. We are claiming Belen for Christ. I am a intercessor. I prayed and Yahweh gave me more Intercessors and we have been traveling through the small town of Belen praying for schools, churches and neighborhoods. Our Pastor is very involved with the community churches and much more. I am blessed to be a part of Yahweh’s kingdom work!

    November 22, 2022

    Patsy, It sounds like you have a lovely town, and church. What wonderful work you are doing as intercessors for your town! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

William Davis
November 22, 2022

You know, I make it a point to give thanks at the first moment I open my eyes, daily. Also, I make it a point to do the same just before I go to sleep. Yes, starting and ending EVERY day giving thanks. The way I see it, if were honest with ourselves, we all have FAR more to be thankful for than to complain about. Cheers fellow believers!!

Juliana Vitko
November 22, 2022

Thank you Lord for the many blessings and giving salvation to us all. Thank you God for giving us clarity and abundant love to walk out our purpose on this earth. Thank you for the great cloud of witnesses that we are surrounded by. Thank you for revival which has started in me. Thank you for healing and wholeness to all that you touch. In Jesus’s name, amen. And Glory to you God!

Allena Jordan
November 22, 2022

Lord, I thank You for the gift of singing, for giving me a voice to sing Your praises. And so, this is my song of praise to You today:
1 For the beauty of the earth,
for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth
over and around us lies.
Christ, our Lord, to you we raise
this, our hymn of grateful praise.
2 For the wonder of each hour
of the day and of the night,
hill and vale and tree and flower,
sun and moon and stars of light, [Refrain ]
3 For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth, and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild, [Refrain]
4 For yourself, best gift divine,
to the world so freely given,
agent of God’s grand design:
peace on earth and joy in heaven. [Refrain]

Folliett Sandford Pierpoint originally wrote this hymn for use during the Communion of the High Anglican Church. The original refrain “Christ, our God, to thee we raise; This our sacrifice of praise” was meant to mirror the portrayal of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice — just as the host would be lifted during the communion as a token of God’s gift to us, a “sacrifice of praise” would be lifted in return. Later editions of the text emphasize the thanksgiving aspect of the verses. –Greg Scheer, 1995

And here’s a link to the hymn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTcJ_SQruhE

Maria Fillyaw
November 22, 2022

Thank you Jesus for we know you are always faithful and thank you for loving us Amen

November 22, 2022

God touched me!

Thank the Lord!

I praise Him, daily@

November 22, 2022

In the midst of chaos and packing to move, I do a card and ornament for those who have lost loved ones or even pets. I had 3 dogs to do and I thought that I was going to have to start all over trying to get the paw print, which would add more stress to me. I prayed because it was already packed away in a box in the container I put it in. I was either searching for a recipe or putting recipes away and I found it amongst my cookbooks. I hadn’t put it away from last year.

Connie Seglem
November 22, 2022

I thank Almighty God for the miraculous, beautiful, historical shift of Roe v. Wade overturn after 50 years, believing that God’s church is taking seriously 2 Chronicles 7:14, “ If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.” God’s people are in the middle of something very big, God big! And I praise and thank Him.

Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
November 22, 2022

HEAVENLY FATHER, Thank You for allowing me to wake up this morning. FATHER, Thank You for your mercy and your grace over America. We have broken so many Commandments, and yet you have not “thrown us away.”

We can’t even begin to comprehend your Great Love for humanity…HOLD US EVER CLOSE, FATHER…..America is stained with deep, deep sin—and so many of us are overcome with all that is going on….At times, we feel that our nation may have “crossed the line”—-gone too far.

Thank You, FATHER, for HOLY SPIRIT—–we could not make it without him.


Annette Canote
November 22, 2022

Thank you Mighty God for the weapon of WORSHIP! You are worthy, Triune God! You are enough. Holy Holy Holy is our God Most High! I love you and I thank You for loving me.

Marie Eisbrenner
November 22, 2022

I thank God for moving on the hearts of the Supreme Court Justices, who lifted the death decree of abortion from our nation! I praise Him for moving across this nation, and for the revival that is happening, changing hearts and leading people to Him and their salvation in the name of Jesus!

terri enright
November 22, 2022

Thank you Lord that the 300 acre farm in our township was saved and will be preserved for your wildlife creatures and birds. This will be an area for all to forever enjoy your natural resources!

Carol Vanarsdel
November 22, 2022

I thank the Lord for the red tsunami that has happened and that we have the house of representatives and more victories are coming in Jesus name! Amen!

    George Patrick Murphy
    November 22, 2022

    I thank the Lord that the Holy Spirit is inspiring courageous parents to crusade for Catholic values and objective morality practice at In Name Only
    “Catholic” institutions of Higher Learning .

November 22, 2022

Father there is a force in this world that opposes you. And we, in our humanness are easy prey to be distracted and submit to its wiles. But you -our creator- have loved each one of us your creations enough to provide a way for us to be a part of your family!! So we thank you our FATHER for your son JESUS and how your master plan gives us forgiveness and authority to walk with you..
In Jesus blessed name we pray Amen

November 22, 2022

Thank you Lord for all you do.Thank you for all the victories.Lord bring all people who don’t know you into the valley of decision,where they chose you as Lord and Master of their lives.Open eyes and hearts.We pray for a mighty move of your Holy Spirit in Jesus name.

Betsy West
November 22, 2022

I thank God for the gift of being alive to witness the first step in the total erridication of the scourge of abortion in our nation. After nearly 50 years of prayer and tears the glorious breakthrough in June moved the assignment to the next battlefield in each state. The birth of IFA in 50 states is truly a Jubilee event.

Susan C
November 22, 2022

Despite all the chaos, God cares for us. The world may be in what others may call a crisis. I see it as birth pangs for our future where we will see billions saved in a worldwide Great Awakening.
God leaves the 99 to care for the 1. I’m that one. He healed my knee and I don’t need medical intervention. . I’m pain free and able to walk with no pain. Praise the Lord. .

Mary Florio
November 22, 2022

Thank you Father for saving my soul because of Your Son Jesus dying on the Cross , I pray for America to repent for it’s ungodly laws and to come back to you and establish Godly laws

Catherine Kenyon
November 22, 2022

Thankful that the Lord is unchanging and true. He is our stability and strength in all times especially in uncertainty.

Vickie Fisher
November 22, 2022

Praise God my Sister & Brother-in-Law got Remarried 11.19.22 the Answer to Decades of Prayer. Divorced then lived together for years. Originally married 1982 so this would be about 40 Years. May God Continue to Heal and Draw this Family Together after much Tragedy. May He Return the Hearts of the Children Mine to the Mother Me. Praise Him for Miracles.

    November 23, 2022

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow for the remarriage!!
    Praying for you and your family’s continued healing! May He knit the hearts of the children and parents together. Amen. Praise the Lord.

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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