I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that whenever there is vacancies in the Supreme Court, that You would appoint individuals with Biblical values and godly insight.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Rumors swirled 1 that conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were considering retirement sometime soon. Thomas, 72, was appointed by George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s. Alito, 70, was appointed by George W. Bush in the early 2000s. Both are conservative stalwarts and vacancies of either of their positions could throw the new emboldened conservative majority on the court solidified by Trump’s appointment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh—who replaced swing vote Anthony Kennedy in 2018—into doubt.

Trump has already left his mark on the Supreme Court, driving it further to the right away from the middle, with the appointment of Kavanaugh to replace Kennedy and Justice Neil Gorsuch who replaced the late Antonin Scalia. But Chief Justice John Roberts, another George W. Bush appointee, has joined the liberal Justices on the Court in some recent key decisions helping hold back a rising potential conservative tide from the nation’s final arbiter of key disputes. But even with Roberts—who also presided, per the Constitution, over the GOP-led U.S. Senate’s impeachment trial that acquitted Trump of charges brought by Democrat-run U.S. House—joining the liberal wing on some decisions, the court is decidedly more conservative than in recent years. . . .

Editor’s Note: Thomas and Alito recently squashed rumors of their upcoming retirement this year. . . .

But even though Thomas and Alito are unlikely to actually leave the court this year, in a second Trump term they very well could retire to make way for younger conservative Justices. That raises the stakes, especially with their advancing age—Scalia died at 79 and both are fast-approaching that age—for this November’s contest between Trump and Biden.

But Thomas and Alito are not the only two current Justices on the nine-seat court whose seats could become vacant, thereby requiring appointment from the president—whoever he may be—to replace them. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the stalwart liberal Justice, is now 87 years old and constantly faces health issues—as she has been in and out of the hospital for a variety of procedures and ailments in recent years. . . .

All of this means, theoretically, the next president—whether it be Trump re-elected to serve another term, or Biden defeating Trump in November—could expect to appoint as many as four Justices to the Supreme Court in a single term. . . .

Trump ended up, in his first term, getting two Justices confirmed in Gorsuch and Kavanaugh—the Scalia seat and the Kennedy one as the Ronald Reagan-appointed swing vote Justice did end up retiring in 2018. But if Trump is re-elected, and things line up in the clearest way in terms of retirements and deaths, in a second term he could appoint as many six total Justices—four more—to the Supreme Court. That could, if Ginsburg or Breyer either retire or pass away in a second Trump term, mean the liberal minority on the Supreme Court shrinks from four dedicated left-of-center Justices down to just two in Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

But the inverse is also true. If Biden ends up winning, he could remake the Supreme Court in a leftist vision, appointing as many as four Justices depending on deaths and retirements from Ginsburg, Breyer, Thomas, and Alito.

So then the question becomes whether voters are okay with what either man intends to do with regard to the court should he win in November. . . .

Biden, on the other hand, has suggested he wants to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court. But he has not committed to releasing a list of potential nominees, opting to instead unlike Trump keep voters in the dark about what he is thinking about potential picks for the Supreme Court.

(Excerpt from Breitbart . Written by Matthew Boyle.)

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Mel Teoh
July 13, 2020

Lord, we pray that You would give our Supreme Court justices wisdom from above and do not let them pervert justice. We ask for protection over them and for them top have courage to make wise decisions based on truth.
Pray for salvation for any Justice who has not received Christ as Savior. (Rom 10:9)
Pray the justices would have the fear of God as they consider cases. (Rom 13:1)
Pray there would be no hidden agendas, alliances, persuasion, or pressure on justices that would influence or steer their decisions. (Jn 5:30)
Father God, I’m praying that the LIFE TENURE of these Judges must be changed. I don’t know how God. But I don’t think it’s fair for them to hold their position for that long. Or they should be retired after certain period of time or maybe when they reach 85 years old. Please Father, help these justices themselves to come to that thought. Father, please allow a Chinese descent judge to be put in among this group. Help Justice Ruth Bider to retire … she is already 87 years old Father .. it’s time to retire then Justice Breyer when he turn 85. For Justice Roberts to retire if he is not feeling well due to the fall. Father God, raise true conservatives Justices who walk in the steps that You created for them like Kavanaugh. Thank You Father.
Isaiah 56:1 This is what the Lord says:
“Be just and fair to all. Do what is right and good, for I am coming soon to rescue you and to display my righteousness among you.
Ps. 62:7-8 “My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”
Lord, we pray over the Supreme Court justices in our land, nationally and in each state. We pray that they would not pervert justice; show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but that they would judge fairly (Lev 19:15). We pray that they would have wisdom from above and judge righteously and according to our Constitution. Lord, we pray against the judicial activism that we have seen in the past and pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to fall on each one as they do their job, which is to judge according to the laws of the Constitution, not to make new laws. Lord, we pray protection over them as they sit on the Court and as to the timing when they will step down. We pray that they will not have to fear for their lives if they make a conservative decision. Lord, we ask you to contend with those who contend with them and protect them under the shadow of your wings from those who would threaten or harm them.
In Jesus’ name .. we thank You ….

Laura King
July 12, 2020

O Lord God have YOUR way in the appointing of Justices to the Supreme Court. We, as the American people, need those who uphold your word, your ways and your values without wavering; strong in their faith in the goodness of You our Sovereign Lord and our God.

We look to You from where our help comes from.


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