I Prayed have prayed
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Pray for the Supreme Court as they hear numerous cases which will have an impact on our lives and our culture.  Pray for God’s wisdom to guide their understanding and their decisionmaking.

You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor. (Lev 19:15)

“A full-strength Supreme Court [took] the bench Monday for what could be the most consequential term in decades, as the ideologically split justices consider cases as diverse as religious liberty, immigration, cell phone privacy, voting rights and possibly the legality of President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban.

‘There is only one prediction that is entirely safe about the upcoming term, and that is it will be momentous,’ Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said at an event at Georgetown Law recently.” (Excerpted from CNN, reporting by Ariane de Vogue.)

To see what cases are being heard daily, with an unbiased summary, visit the SCOTUS blog.

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Sheron Lindstrom
October 5, 2017

Father God, I pray that your hand will be on the minds and hearts of the Supreme Court justices that their decisions may be made in the light of truth and with integrity. Protect our nation from evil, I pray. Expose the foolish things of this world for what they are and lead our nation to righteousness and morality via decisions made in the upcoming term. In Jesus name, Amen

Laura King
October 5, 2017

Lord let truth, justice and integrity prevail in every decision that is to be made for ALL cases that are brought before these justices. Change the hearts of those who don’t know You; soften the hard hearts as You have done many times before and open blind spiritual eyes to You and Your ways. Amen

October 5, 2017

Create in them a pure heart,O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within them.
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk
Humbly with you.
The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon them一
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord一
And they will delight in the fear of the Lord.

Min. Sharon Crenshaw
October 4, 2017

Lord Here Our Prayers,

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts, Amen.
Zechariah 4:6

October 4, 2017

Father, I pray for righteous judgement to be brought forth from the Supreme Court of our land. Open the eyes of these judges so they can no longer call evil good, and good evil. Father, I thank You that You can change the hearts of these ruling judges. I ask for the Truth to be made known. Reveal Yourself to these judges that they will turn their hearts over to You. Make known Your ways and how You would judge the cases that are presented before the Supreme Court. I thank You for hearing our prayers in Jesus name. Amen

October 4, 2017

Pray to purge the supreme court of anti-Constitutional judges. & replace them with constitutional justices. The Supreme court exists to uphold the constitution, not to advance personal agendas and personal prejudices.

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