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Lord, Your will be done.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed President Donald Trump a defeat in his legal showdown with the most-populous U.S. state, declining to hear his administration’s challenge to “sanctuary” laws in California that protect immigrants from deportation.

The justices left in place a lower court ruling that upheld the bulk of three laws in the Democratic-governed state that limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement authorities. The Trump administration had appealed that ruling to the high court.

Trump, seeking re-election on Nov. 3, has made his hardline immigration policies a focus of his presidency, including a crackdown on legal and illegal immigration.

His administration sued California in 2018 in federal court, accusing the state of unlawfully obstructing enforcement of federal immigration law and saying the measures violate the U.S. Constitution’s provision that federal laws take precedence over state laws.

The California “sanctuary” laws in question prohibit private employers in the state from voluntarily cooperating with federal immigration officials and bar local law enforcement authorities from sharing information with federal officials about the release of potentially deportable immigrants from custody.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a Democrat, has argued that the laws protect privacy in the workplace and prevent the state from being coerced into enforcing federal immigration law.

The Republican president has called California’s sanctuary laws “deadly and unconstitutional” and said the state “provides safe harbor to some of the most vicious and violent offenders on Earth.”

While his administration has said such laws can impede the ability of U.S. agents to take immigrants charged or convicted of crimes into custody, advocates have said cooperation can unfairly ensnare immigrants in deportation proceedings.

(Excerpt from Reuters. Article by Ted Hesson.)


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Conchita Moreno
June 20, 2020

I applauded the Supreme Court
For the last 3 decisions they have made that benefit Jesus
Children, is all for the Glory of God. In Jesus name Amen

    June 20, 2020

    We can only pray that illegal felons and MS-13 terrorists whom California govt chooses to protect come to a redemptive knowledge of our Lord Christ Jesus, and that God would protect us in California since our government leaders have chosen not to protect its citizens first. Also we pray that God’s great and mighty arm will defend His people from any attempted evil and oppression directed toward Bible-believing Christians in the wake of the SCOTUS decision redefining God’s definition of sexual identity. May God get the glory as we continue to seek Him and boldly stand upon and speak His Word.

Joan Bartruff
June 20, 2020

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, rain down from Heaven Your Justice. Open the eyes and ears of those who
welcome and protect evil endangering the lives of all people around those who are so very evil. Help leadership to legislate so wheat can be separated from the chaff with laws that protect the innocent, but hinders evil. With You, Lord, all things are possible. Let those in authority seek Your wisdom. Amen.

June 19, 2020

Lord God Almighty I pray your Holy Spirit be at work in us to realize the only good reason to put up a sign welcoming felons illegals and MS-13 terrorists is to help destroy restraint on leadership greed! So that those in power continue to get what they want! While their people continue to starve! As we see happening with all socialist leadership!

    June 19, 2020

    The leadership I mean must include our supreme Court justices that permit such activity to continue!


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