While LGBT equality groups are mobilizing forces across the country to overhaul curricula to include references to LGBT people and interests in every subject matter, there is an opportunity to pray for, and support, truth in the public schools.
The National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools is doing a great work that you need to know about. They have a project underway to include a Bible course curriculum, as an elective, in public high schools nationwide. The Bible is taught on campus, during school hours, for credit, with the Bible as the main textbook. This Bible curriculum has now been implemented in 3,500 public high schools in 41 states.
A Florida bill has been proposed requiring schools to offer Bible courses.
4 to 5 new public high schools a week are implementing the Bible curriculum. All of the materials are provided to the teachers and students at no charge.
IFA has been asked to mobilize prayer for this wonderful effort to bring truth, and the Spirit of Truth, into the schools. Please join us in praying:
- For doors to open even faster for schools to implement this Bible curriculum.
- For additional funding–all of the materials are provided to the teachers and students for free and all of the hard cover curriculum content needs to be converted to an additional online format.
- To get the word out to more people nationwide who would like to be involved with returning the Bible to the public schools of America. Our Founding Fathers never intended for the Bible to be removed from our Nation’s public schools.
You can add action to your prayers by sharing this article and getting the word out about
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Dear Father
I thank you that some children are able to afford to go to Christian schools or have a parent who can stay home to home school their children. But for those who can’t I pray you provide for them to have the pure Word of God available to them in the public schools. I am glad that You have protected the Word through history & will continue to do so now. Let those who would never have an opportunity to read your Word be enlightened by its Truth. So Be It according to your will. AMEN So Be It.
I don’t understand why Christians expect a different result when they keep doing the same thing–that is insanity. Who would be teaching the Bible courses and how would they be taught? To be acceptable in a public school, the Bible would have to be twisted and distorted. The result will be that Christian parents will not only be sending their kids to spend 8 hours in a sewer but also to be taught a distorted view of scripture. Yeah, that makes sense! All the money spent on trying to “improve” schools would be better spent on private Christian schools or homeschooling. Just think – if even a majority of the Christian parents pulled their kids out of public schools right now they would collapse and we would have real power to make a difference.
Are you here to pray or to get out your anger towards Jesus our saviour?? May God bless you.
That was a huge jump. I take fellow Christians to task for participating in public schools that are fully anti-Christ and you think I am angry at Jesus??? No, I am disgusted with the waste of 50 years of effort, time, and money we have spent on “fixing” public schools only to see them get worse. I see no evidence that God is blessing that effort and will not pray for something that is not scriptural but rather is contrary to it. What I am praying for is repentance in this area and willingness to make the sacrifice to homeschool or set up solid Christian schools.
Yes, let us pray: Heavenly father, you said we should give to God what is His and to Caesar what is his. We must mindfully heed your words which are echoed in our Bill of Rights–make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Our families begin the education process inculcating values into our children. The public schools have no place in that by your very words and our own Constitution. Teach us to heed those separations of yours and not establish a national or state or local religion in government that usurps Your words and our family values. Anything else is praying amiss. In Jesus name, Amen.
DrBill, please read “Original Intent” by David Barton to understand what is currently being touted as “separation of church and state”. You will find the very purpose of public education was to teach literacy, so the Holy Bible would be able to be read in every household, and the first act of Congress was to purchase 20,000 Bibles as the textbooks. Please stop spreading lies.
Despite backsliding in believers actions, including your example, public education started around the industrial revolution in the mid-nineteenth century aiming to prepare the populace for factory work in the industrializing parts of America. Horace Mann was not interested in biblical education but expanding literacy in general. John Dewey, ditto, not your parochial objective. Father, please help us to understand the issue of public education–not private and parochial systems–and it’s benefit to American knowledge and creativity, action and inspiration. Teach believers to read the Constitution and Bill of Rights Amendment 1 about separation of church and state. Show bible students the chapters and verses that are the foundation of keeping religion apart from political laws. Show us that David Barton was not a national public figure promoting secular education for the masses. Teach us that Masonic membership of many national founders is different from Gospel belief, then and now. Please teach us all to revere and adhere to you, as Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, THE TRUTH and Life.’ Inculcate in us an understanding of prayer based on your Word, not our own ‘knowledge’. In Jesus, name. . .
Yes, teach accurately that the interpretation of separation most often currently when mentioned is a mythtake. Primarily used to attempt to silence religious voices in the public arena, INCLUDING schools. The Constitution actually encourages religious expression.
Hi Dr. Bill. The following is a quote from President Zachery Taylor from the The Founders Bible:
“For the love of the truths of this great book [ the Bible] that our fathers abandoned their native shores for the wilderness. Animated by its lofty principles, they toiled and suffered till the desert blossomed as the rose [Isaiah 35: 1]… The Bible is the best of books and I wish it were in the hands of everyone. It is indispensable to the safety and permanence of our institutions; a free government cannot exist without religion and morals, and there cannot be morals without religion, nor religion without the Bible. Especially should the Bible be placed in the hands of the young. It is the best school book in the world… I would that all of our people were brought up under the influence of that holy book.”
Fisher Ames April 9,1758 – July 4,1808 was a representative in the United States Congress from the First Congressional District of Massachusetts. He was an important leader of the Federalist party in the house, and was noted for oratorical skill.
From the Founders Bible page 289: “Why then, if these books for children must be retained (as they will be), should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book? It’s morals are pure; it’s examples captivating and noble. The reference for the sacred book that is thus early impressed last long, and probably, if not impressed in infancy never takes firm hold of the mind. “ Fisher Ames.
Your comment on ‘abandonment’ of the Old World applies to Pilgrims, Jews and maybe a few others who are individuals, but not the broad spectrum of American ancestors. Your Isaiah citation applies in history to Holocaust Jews but not much Christians whose influence ought to be Gospel. Most immigrants settled in cities, not the wilderness aside from persecuted Mormons driven out to Utah.
These things make me think you are more romantic than historic in your ‘resettlement’ beliefs. Our government which aims at insuring national defense but equally ‘common welfare’ more aligns with Gospel, but conservatives deny the unalienable rights assurances of government for ‘life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’ from the more spiritual Declaration of Independence, not Gospel but John Locke, not religion but politics.
I agree on the inspiration of the bible as a Gideon, Christian businessman, who distributes bibles everywhere, but that Gospel is not a political statement but individual prescription for walking the ‘strait and narrow’ toward perfection exemplified by Jesus on earth. I also agree looking at todays national political machinery in the Oval and congress that people would like more attention to the bible but our government prohibits is as public policy.
Gospel is a unique individual ‘walk’ with God. And yet Gospel seems far from many politicians in public statements and citizens in their postings on mass media. Old Testament stories, not so much Parables, are in the public’s minds to guide daily living, a kind of reprobate or apostasy behavior that can be laid at the feet of our pastors and elders, incomplete and inadequate and insufficient teaching of Christ as model of behavior in everything, not so much a historic fact but current reality. But be advised, Christ told us there are 3 levels of consciousness in God-like thinking: knowledge (that is reading and remembering scripture), understanding (which comes from interacting with others to learn the meaning of printed words), and finally wisdom coming from prayer how to use Gospel. You stop at the 1st level as simply reading scripture isn’t enough to assure ‘free government’ you want.
Many people, likewise, have morals, a personal or family or group way of operating, that comes apart from religious teachings and bible. We must encourage that while embodying evangelism. My own uncle was quite a moral and ethical businessman, without effectuating any bible principles. His uncle was likewise able to argue scripture with clergy but didn’t give that understanding to his offspring and family.
So don’t pray or wish amiss, as Christ said. He told us to keep government and God apart. He said to individually live The Way. He said to speak the truth always. And he said to live ‘knowledge of the good’ (thanks to Jesuits)personally and individually. None of this means imposing our will on others replacing God’s free will. None of it is warlike, that imposes Gospel on other peoples. You get the idea.
David Barton’s book The Jefferson Lies is a fabulous resource as well.
Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank for this organization doing something beautiful to add values to the lives of children. May Your word go forth throughout the land. May students open their hearts and minds to You Lord through Your word. Please Lord bless this project for Your Holy Name’s sake. Protect all who are involved. Please Father provide for Your children the bibles that are needed and the people who will present Your word well. I will see about becoming involved. I pray this program expands and strengthens in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
When I read the Bible, or have it explained to me, or hear it quoted, and it touches an open spot on my heart, I think how wonderful it would be for children to get what I get. I pray that the Word of God spreads rapidly and is honored in our schools and across our country. In the Name of our righteous Lord, Amen.
Praise the Lord that there will be Light again where the flesh had turned out the Truth of the good news of Christ in our schools. May the hearts of people in our nation be prepared to receive the Light, the source of our freedom. For where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your word is truth. By your Holy Spirit we pray your Word will be restored to every institution of education. We claim God’s sovereignty over this and bind any spirit that works against this in Jesus name.
Amen and amen!!