Today is Super Tuesday, with primaries in 14 states. The states casting ballots on Super Tuesday together comprise 40% of the U.S. population. Democrats Abroad and American Samoans (the latter of whom do not get to vote in the general election) also vote. And Republican primary voters cast ballots in all states but Virginia (Virginia’s Republican primary will be held June 9, 2020). In addition to the presidential primaries, U.S. Congressional and Senate candidates will be on the ballots in five of the states.
Which states vote on Super Tuesday?
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia.
Balloting will occur in 4 U.S. time zones, plus American Samoa and Democratic ex-pats scattered all over the world. (Democrats Abroad vote from March 3-10)
As so many Americans head to the polls today to help choose their party’s candidate for President, and other candidates in key national races in some states, let’s pray:
1. Pray that Americans have a clear view of what the candidates stand for, who is aligning with them, what agendas are they partnering with, and what they champion. (Luke 8:17)
2. Pray that voters would desire candidates who stand for godly values. (Hebrews 13:18)
3. Pray that religious freedoms in our nation would be protected through the election process and after the election. (1 Corinthians 6:12)
4. Pray for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in our nation. (Isaiah 46:10)
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We have been praying these scriptures since before the 2018 election cycle, and will be agreeing with yours as well.
Our state doesn’t have our primary till March 10, and we are in a Democrat held State. President Trump is the first President
that represents Republican voters in Washington D.C. for decades.
They decided to
years back they decided to drop voting except for mail-in, now they have done this (link above) This is very
frustrating to have no one to give voters an absolute assurance their ballots aren’t being changed or destroyed already,
without the concern that they won’t be just destroyed before ever being counted at all in a primary or regular election.
Would appreciate prayers for Washington State Primary and Election as well.
Father God, As multitudes gather today in prayer, we Thank You for Your loving kindness & tender mercies You show us every day. You alone are Worthy of all Glory, Honor & Praise!
There’s great concern right now Father, as there is great need for Righteous God fearing men & women to be elected as leaders in our Country. We pray for the voting process today & in all upcoming elections to be upheld in the highest of integrity. We bind the enemies of destruction, who wants only to still, kill & destroy lives. We have Your whole armour on to stand in the evil days & proclaim Victory in Jesus name! The Shield of Faith will quench all the firey darts of the wicked ones.
As we join our hearts as one in the body of Christ Jesus, we seek first Your Kingdom & Your Righteousness & come humbly before Your Throne of Grace surrendering all to You Mighty God. We repent of all our sins & the sins of all mankind. We pray for Forgiveness & pled the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus over us all. Father God, You are in control. We stand firm in Your Holy Word & pray Your will be done in us & on this earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen.
Heavenly Father,
As a nation we have turned our backs to You. We have knowingly done that which is evil. According to Psalm 51, Father, be merciful to us because of Your faithful love. Because of Your great compassion, erase all the wrongs we have done. Scrub away our guilt. Wash us clean from our sins. You are the One we have sinned against. We are wrong and You are righteous. Your laws are fair. You want us to be obedient and completely loyal, so fill us with Your wisdom. Remove our sins and make us pure. Wash us and make us whiter than snow! Let us hear sounds of joy and happiness again as we unite together as one nation under God. Don’t look at our sins. Erase them all. God, create in America a pure nation, and make us strong in faith in You. Don’t push us away or take your Holy Spirit from us. Your help is needed for wisdom in voting. Give us that joy again that comes from repentance and forgiveness. Make the heart of our nation strong and ready to obey You. Give us righteous leaders that will teach us how You want us to live, and bring us all back to You. God, spare us from the punishment of the plague of the coronavirus and death. My God, You are the One who saves us! Let us sing about all the good things you do for us! My Lord, we will open our mouths and sing your praises! You desire a humble spirit. God, you will not turn away from a nation who’s people come with humble hearts willing to obey you. God, please be good to America. Help us to restore the faith of our forefathers and the integrity of our Constitution. Deliver from the deception of socialism. Unveil the hearts and minds of our people, both young and old to see the truth and to choose liberty, to choose Trump’s love of liberty prosperity plan for all. Help us to build walls both physical and spiritual to protect our nation from dangers and build bridges of love with one another.
Father we thank You for watching over Your Word to perform it (Isaiah 1:26-27). In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Pray Daniel 2:20
In Jesus name ♥
Heavenly Father, You and your WORD is the final authority. We prayer in agreement with the following:
1. Pray that Americans have a clear view of what the candidates stand for, who is aligning with them, what agendas are they partnering with, and what they champion. (Luke 8:17)
2. Pray that voters would desire candidates who stand for godly values. (Hebrews 13:18)
3. Pray that religious freedoms in our nation would be protected through the election process and after the election. (1 Corinthians 6:12)
4. Pray for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in our nation. (Isaiah 46:10)
5. We pray for followers of Christ to vote according to Biblical principles and what Your Word says about Leaders.(1 Peter 1:25, Col. 1:9-12) and trusting you (Proverbs 3:5-7).
God you be Glorified. In Jesus name. Amen!
Dear Lord, we pray for people to be placed in all offices who uphold religious freedom, freedom of speech, and will bless the nation of Israel as You have instructed us to do. Please also give wisdom to voters as they vote for referendums and vote for local officials. God, help us to stop ungodliness at the local level- in counties, towns, and school boards. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen
Lord, please help us today to follow your Word. Confound the wicked.
I will bring back Legislators who have integrity, People like your founding fathers – principled decision-makers. Then your city will be called honorable and just, a model of ethics, trustworthy, and strong. In that way, this place Zion will pass the test. The city restored by justice, her citizens delivered by repentance.
(Isaiah 1:26-27)
Father we stand on this Your Word boldly declare it and thank You in advance for watching over it to perform it! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ
And all the saints say Amen!
2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Holy God, I bow before you, for our country, and your creation, that we will recognize your Spirit and Hand moving upon the face of your earth this day. I stand in front of you completely humbled by your sovereignty and how much you Love us. I thank you for exposing the enemy and all the evil tactics your people have been deceived by this day. I repent before you for anything which would displease you this day and thank you for hearing the cry of your daughter. I thank you for bringing this country back to you and all your ways. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray.
I want to thank you for your eloquent, heartfelt prayer. My mind was so scattered that I had just been reciting ‘words’ until I scrolled down to your prayer. Thank you.
You are welcome! As we rely on God’s Holy Spirit given to us, and because of our Lord and Savior Jesus, we can know the truth in our present day. God Bless you in your close walk with our Lord Jesus today.
to all these prayers
Lord, You have a plan and purpose as You have called so many to pray for our country. I pray the outcomes of this election set up the playing field to bring righteousness, justice and honor to our country in the election this November. May the pieces of the puzzle be joined by Your hand today.
I also pray that the forces of darkness, in particular the spirits of deception and perversion be bound and shackled, and their influence removed from the voting booths today. Father, our country has fallen far away from You. I ask forgiveness for myself and for our nation that have turned our backs to you. Break through the pride and arrogance that has so gripped our country, Expose our sins to each and every one of us. Bring Godly sorrow to our nation, and then pour out Your forgiveness and love to us all.
Thank you for saying what I couldn’t today.
Father, your WORD is the final authority. My prayer is in agreement with the following:
1. Pray that Americans have a clear view of what the candidates stand for, who is aligning with them, what agendas are they partnering with, and what they champion. (Luke 8:17)
2. Pray that voters would desire candidates who stand for godly values. (Hebrews 13:18)
3. Pray that religious freedoms in our nation would be protected through the election process and after the election. (1 Corinthians 6:12)
4. Pray for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in our nation. (Isaiah 46:10)
Dear Lord, Fulfill your Kingdom purposes through these elections today. Cause those who understand what is at stake to get out and votes for candidates who will uphold the constitution and promote righteousness and justice in our nation. Hold back the darkness and the destructive agenda of those who maliciously or ignorantly seek to bring down this nation!
May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done, O Lord!!
Lord, You are sovereign and I trust you before I trust men. Your Word declares that You raise up those who serve in high places. I know and believe that you are in total control of today’s elections and those that remain the rest of this year. Father God, I ask that You give us wisdom to vote for those who stand on the sure and firm foundation, Jesus Christ. Lord, be pleased to raise up men who will fight for You and religious freedom wisely. Lord, I also pray that You would forgive us for failing You in so many ways during the last 40-50 years. Lord, forgive me and if it pleases You, hear our cries, forgive us and heal Your land. I was reminded through Your Word this morning that You own the Earth and all that is within it. Lord, bring Your divine glory back to this nation which was founded upon Your Word and a desire to worship only You, I pray. Amen.
In JESUS name, AMEN.
I pray that the Glory of God fill the voting booths and that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thy Kingdom come and thy name be GLORIFIED in all the earth! Am,en, Amen, AMEN!
Father I pray in the name of Jesus as the voters go to vote today that they would search and seek for your will in this election. I bind the evil one from hindering our elections. I loose the values of God upon them that vote that they would vote for the good of our people and our country according to the Word of God and not man. Holy Spirit I ask that you would speak to their hearts that they might see the truth and that the blinders be removed from their eyes. I pray that the voters that go are true citizens of our great country and that they vote only once. I bind the untrue things that have been released to our people and loose the truth that they might see. Thank you Lord that it is Your will and not ours that is to be done. Bless our wonderful President, Vice President and all the people of God that are standing with them in Christ.
Amen! And God, place more Senators and Congressmen in office who will stand with our President in order to protect our religious freedoms.
Lord I see the candidates that are a part of this election and I ask- is this the best we have? Father our
“Leaders ” don’t represent us, they represent themselves and their vested interests. God I turn towards You as my Supreme Leader. You are so good Lord. We need You and Your help. God help us please. Save us from ourselves. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Pray for President Trump to win.
Lord,this is a day that we are praying that no one,no ,not one candidate that thinks it is ok for a woman to have an abortion will be elected to represent the people. We pray that your Holy Spirit will weigh heavily on the hearts of every voter and let them vote for people that believe in you and that live their lives as a christian. We want our country back as a Christian Country.
Lord thank you for the opportunity to have a voice in our government. I pray you would help all voters today to use wisdom and seek your direction. Lord we need your help. Please have your will on earth. Help us to be sensitive to you Lord, and realize that it is only as your will is done that we can live in peace with all men.
ord, I pray Your Kingdom come, your will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Peace, Truth,
It is sooo important for Christians to exercise their God given right to vote in our country and to vote for the platform that most closely reflects biblical truth. 2Chron. 7:14 Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, You are our strength and our redeemer and our joy. We trust in You. Please enable us to do what is right in Your eyes. In Jesus name, Amen
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that all born again believers get out and vote; that they will vote their conscience and vote to restore our nation back to normal family values. Thank you Jesus Christ for our nation. Amen.
Lord I pray that Your will would be accomplished in this Super Tuesday. You are Sovereign over all things.(Rev. 19:6, 11-16) I pray for followers of Christ to vote according to Biblical principles and what Your Word says about Leaders.(1Peter1:25, Col. 1:9-12) May you be Glorified Lord. In Jesus name. Amen
LORD, I ask that only those who are living American citizens cast a vote. I ask that each of those cast only one vote. I pray that the election process will be conducted with integrity. In Jesus name may it be so.
I pray for the weather not to be a hindrance to voting.