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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for NFL Stars that are bold to preach the gospel and are unashamed of Jesus Christ. Would you protect Cooper Kupp and his wife Anna Marie. Would they continue to grow their relationship with You, and would hundreds of athletes be saved because of their boldness to share their faith.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From CBN News: Anna Marie Kupp, the wife of Los Angeles Rams Wide Receiver Cooper Kupp, put their Christian faith front and center this week while posting an Instagram video of the couple embracing on the field after his big playoff win at SoFi Stadium.

“This moment. These moments!!! Thanking God for every one of them. We have prayed for a season to glorify our Savior Jesus Christ and you are doing just that my lovey @cooperkupp. SURREAL!!” Anna Marie wrote.

She describes herself in her Instagram bio as a “Child of the King. Football Wifey.”

Before the postseason, Cooper became the fourth player in NFL history to earn the triple crown with 145 receptions, 1,947 receiving yards, and 16 receiving touchdowns, all of which led the league. Since then he’s helped his team with crucial catches and touchdowns to win the playoff games that got them to the Super Bowl.

As CBN News reported, Cooper has said if it wasn’t for Anna Marie, he probably wouldn’t even be playing in the NFL.

The 28-year-old and his wife, who first met in high school, have relied on each other and their Christian faith since the start of his football career.

“We just were so aligned in terms of what our goals were and what we wanted to do moving forward and what we wanted to be about as a couple,” Cooper told ESPN. “And the belief that football was the community, was the place that I was supposed to be, that we were supposed to be, and that’s where God placed us.”

While they attended Eastern Washington University, Anna Marie worked at a restaurant to help pay for their college expenses. Cooper had simply become too tired from working his job to keep playing his best at football.

“I supported us monetarily through college,” Anna Marie said. “I was working full time so that he didn’t have to worry about that so that he could focus.”

Cooper praised Anna for pushing him to work hard.

“Without a doubt, there’s no doubt in my mind, not only would I not be here where I am today without her or accomplishing the things that I would be doing,” Cooper admitted. “I really believe I may not be in this … I may not be in the NFL if it wasn’t for her and what she has inspired in me and pushed me to do.”

He told CBN in 2019 that he is grateful for Anna’s support and that God will always be his ultimate source of hope.

“At the very basic levels of my life – as a husband, as a father, as a football player, knowing how much of a failure I am at these things if it wasn’t for my faith if it wasn’t for knowing that Christ has told me who I am in His eyes and know that how far short I fall in all these things, that He’s bridged every gap and that He’s called me to even greater things,” he stated. . . .

How does this article encourage you? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from CBN News. Article written by CBN News. Photo Credit : Getty Images)

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Beverly Moreno
October 3, 2023

It is a faith builder to hear this brother speak as he does, with real understanding of his standing in Christ. I get so tired of seeing the lack of integrity in sports figures that live in such irresponsible ways (read “sinful”) and the world watches and imitates, especially the young. I literally googled “NFL players committed to Christ” and this came up. Praise God, there’s hope for a testimony of the Lord being front and center after all.

Bro gene
August 3, 2022

Who is Kathy Emahiser?

Leah Miller
February 18, 2022

Thank-you for being bold for Christ. I got into rooting for Rams when Kurt Warner was in. I will pray for your successfull journey as a christian couple. Let God reward your bold faith. By the way my daughters name is Anna Marie.

R Moore
February 17, 2022

I echo the prayer for protection over this amazing man’s family!! What a strong legacy Cooper has been blessed with as well as the unction to be bold about his unflinching faith in Christ.
Bless he and his wife and their entire family!!
We need more like him!!
Thank you CBN!!

Ruth Garrison
February 17, 2022

So encouraging to see this young man and his wife speak boldly about their faith!! God bless them and you at CBN for printing this article🙏

Patricia Bell
February 16, 2022

May God bless this beautiful couple
for being courageous enough to stand up and profess their faith and hope in their Savior! Very inspiring and encouraging to see in the NFL🙏

Patricia Bell
February 16, 2022

May God bless this beautiful couple for being courageous enough to stand up and profess their faith and hope in Him! Very inspiring and encouraging to see in the NFL!🙏

raleigh b Robertson
February 16, 2022

an nfl player glorifying God is a rarity, hope to see more of this

Marybeth Kaak
February 16, 2022

This article gives me a whole lot of HOPE for the human race! We need to see more of these kinds of people who WITNESS HOPE in the way they live and their world view.. Let us return to faith in our Father and in one another!

Neal Hunt
February 16, 2022

More evidence the Lord watches over those who put their trust in Him.

Fran Klovstad
February 16, 2022

The humbleness is so refreshing, thank you Lord for the position you’ve put this couple in. Thank you for an earthly example for my grand kids.

Jack Youngblood
February 15, 2022

Coop, Jeremiah 29-11 was my lead!

Kathy Emahiser
February 15, 2022

Father, I ask you to bless Cooper Kupp and his wife for taking a bold stand to glorify you and Jesus Christ. May their boldness impact others to follow suite and not coward down to this frail, dying world. They are the true giants that stand above all else because they acknowledge the King of all kings.

February 15, 2022

Praise God for couples like the Kupps, who honor God.

February 15, 2022

Great article. I’m glad to see the Lord giving favor to His kids so that they can bless others around them and Glorify God in the process!

February 15, 2022

As a Cincinnati Fan I am glad for his outspoken words for Christ and will continue to pray for his outreach., He deserves to be the the MVP.

Connie Lammawin
February 15, 2022

Amen ! Praise the the Lord ! Amazing ! God bless you Cooper and Anna for standing for Jesus at the NFL arena ! God needs people like you ! We are behind you in prayers ! 🙏❤️

Sean Ray
February 15, 2022

I really glad to see people improvident places being bold for the Lord Jesus and I pray that Minhy will follow this couples example.

February 14, 2022

Praise God that Cooper and Anne Marie
Stepped out in faith and shared their love of our Lord Jesus Christ. May many people grow in their faith because of them. God bless them every day in every way.

Cheryl Parduhn
February 14, 2022

Cooper and Anna thank you for your testimony, and placing your faith squarely upon Jesus
Christ. We all need to know what His purpose in our lives is about and seek God. Not only will He be honored, but others will be saved through a steadfast confession and lifestyle.

February 14, 2022

Outstanding young couple…I hope and pray God blesses them daily. You are good people

Judy McAbee
February 14, 2022

Copper ! You born for such a time as this! Our God has been Glorified! Hallelujah ❤️❤️

Mrs. Rita M. Pope
February 14, 2022

It is encouraging an enlightening to hear good news for a change. This couple is so blessed of the LORD. I pray that their life would encourage other athletes and all people of America to lift up the Name that is above every name, Jesus, our LORD. Continue to bless them and all athletes who serve you. Amen.

February 14, 2022

Praise God in all things big and small, good times and bad. I love our athletes who do this, and don’t hide their faith. Yes, the little things said gives an opportunity to minister to others

Lon Fleming
February 14, 2022

It is a truly great inspiring story that I hope will lead many others to know and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Joy Chesnut
February 14, 2022

Praise the Lord for this couple’s witness to the world! I was dismayed at the fighting in the game amongst the players, roughing up each other. Thanks

Beth Conkle
February 14, 2022

I was truly blessed yesterday in watching two great teams, the Rams and the Bengals play a great game. Am particularly blessed for teams that apparently love our Lord Jesus and are quick to honor Him. Also loved the article regarding the Kupps. Continue to bless them all, Lord! May their witness for You continue to spread!

February 14, 2022

It is so refreshing to see couples growing together in faith. After all only God has given life to us all. They have a great full heart and as a married couple they have become one.

Ginger Marshall
February 14, 2022

Thank you Jesus for this couple. They give you all the glory. May we all be as bold. To always put you first in everything that we do.

Michael Sawuk
February 13, 2022

It’s exciting to read about so many NFL players being bold about their faith in Jesus Christ, I pray more would be saved and be bold to speak up.

Nancy Otterby
February 13, 2022

So why didn’t you after the win? Not a word in the post-game interview giving thanks and glory to God and your Savior Jesus Christ. Disappointing.

    February 14, 2022

    Just some thoughts 😀:

    I heard him mention God in the post game interview. (And he has openly confessed Christ in another interview earlier this year). I agree that it would have been nice for him to have said Jesus’ name today (I was listening to see if he would mention the Lord) but in the context he was in a very unique situation and if he had planned to say more than he did it can be understandable. Sometimes we may forget to say the details of what we wanted to say.

    Online I found this quote: “I do not feel deserving,” Kupp said in a post-game interview. “God is so good.”

    And a week ago on February 7 sports spectrum said on a Twitter post: @RamsNFL wide receiver Cooper Kupp shares how he finds his purpose in Christ.

A believer in Jesus Christ
February 13, 2022

Cooper Kupp went on to be the key player in a Rams 23-20 win over the Cincinnati Bengals. After hearing his inspiring story I pray God continues to bless his family. Most importantly may Cooper Kupp and his wife’s faith in Jesus Christ inspire other young couples to do the same. Without faith in Jesus Christ the world is a dark place to walk alone. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE IF YOU TRUST YOUR LIFE IN JESUS.

February 13, 2022

“Put The Pads On” 🏈 Cooper Kupp…it was a set-time, give God the Glory. #Touchdown #Superbowl 2022 #GodIsAble

Lisa Haines
February 13, 2022

Praise God for Coopers testimony for Christ .. him and his dear wife!!

Dorothy Ann
February 13, 2022

Articles like these encourage us to be more open about sharing our faith. Also, thank you for printing articles of faith. I pray that you will continue as it strengthens the body of Christ.

February 13, 2022

It is so beautiful and wonderful to hear such faith based people speaking out and praising God and giving him credit for all we have been blessed with. God Bless both of them and their children.

February 13, 2022

This is very inspiring, God bless the Kupp family,and may his hedge of protection be over them,and all Christians standing up for righteousness!

Jan Brooks
February 13, 2022

Thanks for your boldness in witnessing for Christ.

Janice Adams
February 13, 2022

Oh, Lord, Thank You for the work You have done in this couple and are continuing to do. (Ps 74:12). May You protect the seeds of Your word sown into them and others. Being elevated on a larger platform means the enemy is all the more threatened and aware and will take aim even more aim.
Please complete all of Your good work and plans thru them, and contain the enemy. All to Jesus!

Anita Hinton
February 13, 2022

So glad that you posted this! May it be an inspiration for others to step out in faith to proclaim their faith!

Robin Hall
February 13, 2022

Both Chosen warriors for the Kingdom!! God’s speed to you in today’s superbow.

Teresa Chancellor
February 13, 2022

God is good all the time.

February 13, 2022

Thank you both for using your podium as an NFL player to spread the word of Christ. In doing so you share God’s grace with the rest of us. And, hats off to Anna Marie! You are a wonderful wife and mother but also a soldier for His Word!

February 13, 2022

There is still hope for America today. Thank you for your boldness and your faith in God. I pray for you and yours, and I hope your faith, grace, and knowledge in christ Jesus will continue to growth for all the world to see.

Thank you for standing up and being outstanding!

Gene King
February 13, 2022

I admire Cooper and Anna Marie for openly praising and giving thanks to our Lord God for their successes especially in this day of persecution of Christians in professional sports. This couple also committed their marriage to God which is another great example how the Holy Spirit can work if we trust in Him.

February 13, 2022

Believe in Jesus or wish you did! Amen!

tom shirey
February 13, 2022

We all need this encouragement at this point in life in this world. Lets all pray that we together with only the help of GOD we can accomplish all things in His name.

Linda Jackson
February 13, 2022

It has inspired me and have lifted my hope in everything I do knowing that God is a God of mercy and just. I pray that Cooper and his wife Anna Marie will continue to bless the Lord at all times.

Clare Mountfort
February 13, 2022

Beautiful testimony!

Cynthia Holmes
February 13, 2022

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that they will continue to share the good news of Jesus without compromising it. I pray for God’s protection for them always in Jesus’s mighty name I pray. Amen.

George Myers
February 13, 2022

What a great story!

Eugene O, Scott
February 12, 2022

It’s refreshing to read of a football “super star” not ashamed or reticent to acknowledge his faith in and dependence on Jesus Christ. May his boldness in acknowledging his dependence on Christ be an inspiration to everyone, especially to other football players who are in the limelight.

Juidth Rolfs
February 12, 2022

Fantastic testimony!

As a fellow Christian I totally concur that Christ is our hope, our source, our all in all.

Elaine OReilly
February 12, 2022

Thank YOU Lord for giving Your people the courage to loudly stand for YOU in this currupt generation!

David saenz
February 12, 2022

Beautiful and that shall be one.

Frankie Hutchens
February 12, 2022

Thank You and Praise You Jesus for such a wonderful testimony of husband and wife, man’s and woman, working together to accomplish the will of God and Praise Him for it.

Ralph W Rice jr
February 12, 2022

It is so little we read about Football players and their faith. It is great to see this. Our prayers are he has a great game . And no one is hurt.

Bill McIntyre
February 12, 2022

May God bless you and your wife with strength, courage, wisdom and love as you exult his name with your faith and living testimonies!

February 12, 2022

I am very encouraged by this couples sharing their faith in Jesus.Christ. We need more encouraging words like this. Thanks for posting it!

Vernon Styles
February 12, 2022

Continue to EXALTthe LORD and HE will give you the desires of your Heart.

    February 15, 2022

    Thank you Cooper and Anne Marie for your courage to step out and boldly declare your faith in Jesus Christ. Intercessors have been asking God to raise up more in the public eye to make a difference. You are a huge answer to those prayers! May God continue to protect you and use your testimony for His glory!

Donna Hernandez
February 12, 2022

May Our Heavenly Father continue to bless your marriage, children, faith and talents and protect you in all that you do🙏🏻

Donna A Dickson
February 12, 2022

Father I thank you for Cooper and his wife, for the faith you have given them, and for raising him up to be successful so he can bring glory to Your name. I pray for a hedge of protection around them, but I pray even more that they would continue to be bold in t heir witness to the ing of Kings, even in the face of persecution. In Jesus name.

Neil Johnson
February 12, 2022

Thank God for athletes and spouses who put their faith on display. I am turned off by professional sports that have made sports a political platform. I have not watched an NBA game this year, nor a Cowboys game (I live in the DFW area)…for that reason. But maybe I will watch Cooper tomorrow. I suspect there will be other outspoken believers on the field, on both sides. May their testimony and “message” be louder than any other.

February 12, 2022

I love his story! And pray that more people will hear it. It gives me such excitement to watch the Super Bowl game. I will be watching Cooper perform and praying for him. Otherwise, I wasn’t that interested. Thank you for bringing this amazing story to us! Thank You Jesus for this young man and his precious family!

Sharon Wadlow
February 12, 2022

I am sooo blessed to know that Kupp and his wife are serving Jesus as their Savior. I will be praying that the Lord’s will in their lives will be done in football and in their private lives! May God receive all the GLORY!!

Matthew Atwater
February 12, 2022

Wow so great to hear that the best wide receiver in the NFL is doing it for the glory of God his wife and kids his loved ones the body of Christ his team. I hope he has a whale 🐳 of a game. So great 😀 to hear this and not about another self absorbed football player or narcissistic pro athlete in love with themselves. And that we all should feel sorry 😐 for them because they only make millions of dollars and travel first class and eat the best food stay at first class hotels and the best training facilities and receiving the best care from doctors and the best health benefits. Kupp just shuts up and plays football 🏈 and it got him to the super bowl. The majority of football players will never get to one in their life. But they will keep bitching about how persecuted they are and how America is so terrible to them. Wah 😩 Wah 😭 Wah 😩 I want my rattle.

Nancy Kocurek
February 12, 2022

Wonderful courageous witnesses to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I praise God for this Christian couple who is using their limelight to glorify God! The world is so lost and wandering in darkness. We need Christians like Cooper and Anna Marie to stand up and out for the Good News! You have my prayers!

Christie Emenike
February 12, 2022

Thank you Lord for Cooper & his wife.
Give more players the courage to stand for you & to testify in Jesus name.
Continue to watch over them Lord in Jesus name, Amen.

February 12, 2022

God bless this wonderful couple for unashamedly giving God credit for their good fortune.

Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
February 12, 2022

Heavenly Father, Divine Protection as Cooper and Ann Marie and Family STAND. May their Most Sincere Prayer Requests BE ANSWERED. Father, let every hindrance be BLOCKED because of their prayers and obedience to YOU.

One can put a thousand to flight—-Two can put ten thousand to flight……I DECLARE IN THE POWER AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST IT IS DONE. Amen

Mary Alice Meeks
February 12, 2022

Thank you Anna for being bold for Jesus Christ and going public

Mike Hampton
February 12, 2022

Praise God for Christian athletes who are not ashamed to lift up the name of Jesus.

Suzanne Croci
February 12, 2022

Great article and wonderful message!!

Betty FernNDES
February 12, 2022

Thank you so much doe this article about the Kupps.I always like to know who the Christian players are and to pray for them.

February 12, 2022


Rebecca Teran
February 12, 2022

I live this article because it tells the beautiful story of what the Lord wills for marriage: that each spouse be 100% yielded to the Lord and His kingdom purposes that God may be glorified. It shows what being selfless looks like.

February 12, 2022

I am very happy when I see people Stand for what they believe… the world needs to hear these testimonies and realize there is a big God who loves and cares about them. Why not print positive articles instead of negative ones??!

Melissa Haynes
February 12, 2022

Soooooo inspiring!! We are all called and chosen by Jesus to do great things (big or small) and bring him glory!! So beautiful!! I love Cooper’s honesty and humbleness and how he and his wife are a strong team. So beautiful. I don’t know how to do that, my parents have fought most of their marriage and I have been married twice and we are currently struggling. I want to learn. God please help me learn how to work with my husband and inspire him to do great things for You!! In Christ’s name, Melissa.

Vernon Stone
February 12, 2022

From a Bengal fan: God bless you and your wonderful wife for standing up for our Lord. We may not be on the same team in the sports world but definitely on the same team in the spiritual world. May God watch over you and your wife in everything you do!

February 12, 2022

Whss as f a blessing, to be so bold in their faith for Jesus. I pray Gods angels protect snd keep them and their whole family safe and secure! Mayvtheyvdrsy focused upon Jesus the author and finisher of their faith. May they declare the wondrous works of Him who has called and equipped them for their journey ahead.

In Jesus name…..

Elaine Post
February 12, 2022

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Santos Garcia Jr
February 12, 2022

What a remarkable testimony! Since my family lived in West Los Angeles since the early 60s, and we’re now 100 miles away near Palm Springs- we are rooting for the Rams in the Super Bowl.

May the LORD make a profound statement in this year’s event… and bring Glory to His Name! Let us who worship Him in spirit and in truth, unite our efforts to make in His Name great in our families, our communities, and for the lost who need His Grace to survive, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!


Cynthia Bremmer
February 12, 2022

So wonderful to hear how the love of God and each other has brought you to where you are! Thank you for showing the world!
Go Rams! Glorify God with how you play the game!

Sara Reed
February 12, 2022

I praise God forCooper and Anna’s boldness to give glory to God, in all ways and all things. Be with Cooper during his bowl came and give him strength to prevail. Amen.

Brigitte Rodgers
February 12, 2022

I am so very pleased to see a news organization putting this type of encouraging story into their news reporting. Sports fans and others need to hear and see this, whenever it is shared with them, instead of letting it fall into the cutting baskets, as they have the tendency to do.
Thank you for sharing this.

Linda Oleson
February 12, 2022

I always admire those that are not ashamed of their faith and freely share it with others. When JESUS is the center of your life, He will provide and nothing is impossible with Him. Your Faith in our one true GOD will grant you eternal life with Him which is our one main goal throughout our life here on earth. JESUS and only JESUS in the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Eugenia Rollans
February 12, 2022

Very encouraging to read about celebraties that give glory to our God!!!!!

Virginia Holley
February 12, 2022

May the Lord continue to strengthen Cooper Kupp and his beautiful Christian wife, Anna Marie, for their fearless, bold stand for Jesus in these challenging times! PTL!

Ann Boettcher
February 12, 2022

Thank you for sharing this uplifting story! I wasn’t for the Rams before, but I am now after reading this article!! God bless Cooper Kupp and his wife Anna!!

. Frances Parks
February 12, 2022

I think it’s wonderful that in this day and age that a public Figure would be willing to share and state how he feels about his Christian faith. Hopefully he has managed to share all with his teammates and others God bless him and his wife she seems to be the glue that has kept them on the path they are going.

Wendy Kremer
February 12, 2022

What a great example of a couple united with a focused goal, to play full out with excellence and to glorify God in all they do. You don’t have to be in full-time ministry to be a witness for the Kingdom of God. Bloom where you’re planted! Guess I’ll have to cheer for the Rams in the Super Bowl!

Karen Tomlin
February 12, 2022

I’m so thankful for this couple for the example that they are to all young people in and out of the football world. I pray that their message of salvation through Christ and hope in God be heard by many.

February 12, 2022

Lord, thank You for platforms to proclaim Your greatness!
Thank You for people who use their positions to do just that!
Help us all to be bold to share You with those in our circle of influence.
I pray special protection over public figures such as athletes who
risk their lifestyles and reputations to represent You! Let their rewards
far outweigh their losses.
In Jesus’ name we ask this, Amen!

James Welsh
February 12, 2022

Having played some college football, I am familiar with the challenges but to hear about a couple who worked together through all the challenges and who are still together in Christ, is a fabulous story, and message for so many of our younger students and players!

Nancy Rife
February 12, 2022

Such an encouraging article!! They KNOW who they are in Jesus, and that is the center of their lives! So good to see this modeled in a sport where fans are encouraged to make “gods” out of the players!

Sharon Spieckerman
February 12, 2022

Praise God for this couple , their faith is strong and inspiring . Hopefully youth in sports will be so inclined to express their faith openly and bring others to Christ too . 🙏❤️

Annette Ross
February 12, 2022

Great story of faith and family !

Bonnie Windle
February 12, 2022

We are so thankful for your faith in God and your living it before others as a testimony. I pray that this Sunday’s game God will give you remarkable ability so that you will have more opportunities to share your faith with players and the public. God bless both you and your family and keep you all safe.

Mary Lazarides
February 12, 2022

The fact that He has trusted Christ to bridge the gap between his knowledge of his failure and his faith in Christ’s Word and power encourages me greatly.

Charyl Lentz
February 12, 2022

Great info, thanks for the insight and the current news of the day. Appreciate your team!

February 12, 2022

Our Heavenly Father is so AWESOME!! He guides our paths in life!! To where. He wants us to. be!!! God Bless America!!!

February 12, 2022

I am so very encouraged by these words. I thank the LORD for people like this, in the midst of all the degeneration emanating from so many young people today. PRAISE THE LORD.

Sandra Wright
February 12, 2022

Thank you Cooper and Anna Marie for inspiring us to stand up in our faith in our Lord Jesus!!
Praying Cooper will be the outstanding player in the Super Bowl!

February 12, 2022

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.

Barbara Jones
February 12, 2022

They are such a inspiration to our youth and the world to publicly Glorify our Heavenly Father. GOD BLESS THEM.

Jerry & Vicki Albanese
February 12, 2022

Wow! How different from so many of the entitled athletes. I more of hem would adopt his mantra, or country and the world would be a far better place

Bibi Bietz
February 12, 2022

You’re all in❗️♥️♥️

February 12, 2022

I live in the San Francisco area but after reading your article and your desire to glorify the Lord Jesus, I will be cheering on the Rams. May Gid bless you richly is my prayer

February 12, 2022

Praise the Lord for your adhering to a higher calling which the Holy Spirit has given you. Only in Christ through whom comes the power and to whom you both give all the glory would you be on this monumental stage.. You are someone that the younger people can look up to…This is so much better than that segment about giving an award to people in that weird community of people on the award show. They don’t realize they are stumbling blocks. We pray that our kids do not look up to anyone with that lifestyle.

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 12, 2022

Jesus we thank you for sharing these comments about CooperRams player, We declare that Cooper Krupp shall be a beacon of light that will shine Brightly and His action, beliefs, & His Faith in Jesus Christ will be a strong influence on the other players, Media, Coaches, owner of the Rams. We pray for an awakening to start and a hunger for Gods word will light a Fire 🔥 in all of the players, so they may have Life and Joy abundantly in accepting Jesus as their personal Savior. I ask that you cover Cooper with Hedge of Protection as he plays in the Super Bowl. We honor u Jesus and give you all of the Glory. Be blessed to all of the players who are recognizing there is a God. Rams to win 2022 Super Bowl because they have Jesus presence in their midst.

Hal Lundquist
February 12, 2022

The Good News ! Praying for continuing success for Cooper and Ann Marie Kupp in all of their endeavors through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There are many NFL players who give all honor and glory the Christ. Very uplifting.

February 12, 2022

Glad to hear a real “MAN,” speak of his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. As compared to others the difference is striking and should be a beacon for the lost souls playing in the National Felon League…Jaylan Ramsey same thing, I thank God for their lives and their testimony.
Go Dolphins…lol!

Nancy Simmons
February 12, 2022

Thanks for extolling Christ in your roll and giving glory to His name.

James Haycox
February 12, 2022

In this world, where athletes and stars should be role models for our children (our future), most are all about themselves. It’s very nice to see a couple that want to publicly display their faith in God and give Him the glory. God Bless you both !!!

February 12, 2022

Powerful testimony up front and center . Too many given voice have not used it to glorify our Lord. I am inspired and this lifts up my hope in mankind.

tomorrow. McClamroch
February 12, 2022

Thank for sharing your life, faith and trust in God. Thank you, Anna Marie and Cooper for being such testimonies and being courageous and unashamed of your walk with Jesus Christ. I pray God continues to use you both and that you play well for our Lord Jesus tomorrow.

LaVonna Brown
February 12, 2022

Let’s unashamedly get God into America—–we ARE a Christian Country——THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving voice to this truth;

February 12, 2022

Our World ….”RIGHT NOW”. needs to hear…..”How GOD is Working!” in people’s lives!!!!
What a Blessing…

Mosh Kopelov
February 12, 2022

Thank you so very much Cooper and Anna Marie for standing strong in your faith and being very bold for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Wish you tons of success Cooper in the Super Bowl and may God protect you and your family always. Sincerely,Mosh Kopelov God bless you and your family 👪.

Frank J Randazzo
February 12, 2022

It is good to see this type of thing happening in our country instead of all the negative stuff. Thank you JESUS. amen.

February 12, 2022

I am encouraged to know we still have unashamed followers of Christ in the NFL. Thank you for this article, it helps me to be eager to watch the super Bowl, as I had decided it wasn’t worth watching.
May this couple be blessed as they bless others with their testimony of faith!

February 12, 2022

This has really encouraged me in my walk as an intercessor.
Martha M., Ohio

February 12, 2022

I am so impressed by Cooper’s faith and his willingness to share it.

    February 12, 2022

    I am so encouraged by this article and pray there would be more young couples who would share their story. These stories can change our world which is needed right now.

Lois Aukofer
February 12, 2022

Their faith, love and devotion are a great testimony in a dark and dying world and another reason praise the Lord! Let your light so shine.

Grace Aucoin
February 12, 2022

HALLELUJAH, Very encouraging brings great Joy knowing those having courage to Preach the Gospel GOS WILL Use them Mighty

Daniel Csve
February 12, 2022

Tho I’m not into sports that much at my age 81, I pray God will use the Kupps mightily for his kingdom and keep Cooper safe and healthy on the football field. God bless them both

Andrea Buettemeyer
February 12, 2022

Glory to God for His Goodness expressed in this couple who have received His wonderful grace and strength! I trust the Kupp’s testimony will touch the hearts of many in need of hope for “such a time as this.”

Norma A
February 12, 2022

Praise God for athletes who stand up for and proclaim their faith! 🙏🙏

Karen Keating
February 12, 2022

Thank you for your Bold reminder, that we ARE children of God! The ultimate things we accomplish are all to His Glory ..you’ve portrayed the beauty of Christs work in you and through you ..it is Such a wonderful, open, truthful display of His Love in Action!

February 12, 2022

Very encouraging to hear of this young couple living out their faith at these very difficult times. May the Lord bless and keep them.

Lewallen Farnham
February 12, 2022

Amazing Grace. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Thank God for this blessing in the NFL
We must pray for this couple to continue to be a light in this world
Amen and Amen and Amen

February 12, 2022

I am not a football fan as such. I will watch the super ball just to support this man. I believe we are going to be in really harder times as the Bible tells us. What an inspiring couple. Thank you for starting my day off on a positive note

Karen Womack
February 12, 2022

You both are a light! Jesus blesses those who bless Him and who bless others! Your words are a blessing to all

Betty Dalley
February 12, 2022

I am not a football fan as such. I will watch the super ball just to support this man. I believe we are going to be in really harder times as the Bible tells us. What an inspiring couple. Thank you for starting my day off on a positive note

February 12, 2022

The outcome of Super Bowl is secondary to me! Your witness for Christ inspires & brings hope to many which is the greater win for His Kingdom! Thank you Cooper & Anna for standing strong! May you reply on His strength & love.

John Ferry
February 12, 2022

Thanks for this very meaningful story.

Sheri G
February 12, 2022

Thank God for people like Cooper and Anne Marie! Stay firm in Gods Word!

ER Matt
February 12, 2022

If he really wanted to glorify the Lord, why would he break the Sabbath/Lord’s Day? “The sabbath is to be sanctified by a holy resting all that day, even from such worldly employments and recreations as are lawful on other days…”

    February 12, 2022

    The Sabbath is actually Saturday!

    Eveline Franje
    February 12, 2022

    Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. Matthew 12:1-14. The Pharisees observed the Sabbath to the letter, but Jesus did not favor them for it. Romans 14:5 says: One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. (I hope you will read the following verses as well, and meditate on them). I observe the Sabbath day myself, but I worked as a RN for many years. When a man has an emergency on Sunday, he is relieved that there are health professionals there to take care of his problem. There is an emergency to sow the seeds, the fields are white. All we do should be for the glory of God. Cooper and his wife have chosen to glorify God through his games. Who am I to judge God’s calling?

Brian McCurdy
February 12, 2022

So good to hear this about Cooper and his wife Anna. I absolutely feel they will inspire many to realize that having faith in God and Jesus Christ is truly the best and only way to live. I did at one time doubt the existence of God but now know in my heart if you want to live a meaningful life believing in the Lord will bring you happiness more than any material thing. It doesn’t matter how much you have because everyone tires of material goods but believing in God gets better every day.

Patrick Donald Gage
February 12, 2022

Both Cooper & Anna have Humbled themselves & accepted they are not who they are without Christ 😇 Their testimony is inspiring & I Pray 🙏 that they continue to sacrificially Love one another & others ❤
Peace be with them both ✌

Barbara Janicki
February 12, 2022

Praises and prayers for this couple to keep on glorifying God from the platform God has given them. Many young people look up to athletes, so prayers Cooper and his wife will remain faithful in lifting up Jesus’s name. Grateful they are courageous in speaking God’s truth, even in the midst of our current cancel culture. Prayers for their protection and continued ministry – an example for each of us to follow in our less but nonetheless important to God spheres of influence. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

February 12, 2022

What an AWESOME Experience of What Our Loving God Can Do ! WHEN WE BELIEVE ON HIM ! Hallelujah To The King Of Kings !

David M.
February 12, 2022

It does my heart good to hear of the faith and witness of this awesome couple. Remain true to Him and thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon you both. You two are roll models and remember others are watching, stay strong in the faith. We are in brutal and uncertain times and we all need to share the love of Christ in everything we do.

Your brother,

Dave M.

Robert Mitchell
February 12, 2022

Awesome. Just awesome. I KNEW there was something different about Cooper Kupp just by the extra effort he displays on the field. Ecstatic that it’s JESUS in him and he gives JESUS the Glory!

February 12, 2022

Lord I pray that many others who are in NFL and followers of you will get and take the opportunity to point people to Jesus publicly.

February 12, 2022

I am so encouraged by Cooper Cupp and his wife,I is so refreshing to read about christian athletes and how Jesus Christ is moving big time in their lives.May their testimonies reach others around the world with the hope of a new life cin Jesus Christ.

Jim Lockwood
February 12, 2022

John 14:6 “Jesus said, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

February 12, 2022

I praise the Lord each and every time that a professional athlete stands for their faith. So many young people idolize these players from all sports, it is ever so encouraging that God has placed His people that are unashamed and courageous to proclaim the Living Truth!!!!! Thank you athletes, praise You, Lord

February 12, 2022

Praise God for this couples stand for Jesus.

White Daniel
February 12, 2022

Fantastic…maybe I’ll watch the game now…the way it should be, always should be!

Joanne Hoppert
February 12, 2022

Giving God ALL the glory! Blessed be his name. Praises to this young couple for sharing with our country their faith in Jesus Christ our Lord!

February 12, 2022

We Thank Jesus fir Bring Forth His True Ekklesia,bin All Levels, Prayer Warriors, Prayer Intercessors, 5 Fold Minister of The FULL GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. This is His Pivotal Timeline. Let us Pray for Each Other to Be Bold and Confident in His TIMINGS AND SEASONS. AMEN

February 12, 2022

Giving God ALL the glory! Blessed be his name. Praises to this young couple for sharing with our country their faith in Jesus Christ our Lord!

February 12, 2022

Beautiful, putting Jesus first and following his precepts, I pray for their continued success.

Linda Siciliano
February 12, 2022

Fabulous article! I am so proud of Cooper, and I wish he and his wife nothing but the best… but … I will be rooting for Bengals. I thank God for their faith, and I encourage them to continue to grow in their mission. We need more athletes like them.

Irene Kountouris
February 12, 2022

How Wonderful and such Encouragement to read this Testimony of Cooper and His Wife!!
God Bless Them and Thank you for sharing!! May God continue to Protect and Bless You!! To Fulfill What You and Your Wife are called to Do!!
To His Faithfulness in seeing Your Life’s Journey with God!!!

Barbara Patrick
February 12, 2022

How encouraging to hear the words and admissions of this humble young man. He is the ultimate example to
Point point youth to.

Mark Hamilton
February 12, 2022

Thank you

dalen fuller
February 12, 2022

hallelujah for sharing your faith on and off the field – God speed!

John Butler
February 12, 2022

Glad to hear such a wonderful story. Praise God!

Silvia Melton
February 12, 2022

Praise the Lord! I’m so encouraged to know that God is at work placing His people in strategic places to shine His light and expand His kingdom!

Kathryn Bast
February 12, 2022

The NFL is full of evil actions and it is so uplifting to read this article. God has blessed them and he will continue to do so. To be a part of the NFL is a challenge for any Christian.

David Brown
February 12, 2022

Very encouraging

Diana Fletcher
February 12, 2022

Thank you I am also a believer of Christ

February 12, 2022

Way to go Cooper. As a fellow Washingtonian, I am very proud of you and family. Jesus is Lord!

Cloetta Smith
February 12, 2022

PTL for this couple’s inspiration!

Lynn Taylor
February 12, 2022

Wonderful! Happy for this couple’s strength in their faith!
So much negative news and this was a great confirmation of the positive! Of the love for our savior, Jesus Christ!

February 12, 2022

Thank you so much for this encouraging true story. Marriage is about supporting each other. A Christ focused marriage is a blessed marriage. Praise Jesus for all he continues to do for all of us. His children are shining!

Gordon Sikkenga
February 12, 2022

Thanks for the article of your FAITH in our LORD. CARY ON WITH OUR LORD THANKS MY FRIEND

Mary Zumwalt
February 12, 2022

I pray for Cooper Krupp to see a victory and have the opportunity to verbally honor Christ and give Him the glory in front of millions of viewers all over the world.🙏🙏

Mary Lou Roberts
February 12, 2022

Thank you Cooper Kupp for being a bold witness for Jesus Christ. May God bless you in your every endeavor. We need more people like you to be a witness and encourager in the faith and to bring people to the saving grace of our Lord.

February 12, 2022

👍 just beautiful, wonderful to see couple honoring GOD and raising a family to do the same.

February 12, 2022

This is so beautiful! Declaring our wonderful Lord will keep Cooper and Anna Maria covered in The Blood of Jesus. May His Angels surround them with their wings of protection and all those standing together in Faith with them, giving thanks and praise to the goodness of our Lord!

Joan Diane Bartruff
February 12, 2022

What a great testimony. God is working everywhere to save souls for His glorious Kingdom. I pray
Cooper and Anne Marie will continue to be used mightily for the glory of God’s Kingdom, bringing
many more souls into a “Walk with Jesus”.

Brian lynch
February 12, 2022

Yes, this is encouraging, that this couple steps out in faith to be bold for the Lord. Personally, I stopped watching the NFL several years ago due to their extreme liberalism, which I cannot support at all. This is actually refreshing to read> I pray that their faith will have a profoundly positive impact upon the NFL players.

.Kathy Andrews James
February 12, 2022

Wow this testimony encourages me on in my walk with Jesus Christ yhe author and finisher of my faith! As an old athlete myself I can honestly say that without Christ I truly would be nothing. The strength and stamina that he’s giving me even in my older years is beyond my understanding. I am so grateful Jesus Christ is alive and real in my life and I pray that everyone will come to the knowledge of their need for him in every thing.

February 12, 2022

Praise God – beautiful testimony!

February 12, 2022

good to see God loving athletes. God gave him a wonderful Christian woman who stands by him and supports him. God will continue to bless these two. May he be a shining light on others

Victoria Manayan
February 12, 2022

Thank you for reporting on the faithful. It’s extremely encouraging to see those who are put on pedestals because of their talent, give the glory to God.

Judy Miller
February 12, 2022

I have zero interest in any sport. But because my faith in God is my focus point I will now be praying about this game.

Billy D Fincher
February 12, 2022

We are so thankful fo people that stand up for Jesus Christ no matter who or where they are whether they are stars are just regular. People.

February 12, 2022

Dear Lord,
I lift up Cooper and Anna Marie to you.
Please wrap your arms around them with a strength that only comes from You. They shine in their lives to bring people to You. They talk about their love of You to bring others athletes to You, to know You. May they continue to feel your love and support.

Joyce Sterner
February 12, 2022

Praising and praying for them and praying God will glorify His Name in this weekend and bring many to believe in Him.

Mike Costello
February 12, 2022

The article was very encouraging.

Jeri Wilson
February 12, 2022

Cooper & Anna Marie Kupp , the enemy is defeated and cannot hold you down or America down when we are tied together in JESUS .. Every move you have HOLY SPIRIT Cover with you and all of us IN CHRIST like Jehoshaphat ‼️AMEN

Blythe Warlick
February 12, 2022

It is a great testimony i am going to pray for them and that others will come to know Christ through them .

February 12, 2022

“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” ” And so I will go to the king, which is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.”
As Esther faced the biggest decision of her life, and placed her own life on the line for the sake of her people.
Cooper and Ann Marie you are both continuing in the witness of Christ Jesus knowing the risks in our own nation for the first time ever in which Christians are being targeted in many areas. May your hearts stay connected and steadfast in the Lord Jesus Christ, as prayers for all who are putting themselves on the front lines are being sent.

Bob huseby
February 12, 2022

Father we lift up these missionaries of your gospel in Jesus mighty name. Their area of evangelism is a difficult one indeed !!


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