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Thank You, Lord, for the courage of these young people. May they become the Timothys of our day.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From ABC 7News. On Wednesday, students at Woodgrove High School walked out of school in protest of the Loudoun County School Board’s policy that allows nonbinary, gender fluid and transgender students to use the school bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice.

“In the locker rooms in the morning it’s an invasion of privacy, as I said because when men and natural-born males are in our locker rooms and they are showering in the morning, natural-born females can walk in there as they please,” one male high school student told 7News. “And that is not OK. And it goes against what we believe in.”

In 2021, the Loudoun County School Board voted 7 to 2 to adopt the district-wide policy known as Policy 8040.

But some students have had enough and want the policy reversed.

“I would like to be able when I get off football practice and go put my pads away and change not feel uncomfortable with other genders in there watching me,” another male student told 7News. “I feel that girls feel the same way about the situation. How would you feel if you were a female changing with a male?”

7 News spoke to a female student who said she stopped using the bathroom at school because of Policy 8040.

“It’s a massive safety risk, and they [LCPS] don’t do anything about it,” the female student told 7News. “And we express these concerns and they ignore us and write us off as right-wing crazies. We’re not crazy. We just don’t want to be in danger on a daily basis in this building. I think it’s people finally stepping up and just being sick of it. We’re sick of being here and just being completely ignored. I stopped using them [the bathrooms] because I don’t know what’s going to happen to me in there. And people can be like, ‘Oh, well, that’s paranoid’. I’m telling you right now half the women in this building feel the same way. We don’t use the bathrooms. We hold our pee until we can’t. I mean, there are girls in PE [Physical Education class] who still get changed in the bathroom stalls in there because they’re afraid of who might waltz in.”

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From ABC 7News. Photo credit: IFA.

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November 13, 2023

Thank God for these students who are protesting and speaking up!

Yvonne Pendleton
November 11, 2023

Praise for the courage of these students to speak truth in this unnatural setting they are forced to endure because officials rather be re elected than make a noble stand against this unhealthy& dangerous policy in our schools.

Pam K
November 8, 2023

I am a grandma and I thank you for speaking up and standing by your good morals and what is right. So proud of you! Way to go! God bless you. I hope this spreads all over the USA.

    Rebecca Thornton
    November 8, 2023

    I am also a grandma and I agree with you!

Peg B
November 7, 2023

Heavenly Father, we thank You for these students and the courage they are displaying. We ask that You would watch over, direct and protect each one of them. Give them power to trample on the tactics of the devil. Bring into full light and expose the workings of the adults/organizations behind the scenes that conspired to bring Policy 8040 in. Let it be rejected/overturned and unable to continue. The school board members that voted this policy in, have abdicated their duties/responsibilities to the students of this school and should be promptly removed from their position of influence. Give voice to righteousness, bring in members with Godly discernment and instill trust once again in this school. Psalms 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts; so I am helped, and my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    November 8, 2023

    Absolutely yes to your prayer and Amen. Thank you Father for hearing our prayers. Protect the young. Draw them to you not from you. Holy Spirit open eyes and hearts. Prepare the soul for the seed. Father open their eyes to see your love, wonders and the brilliance of God almighty. We disarm principalities and powers. Jesus made a public spectacle of them . He had triumphed over them.

      November 8, 2023

      Yes & Amen! I agree with these prayers for our young people! Psalm 91 over all of them!

G Yell
November 7, 2023

Thank you Lord for these young people standing up for thier rights

Renée McDannel
November 7, 2023

Bravo kids! Stand up to tyrant and fight for what is right! I grew up where we could be free to use bathrooms and showers without worrying even once that a biological male would enter , let alone use the facilities or harm us!
May God grant us victory for order and sanity!

November 7, 2023

It is so Wrong and immoral to put a highly destructive retarded law in a school.

J C Brown
November 7, 2023

This is only one of many changes that have happened because the minority have shouted louder than the majority have whispered. The majority must quit allowing these changes to become law or practices, because of their lack of effort, and their Ignorance of what is happening around them. Students continue to rebel, until your parents get involved and then they must also take up the fight for moral practice.

November 7, 2023

So very proud of these students. God bless you and protect you for showing people to stand up for what is right and what you believe in.

John Ferry
November 7, 2023

There are private schools and Christian schools out there. I don’t believe education is meant to be an endurance test, so that on graduation day the parents can say “oh well, somehow we got through it!!”

November 7, 2023

Its called backfire, blowback, backlash, and boomerang effect. Lord knows, God knows, Holy Spirit knows, people have had it with this nonsense of transgender bathrooms, particularly in schools. The so called “leaders” of these school districts better wake up and wake up soon to these immoral and unethical policies before God Almighty’s judgement intervenes, which can occur at ANY time in ones life.

Mary Beth
November 7, 2023

Yes, raise up a generation of Timothys, Pauls, Stephens, Daniels, etc. etc.!!! In other words raise up a generation of sold-out, on fire, bold, courageous, loving, Bible believing, and God fearing disciples of LORD Yeshua in this day to stand against the evil of our society, and to stand for You and Your Holy Word. Bless you who are standing for righteousness. What these students have been asked to endure is beyond ridiculous, and they are right to protest. May their parents stand behind them, and the believing community stand behind them.

November 7, 2023

All my blessings guys. Stand strong!

Victoria Mizerak
November 7, 2023

Praise God for these bold students!

November 7, 2023

Stand for what is right!!! The students are NOT the crazy ones, it’s the so called adults that passed this “law”. I pray for the students who are standing for their rights and support them!!!!!

Sarah Brown
November 7, 2023

Dear God,
Women deserve to have their right to privacy, sense of safety, inner peace, and dignity held secure. Make the Evil One stop using women’s spaces for evil against their God-given, inmate human rights.


    Mary Beth
    November 7, 2023

    I agree, but the young men deserve it, too!! How do we expect Godly young men to remain pure when we deny them the right to privacy?

November 7, 2023

Thank you, Father God, that you are raising up a generation of fierce warriors for your Kingdom on earth. We bind this attack of the enemy on them and we declare that what he meant for evil, Father, you are using for good. I speak divine protection, unity, boldness and outrageous persistence over them today and all the days of their lives. Father, we are so excited to watch the plans you have for this most targeted generation! May they be blessed with your shalom today and may their efforts bear much fruit. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

November 7, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, In the Mighty Name of Jesus, please uphold these brave students Thank you Lord for them that they are strong and courageous as you instruct us to be. That they are intelligent enough to realize when things are so wrong and work respectfully to obtain the needed change. Protect them Father and give them victory over the devil and his adversaries (adults who don’t have sense enough to do the right things). Amen


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