Exactly two years ago I had a dream with some strategic prayer instructions and insights concerning the demonic manipulation of our children and how the Church needs to respond to this rising witchcraft coming against the next generation. The Lord brought it to my attention as this reality is an even bigger threat now than it was just two years ago. I believe it was also foretelling some of the painful realities we are now facing with abusive life-altering gender-change operations and the normalization of deviant behaviors.
I was with some families on a field. We were watching a woman giving instructions to our children who were gathered on one side of a plot we had prepared. She was telling the children that they were going to receive cuts, bruises, and wounds to their skin. She said it as if it was normal and simply part of the routine.
I could tell some of the other adults were not comfortable with this and murmuring about her instructions. There was a righteous anger rising up and I knew it wasn’t right. We werenāt going to allow this to happen. People began to pray and speak against these instructions. I knew we were pleading the blood of Jesus and binding the enemy. Even so, not much was changing.
However, as soon as I prayed that the Fear of the Lord would fall, this woman immediately fell to the ground, unconscious. I was shocked! Even though all the other prayers were good and right, it was the Fear of the Lord that took her out. Then we looked over at the line of the children on the other side. They were out, too! Only, they were not under the judgment of the Lord, but under the anointing of the Spirit. You could tell that they were receiving an impartation from heaven and encountering the power of His Presence. I laughed as I saw this and rejoiced at the simple, yet powerful reality of this truth.
This dream revealed the power of the Fear of the Lord in our prayers and the need for intercessors to cry out for this simple, yet profound, reality to manifest in our nation. As young people are being targeted with liberal propaganda, seduced into gender-altering operations, and educated in humanistic agendas, we must hear the Lordās instructions on how to pray so that this demonically driven adulteress will not only stop, but be rendered unconscious! Even as we apply the blood of Jesus over our children and rebuke the enemy, we must also ask for this heaven-sent manifestation of Godās presence and power. Our prayers and intercession may start the process, but it’s the Fear of the Lord that will render the enemy powerless.
Beyond this particular dream, I believe Holy Spirit is also revealing the nature of this supernatural impartation. When the Fear of the Lord comes, it will fall on both the sinner and the saved. No one will be exempt from experiencing the depth and magnitude of His glory and His holiness. For those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, it will be a glorious visitation of refreshment and renewal. But for those who are not right with Him, they will experience the weight of His holiness and the reality of His judgments. This means that carnal Christians and compromising followers will experience the terror of the Lord in order to bring them to true repentance and redemption. Though the warfare in the dream was aimed at the young ones, this reality of the Fear of Lord is far-reaching.
As I have waited before the Lord on this point, I believe one reason we have not seen this manifestation yet is because many believers are simply not ready. As good as the Fear of the Lord sounds to those standing in the gap for an outpouring of His Spirit, the Word of God cuts both ways. It will bring delight to the pure of heart, but judgment to the rebel ā even many professing Christians who have not embraced His righteous standard or call to order. In His mercy, He is giving us the chance to make things right, clean out our closets, and prepare our hearts so that we can embrace the glory and not face the terror of His presence.
As we continue to take a stand against the demonic forces aligned against the Kingdom and the rising sons and daughters, let us prepare our own hearts and homes for His presence. Let us pray that the Fear of the Lord would fall in order to shatter the darkness and bring heaven to earth.
Who is the man who fears the Lord? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose. His soul shall abide in well-being, and his offspring shall inherit the land. (Psalms 25:12-13)
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Thank you for the insight, into praying that the Fear of the Lord fall. When praying for kids, please include the NEA. They are even advocating abortion, which should have nothing to do with their mandate. May the Fear of the Lord fall upon anyone that is party to the NEA, as well as every area of the school system. In the precious name of Jesus, name above ALL names. Amen.
I whole-heartily agree that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and is the perfect starting point for correcting our national and global ills. I would urge parents of young children, please teach and model before them that PARENTS are IN AUTHORITY over their children as the BIBLE teaches. Don’t give in in to their whining and tantrums for fear they’ll wear you out! By giving in all the time, the family will pay dearly for it later. You don’t have to be mean but you can be FIRM! Then teach them what the FEAR OF THE LORD means and they will understand better. God is the BOSS of Mommy and Daddy and they are the boss of children (while they are still minors).
Thank you for this article, I’ve been asking God to show me how to pray and what to pray for. This article reminded me of what I already knew. Thank you for helping me find clarification.
Dear God, thank You for reminding us that our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against the evil and unseen spiritual powers, the ones who are also against You. You have told us to put on the armor You have given us. I pray that millions of Your people, including new ones that You are raising up, will claim the Sword of Your Word, “the fear of the Lord God,” to protect millions of helpless children and millions of adults from the powers of darkness. I pray that You help these unsuspecting people to call upon You, upon Jesus Christ, instead of letting them be deceptively dragged down into darkness of one sin after another. Oh, most Compassionate God, Who does not want any to be lost, I ask that You will renew “the fear of the Lord God” in each Christian to fearlessly join the battle for You and against the evil powers, that many people will be pulled from the clutches of evil and delivered safely into salvation and a willingness to “fear the Lord God,” put on Your armor and fight for others. Thank You, God Almighty.
Thank you Lord for that vision. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord
restrains iniquity and retrains backsliders. Pour out your Spirit on all flesh, Lord, as it says in Joel.
Amen Brother Veasey.
Lord God, Please have mercy on Your Church for not praying together and appropriating Holy Spirit boldness and courage to protest at our schools against the sexual sins they want to teach our children.
Our Father God, may your church long for holiness instead of happiness. May Parents choose a single income household that says no to the educational system by homeschooling. May the fear of the Lord bring wisdom to us. May we schedule times to respond to phone messages so our meditation time with you is not always interrupted. Cause us to be your peculiar people, Lord God, laying down our idols so we may pray down the fear of the Lord without fear. In Jesus name, Amen
Amen our Children need to have the blood of Jesus poured over their head and ask for protection. They also need to put on the Armor so they can take up the sword of the word and the shield of faith to be able to fight back and not be hurt. Lord Jesus I pray you would keep all children under your wing so they are safe and protected give them Wisdom and knowledge so they donāt fall into the temptation of the world. I also ask that you would break any witchcraft or spells or anything that has to do with Satan and bind them and put them in the Abiās where it belongs. In Jesus name
All prayers for these generations we must cover and pray “Holy Father, call out Your children from among them” Protect Defend. our part is not only pray but live a life before them distinct and of love full of the Holy Spirit.
Yes Father, may Your righteous fear fall on us, sanctify us and set us apart. May the fear of the LORD be ever present in our culture and society effecting change and repentance. In Jesus power and Authority o pray
I would like to thank everyone for the support you have given in the direction of the moving of “Holy Spirit” in the lives of Christians.
For a very long time, I as well have been praying that the move of Holy Spirit is awakened, that God calls His children to awaken and come together in unity of prayer to stand fast His foundation, which is “our faith”.
Degradation to our children and our society has been left to those who do not know Our God and Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Jesus said that we have the same power and authority through Him that He had when He walked upon this earth, to do those works He did and even greater works than He did will we do. John 14:12. We cannot do greater works than Jesus, however, we can do more in number, which would be greater. There are many more people, trials and world problems today that needs the attention of prayer warriors falling on their faces before God and calling upon Holy Spirit to intercede. Rom. 8:26, “And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
Let us all pray with the Holy Spirit and let our intercessor Jesus take our pleas before the Father.
Satan is gaining ground and we must take a stand against him for our battles are spiritual, manifested in the flesh. As was stated in the first post let us pray that the “FEAR OF THE LORD” be poured out on this nation and then watch what our GOD can and will do.
We are grateful for this awesome Word since I have been praying for children for years. Several years ago James Goll in his writing said, “there is something about the shedding of Innocent blood that arouses the wrath of God.” Come Lord Jesus, we see the evil all around and need Your intervention. Amen..
After reading, we prayed!!!! We are in total agreement with this prayer!!!!
we need to obey the answers to our prayers! If not this shows our refusing to love God first because of what it would cost of our comfort; results in our having neither love or comfort! Like letting Amazon know we reject them for rejecting the ex-gay authors! At change. Org petition! Which needs twice the 80,000 names only that they got in support of their action!
I concur. The July IFA conference call confirmed this.
Thanks for sharing.
I so appreciate this word. I live in Louisville KY and last night in my driveway I was talking with a couple of my Warrior friends and we were talking about this very thing of a True,Real encounter with the Lord Jesus! Wow I know this is the time and this is a heart cry of the Lord! Prepare our hearts oh God and bring back a reverential fear of the Lord to a lost and dying world!!
Create in us a clean heart oh Lord!
Turn our hearts of stone to hearts of flesh as we seek your face your favor and your forgiveness this day on behalf of ourselves our families and our nation in the Matchless name of Jesus Amen.
If we don’t obey what we know the Lord would have us do because of what it would cost of our comfort! We will have neither the Lord or his comfort! As in Mark 8:34-38
Amen and Amen. Praying from Owensboro,Ky.
Yes, a warriors cry thank you Jesus, The Fear Of The Lord. Open the eyes of our heart Lord. Let us put on the full armor of God and stand firm. I can do all things in Christ Jesus who gives me strength. I am grateful for your word Lord. Create in me a clean heart so I may stand like a warrior with the Fear of the Lord in my heart and mind.Thank you Jesus.
Amen Wanda!
Lord God Almighty I ask that You grant us a spirit of repentance and Fear of our Holy God. That Your patience, loving kindness, mercy, long suffering might be realized by a wayward society for which You gave Your perfect sinless Son Jesus to shed His blood as a propitiation for the sin of the world. Thank You for saving me Father …HOLY SPIRIT we need You to reveal our sin, to teach us the Word of God and enable us to obey the God of the Word. Amen
I agree with this prayer, Jesus. Amen
Praise God for this word of Truth…..may the Fear of the Lord fall on those who seek to dismantle the Biblical standards of the Living God, the Almighty. May their plots, schemes and abuses of children be ended as they lose the battle with God. May our children be set free from the demonic influence in our school curriculums and the righteousness of God arise in the rooms of every born again teacher. Fill the classrooms of America with true followers of Christ so peace, order, wisdom, and child-like faith may rule the hearts of children across America. Bring to repentance, Oh God, the church that wears blinders and open eyes to see the battle raging for the Kingdom. May the mighty move of God’s Holy Spirit bringing the fear of God, touch school officials to abruptly stop the course of the demonic infiltration all over America, and a holy fire consume the filth presented in present planned curriculum. Cover our children, born and unborn in the blood of Jesus for their protection, for His name sake.
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world.
I agree with these words, Lord Jesus. Amen
Agreed for our children and grandchildren in Jesus Name!
Awesome prayer and I agree. At age 63 I have NEVER seen such outrageous behavior and extreme hate for all things Holy, or even just normal. The all out war to normalize pedophiles and their deviant beliefs and behavior is mind boggling. We have to keep praying!
Amen and Amen! ššš
Amen! Lord God Almighty, may you raise up a righteous army to stand firm against the deceit of the enemy and to cry out to you in repentance.I pray that the Lord’s victory manifest itself in this world at this time. For those who have targeted our children and youth may the fear of the Lord manifest itself and shatter the darkness and deceit and expose the motivation that lays beneath. And may our children seek you and be filled with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ holy name I pray.
Amen! I pray for the souls of our children. Show them the way oh Lord. Send God fearing teachers into our schools and wake up the hearts and minds of your people. Show us what you would have us to do. Thank You Lord for your word to guide us.
In our precious Jesus name, Amen!
In Jesus name, Amen!
I come in agreement with this prayer. Amen and Amen!
Such a wonderful prayer! My spirt was burdened for our children this morning and the lies of the enemy being taught in our schools and through the media!
The Lord began showing me in 1994 what was happening in America when He said āArise! Cry out in the night for the children. For they shall be taken as slaves into other countries. Then it shall be said, a voice is heard in Raman, Lamentation and weeping. Rachel is weep for her children, and refuses to be comforted, for they are no more ā Jeremiah 31: 15
This was long before any one began to hear about āsex traffickingā, but not before God knew! Just hearing about Jeffrey Epstein this week certainly confirms the need for intercessors and parents to be crying out for their children and crying out against evil men and women.Last, but certainly not least, for the fear of the Lord to fall upon all people.
Father God, come in power and might! May those of us who name the Name of Jesus stand strong in this fight, and may we live in fear and awe of You, heavenly Father. You are holy, you are mighty, and we bow in awe before You. Let your Holy Spirit come and convict and change hearts. We stand in the gap for our children, and we pray against this evil of the enemy in the Name of Jesus and through the power of the blood He Shed on Calvary. May our lives be a beacon to others that points the way to You. May we be wise as serpents and harmless as doves in this evil and perverse world. You are our strength. We look to You, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank You for all You are doing and will do.
In Jesus name Amen!
In all you do and all you are Lord, Amen!
Father God, in your mercy allow our hearts to be prepared for Your Fire. May we as your people be receptive and responsive and regain Holy strength with the Fear of The Lord. God, bring us to our knees in prayer and make our lives seen and known by the power of Your Holy Spirit so that those around us desire Jesus too. Give Your people the words to speak Truth and wherever we walk may You deposit Your presence in those places. In Jesus name
In Jesus name Amen!
Oh yes Lord!
The TV shows out now are demonic. A lot of them. Nickalodeon has or had a show about a “friendly” demon that just wanted a friend. It was lonely. The M&M commercial out now has the other M&M’S eating another one. Is that a hidden message? Not just that they are so good? The commercials are going to get darker.
I agree with your prayer. Amen
If that is so about the M & M commercial, that is sick. It is then about an atrocity murder and cannibalism. I plan to look up the company behind this candy and not buy not just M & M’s but also not buy Any of their products. The Fear of the Lord fall upon all involved in this, in the Name of Jesus!!! May it fall upon all People, without exception, In full force, and continuously/ Permanently in the Name of Jesus!!!
I pray in agreement with you Penny. Amen!
All of that is true. In the past year even the acceptance of deviant behavior and the push to accept immorality as normal has increased significantly. I was looking at a copy of a business magazine this weekend. The articles were on climate change and the LGBTQ. There was very few actual articles on business or personal growth. They are targeting our young people like nothing I have witnessed in my life time.
I am I’m in agreement with you Penny!
Father, Your Word says judgement starts in the House of the Lord. Forgive us for being blind to what is happening. Pour out Your Spirit on Your people and give a hunger and thirst for You and draw us into Your Word. Forgive us for not standing up to the vile and filth that is spewing forth on us. Lord, God Almighty, pour the Fear of the Lord on Your church and show Your Glory through our lives, that others may see You and desire You.
In all you are and all you do precious Lord, Amen!