The Denver Post reported, “Gov. Jared Polis on Friday quietly signed a bill that pledges Colorado’s Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote.”
Colorado joins the District of Columbia and 11 other states, Vermont, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Washington, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, and California.
This doesn’t do away with the Electoral College, but it does assign the electoral votes of each of these states to the winner of the popular vote, if enough states sign on to total 270, which is the necessary number of electoral votes to win. The electoral votes of these 12 states and D.C. total 191. They are 79 electoral votes away from this back-door change to the Constitution.
“The Electoral College is a very carefully considered structure the Framers of the Constitution set up to balance the competing interests of large and small states,” writes Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission. “It prevents candidates from winning an election by focusing only on high-population urban centers (the big cities), ignoring smaller states and the more rural areas of the country — the places that progressives and media elites consider flyover country.”
The next state considering joining this group is New Mexico–its state Senate has already approved a bill.
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only liberal states want to do away with it
[…] “It prevents candidates from winning an election by focusing only on high-population urban centers (the big cities), ignoring smaller states and the more rural areas of the country—the places that progressives and media elites consider flyover country,” he said during an interview. […]
Father God. You are Lord over all. We confess to you that we have abused our gift of this nation and it’s freedoms. While we were founded on Godly principles, we have strayed from you Lord. We have become a people not after your will but after our own. We have twisted your words and made what is wrong in your eyes, our own version of right in our eyes. Just as in biblical times we have let our commitment to you slide and have listened to the lies of the devil as to what is acceptable in this country. Greed, lust, lies, false gods, even killing babies. There are some who even want to and have succeeded at striking your name from our schools and public places.
Our great nation has turned our back to you and has become a nation of fools racing toward a cliff.
Yet there are some who hold true to your word and your decrees. Not perfectly but with fear of your anger and with humility before you Lord. Forgive us and our nation of our sins against you God. Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear. Let us not lose track of your light Lord. May we collectively humble ourselves before you and confess our sins. May we once again be a light unto the world and may your name be praised above all others. May the next chapter in our story be of a nation that while having strayed has now come back to you Lord. Help us who see the dangers of our ways. Give us strength to fight the good fight and bring glory to you Lord. For we cannot win this battle on our own. Only you have the power to change our course. Help us to see the errors of our ways and to change our ways just as in biblical time when your people, the Jewish nation repented of their sins and turned back to you.
In Jesus Christ, your Son’s name we ask for your protection from the evil that has come against us.
Thank you Father grace and forgiveness. Thank you for your protection from evil.
Conservatives fought to allow slaves to vote, Democrats opposed.
Conservatives fought to allow women to vote, Democrats opposed.
Now that all American adults can vote, Democrats are now taking away votes from the citizens in these states. Literally, if 100% of the citizens of these states vote for one candidate, but the other wins the national popular vote then their votes are all IGNORED, essentially denying them of their votes.
How can any legislature take away voter rights from their citizens?
We decree that our constitution is the Supreme law of THE USA AND IT WILL NOT BE CHANGED. THE ELECTRAl.
COLLEGE will continue to be the way to determine our president. It is based on GOD’S Word. And will be respected by the citizens in our Land. God arise and let the enemies of our constitutionAL rebublic be scattered.
Respectfully, your comment that you decree the US Constitution “will not be changed” is inaccurate.
In fact, we have a mechanism for “changing” the Constitution and it’s called the Constitutional Amendment Process. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.
If this is over turned-let there be war
So, these states don’t care who the majority of their citizens vote for. They are going to force their electorates to the Electoral College to vote with the largest cities in the nation in an attempt to circumvent the US Constitution. Democrats are proving they hate losing so bad that they are willing to change the rules so they can steal elections. Didn’t we just see them trying to do that with the 2016 election ?
Seems the dems have lost all reasoning, but then evil is really behind the problems. We ask You Lord God, to keep our country USA safe and protect our Constitution, and our electoral votes.
Dear God, I agree with my sister Christine Martha. We stand in the gap between the forces of evil in Congress and the U.S.A. and declare that no weapon shall prosper against our nation. We pray in Jesus Name.
Father I pray in Jesus name that this attack on the Electoral College be exposed for what it is.,a attempt to change the Electoral College without public debate and an amendment to the Constitution. You are the Way,the Truth and the Light Shine your light on this deception Thank you Lord. In God We Trust!
Yes and amen! Let hidden and secret agendas be exposed in Jesus’ name.
Agreed, we will have no changing of our systems of government
I Plead the blood of Christ over this, my Lord and God. We do not deserve you to circumvent this evil, but Lord i would ask that you would. This terrifies me, and yet you are Sovereign Lord, and you have saved us as a Republic in the 9th hour before, once only 2 years ago when our President got in against all odds. Praise you Lord. I pray that there would be a grass root response to this from the people in all of these states to uphold the constitution, that the voices of the voters would not be silenced. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen
Lord, you are still on the throne. you are sovereign. we say that no weapon formed against our constitution and our republic shall prosper. we ask that this attempt to change the outcome of our elections be defeated, in Jesus name.
Psalm 33:10 “The Lord foils the plans of the nations, he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.” Lord, look upon your people with mercy and let justice roll down like a river and righteous like a never ending stream. Please do as you say in your Word, and protect this republic in the way our founding fathers intended – to maintain the authority and intent of our Constitution.
Lord God, the framers of our Constitution were brilliant in their setting up the Electoral College – and I believe it was because of your influence for a just and fair way to elect. And so, may your will be done even now and may foolish people’s ploys and manipulations be thwarted. And may the electorate be educated to the value and genius of the electoral college. I declare you Sovereignty over this issue!
Yes, HOW? I’m hoping someone can answer this.
How can the constitution be changed without an amendment?
This effort doesn’t actually change the Constitution. It is a back door approach to subvert the Electoral College without changing the Constitution.
Father, we ask you to throw confusion into the plans to abolish the electoral college. Arise, O God, confront them, overthrow them! We say that what has been spoken in secret about this will be shouted from the housetops, and citizens across the nation will rise up and protest this! Full disclosure is coming out, and godly people will have the wisdom and understanding to block this plan! In Jesus’ mighty name!
Amen! I’m in agreement
What would have happened if this was in place for the 2016 election?
Can you say President Hilary Clinton ? !
Lord God we first thank you that you are on the throne and nothing takes you by surprise. You have said in your word that you sought for a man to stand in the gap and make up a hedge. We put a hedge around our constitution,and though we know all the people weren’t Godly we stand up for the Godly&Biblical principles Upon which our nation was founded. We come against the move to destroy the electoral college which ensures smaller states have an equal voice. Lord whatever systems lends itself to restoring and maintaining Biblical principles let that system be the standard in this country. In Jesus mighty name!
We the people should not be silent but rise up to fight this effort to make our elections unbalanced and unequal. All states should have a part in deciding our presidential election. We are sick of the immaturity of liberal voices who constantly try to empower themselves. There is such pride and arrogance in Washington. The Democrat Congress people need to decide they no longer want to follow policies that make them look like fools our to destroy America.
Father, May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I was quite distressed to see my state was listed. I had no idea!
Dear Lord, there are many layers of evil we don’t know anything about nor do we have a say in it. You know all about this, though, and we can take comfort in that. You are raising up Your people to rake our places in the great army of God to intercede on behalf of this great nation. You raised us up to pray because You know this is too big for us to fix. Only You can turn things around and set us upright which You really want to do. We have seenYou do the seemingly impossible, like giving us a President who us doing his best to get us back on track when we were definitely on a downhill slide. We are on Your side and we pray that Your will WILL be done on earth, in America, as it is in Heaven🙏
Will the Senate be abolished next? Not one man, one vote!
I do not know what it will take to stop the left leaning democrat party from destroying our constitution and our country. I would pray God would remove the blinders from their eyes, unstop their ears, and move their hearts for our country as a whole and for each individual citizen. Instead of fixing the problems they are creating greater problems. Rand Paul & other champions of our constitution are fighting to preserve our constitutional rights.I pray for these champion regularly.
A vote for this will only magnify the Larger States like NY, Calif. Rural areas will be completely neglected.
God, help this nation to abide by the wisdom set forth from your hand when the framers of our Constitution earnestly sought Your counsel from the beginning. We now earnestly seek Your help in turning from Your wisdom and truth. Will You move in this hour to bring us as a nation under Your mandate, Your righteousness and Your justice so that as a nation we can honor You and bring glory to Your name?
Father, forgive us from straying from Your instructions and have mercy upon us so that we will obey Your commandments and execute governmental authority according to Your will.
We bless You and thank You for what we can not yet see manifest in the natural, that our faith in Your great love and compassion believing all of Your word that will come to pass according to Your will. Have Your way in Your United States of America.
The electoral college has worked to the benefit of the Democrats on several occasions (Bill Clinton twice and Woodrow Wilson). These states might vote Democrat and have to give the votes to a Republican who won the popular vote. The might choose to violate their own law to prevent this from happening. This is an effort to engineer a preconceived outcome in violation of the Constitution
and an overturning the will of the people, which means it’s anti-democratic and illiberal.