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Father, remove corrupt leaders from all levels of government. Keep our politics fair and free, and may every leader honor You.
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Yesterday, we shared this news report with you, detailing an attempt of the Arizona Republican Party chairman to bribe Senate candidate Kari Lake. Now, after YOUR prayers, the chairman has resigned!

From Arizona’s Family. The Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party has resigned amid a growing number of calls to step down after a British tabloid released clips of him reportedly trying to “bribe” former gubernatorial candidate and television news anchor Kari Lake to not run for Senate.

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The verified audio recording obtained by the Daily Mail reveals party chair Jeff DeWit asking Lake to “Just say, is there a number at which,” that appears to signify Lake to essentially “name her price.” Lake is heard in the audio tape taking offense to the remark, stating, “I can be bought? That’s what it’s about.” The clip continues with DeWit saying: “You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you’re doing.” To which Lake replies, “This is not about money, it’s about our country.”

At the time of the recording last March, Lake was waging an unsuccessful court fight challenging her loss in the 2022 race for Arizona governor and gearing up for a U.S. Senate campaign. Meanwhile, Republicans in Washington, bruised by a disappointing showing in the midterms, were talking openly about plans to seek GOP Senate nominees who would be more viable in general elections.

DeWit said in a statement announcing his exit that the tape was “selectively edited” and used in a “deceptive” way. He claims that despite the conversation appearing against Lake, she was actually employed by him in DeWit’s private company. …

“I said things I regret, but I realize when hearing Lake’s recording that I was set up. I believe she orchestrated this entire situation to have control over the state party,” the statement read in part. The decision to step down on Wednesday was part of an “ultimatum,” DeWit said, adding that the Lake campaign threatened the release of a “more damaging” recording. “I am truly unsure of its contents, but considering our numerous past open conversations as friends, I have decided not to take the risk,” DeWit said. …

He said he didn’t intend to bribe Lake but was offering candid advice for her to sit out the Senate race and run again for governor in 2028. He was employing Lake at his private company at the time, he said, and they’d had “many conversations where I was looking out for her financial interests.”

“Our relationship was based on friendship, and the conversation that is now being scrutinized was an open, unguarded exchange between friends in the living room of her house,” DeWit said. …

About an hour later, the Lake campaign fired back, saying in part that the “tape speaks for itself.”

“No one from the Kari Lake campaign threatened or blackmailed DeWit. It is unfortunate that Dewit hasn’t recognized how unethical his behavior was and still hasn’t apologized to Arizona Republicans,” the joint statement from senior advisors Caroline Wren and Garrett Ventry said. …

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(Excerpt from Arizona’s Family. Photo Credit: wingedwolf/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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January 29, 2024

Lord, give us more officials like Ms. Lake who can not be bought, do not worship Mammon, who stand for integrity and for what is best for the citizens of our country at the risk of their own reputation and comfort. Cause those who have done wrong to take responsibility for their actions rather than projecting their behavior onto others.

January 29, 2024

Lord, give us more officials like Ms. Lake who can not be bought, do not worship Mammon, who stand for integrity and for what is best for the citizens of our country at the risk of their own reputation and comfort. Cause those who have done wrong to take responsibility for their actions rather than projecting their behavior onto others.

Ann Shaw
January 28, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant everyone wisdom to discern the truth
In Jesus’s name Amen

Patricia Owens
January 28, 2024

Is there truth in here somewhere? “The verified audio recording obtained by the Daily Mail reveals …” Is the Daily Mail our weather vane?
Why submit this tape to a UK outfit? As always, God continues to offer us unlimited opportunities to pray for wisdom , discernment.
Holy Spirit, please continue your shaking up of our nation, of our thinking, that any borderline thoughts we are having difficulty with, you will clarify; whether it is in our monetary political giving, or at the voting booth. Our reverence and thank you’s to you, to God our Father, and to Jesus our Lord and Savior .

Debra Askew
January 27, 2024

I’m in agreement that we need to remove corruption, many innocent lives of people not involved are affected, life becomes more difficult.

January 27, 2024

This is very muddy!
And Kari Lake. . . What is her contribution here?
What kind of “friend” sets up a recorder in her living-room without your knowledge or permission and then releases it to the public?
To do what?
Scheming, conniving . . .
To enhance her own reputation?
To destroy yours?
What was the motive here?
She certainly is guilty of something here–not sure what–but wouldn’t want her as my friend.

    Darlene Estlow
    January 27, 2024

    Perhaps out of self-defense she set up a recording, not to set up DeWit, but to protect herself against others calling to harm her.

Patricia Anderson
January 27, 2024

So much corruption in politics, remove the dishonest people from leadership in the name of Jesus.

January 27, 2024

Thank you Lord for honoring your word as stated in Luke 12 verses 2 and 3 2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Keep protecting us by showing us your word in action! To God be the glory.


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