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Lord, bless those in government who boldly stand for life; deliver them from evil. And protect the unborn in states like Oregon.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Oregon Supreme Court has barred 10 lawmakers who participated in a six-week pro-life walkout from running for reelection.

From CBN. The high court ruled in favor of the secretary of state’s decision to disqualify the senators from the ballot under a voter-approved measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure 113, passed by voters in 2022, amended the state constitution to bar lawmakers from reelection if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.

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The 10 state senators’ quorum-denying 2023 walkout lasted six weeks, the longest in state history, paralyzing the legislative session.

Five state lawmakers sued over the secretary of state’s decision — Sens. Tim Knopp, Daniel Bonham, Suzanne Weber, Dennis Linthicum, and Lynn Findley. They were among the 10 GOP senators who had more than 10 absences.

Reacting to the ruling, the Oregon Senate Republican Caucus said in a statement: “The Oregon Supreme Court has officially sided with Democrats on Measure 113, effectively ending the service of 10 Republican senators – one-third of the Oregon Senate.” …

“We obviously disagree with the Supreme Court’s ruling,” said Knopp, the Senate minority leader. “But more importantly, we are deeply disturbed by the chilling impact this decision will have to crush dissent.” …

During arguments before the high court in December, attorneys for both the senators and the state grappled over the grammar and syntax of the language that was added to the state constitution after Measure 113 was approved by voters.

The amendment says a lawmaker is not allowed to run “for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.”

The two sides debated just when that ineligibility kicks in. If a senator’s term ends in January 2025, they would typically seek reelection in November 2024. The “election after the member’s current term is completed” would not be until November 2028, the Republican senators argued, so they could run for reelection this year and then hold office for another term before becoming ineligible.

The court disagreed, saying that while the language of the amendment was ambiguous, the ballot title and explanatory statement made clear the intent was to bar truant lawmakers from holding office in the next term. …

Oregon voters overwhelmingly approved Measure 113 in 2022 after the legislative walkouts happened three years in a row. …

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(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: powerofforever/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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Grant Windholz
February 10, 2024

Lord God Almighty, please give wisdom and strength to those who stand for you through these moments of constant spiritual warfare against other leaders in this country!! You have done it all on the cross for this broker country we live in!!

Andrea LS
February 8, 2024

Dear God please protect the jobs of all of us who stand up for Your rules of life. We pray we would be protected from evil and harm and be able to stand up for what is right in Your sacred eyes Father God. Pray Psalm 35 by King David on all evil foes:
1 Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.
2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help.
3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.
4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.
5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.
6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.
7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.
8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.

Raymond Via
February 6, 2024

Lord, let Oregon take bold steps protecting the voice of dissent. Expose the pro Chinese establishment in thst state and abolish voting machines and require paper ballots only in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen

David Fassett
February 6, 2024

The ruling in Oregon is move to silence the dissidents, the minority voice, to prevent the people to even have the ability to have any opposing voice in governance. It is totalitarianism and tyranny of the majority. We are a nation founded on the rule of law – Nature’s Law and Nature’s God. Our national constitution enshrines that the voice of minority is able to be heard and influence governance as a means to prevent the tyranny of the majority. It is a balance prescribed by God through the statutes He Spoke over the nation of Israel – the first representative republic..

The US Constitution provides for the protection against religious litmus tests for government officials at both the Federal and state levels in Article 6, clause 3. The banning of in situ state legislative members in Oregon is an indirect move against those member’s religious convictions as it is these convictions of their deeply held personal beliefs that drove their decision to boycott the legislative sessions that would have approved as law direct violations of God’s statuettes as expressed in Scripture.

Lord that the battle for truth in Oregon’s legislature would not be over. You are enthroned on truth and justice. You are truth. Only Your Truth will set us free. That Your Truth would continue marching through Oregon’s legislature and judicial branches. That You would provide protection, wisdom and strategies to the affected dissident voices in Oregon’s legislature. That means continuing this battle for truth and the rule of law to the US Supreme Court would be made available and those affected would be able to avail themselves of this path. Lord that the fight for truth and justice does not stop within ourselves or our neighbors. We are to pray for our governmental leaders so we may live peace. The verses surrounding this command make it clear that the end result is so that we have representatives who carry out our natural laws that flow from Your Laws lest the people groan. We are groaning Lord under the rule of tyranny. The enemy of our souls is attempting to silence any opposing voices to his own. You Lord created him and the airways and people being used to cause the silencing. Turnaround this move to silence You in Oregon. That the Lion of Judah would roar to clear the airwaves and schemes of the enemy. That this battle would lead to victory for the legislators and for Your Great Name. That Your Kingdom would come and Will would be done through these legislators and this incident. That the liberty You came to create for us would be seen and enjoined by the Oregon legislature. That You would provide for all means necessary for these brave legislators to carry this case through to the Supreme Court of the United States to defend that enshrined liberty just as Coach Kennedy has demonstrated. Bless these legislators and reward their bravery to side with You and Your Word rather than to fear man and the god of this world. You tell is theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Not to fear or dread the persecutors for it is You who goes with them. That You will never leave nor forsake them. Seal upon them your wisdom and make clear their path forward in strategies in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Hallie and Stephen
February 6, 2024

Thank You Powerful Father, for Life as only You know and give. Move more of Your Creation to embrace God-given Life and claim that Life Holy. Let the miracle be that elected officials, candidates and US citizens and voters across the generations, stand in integrity and truth for Life. Embolden us to release all desire and grip on manipulating an economy with a foundation in pro-abortion v pro-life rhetoric. We are sorry. We repent of our selfish actions that make for life-struggling situations. We declare that the Lord is delivering us from this unholy grip. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.

Jean Kent
February 6, 2024

Lord, I claim Oregon for You. This state belongs to you, no matter what anyone says about it. In Jesus’s name amen.

Allena Jordan
February 6, 2024

Father, may Your Spirit fall upon the people of Oregon. Strengthen Your people. Save those who don’t know You. Let spiritual awakening and revival begin now. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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