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Father, we thank You for what you have been revealing and ask that You continue to reveal truth to our nation and help our eyes to be wide open.
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As we head into 2021, here is disconcerting news about Dr. Fauci’s handling of Covid pronouncements.


From The Gateway Pundit:

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday defended deliberately moving the goalposts and lying about Covid-19 herd immunity during an appearance on CNNā€™s ā€œState of the Union.ā€ (Watch the clip in the tweet above.)

In an interview with the New York Times last week, Dr. Fauci admitted to moving the goalposts on his Covid-19 herd immunity projections based on polling.

Fauci previously stated that it would take 60% to 70% herd immunity to halt the China Coronavirus.

Fauci moved the goalposts and is now claiming it will take closer to 90% immunity to halt the virus. . . .

Click here to see Dr. Fauci admit he misled about masks

Fauci says he altered public scientific estimates based on opinion polls.

From Just the News :

“Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to admit last week that he has deliberately misled the public regarding the coronavirus ā€” for the second time since the pandemic began.

InĀ a Christmas EveĀ interview with the New York Times,Ā Fauci acknowledged he had offered a lower estimateĀ of the level of herd immunity necessary to stop the COVID-19 pandemic because he thought Americans would be discouraged by hearing his true thoughts on the issue.

He recently raised his estimate on the herd immunity threshold “partly based on new science,” the newspaper reported, “and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.” . . .

ā€œWhen polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” he told reporter Donald McNeil.Ā “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so IĀ went to 80, 85.”

Fauci admitted that scientists “really don’t know what the real number is,” though he himself estimated that the “real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent.”

Fauci in subsequent weeks and months made a sharp 180-degree turn on the subject of masks, advocating their universal usage and arguing that mask-wearing is critical to stopping the spread of COVID-19.

WhenĀ pressedĀ in June on why he had initially argued against masks, Fauci said that the public health community was “concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.”

“And we wanted to make sure,” Fauci continued, that the scarce PPE was reserved for “the people, namely the health care workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in [harm’s way], to take care of people who you know were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected.”

InĀ a September interview with ABC, Fauci repeated this admission.Ā  . . .

Fauci said earlier this month that he had accepted a medical advisory role in a Biden administration set to commence next month, a move that suggests the Biden administration’s pandemic priorities may hew closely to those advocated by Fauci over the last year, including social distancing measures and mask mandates.

In spite ofĀ widespread mask usageĀ throughout the U.S., as well as broad reportedĀ observance of social distancing rules, positive COVID-19 tests have reached averages of around 220,000 per day over the last several weeks.

It is unclear why those numbers have risen so high even as mitigation measures have been in place for many months, although some experts have argued that the widely used PCR test for the virus can be significantly oversensitive.Ā  . . .

Fauci was observed to have something of a falling-out with President Trump over the course of the year, with Trump calling for a more rapid return to something resemblingĀ normal life. At times, the president has openlyĀ criticized Fauci, who has warned that Americans may have to abide by masks and “social distancing” rules until as late as 2022.

In spite of the tension between the two, Fauci has retained broad popular support in public polls, with most Americans trusting him to accurately and effectively promulgate information on the pandemic.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

What do you think about this Covid news?

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January 3, 2021

Lord Jesus send your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. We ask that wicked people will be caught in their own lies. And we ask that the eyes and ears of every American be opened to only hearing and seeing the truth. That the False Prophets in the government and media be No More in Jesus name. Amen

January 3, 2021

It has been my observation that Dr Fauci was restricted by President Trump. He has to be politically correct with Trumpā€™s approval. He was limited in the information, he was allowed to tell us.
Dr Fauci has the knowledge to lead the fight against Covid. Leave him be. He has been treated like a puppet.

    Prayer Warrior
    January 3, 2021

    1 John 4:1 NLT
    [1] Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world.

January 2, 2021

Good ole Fraudulent, Fake Fauci. He’s so dependable. You can count on Fauci every time to faithfully lie. When he doesn’t have any medical, scientific facts, he just makes up his own lies.

He shut our nation down, all the while he continued to draw a big fat check from the government.

He didn’t have to suffer, but he was perfectly all right with other Americans suffering from the lockdowns and shutdowns.

Deborah Brix is another hypocrite. She told everyone not to travel to be with family for the holidays, but she didn’t have any problem at all traveling halfway across the country to get together for a large holiday family gathering. What an ever loving hypocrite.

She received so much persecution for her hypocritical ways, that she had to disgracefully resign her position.

It’s people like Fauci and Brix that have no problem being dictators, making ridiculous rules that they themselves will never follow.

There should have never been any shutdowns of business. There should have never been lockdowns for healthy people.

Healthy people can continue to work taking all the necessary precautions to protect themselves.

There is no question though, that every precaution for the elderly and everyone with underlying health conditions should be taken to protect themselves. That group is at a much higher risk.

Having said all that, President Donald Trump when you are sworn in on January 20th, please fire Fauci on the 21st. Thanks President Donald Trump. God bless.

January 2, 2021

When the name Fauci comes to mind, other words appear immediately – coward, sell-out, big Cayman bank account, dishonest, fence waffler, D.C. operative…. because that is who he is. But first and foremost, he is a coward and has zero integrity.

Mrs. Ruth Ricoy-Lamb
January 2, 2021

Fauci is a deep state mole.
May God have Mercy on him if Fauci will let Him.
He deserves the death sentence for all the people he has sent to their deaths unnecessarily.

Maher Charles
January 2, 2021

Put him in prison for premeditated manslaughter and treason

Theresa Ingram
January 1, 2021

I canā€™t believe anything Fauci says. I watched a Mark Levin show where Mark interviewed another highly respected Dr and we were informed of what appeared to be deep corruption and his reasons to deny use of hydroxychloroquine. Total fake and liberal Democrat tool!

January 1, 2021

This is indeed a spiritual battle and evil spells, hypnosis and psychological warfare has been unleashed on the population. We beseech thee almighty God to bind the strongman of deception and darkness which have afflicted the peoples of the globe and to loose God’s spirit of truth and light. We plead the blood of Jesus to set minds free to learn the truth and reject all lies that enslave them. We ask God that you set free the oppressed and pour out your Holy Spirit upon them. In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

January 1, 2021

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Published: 22 August 2005
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
Martin J Vincent, Eric Bergeron, Suzanne Benjannet, Bobbie R Erickson, Pierre E Rollin, Thomas G Ksiazek, Nabil G Seidah & Stuart T Nichol
Virology Journal volume 2, Article number: 69 (2005)
Journal of Virology
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS … – NCBI – NIHwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ā€ŗ pmc ā€ŗ articles ā€ŗ PMC1232869
Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition,
Above is one of several subsequent research reports about “Chloroquine” as “a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.”

As the expert that Faucci is claimed to be, he would have known about this. 2005 is 15 years ago. This is a government journal. When Faucci said to the President of the United States of America and simultaneously to all American physicians and citizens that hydroxychloriquine (and implying any related form of it) simply must not be considered as anything useful in helping to combat Covid-19, and pharmacists were forbidden from selling it to doctors for such use), FAUCCI was LYING in one of two ways. 1. The most obvious way was lying about what several research articles said. 2. Or, FAUCCI was LYING about the supposed virus that was supposedly a pandemic of potent danger to all globally.
SARS1 was supposedly several years ago. Starting in 2019, was supposedly what is now called SARS2/COVID-19.
Either a form of chloriquine would have been helpful OR the supposed virus with its supposed current mutations was not at all similar to SARS1, OR the entire thing is made up OR no one actually has seen (electron microscopy or otherwise and knows nothing about its RNA) this virus, including the Pharmaceutical companies who are now obeying the orders of Bill Gates who is funding them.
1. Either way, FAUCCI LIED and/or withheld important information, and is guilty of murder of thousands or millions and of treason internationally.
2. We have no idea what is in these vaccines, because we have no idea who knows the truth about any of this (outside of Faucci, Gates, and their World Economic Forum. No wonder so many “front-line” medical people are refusing them.
3. Look up news, newspapers from INDIA to find out why Gates and his Foundation or associates are NOT WELCOME EVER again in India. Also, look up the response to Gates’ position with regard to FORCED vaccinations in southern Africa.

January 1, 2021

Every death in America is labelled ā€œCovid 19ā€ because hospitals are getting paid for every single one and if a ventilator is used, the hospital gets even more money. This is outrageous and needs to be stopped.
God Almighty, intercede and bring truth and justice to this evil. In Jesusā€™ name we pray.

Laurel Harmon
January 1, 2021

No surprise. Information on his history and background showed he was not only not to be trusted but behind a lot of it!

Amy McLellan
January 1, 2021

When we put our trust in man we will be failed and disappointed every time. As the body of Christ we should be looking to the Lord in every area of life. We do not even look to the prophets for every word/truth, because even a prophet can fail or double back when the pressure is on. Lord I thank you God that you are the word. Thank you Jesus that you are the word made flesh. I thank you that your word is true and we look to you.
Lord, God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven, and do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in your hand, and NO ONE can stand against you. We are powerless before this vast number that comes to fight against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. 2 Chronicles 20:6-7,12.

And the Lord said: ā€œDo not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number, for the battle is not yours but the Lordā€™s….position yourselves, STAND FIRM and see the deliverance the Lord will bring you. He is with you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Tomorrow go out and face them, for the Lord is with you. 2Chronicles 2:15-17

And then the people worshipped and sang: give thanks to the Lord, for his faithful love endures forever. And the moment they began their shouts and praises the Lord set an ambush against the enemies of Judah. The enemies destroyed each other!

Father i thank you that as we worship you, you are setting ambushes against your enemies and they will destroy each other! You deserve all the praise, honor and glory for this! We thank you for fighting for us. We worship you King Jesus!

January 1, 2021

I pray for news comes out about this scandemic. It has been a lie to control lives and logically none of the numbers make sense. 300000 out of 330 mill is less than one percent of covid deaths. More than that die daily amd yearly of abortion, cancer, flu ,heart attacks and poor medical care. Let God reveal the true plan behind this of China takeover and America getback your common sense

Christine Hutchison
January 1, 2021

fauci is the personification of evil. unbelievers are seriously subject to lies and deceit to an extraordinary extent. That regretfully is dr(?) faux fauci.

Irene Sackett
January 1, 2021

Fauci is not to be trusted. He is part of the Communist Globalist plan to bring everyone under their control and usher in the One World Government which will ultimately be led by the Anti-Christ.

    January 3, 2021

    And Bill Gates will be or will know the Anti Christ!

Kathy Emery
January 1, 2021

Fauci has been known to be a liar from the beginning. We all know who the father of lies is, the worm who failed, and Fauci goes right along with him.

Karen Secrest
January 1, 2021

I think Fauci is the original “teflon” man of science. Nothing sticks and now we see for sure with his joining the Biden camp that his equipment was well oiled by the enemy. Sufficient unto the days ahead as we watch him fall alongside his friends.

Pamela Hernandez
January 1, 2021

Thank You Lord for revealing the truth continue to show those about what is really going on

January 1, 2021

Sadly, the American people seem to be under some type of a hypnotic spell-even when confronted with obvious, provable truth the tendency is to hold to a lie. It is the most disturbing, perplexing thing I have ever seen. My understanding is that in order for the FDA to approve the vaccine for emergency use there had to be no valid treatment available thus, the entire pretense that hydroxychloroquine was unsafe and ineffective. I grieve for my beloved America when people-many of them called Christians-prefer a lie over the truth unable to see the tyranny waiting for them. People willing to let fellow citizens lose their livelihoods and life savings out of the fear of a disease with a small death rate (or even a higher death rate had that been the case)- how can they hide behind virtual stained glass windows and say nothing allowing themselves to be masked and isolated? There have been recent reports of a dear Christian lady sentenced to prison in China for daring to go against the virus narrative there-but how is that so different from America where Doctors are censored and losing their jobs for going against the propaganda here? My heart breaks over what is coming if our Heavenly Father doesnā€™t intervene. Help us against the enemy Lord, human help is worthless.

    January 1, 2021

    Yes, these are so exactly my thoughts on this. How can so many “free” people be so deceived and passive in the face of such tremendous loss for themselves and their fellow countrymen (generic)? Lord God, we pray for great mercy on our blindness and cowardice, despite your great blessing on us for generations. Open the eyes of the blind, and preserve our lives from utter destruction. May the blinders fall off, and hearts be opened to know the truth. We pray for those in government and places of power, especially our President, Vice President, state governors, mayors, and all legislators, to see where we are heading, and to courageously take wise action.
    Preserve us from all evil.
    In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord,

      January 1, 2021

      Deborah, please see my response to Sally as I mention your reply in it. I, too, find it so surprising how little moral courage our leaders have in this country. To me it is a no-brainer. I think they have either been paid off or are scared of losing their jobs, their jobs likely being the basis of their identity rather than the Lord as the basis of their identity. I know that is a generality. But why else would they not make the very important and hard decisions that they were elected to make?! I am praying with you, Sally and all of our other brothers and sisters for moral courage of all the leaders you listed. Thank you for stating my thoughts so well.

    January 1, 2021

    I agree with you, Sally. I do not take death lightly. We all have loved ones that we have lost and felt the grief. However, with a 99.9 percentage recovery rate, hasnā€™t the (mainstream) media played psychological warfare with Americans that trust them for their news? I do not trust secular media for their opinions, or for that matter the selective facts that they choose to report. Ever since the outbreak occurred and even now, they never report the deaths in perspective of all that have recovered. It is rarely, if ever, reported that the recovery rate is so high. Their job seems to be to keep Americans in fear. With information that is flooding the independent news outlets, the Chinese Communist Party, has monetarily influenced so many media companies, Wall Street companies and people in power in our nation. They want to keep Americans in a fearful state…thus the lockdowns and masks. And then all the fearful Americans follow in lock step with what they ask them to do.
    Part, if not the root, of this whole ā€œpandemicā€ is spiritual. People who are not right with God have an unnatural fear of death. Although all humans, instinctually and naturally, donā€™t want to die, believers in the Lord do not fear death as the world does. How blessed we are!! That may also account for the ā€œhypnotic-spellā€-type belief youā€™ve been seeing. The world does not know about ultimate Truth so the only safe place for them is ā€œmanā€ and what he can provide. Again, how much the Lord has lavished us with knowledge and wisdom! I often marvel at very intelligent people that are knowledgable about the Bible but have not accepted the Lord as Savior. It just proves that the Holy Spirit MUST be involved in conversion and understanding or the person is simply incapable of grasping the Truth. (Including me before the Holy Spirit got a hold of me!). So I pray with you and Deborah (another person who replied to you) that their eyes will be opened to the Truth, the existence of the enemyā€™s schemes and lies and to those in the enemyā€™s control.

Pamela Derrer
January 1, 2021

Keep on praying that ALL the lies, deceptions, evil people, cover ups, rebellion, disobedience, stealing property, money, killing people, threatening people and families, every EVILDOERS, be revealed, displayed, throw up on the streets of America, where ALL to See and understand

Laura Dominick
January 1, 2021

My family quit trusting Fauci a long time ago. We believe he is in this for his own gain as a buddy of Bill Gates. President Trump should get rid of him quickly! His is just another one of the wicked liars in the swamp. May the Lord rebuke him for all of the pain he has caused! It is mind boggling to see how many people just blindly believe this guy without doing any further research – Lord, help us and deliver us from these evil people! May their lies and wicked plans fall on their own heads! It is so heartbreaking to think of all the suffering these liars have brought onto innocent people. I thank You, Lord, that You have heard our prayers to heal our land! There will be no “Biden administration” for Fauci to continue working his evil.

Linda Wolverton
January 1, 2021

Fauci ia a proven liar. Remember that Satan is the father of lies and seeks the destruction of humanity. Holy Spirit open the eyes of those who have been deceived and cause your people to draw close to You for truth in all matters

January 1, 2021

All I can say is thank you Jesus for more exposure of more wickedness. I always felt that Anthony Fauci was a fraud. He flip flops every time he goes on national television. I believe he is in cohoots with Bill Gates and George Soros and others. All about money and crime against humanity (depopulation).

I believe the President put him on the administration’s coronavirus response team to expose him (his fakeness) to the world and it’s happened and still happening. Do some research on this Fauci guy and learn more.

I thank God that so much evil exposures have taken place and still happening. So we have to keep praying, decreeing, declaring God’s word into every wickedness in our Nation. And soon and very soon a lot of the hard core evildoers will be at GITMO to be dealt with.

So, that is what I think of Fauci in this covid news.

Happy New Year to all warriors and may you sore with the eagles in this year 2021. Amen.

šŸ™ never stop praying
1 Thessalonians 5:17

January 1, 2021

Since the early 20th century there has been a growth in the concept of specific etiology. Once you know what the germ is you can kill it, keep it away, or immunize against it. This is a lot of the power behind the lockdowns. You hear a lot about Dr. Fauci but not much about Renee DuBos. Another way of saying it is that you don’t hear much about ways to protect yourself naturally from within.

    Laura Dominick
    January 1, 2021

    Yes, the Lord has designed our bodies with wonderful immune systems. The best thing we can do is support what He has given us by eating healthy, adding appropriate supplements, and exercising. He has given us everything we need – thank You, our Father in Heaven!

      Marian Drops
      January 1, 2021

      I so agree with those who have spoken before. God has already granted us ALL that pertains to life and godliness. OUr bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our God is the Lord who heals us. He has given us His Holy Spirit to discern lies. My brothers and sisters have discerned the lies and are standing against the flood of deception: worshipping God inside their churches, celebrating holidays with family and friends, breathing in fresh air in the sun without masks.
      Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war.


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