I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would raise up more police officers to remedy this staffing shortage. Restore trust in the police, God, and help our officers to follow Your will.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As more and more officers walk away from the force, lawlessness is bound to increase. We have to pray. “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12).

From CBN News. Recruiting and retention are two issues haunting police departments nationwide. Since 2020, a mass exodus of officers combined with record lows in new applicants has resulted in critical staffing shortages.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


In Baltimore, Maryland, the Police Department lost nearly 300 officers in 2022 alone. Now, at unsustainable staffing levels, the city’s police union warns their force is stretched too thin to keep the public safe.

Ranked one of the cities with the highest homicide rates, concerned citizens are urging officials to do something.

“Why do we keep losing kids? Why? We don’t have enough police staff obviously, we heard this. We have a net loss. We don’t have a community that wraps around,” Blanca Topahuasco, a southeast Baltimore resident, told WJZ in a recent interview.

In a recent statement, Mike Mancuso, president of the Baltimore City Police Union, warned the department will only continue hemorrhaging officers if the city doesn’t improve working conditions and drastically increase pay.

Baltimore isn’t alone. …

In Seattle, fewer detectives are available to investigate sexual assault cases. Massachusetts State Police had to move troopers normally investigating homicides to street patrol and in Kansas City, vacancies are causing record-long wait times for 911 callers.

“I always wanted to be a cop,” said former VA police officer Josh Blackford.

Now, the 32-year-old is walking away from what he once considered a dream job, determining the risk unworthy of the reward.

“I just got my W-2 in the mail the other day for last year. I worked the whole year, I quit January 4 of this year and my box one was $49,000 after being a cop for six years, and that was just, that alone, it 100 percent solidified my decision to leave,” he told CBN News.

Low pay isn’t the only reason behind this mass exodus. Cops leaving the force have cited burnout, low morale, and decreasing support from state and local leaders as deciding factors. Instances of excessive force cases, like in the recent death of Tyre Nichols, also continue to haunt departments. …

As departments seek to win back the public and retain veteran officers, they’re also getting creative to woo new recruits.

From catchy videos, to signing bonuses in the tens of thousands, departments are desperate to fill vacancies. The Virginia Beach Police Department deployed both of those strategies, along with streamlining the hiring process. That helped close the gap from 100 plus vacancies to just over 30. …

How are you praying for police officers across America? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Logan Weaver on Unsplash)

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Mildred Grace Hall
March 5, 2023

We need dedicated police officers who don’t consider the pay as a major problem.
Your recent emphasis on revival is an answer to the problem.

Grant Windholz
March 4, 2023

I pray for all American cops to stand up and fight against the evil that runs rampant throughout this country 🙏!! In Jesus’s mighty name!! Spiritual war-time for the sake of this great country!

Sheila Price
March 3, 2023

Father, we see an evil correlation between the decreace in our police forces and the decreace in our military recruitment and the increase in officers with both retiring because of conflicts regarding covid and other regulations that are not in Your will.
Father, we need Your help in reversing this trend. Stir the hearts of men and women who You know would be perfect for either law enforcement or a branch of the military and help them see the gifts and talents You gave them as tools to help this world get turned around and back on Your track.
And help us as civilians be bolder in publicly thanking these brave people for their service, and letting them know we pray for them.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name. Yes and Amen.

March 2, 2023

There was never a shortage of police until democrat run states , controlled by evil, wouldn’t let them do their job, and then said they would be fired if they didn’t get the bioweapon jab and to make it all worse, turned the public against them so they getting killed by the public The police men and women couldn’t do their job, so they left – if they weren’t fired, or killed first.

March 2, 2023

This is a result of “defunding the police” in democrat states which are the ones that has the most crime. These states want to divert money to “social workers” to coddle criminals which puts their entire cities in peril! How’s that working for you progressives? Not too well actually! FATHER GOD please restore the Mind of CHRIST and basic decency and common sense to these elected officials and do not allow them to put citizens in peril because of allowing cities to not be protected adequately in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Robert L. Kahlcke
March 2, 2023

Always remember it’s better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.
God Bless you all and be safe.

Darlene Estlow
March 2, 2023

Father, I pray for our police officers. Bring in more officers who know you and desire to serve you. Refresh and protect them. Bless their families. May there be peace in their families that will overcome their concern for the officer. Give our police your wisdom and discernment and may truth be upheld by them and those who witness crimes. We praise you for them.

Vickie Thompson
March 2, 2023

God opened up the opportunity to build relationships with and pray for our local sheriff’s department last week. We’re speaking and decreeing that Holy Spirit will move throughout the officers and staff, opening up their eyes, ears and hearts for redemption through Jesus!

Nancy B Bryda
March 2, 2023

No weapon formed against our police in America shall prosper. BLM and Marxism is bound. Exposure over demonic agenda is loosed along with heaven’s prosecution as directed by Jesus.

Darlene DeAngelis
March 2, 2023

Father God you are Almighty all powerful father God you take what’s wrong and make it right father God we cry out to you in all this evilness that has happened in a wrong way bring it all to Justice father God bring it all to the surface is your scripture says vengeance is mine saith the Lord

Suzanne Bonne´
March 2, 2023

I completely understand the shortage of police officers. They have been brutally maligned and targeted for ruin if they do their jobs and for assassination for the uniform they wear. Standards for hiring have been lowered and are often based more on fitting the woke definition of what makes a good candidate. What honest police officer wants to work with a team that isn’t the best? Their lives are on the line. I don’t believe the answer is more police, until the issue of backing the blue is addressed at the top. We need to VOTE OUT and remove politicians and any official that favors criminals over law enforcement and restore respect for law and order. Then I believe you will see an influx of new candidates.

Charles Bennett
March 2, 2023

Police Officers have been maligned far too long. Those who malign them all fit in the category of those who refuse to recognize authority and rule of law. I spent a second career as a law enforcement office in a very large agency. Never once, not once did I observe an officer treat a person differently because of their race. All criminals were treated the same regardless of race. A scum bag is not a racial marker.

Lori Meed
March 2, 2023

As the mother of a young man currently trying to get a full-time police job, I believe we have to look a little deeper at some of these issues. My son is an excellent candidate, with absolutely no issues in his background, and is often the top scoring candidate in testing and an interviews but he has yet to be hired and has been looking for a job now for a year and a half. We live just outside of Philadelphia and he is looking for a job not in the city but in the suburbs where we live. Competition for these jobs is very high but also, it has been obvious after the fact and many of these instances they are looking for very specific things which my Caucasian 23 year old son does not have. I definitely agree that we are in a law enforcement crisis, and especially an inner cities where crime levels are often higher overall, we need the ecclesia of God, the praying Church in those areas to begin to get strategies from heaven regarding their cities because I believe that even the police in this day and age will not be able to heal the sin wounds of our nation. We are God’s government on the Earth. We have authority.

    Susan CC
    March 2, 2023

    Lori, at this moment, I am praying your son will be at peace about this and continue to pray with thanksgiving. May the LORD give your son the desire of his heart and make all his plans succeed. I am praying your son will be perfectly placed into a position. Peace and power to your son!

    Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.
    Psalm 21:2 For You have given him his heart’s desire; You have withheld nothing he requested.

    Darlene Estlow
    March 2, 2023

    I pray for this young man that you would open a job for him. I pray that this wokeism that is destroying us would be ended. Continue, Father, to reveal its wickedness. Open doors for this young man.

    Karen Dooley J
    March 2, 2023

    It may be the Lord’s Will that he not be a LEO there but rather somewhere else. I know many left NY and moved and were hired in TX, Plano hired the most. He should look at other towns, but pray 1st before proceeding.

    Susan S
    March 3, 2023

    I agree that your son is being unjustly treated because of his race and gender. However, maybe you should consider these suggestions.
    1. Get a LEO in another jurisdiction. This will give him valuable experience to add to his resum in e. Maybe this will be a stepping stone to his dream job.
    2. Take courses in criminal justice. You can even get a degree online in criminal justice.
    Just some helpful suggestions. Sometimes the way the Lord wants us to take is not the direct path.
    May the Lord bless you and your family.

Susan CC
March 2, 2023

Leviticus 28:8 Five of you will pursue a hundred and a hundred of you will pursue ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.

Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You, Almighty God. I praise You over the current members comprising our nation’s police officers. I believe You call, You direct, You empower and ask this morning for my belief to be demonstrated in these men and women. I am praying as well for those who are considering this profession. I pray You will protect and empower these currently serving and for those considering serving, I am asking for Your finest selections. May it please You to intercede by promoting men and women who will be wholly committed to their oaths of service but 1st, be committed to serving You. May the few be powerfully led by You, the Author of Justice. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

March 2, 2023

Lord Sabaoth, Captain of the Hosts, Commander of the Armies of the Lord, I humbly appeal to You on behalf of every law enforcement officer who is trying to do the right thing on the job in the midst of such wickedness and madness. Please be a wrap-around shield of protection for each one as they walk in Your truth, justice, and righteousness. Please lavishly bless them with Your peace, wisdom, discernment, and understanding. When they go on calls, please make people aware of Your presence with them that strikes terror in the enemy. Run interference for these officers, disarming every power and authority like You did at the cross. Please give them Your strategy for every situation they face and let the glory of the Lord be their rearguard. Please bless them with every blessing You have intended for them, enlarge their territory. May Your hand be upon them and keep them free from harm that they will feel no pain. Thank You, Lord, for these honorable men and women. May they know the rewards and satisfaction of a job well done. Place grateful citizens in their paths who will speak words of encouragement to them and bless them. May these officers grow in wisdom, stature, and favor before God and men. Surround each precinct with faithful believers who will faithfully pray for their officers , their families, and for their areas to be peaceful and crime-free. Boomerang all curses against the officers back to where they came from. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.

Allena Jordan
March 2, 2023

Father, though it seems that lawlessness abounds, You have begun revival and spiritual awakening. Blow Your Spirit across this land into the hearts of the “dead” spirits in people. Reform our entire society through this move. This will make the policeman’s job much easier, so that our cities are protected and peaceful. Lord, You know…Thank You, Almighty God, My Savior. Amen.

March 2, 2023

As an officer’s wife please continue to pray for police regularly and for the negative image of policing to change in this country In Jesus name

March 2, 2023

Dave… Jack Crans ….

Law Enforcement was my first encounter with you at IFA….
It has continued to be ..
For me, the heart cries of Criminal Justice at every level beg the evangelistic, missionary response of the professing, confessing ‘blood-bought’ Bride, His Church.. This has NOT been the message in most churches …. there has always been a long ignoring of such ‘heart cries’ …… no different than the message of the O.T. prophets and the example of Christ Himself….. Proverbs 24:11,12 is an indictment on the church ….


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