I Prayed have prayed
Father God, help us to stand up and show the world that God is the only one who can heal our nation. Help us unite together and make our voices heard in prayer.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Will you pray for “the most broken, suicidal, depressed, and anxious generation in history?” Please join this multi-generational moment of prayer for healing for our nation and this generation. Yesterday, Jeff Ekhart of Claim Your Campus 2020 joined the IFA First Friday Prayer Conference Call to pray about an incredible prayer gathering event TODAY, Saturday, July 4, 2020.Ā 

Will you share this post? Let’s spread the word and join together to pray for our nation and a generation that desperately needs Jesus.

At the beginning of the last school year, no one could have predicted where would be as we approach the 2020-2021 school year. There has never been a better time forĀ Claim Your Campus 2020, a national moment of prayer on July 4th at every middle and high school across America. It is an opportunity for students to stand up and pray alongside thousands of others for positive change and healing at their schools.Ā 

We want to pray as a nation simultaneously, asking God for healing: Students are praying for healing for our nation; adults are praying for healing for our students.Ā 

Weā€™re calling adults and students to gather at their schoolā€™s parking lots, sports fields, or flagpoles for this historic moment of unified prayer. If youā€™re a parent, small group leader, pastor, or simply an adult that cares about this generation, weā€™re asking you to stand up, show up, and pray up on behalf of students. This moment will spark a movement of prayer and change in schools across America.Ā 

There will be a 15 minute live-stream that will guide you to pray for our nation.Ā 

Here are 3 ways to join the movement.Ā 

  1. Stand Up – Go to ClaimYourCampus2020.com and click ā€œIā€™m Inā€ to register for the event and to ensure you and your local school are represented.Ā 
  2. Show Up – Participate in the live stream at your school campus on July 4th at noon (CDT).Ā 
  3. Pray Up – Join students and adults across the country praying for healing and change at their schools.Ā 

To find out more go to ClaimYourCampus2020.comĀ 



Watch the incredible story of Marion high school. Students stepped up and prayed in their school and God answered in a BIG way.



Stand Up. Show Up. Pray Up. To find out more go to CYC2020.com. And share this post--the livestream starts at 12:00 pm Central Time.

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Mary Johnson
July 6, 2020

Lord as you know, l was radically saved in the Jesus Movement and have been madly in love with You ever since. I pray an experience like this for the young people of today. Save them, fill them with the Holy Spirit, put them in the Word,let them know the real you- your love, your grace, your mercy , your loving kindness and your righteousness and your obedience even unto death. And Lord, please move on parents to teach their children accountability and manners. Amen

July 4, 2020

When God is glorified there is peace and order in everything

Sharon Heimann
July 4, 2020

This is so encouraging. So encouraging.

Penny Huddleston
July 4, 2020

Most glorious, holy God, we lift our hands, hearts, and voices to your throne in praise. May they be a sweet sound of our love for you. In your infinite wisdom, Lord, you have created us for this time. Thank you, our God, for the gift of your presence as we endeavor to serve you as parents. Thank you for giving us, as Peter wrote, everything we need to speak your love and grace into our children and to guide and support them…no more nor less, than pleases you. We confess that we often fail as role models, dear Jesus. We recognize that our own insecurities and sins have lead us, at times, to compromise our relationship with you and left our children confused and wary of such a commitment. Forgive us, Jesus. We know we cannot be all things for our children, that is your place only. But, help us, through the power of your Spirit, to teach them that, despite our human weaknesses, your unfailing love is unchanging and forever, reaching them even in the darkest moments this broken world produces. In the Master’s name. Amen.

Valerie Roth
July 4, 2020

Praying for our young people! I also need intercessors for my new vlog:Chat with Mom-on Youtube. Up next week. To reach hurting young people. Contact me:[email protected]

Toni Kushner
July 4, 2020

I just got back from sitting on a bench in front of the high school praying for healing both for our young people and our nation.It was quiet but the presence of the Lord was lovely. God Bless Americal

July 4, 2020

God Bless America, our Constitution, our Freedom and the youth of America today. Father please open the eyes of our youth, as they are the
Carriers of our bloodline. May we have a heart of repentance for the unholy things we have allowed to happen in our lives that caused our children not to want to be like us. Only the the blood of Jesus, forgiveness,and changing our lifestyles, and walking in Love , shown by the Holy Spirit,is going to change us. We cry out for your Mercy Father. In Jesus wonderful Name.

Ronald Bangert
July 4, 2020

Remember…………. the Jesus Movement began in California during the 1960’s. Hippies, Junkies, and Freaks, Prostitutes, Mob figures, and more got radically saved and became Jesus Freaks!

God is not a respecter of persons, remember your calling brethren. It is not the well that need a physician….

Let’s all become good publicans in the days ahead, ‘be merciful to me I Lord, for I am sinner’. Let the Lord remove our Logs so that we nay have ‘ears to hear ‘ and remove the specks in the eyes of the lost!

Lisa Plummer
July 4, 2020

God bless our students across America!
Father, set our studentsā€™ hearts on fire for Jesus!
More of this, Lord!
Bind their hearts to the cross and the RESURRECTION!


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IFA President
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