I Prayed have prayed
Lord, fear is rampant in this country due to the coronavirus. Help us Lord to stay focused on You and Your hope as we minister to those that are lost and afraid.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Let’s begin with some facts and figures, then we will get to some prayer points. The first hot spot was in the Seattle metro area, and seems to be rapidly spreading. The Life
Care Center Nursing home in Kirkland seems to be the epicenter for the spread of the virus.

Join us in praying to dismantle the spirits behind the coronavirus. Click below to download your free copy:

As of 3.9.20, there are 512 known cases of Corona virus in the US, and 25 have died. Let’s put this into perspective and into context. In 2009, the swine flu killed 203,000 people worldwide. There were 12,400 deaths in the US. This past year, 2019/20, the CDC reports that there have been 34 million people in the US who were infected with the common flu and 20,000 deaths from the flu. So, why all the hysteria, fear, and panic about the Corona Virus? It is difficult to get to the truth about this virus. There is much misinformation and “media spin” coming from mainstream media and from the governments of the world. What do they know that we don’t know?
We need LIGHT and TRUTH to be shed upon this situation from the God of Israel!

Here is what we do know:

There are “oddities” about this bug. Children seem not to be affected. Males are more vulnerable than females. The elderly are more vulnerable than younger folks. Those who have underlying medical conditions or compromised immune systems are also more vulnerable.
How the Corona virus operates in the body:

The Corona virus operates by stealth and deception. It “tricks” the body into thinking that it is a “friendly” and not a “hostile”. It gets into the lungs of the body and a person will get a fever, experience extreme fatigue, a sore throat, coughing and muscle aches. The body’s “first responder” immune system fires up and sends cytokines to the lungs to combat the virus. The cytokines over-react and begin attacking healthy cells and tissue. The “bio-feedback” loop does not function as God designed it to do. The lungs begin to fill up with fluids, pneumonia can ensue, and, in up to 2% of cases, the person can die from this. This is in violation of God’s design for our immune system. Basically, it is an overreaction to the body’s immune system that can cause death.


As of 3.9.20, the risk of contracting the Corona virus in the US is still relatively low. But, the Corona virus comes with some “cousins”, that can be perhaps be even more damaging and deadly. What are those cousins?


We saw this news headline today:

Dow sinks 2,000 points in worst day since 2008, S&P 500 drops more than 7%

Why is this happening? Some of it is based in facts on the ground and reality. The price of a barrel of oil is plummeting and there is a price war going on between Russia and Saudi Arabia.
People in the airline, hotel, hospitality and travel industries are being affected with layoffs and cutbacks.
But how much the Dow plunge is due to just plain emotional fear? that is the second cousin to the virus: FEAR.


People in the world who are not grounded in the Word of God and who do not have relationship with Yeshua/Jesus will be in panic mode.

Remember how the virus operates In “stealth” and deception and tricks the body into thinking it is a friendly? That same principle is operating on the “macro” level in our
culture. There is deception and trickery. Mainstream media and governments may not be telling us the “whole story” or they are “spinning” the story to create fear and panic. Is there a hidden agenda going on? Probably!

Just as cytokines can over-react in the human body, at the macro level, there is a severe over-reaction with the media spin. Consequently, people are over-reacting, with panic-selling of stocks and panic buying and hoarding of food and supplies.

Spiritual insights on how to pray

Here are some scriptures to read and pray into:

1.God’s people are SET APART

Read and pray into Psalm 91:1-6, Exodus 8:22, Exodus 9:26

2.Repent/renounce/reject the spirit of FEAR and walk in LOVE and in FAITH, TRUSTING God:

Read and pray into 2 Timothy 1:7 and 1 John 4:18

3.We need God’s spirit to SHINE LIGHT and TRUTH into the Corona virus situation to combat the deception and misinformation.

Read and pray into John 17:17, Proverbs 6: 23, Psalm 119:105
Expect to get insights and revelation through the Holy Spirit! Expect to hear from God about this and share with your prayer team what you hear!
Please note: We should NOT hunker down and hide in a cave with a survivor mindset. This is a time for God’s people to RISE UP for their finest hour!

4.This is the time for the believers in Yeshua as Messiah to RISE UP, be BOLD, and PRAY for the SICK!

Read and pray into James 5:14-15. Ask God to recalibrate the bio feedback loop of those you know who are sick with Corona. Ask for God to especially guard and protect the most vulnerable, the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions.

5.The PURIM Connection

On the night of our prayer call (3.9.20), it was the 13th day of Adar on the biblical calendar. It was on that day, that Esther interceded before King Ahasuerus and he granted her an edict that on Adar 13: On one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar. A copy of the document was to be issued as a decree in every province and published for all people, so that the Jews would be ready on that day to avenge themselves on their enemies. Esther 8:12-13.

Read and pray into Esther 8: 4-16

It was no “coincidence” that so many gathered on the phone to pray ON PURIM! We interceded and asked God to “CANCEL the curse” of the Corona virus, asking for His mercy, His grace, His covering and His protection over our nation and over the people.


(Used with permission from Capital Hill Prayer Partners.)

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Kate Priere
March 15, 2020

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” We must put on the belt of truth so we are not confused by the mysterious origin and lack of information (or over information) about this virus. We must take up the shield of faith against fear (panic, financial insecurity) and greed (hoarding). But perhaps the most subtle danger is isolation – fear of meeting together. We must have courage to meet together, pray for one another and encourage one another. We must put on the breastplate of righteousness and have our feet covered with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, to have courage to love our neighbors and be willing to serve them.
May the Church of Christ shine like stars in a dark universe even as Christians of previous generations shone the light of Christ through their service and love.

March 14, 2020

Lord, again I pray that You bring people to You through the fear of and the fallout from C-19. In a world where people are afraid if they are not picture-perfect in appearance, we need you to bring us back to the values embodied by Jesus, in Whose Name I pray. Amen

Barbara Betz
March 13, 2020

Amen and Amen. Let Faith ARISE.
Put on our Spiritual armor daily. Plead and apply The Blood of Jesus by Faith daily. Father God we are here at this time and place for Your Holy Purposes.

Michael Guidera
March 13, 2020

I agree with this article. It lays out very good points to pray about this virus.
I want share a bit about the bigger picture of what’ I believe is going on.

Five years ago, I sensed the Lord calling me to pray for our country. I had learned much about intercession and spiritual warfare many many years ago. It was a personal experience where the enemy came into my life and tried to destroy it. It involved a cult, my wife , my children and friends. It was the most difficult experience I had ever encountered. I was fighting for everything dear to me, my children and everything I owned. There were casualties along the way. My wife, fell away from the Lord and was duped by a cult. My kids were in it for awhile , but God was faithful to bring them out of it. I saw the power of God work. I was given a dream, and a word of knowledge that helped me get through the ordeal. Through this experience the Lord taught me how the enemy works. He taught me that satan furthers his plans only through deception and never through the truth. He will twist and pervert everything to get his way. It can be so frustrating if one doesn’t know the weapons that work fighting this evil. I liken it to trying to punch your way out of a paper bag. Physical effort without spiritual guidance is useless and tires you out quickly.

After a hiatus for many years, I sensed the Lord saying to me, “Mike, a battle is coming that will shake the foundations of America. I want you to apply the principles of warfare that I taught you as I brought you through that trial years ago, to this battle that will unfold”. I said, ok Lord.

This corona virus is another battle in a long line of efforts by the enemy to try and thwart a movement that will bring justice and change to our country. It started with framing Michael Flynn, then morphed into the Russian hoax, then the Mueller saga, North Korea, Kavanaugh and on and on. In reality, the virus is dangerous to some people, but to see the reaction to this virus speaks involvement of the enemy to deceive and bring fear to blow it all out of proportion. There is a purpose here. It’s a simple bate and switch trick. Look over here because I don’t want you to see the truth over there. The whole purpose of the enemy is to keep people from seeing the truth, keep the masses off balance, in confusion. But why is the enemy putting up such a fight? Because it’s has control over so much of our society and does not want to relinquish that control. It’s starts at the top of our government. I believe the corruption has gotten so bad that our republic was in danger of collapsing. I believe God heard the prayers of His people and said enough is enough. He set in motion a plan with a fearless man at the helm. That battle began and is intensifying.
Slowly more and more people are waking up. The enemy is losing. His tactics are not getting the results he hoped for. He will continue with his deception, but as we become aware, speak the truth in love and pray, God will work to bring an end to this battle. I can’t even put my arms around the whole picture, but I know God is faithful and He hears the prayers of his people. It’s is important that we stand strong and never give up. I have been in a battle and have seen God work through it with ultimate restoration. I see similar signs and exercise my faith to believe the enemy will be defeated. God hears our prayers, and I know there are thousands and thousands praying for our country. Let’s hold on and stand firm.

    Mrs D
    March 14, 2020

    Thank you, IFA, for this insightful article and Mr. Guidera, for your comments. One thing that has been alarming to me is the degree of fear WITHIN the CHURCH!! While there seems to have been a disconnect between parts of the body of Christ and the Truth, in several of the IFA articles, many intercessors who are in intimate relationships with the Father have offered revelatory guidance in praying effectively over certain issues. This attempt through some “mysterious” virus by the defeated to to multiply fear and irrational behavior through misinformation and “smoke and mirrors” is a case in point. The responses of Ms. Densmore and Mr. Guidera are helpful in reminding all that GOD is GOD! And, GOD has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Through IFA and other intercessory forums, GOD is preparing His Bride as she arises and shines the Light of the glorious gospel in the face of JESUS, the Anointed Lion of the tribe of Judah. May GOD continue to prosper all as His Word goes forth to accomplish that for which it is sent. It is much more effective to stand firm when TOGETHER we hold on to Truth.

    March 16, 2020

    So grateful for this insight. How odd that as I’ve been praying about this virus, God has opened my eyes to the “strange” tactics involved. Just as Mr. Guidera says, it’s all the enemy’s work: Facts greatly embellished with fear talk and accusations. Manipulative repetition over the airwaves. Panic-toned reporters’ and interviewees’ exchanges. And, sorrowfully, many Christians’ fearful talk as well. It’s as if we’ve lost faith in the Lord, who hears the prayers of any who call upon him.
    I, for one, am thankful for President Trump’s call for prayer throughout the nation this past Sunday. May the Lord bless and keep him, his staff, and all their families. They stand in a perilous place, but they continue to stand.
    May we stand with them.
    May we remember Moses and the Israelites, who lifted up the bronze serpent (and his toxic attacks) and looked to God, who then healed all who looked to HIM and not down at their wounds.
    May we look to our King, Lord Jesus, lift up this COVID-19 to Him and claim the mighty power of Jesus’ death on the Cross to accomplish healing and deliverance.
    Praises to our King Jesus!


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