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Father, we pray for Alex Soros. Encounter him, Lord, and show him Your truth and Your righteousness.
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Soros has finally decided to pass on his political empire. What will Alex bring to his father’s leftist legacy?

From The Wall Street Journal. George Soros, the legendary investor, philanthropist and right-wing target, is handing control of his $25 billion empire to a younger son—Alexander Soros. …

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The 37-year-old, who goes by Alex, said in the first interview since his selection that he was broadening his father’s liberal aims—“We think alike,” the elder Soros said—while embracing some different causes. Those include voting and abortion rights, as well as gender equity. He plans to continue using the family’s deep pockets to back left-leaning U.S. politicians.

“I’m more political,” Alex said, compared with his father. He recently met with Biden administration officials, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and heads of state, including Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to advocate for issues related to the family foundation.

The Soros’s nonprofit Open Society Foundations, known as OSF, directs about $1.5 billion a year to groups such as those backing human rights around the world and helping build democracies. Foundation money also goes to universities and other educational organizations. The Soros super PAC, Democracy PAC, has backed the election campaigns of district attorneys and law-enforcement officials seeking to reduce incarceration rates and racial bias in the justice system, among the efforts that have riled the right.

Alex said he was concerned about the prospect of Donald Trump’s return to the White House, suggesting a significant financial role for the Soros organization in the 2024 presidential race. “As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too,” he said in an interview at the fund manager’s New York offices.

In contrast with some on the left, Alex believes that speech on college campuses and elsewhere has become too restricted. “I have some differences with my generation in regard to free speech and other things—I grew up watching Bill Maher before bed, after all,” he said, referring to the TV personality and First Amendment advocate. …

In December, the OSF board elected Alex as its chairman, replacing his father. Alex also now directs political activity as president of Soros’s super PAC. The younger Soros is the only family member on the investment committee overseeing Soros Fund Management, the firm that oversees money for the foundation and the family. Most of its $25 billion will be directed to OSF in the years ahead, according to a Soros spokesman. About $125 million has been set aside for the super PAC. …

The selection of Alex, a hip-hop fan and New York Jets devotee, was once a long shot. Early on, Alex barely spoke up in meetings and was best known for his highflying social life. “Gorgeous models, NBA pals and hide-and-seek at his mansion: Welcome to the lavish life of investor George Soros’ playboy son,” said one Daily Mail.com online headline in 2016. …

Football, philosophy, politics

Alex, the oldest of two sons from George’s marriage with his second wife, Susan Weber, longed to be closer with his father while growing up in the upscale hamlet of Katonah, N.Y. “He was there, but he wasn’t there. He was thinking about markets the whole time.” he said. …

As a teenager, Alex sometimes had bodyguards while traveling abroad, and his family name drew unwanted attention. He embraced sports and music to fit in. “I wanted to be more normal, in a way,” he recalled.

Alex grew closer with his father after his mother filed for divorce in 2004. …

He cared little about finance and couldn’t persuade his father to watch football. Instead, they spent hours discussing ideas and global politics. His thesis topic, “Jewish Dionysus: Heine, Nietzsche and the Politics of Literature,” thrilled his father. For Alex, “it’s football, philosophy and politics, in that order,” said Svante Myrick, one of his friends. …

Alex worked part time at the foundation between 2004 and 2006 and later joined OSF’s board. …

On his own initiative, Alex traveled to remote parts of the Amazon to meet with indigenous leaders to draw attention to their needs. He joined the board of Global Witness, a group exposing human rights abuses by mining companies and governments.

In 2015, four years after Jonathan’s departure from the family foundation, Alex took a full-time role. …

After the 2016 election, amid fears that Congress might investigate OSF, some at the foundation urged a lower-key approach. Alex pushed colleagues to instead step up their work. … In the U.S., Alex worked with Democrat Stacey Abrams to improve voter turnout in the South.

While criticism of George Soros sometimes includes antisemitic tropes, the Soros foundation hasn’t supported many Jewish causes. Alex, by contrast, has visited Israel several times and he celebrates such Jewish religious holidays as Rosh Hashana and Passover, which his father doesn’t.

Alex is more focused on domestic politics than his father, he said. Alex is helping Democrats appeal to Latino voters and improve turnout among Black voters. He has urged Democratic politicians to better hone their message, broadening the party’s appeal.

“Our side has to be better about being more patriotic and inclusive,” he said. “Just because someone votes Trump doesn’t mean they’re lost or racist.” …

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(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Dreamstime)

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June 18, 2023

I pray that George Soros and his entire personal family and his entire professional network would turn as on the Damascus Road and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And that their fortune would be spent on God’s Kingdom, instead of on evil. in Jesus’s name, amen.

Jean Florin
June 14, 2023

Father God, please open the heart of Alex Soros, as well as his father, letting them see the evil they are perpetrating in our nation by doing everything they can to support transgenderism of our children, or causing their outright deaths in the womb. Please let the “silent cries” of the babies be heard as they are being murdered horribly in their mother’s wombs. I ask you Lord to make everything meant for evil be turned into the good if Your children. Please bring exposure to their sickness and may the plans of the enemy fall to the ground like fluff. We come against this evil agenda of theirs in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son.

Christine Stott
June 13, 2023

Lord Jesus Christ I pray for both Father and son of the Soros family, if they are not sons of perdition, please turn their hearts minds and souls toward you Jesus Christ Thank you!

Janice Rhodes
June 13, 2023

The Wall Street Journal presents the Soros family in a positive light which is very deceptive. The article is insightful as to some of their perspectives and how they deceive with words.

I pray for them to be saved and protect all of us from their deceptive practices.

Patricia Leno
June 13, 2023

In the name of Jesus I pray for the repentance, sincerely, of all of the Soros family and for fullness of faith in You, Jesus, for all of them, Jesus Lord. If the minds are not reprobate, I pray for the fullness of faith in you, Jesus, for all of the Soros family. I know you can do anything Jesus, You are the rescuer and the savior of this world. Your mercy is unfathomable, your grace is unbelievable! I love you Jesus and give you all the glory and praise forever, amen and Selah.

Kurt Wever
June 13, 2023

May Alex Soros be drawn to YOUR WORD. Let the feasts become a stepping stone to encountering JESUS , the WORD made flesh, as the feasts all prophecy of HIM. We thank YOU that at least Alex give lip-service to free speech. Let Alex recognize the anti Semitism and Racism that is rampant in the political left. Let him discover citizenship in heaven which transcends political party. Let him come to YOU. Cause him to develop holy fear of GOD MOST HIGH and therefore wisdom. Let his riches be used to further YOUR KINGDOM, YOUR WILL. Save him in the uttermost.

Linda k Rice
June 13, 2023

Will keep an eye on him.

David Ortiz
June 13, 2023

“As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too.” — Alex Soros

Sounds terrific. It’s a LIE. He’s accusing the other side of doing what his side already does. The headshrinkers call that “projection.” The left practically invented that sort of projection and manipulation. They’re better at it than anyone else.
LORD the Almighty, here’s my plea: BRING IT ALL DOWN. Amen.

    June 13, 2023

    Bring this evil DOWN I second this sentiment.
    Lord God in Heaven, hear the cries of your people and end this woke anti God socialist agenda of the left. We humbly ask in the name of Jesus, our just and faithful Lord

June 13, 2023

Father, we pray that you would grant Alex a Damascus Road encounter, and cause the scales to fall from his eyes. We ask you to redeem his desires, that he would use his fortune to build the Kingdom of God, and not the kingdom of darkness. Father, un-sear his conscious so he can see the truth. I pray that you would not allow any of his plans to advance ungodly left leaning plans to fail. We thank you Lord that Psalm 37 says that the wicked will be cut off. We pray this in Jesus name.

    June 13, 2023

    Beautiful prayer. This is what we ask Jesus that you give Alex a Saul to Paul experience
    In your precious name Jesus we pray Amen-let it be so

Patrick Quirk
June 13, 2023

Dear GOD Our Father, George Soros and his corrupt family are responsible for much of the discourse and transgression here in America, and other nations. By the power of The Holy Spirit, I pray that You will bring the whole Soros family to their knees. Break them of their wickedness, and confess and repent to give their lives to JESUS.

June 13, 2023

Lord meet Alex in his dreams, break the generational bondage in this family line, bring generational blessings with the blood of Jesus.
Father use this money for your kingdom!

June 13, 2023

King Ahaz of Judah was a wicked King, yet his son Hezekiah followed God wholeheartedly. Oh Lord may this be a game changer and may Alex walk in the ways of God Most High and not in the ways of his Father George. May he love light more then darkness, and truth more then error. May he turn from his wicked ways and do what is righteous. You alone LORD can change the hearts of men. Do it again LORD, do it again.

    Gwen Valenti
    June 13, 2023

    Jesus! Forgive us for our lack. Purge our land of the wickedness, the schemes/agenda of Satan that is working thru men like Mr. Soros & his followers. This is nothing new for You Lord Jesus. Throughout history You have had to deal with this rollercoaster of disobedience & evil intent. If Mr Soros heart has been seered & another will control his empire we ask that You bring this man to his knees for the saving of his soul & the peace of our world. Over all, we trust You Lord Jesus & pray for Your perfect timing, Your perfect will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. All glory to You in Jesus name.

    Carole D Moyer
    June 13, 2023


    You are in charge! Hallelujah!!


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