Pray for President Donald Trump. Many very important decisions for our country’s future rest on those answered prayers. Let him know you are praying for him HERE.
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (Rom 13:1)
Do you remember when candidate Trump said that he could stand on Fifth Avenue in New York City and shoot someone and he wouldn’t lose any voters? It was quite a statement, but there was some truth to it. Trump’s loyal supporters are doggedly loyal. The question is: Are his evangelical supporters just as loyal? The deeper question is: Should they be?
For the record, while I strongly opposed candidate Trump during the Republican primaries, I did vote for him over Hillary Clinton. And I’m glad I did. If the elections were held tomorrow and it was Trump vs. Hillary, he would have my vote without question.
But he does not have my undivided loyalty. Why should he? As I wrote previously, President Trump didn’t die for my sins and he is not my Savior and Redeemer.
Of course, every evangelical Christian could echo those words. (We do not worship Lord Trump.) Yet sometimes I wonder: What would it take for some of us to differ publicly with the president? What would it take for us to say, “He’s my president and I deeply appreciate the many good things he has done. But I wish he didn’t say (or do) this.”
So, to repeat my question: What would it take for some of us to differ publicly with the president?
Cal Thomas recently offered some unsolicited counsel to President Trump, suggesting that rather than attacking LeBron James via Twitter, he should have invited him to the White House.
It’s true that James has been openly critical of the president. And it’s true he made negative comments about him on CNN, speaking with Don Lemon, no less.
But what he said this time was hardly outlandish. (His exact words were: “He’s dividing us. And what I’ve noticed over the past few months [is] he’s kind of used sport to kind of divide us, and that’s something that I can’t relate to, because I know that sport was the first time I ever was around someone white, and I got an opportunity to see them and learn about them, and they got an opportunity to learn about me, and we became very good friends.”.)
And part of the CNN interview focused on James’s education initiative is to help at-risk kids.
What a great opportunity for Trump to say, “Let’s unite to help these kids. Let’s put aside our differences for the sake of young Americans.”
Instead, our president ignited a fresh firestorm, mocking both James and Lemon. (His exact words were: “Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!”)
I really wish he hadn’t done that. Yet I’m sure some of you reading this (I’m referring specifically to evangelical Christian readers) were glad he did: “I’m glad he put that basketball player in his place! Who does James think he is, speaking against the President of the United States?”
To my surprise, I’ve heard evangelical leaders defend Trump’s harsh tweets, saying things like, “Well, he’s the president, not a Christian leader.” Or, “It’s about time someone put politics aside and spoke his mind.”
But when I hear this, I wince. Yes, it’s true that Trump is not a Christian leader, but we are still Christians. And some of us are Christian leaders. (As for Trump if he is a Christian at all, God knows; but he is clearly not a Christian leader.)
Does the nasty rhetoric not bother us at all? Do the insults never offend us? Do we never think to ourselves, “He could even more done if he didn’t constantly alienate people?”
And this leads to another question: Have we ourselves become caustic? In our reaction against the savage, unrelenting, often unfair attacks from the left, have we decided to defend the president no matter what, even if it means compromising our values? Has the “this is war” mentality hardened us rather than honed us?
A colleague of mine forwarded to me an article by Pete Enns titled, “Is it OK for Christians to protest against their political leaders?”
His answer: “It is the Christian’s duty in civic affairs to hold powers to account when they see injustice done.”
He adds, “In my opinion, nowhere do Christians have a more visible and obvious responsibility to be salt and light, to embody the will of God, than when other humans are disenfranchised, treated unjustly, or unfairly—which is to say, treated less than fully human.”
He even writes that, “Christians should never say to someone like that, ‘If you don’t like it, move to Denmark,’ or ‘He’s your president and you owe him your allegiance.’”
Perhaps his article will step on some toes. Perhaps some will feel he made a good point but took it to far.
At the least, though, as evangelical followers of Jesus who support Trump, we should ask ourselves some honest questions. First and foremost would be this: Has my allegiance to Donald Trump in any way compromised my allegiance to Jesus?
That’s the biggest question of all. (Used with permission. Originally published by Dr. Michael L. Brown ASKDrBrown.)
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Sharon, you are about to find out how God feels about His annointed and His prophets. Turn off the MSM and listen to God. Repent of a critical, judgmental spirit and obey God’s word to pray for leaders.
I appreciate what you say here, Dr. Brown, and your balanced perspective. We DO have the obligation to stand against wrongdoing, even in a leader whose policies we support.
The comparison to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam is ridiculous. President Trump is not God’s anointed prophet. We the People have been given authority according to our Constitution, and we need to use that authority to hold our leaders accountable.
Prayer and criticism are not incompatible. I do pray for our president, especially that he will truly humble himself before God. I believe God has put him into his position of leadership, and is using him in many ways, but his strengths are also his greatest weaknesses. He is not above any law, especially not God’s law. If he is a Christian in any sense, we believers should call on him to live and talk like one.
I want to say we must pray for our president but we do not defend any body. No one is above the law and they sure am not above God’s law. Proverbs 6:16-19 is for people who use their mouths to slander people and to do their dirt and try to cover it up. John 3:3-8 is for people who need an encounter with the Lord and they need to understand what those scriptures mean when they have allowed the Lord to make them a new creature in Christ in 2nd Corinthians 5:17. Let us stop trying to justify or put someone up on a petal; let us honestly with a pure heart pray for the will of God for the President’s life. We must be about our Father’s business making disciples, Matthew 28:18-19. Stop judging anyone the Word of God will do that in Hebrews 4:12. We must continue to pray and pray for the strongholds of the Antichrist be broken in our nation because God lets us know about all our hearts in Jeremiah 17:9. Remember who God is in John 4:24 and know we must be born again by the Spirit of God in order for us to enter into the Kingdom of God. Our job is to make disciples, pray for souls, pray for healing of the sick, pray for God’s will to be done as I previously spoke above in this text. Stop criticizing and defending, just pray for those who do wrong and pray for the peace of those who do right. Stop taking sides, Jesus spoke the Word and He did the will of His Father. When someone came against the will of God’s plan then Jesus dealt with them. Let us do the will of our Father and pray for those in leadership for God to bless them and He will do what He see fit to do. Jesus is soon to come do not get distracted by changing your venue and running after souls for the kingdom.
Matthew 18:19
Jesus said, Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree together, as touching any thing they ask for, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
Father we agree with each other as we touch spiritually and ask for all the good things that have been prayed for President Trump, our Governmant, and America. Your word is YES AND AMEN.
We wait with expectation as you bring our prayers to fruition according to your promise.
I voted for Trump for President and will again. The flack and abuse that is thrown at him is outright nasty!! He has done so much good and so much more he tries to do is amazing! HE IS NOT PAID! WHEN HE GETS PAID HE GIVES IT AWAY! He is the best one for our country ! His focus is so amazing! I pray for him daily and so do I with others on a weekly basis. I pray protection and health, wisdom from God Almighty and for his family and cabinet. Do I like all his remarks? NO! Do I think God is using him? YES! Am I ashamed of our disrespect for those in authority that are working so hard to keep our country safe? I am ashamed and if I could punish you as a parent would I would do so! God will only stand for so much! We are on the fringe of His judgement! I pray for mercy for our country! God, please forgive those who hate America! Show them the truth and open their eyes. You are so good to us and we do not recognize it. Jesus IS Lord even if we acknowledge it or not! Thank you Donald Trump!! God bless you.
It is not my job as a Christian to either justify or condemn our President. Instead I pray fervently and daily for the man as I think God is using him to accomplish His will in this nation and I personally have felt a freedom in my own life spiritually that I don’t ever recall feeling with any other president. I am reminded of King David, who, when he was being unjustly hunted down by King Saul had an opportunity to due him harm, but even cutting off the edge of his garment smote his heart as he knew he was God’s anointed and that it would ultimately be God who would come to his(David’s) defense. In the book of Daniel, it says it is God who sets up and who deposes kings for his purposes. I am therefore very careful not to “touch” God’s appointed for this reason. I didn’t like President Obama at all, but I did not criticize him while he was President, but prayed for him as well. What amazes me is how quickly some of those bad decisions he made have been reversed and corrected. That’s my God!!!!I trust God and pray for these “mere men” who will have to give an account for every idle word they have spoken. Lord have mercy on us ALL!!
I am going to remind Michael Brown of Moses, remember when Aaron and Miriam criticized him? President Trump was the answer to prayer that thousands of us, if not millions, were on our face praying earnest, heartfelt prayers, therefore, I accept him as the best choice, warts and all. Read again accounts of King David, never perfect but a man after God’s heart, used by God despite sin. Also, when we ask to be forgiven, we are and it is washed away and forgotten by God. The sins of the past are haunting our President by unGodly, satan worshipping perverts who want to destroy him by any means possible and think nothing of lying. Get the log out if your eye, then you can see to get the splinter out of another’s. Strong medicine brings fast healing. Go with God.
Amen David. I love God, and I trust Him. He knows President Trump inside and out, and picked him. During these times we need someone like President Trump leading this country, dealing with people that smile at your face while stabbing you in the back. I don’t see how he does it. And he never gives up and loves this country so. I am trusting God to keep him and protect him and his family.
I am at awe of the satanic forces of evil against President Trump…what a hatred! Our God is bigger than any other enemies of Him and His Kingdom!. He will keep the President and his wife, the most beautiful First Lady this country ever had.
Many great comments and prayers here. I agree with Donna that what we need to do is pray instead of criticize. God has given this position to Pres. Trump to make a difference in bringing our country back to Him and from the brink of deep debt and destruction. May God’s kingdom come and His will be done in our country. Amen
May be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, discerning between what is right and almost right and filled with grace, we pray for the peace of our borders, cast out the scorner and contentions will cease.
AMEN to Donna’s comment about praying rather than criticizing.
You need to follow Praying Medic on twitter and youtube. Follow Praying Medic on facebook under the name David Joseph (full name David Joseph Hayes). He has appeared on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” many times. He has info about the Q-Anon posts and you will be encouraged rather than getting info from the attack dogs of the MSM. POTUS 45 Trump has to tweet to get his message out to his followers, because the demonic MSM twists and distorts his words. The tweets that some don’t like are addressed to the deep state and MSM to keep them off balance. We need to pray everyday for POTUS Trump, his family, members of his administration for their protection, health and for them to receive God’s wisdom in everything they do. God had mercy on the USA and gave us a reprieve with the election of President Trump. He is under attack everyday, because he is exposing the dark deeds and treason of the globalists, inside the government (both parties), and the propaganda and lies of the controlled MSM, because they don’t want to be indicted and go to jail.
My allegiance is to The Lord Jesus Christ, and my prayer is for the enemies assignments be cancelled against God’s appointed.
But our God is in heaven, He does whatever He please. Psalm 115:3
He will turn it around just like Harman against Mordecai! Amen. So Be It!!!
I was not a fan of your remarks Michael Brown. I feel that President Trump feels he has no other way to get his thoughts shared. He may not say it like I would have, but he has a right and support I Might add, from voters to stand up for our flag and country. I for one have no sympathy for these athletes. This is not correct way to protest and they are losing respect of their fans…Our president is not trying to divide us but he is actually sharing the thoughts and feelings of middle class voters who respect our country and our flag. We are the ones that attend church on Sunday, support our children and schools, go to work everyday, pay taxes that support the welfare generation and have views that seem to be out of date by our media. We are sick of being told what we think by media and millionaire athletics who play games for a living. No one can change how and where they were raised but we can change how we live now. Give some of that millions you make playing a game, get out and help these communities and kids instead of kneeling to make a point. I do not see you helping anyone but yourself…..
Thank you for writing this article. I have struggled with the criticisms by many Christians regarding our President. Seems almost some would rather criticize than pray for him. I admit I am embarrassed frequently by his words, but believe God is using his business and non political background to help our nation. I know we must continue to pray for him and all others in authority and pray that all persons (including politicians, elected or appointed) would be held accountable for their actions that are self indulgent, dishonest, and against our nation. May we all do our part by praying and loving one another.
Lebron James made a false statement when he said “the President is using sport to divide us”. That is not true. The President is simply asking all Americans (including African American athletes) to honor the flag by standing during the National Anthem. It has nothing to do with football, basketball, or any other sport. The NFL players are using their kneeling ploy to divide us. When they kneel, it does nothing to draw our attention to or advance their cause to correct social injustices that they want addressed. They should honor the flag during the anthem (takes all of one minute) and then be actively engaged on their own time to advance social justice. This is just my opinion and the President is right in having enough gumption to make a stand. It seems very few other leaders have any backbone to make a stand for our flag and our country!
This article resonated within me. I find myself increasingly tired of the communication ‘nasties’ that fly back and forth, seemingly replacing common courtesy, decency and respect for the personhood of others who were also created in the image of God Almighty.
America needs a change of heart. Each Thursday night I gather with an intercessory team and the focus of our prayers is that America would experience a change of heart. Romans 5:5 – come Holy Spirit & pour the ‘father’s love’ into our hearts to overflowing.
As a Christian, I love all and pray for those opposing LIFE itself. I see President Trump as a patriot of the United States seeking a good life for all. I don’t see him dividing the country as the non-Christians and politicians are pushing and would have people to believe. I support the President and will continue to as long as his heart is right about securing the safety of God’s people. Everyone blurts language, good or bad, it’s their actions I’m concerned with and President Trump’s actions prove to be noble. I also believe God is working through him and He will deal with his mouth as well as ours.
Keep praying for God’s Will to be done. That’s all because that’s all that matters.
In Christ,
President Trump is doing a great job on foreign affairs putting our economy back to normal creating new jobs low employment and most of all being bold with all he had to deal with He’s amazing . And he’s a believer too. Supports veterans !
Instead of criticism, offer prayers. No man is ever going to be able to please everyone, but the barage of anti-Trump rhetoric from many places infuriates me and only makes me want to stand my ground. Most of what us in the news is so far from the truth, it us nothing but fiction.