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To evaluate the potential role of the Christian Church in the 2016 election, a national survey among spiritually active Christians who are politically conservative or moderate was conducted during July and August of 2015. The research was conducted by the American Culture & Faith Institute, a division of United in Purpose – Education, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization located in northern California. The research was directed by George Barna. Here are some of their findings: 

Church Involvement in Elections, According to Congregants

Among the national sample of spiritually active Christian conservatives and moderates, only one in ten people (10%) said their church has been very involved in the election process in the last two voting cycles (2012, 2014). Four out of ten said their church was somewhat involved. The remaining one-half said their church was not involved.

According to congregants, just one out of every five spiritually active Christian conservatives and moderates (22%) said their church has provided a lot of information about what the Bible teaches related to current issues during recent election cycles. About one-third (36%) said their church has provided some of that kind of information, while the rest said their church provided little or none of that type of insight. Conservatives were twice as likely as moderates (23% versus 10%, respectively) to indicate their church provided a lot of biblical insight on the issues involved in recent elections.

Congregants’ Desired Church Involvement

Christian conservatives indicated they want their church to get in the game: six out of ten (58%) said they want their church to be more involved in the election process. Among the Christian conservatives, 61% want greater involvement; among the politically moderate Christians only one-quarter (23%) want heightened church engagement.

Two out of three respondents (65%) said they want more information from their church about what the Bible teaches in relation to current social and political issues. Christian conservatives were twice as likely as Christian moderates to desire more information (67% vs. 31%). Christian moderates, in contrast, were five times more likely to say that churches should not be involved in politics at all (22% versus, 4%, respectively). Overall, almost none of the respondents (1%) said they want less information than they have received in the past about current social and political issues.

Issues of Interest to Conservative Voters

The greatest need for information related to the following six issues, each of which was assigned high importance by at least 80% of the respondents:

1. Abortion: beginning of life, right to life, contraception, adoption, unwed mothers 91%

2. Religious persecution/liberty: personal duty, government duty, church response, global conditions 86%

3. Poverty: personal duty, government role, church role, homelessness, hunger, dependency 85%

4. Cultural restoration: appropriate morals, law and order, defensible values and norms, self-government 83%

5. Sexual identity: same-sex marriage, transgenderism, marriage, LGBT 82%

6. Israel: its role in the world, Christian responsibility to Israel, US foreign policy toward Israel and its enemies 80%

The middle tier of issues in terms of congregant interest was considered to be extremely or very important by less than 80% but at least 70%. These eight issues included:

1. Christian heritage: role of Christian faith in American history, church role in US development, modern-day relevance 79%

2. Role of government: biblical view, church-state relationship, personal responsibility, limitations 76%

3. Bioethics: cloning, euthanasia, genetic engineering, cryogenics, organ donation, surrogacy 76%

4. Self-governance: biblical support, personal conduct, impact on freedom, national sovereignty 75%

5. Church in politics/government: separation of church and state, legal boundaries, church resistance to government 73%

6. Islam: core beliefs, response to Islamic aggression, threat to US peace and domestic stability 72%

7. Media: influence on public, content responsibility, truth, moral standards, choices for exposure, resistance 70%

8. Senior citizens: end of life issues; family responsibilities to the elderly; government programs for the aged 70%

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Felicia Penner
August 28, 2018

Bonnie, thank you for the Benjamin Franklin quote, spot on

Felicia Penner
August 28, 2018

Forgive us Lord for selling out the churches for tax exceptions. Lord, restore us to know our place to occupy until you return. Free us of our materialism that led our pastors to make a deal with the government. Bring back true shepherding skills to our pastors, so they might really lead us from your word regarding the political quagmire of our day. Lord we are desperate for non PC minded leaders of faith. We ask a hedge of protection to those pastors who are leading their flock as you have instructed. In Jesus name, Amen

Donna L
August 26, 2018

Very well done David Oliver, the Word of God never returns void. I place myself in agreement according to Matthew 18:19. Jesus is Lord! We must be the salt and light in the earth! “All that evil needs to triumph, is for good nen to do nothing”. Paraphrased quote by Edmund Burke.

Bonnie F Wood
August 25, 2018

Yes, but not necessarily to endorse a specific person – but to stress the importance of getting out to vote (no vote is like handing over the election). Also, to stress the importance of voting from a Biblical view – not a World view.
There is a great book An Appeal to Heaven by Dutch Sheets. Here is an excerpt from his book of Ben Franklin’s appeal to the delegates to the Continental Congress at an impasse trying to write the Constitution. “We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings that (except the Lord build they labor in vain that build it.) I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel…If our government leaders today would humble themselves and Appeal to Heaven for wisdom, we would experience the same divine assistance the framers found. Many, thank God, are beginning to do so. Let’s join them, asking God for His intervention in our land.

Bonnie F Wood
August 25, 2018

Many years ago, I felt the Lord laying on my heart “that we must stand up (speak out and show up at elections) for religious rights! We must speak up from a Biblical view – not a World view. If we fail to do so, we will lose those rights! Therefore; I believe that each of us must pray and vote according to how the Lord leads us.

Paulette Hyppolite
August 24, 2018

If the bible speaks about these issues the pastors should not avoid them, but preach the whole word.What would we do with David, Joseph,Daniel and others.Jesus talked about Caesar and the bible says ‘the government is on His shoulders.’WE are stewards of the land in which we live.’ The media is ‘preaching’ against the word of God.
God’s people needs to hear the truth,what God says about these subjects.We must be grieved with the things that grieve God.Lets pray for our pastors that they would hear what is on Gods’ heart

MaryAnn Stuart
August 23, 2018

In answer to the question “Should pastors preach more about political issues?” YES Just like the colonial pastors did. How can we expect to keep what they won for us if we do not keep doing what they did? If a shepherd does not help his sheep, they wander alone in the darkness of ignorance. What is the point of telling people to go vote, if the people have not the information to make a wise judgment? It is too difficult today to get reliable info about many candidates. We need people (and not just pastors) who will work to get that info and to let the others know.

Sharon Miller
August 23, 2018

It seems almost every matter that relates to Biblical morality has become “political” these days. Should pastors make these issues the main focus of their ministry and preaching? Absolutely not! Should pastors make these issues “taboo” because they have become “Political” issues? Absolutely not! The message and focus of ministry should not ever “change with the times.” Preach the Word with boldness, and if it happens to touch on a “political” area, so be it. My opinion is that the government has gotten way too involved in things that are not the government’s business, NOT that the Church has gotten too involved in “politics.”

david A burgher
August 23, 2018

Revival begins in the church that God instituted before government. We are the benchmark for the nation to bring righteousness to the nation and opposing all corruption.

August 23, 2018

I see from this list that every aspect of living life now is deemed political. That, I will suggest, is the problem.

Eric Ottewitte
August 22, 2018

Not just sexual identity, but rather sexual immorality: heterosexual fornication and adultery as well as sodomy and other homosexual practices.

Jerry E Sauls
August 22, 2018

I say a hearty AMEN to the pray prayed by Jill.

Patricia Asmussen
August 22, 2018

Isaiah 9:6 says that the government rests on His shoulders. We will not fear. Nothing that is going on is a surprise to God Almighty. Nothing.

August 22, 2018

Lord Jesus, forgive us. We cry out to You to cleanse our land and awaken the church. You have won the spiritual battle; teach us Holy Spirit to pray the will of Father God into the physical realm. The church and the pastors who are the shepherds have been asleep.

Roger Hollar
August 22, 2018

Preachers just need to preach more Jesus and repentance of sin. The church has a lot of cleaning up to do. We don’t have much more time.

August 22, 2018

21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 22 Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter because they will share it with you.

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

The “Truth is Biblical” and “Facts” are the Issues of the World. Every problem our Nation currently facing they are Standing before us. Is the Lord waiting for us? Yes

Father, I pray that our nation would open its Spiritual eyes and ears that we may see and hear you. Our Father is seeking those that will worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Amen.

Scriptures Reference : Exdous 18:21-22; Deuteronomy 1:15-16;James 1:22-25; Romans 8:26-27; Genesis 1:26-28; Hebrews 12:1-3; John 14:13-14; John 4:24

Charles Burwell
August 22, 2018

I think pastors should preach on what the Bible says about issues but should not embrace either political party because both sides support righteous and evil positions. I noticed that the survey did not speak about other issues such as materialism, pride, immigration, creation care (i.e. environmental issues, corruption and bribery, etc. The worst result is when seekers enter a church and get the feeling that they need to be in one party or the other to be accepted. We need to lift up Jesus and His teaching and not lift up any one party or candidate as more righteous than all the rest.

Barbara D
August 22, 2018

Yes, pastors should educate their congregations about the importance of voting Biblically. Praying is not enough. Just as you would pray and look for a job (not stay home expecting an employer to come to you). The Ekklesia is the legislative, governing branch of the church and the church was always meant to be involved in the political realm. This happened during the Jesus movement; many were saved however others took over the government and made laws that didn’t support Biblical values. My prayer is for pastors to stand for the Lord, encourage their congregation to get involved, have Salt and Light come to their church to teach them about legislation they can call or write their representatives about and sign up to vote; the most important right now!!

Sherrard C Dejong
August 22, 2018

It goes without saying that pastors should be involved politically and encourage there congregations to be involved and know who is running for office and vote. Unfortunately, many pastors do not want to get involved politically because they don’t want to upset (offend) anyone. Pastors need to be courageous and stand up for Jesus and the moral standards that Jesus wants us to uphold. My prayer is that the pastors and laity need to take way more interest in our culture and be willing to stand up and if need be persecuted for their beliefs. Our country is deeply divided. Many folks have lost their moral compass and have given them selves over to a reprobate mind. Christians need to speak out and learn how to respond to those that oppose Christianity.

Susan Yeyeodu
August 22, 2018

The Enemy continues to attempt to deceive and divide the Body of Christ. Pastors need to focus on preaching the Word of God, elevating the power and purity of Jesus and motivating us to a level of humility, courage and sacrificial, forgiving love that is all but impossible to demonstrate in the political arena. The political issues of our day are extremely complex, with genuine believers who dearly love Jesus on both sides of the aisle in Congress. For example, we are to value life in and out of the womb — how can we oppose abortion but not be willing to make provisions for “unwanted” children once they are born, many of whom are eventually trafficked to support *other* evils?

We need to remember who the real Enemy is, let God cleanse us of our individual sins and then address systemic evils as a unified Body. Jesus is neither a Republican nor a Democrat. For the Church in America to align in lockstep with a particular political party or individual may be to repeat the grave error in judgement many German Christians made in supporting Adolf Hitler in the early stages of his rise to power. May God give us courage and discernment and lead us towards the building of His Kingdom that is *not* of this world.

August 22, 2018

Pastors have the responsibility to teach and preach the application of biblical principles to every sphere of life and society. Christians are to be light in the darkness. Pastors are to challenge and inspire all Christians to be lights in the family, community, city, state, and nation. The preaching of colonial pastors resulted in the independence of the colonies from Great Britain and the founding of a nation whose government was framed on biblical principles of life, liberty, and justice. If pastors now hide their light under a bushel, what will those in their churches do? What will the righteous do when the foundations of our nation are destroyed?

August 22, 2018

Yes, but we are to be in the world, NOT of the world so we should comment on political issues as they pertain, relate and are explained in Scripture.

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