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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, please protect our brothers and sisters suffering for being Your disciples in China. We pray for a new dawn to shine in that land. May the hearts of all the leaders and the people in China turn to You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Olympic Games are underway, and I must say I really enjoy them. It’s not just the events that I rarely see, though it’s fun to be an armchair “expert” on curling, luge, and speed skating for a couple weeks every four years. No, there also does seem to me to be something beautiful about nations looking past their differences and disputes — if only briefly — for side-by-side sporting competition.

But should I be enjoying this Olympics?

That’s a question I have been contemplating after reading an editorial on February 9 titled, “Why Were Not Watching The Winter Olympics.” It’s co-authored by David Curry, president of Open Doors USA, and former U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback.

Open Doors is a strong advocate for Christians persecuted around the world, so I’m always interested in what its leaders have to say. And Brownback — well, he’s long been among the statesmen I respect most in Washington’s halls of power. I value his heart and voice.

And both men are boycotting the Games because they are in China.

“The ceremonies celebrate teams from such a wide array of religious and ethnic backgrounds that a casual observer may assume that China is a bastion of pluralism and tolerance. The opposite is true,” they wrote.

Curry and Brownback instead say the communist government in Beijing is using the Games as a propaganda tool. One Bloomberg article they link to exposes China’s growing tactic of insisting it is a model democracy with moral high ground over America’s systems that purportedly feature the rule of the few over the many. Now that may sound laughable, but the Bloomberg reporter suggests the strategy may actually be making inroads in certain parts of the world.

In contrast to the propaganda of openness and cooperation, Curry and Brownback say China “treats its own minorities as criminals to be surveilled and hunted.”

Hunted. That is a strong word. But Open Doors has China in position #17 on its World Watch List for a reason. The group has found that Christians are under intense scrutiny and are even at risk of abduction or “re-education.”

That is alarming, but I think what really struck me the most in this editorial was Curry and Brownback’s comparison of these 2022 Olympics in Beijing to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin during the Nazi regime.

Curry and Brownback wrote, “When Berlin hosted the 1936 Olympics, the world already knew of Hitlers ongoing persecution of Jews. The games fueled his propaganda machine, positioning Nazi Germany as a benevolent and cooperative member of the international community while downplaying the massacre escalating at their hands.”

“The IOCs decision to award Beijing the 2022 Winter Olympics lets history repeat itself,” they added.

Now whenever I hear someone make a comparison to Hitler, I am immediately cautious. Too often such comparisons, even if well-intentioned, are a stretch that can actually serve to downplay the seriousness of the evil that happened at the hands of the Nazis. But I don’t believe that is the style of these leaders. They  are careful with their words, and they knew what they were saying.

The fact is the United States and other nations have determined that China is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. These determinations come after investigations found communist officials in  Chinas Xinjiang region were persecuting approximately a million Uyghur Muslims and other minorities there for years. The State Departments 2019 International Religious Freedom Report revealed that these minorities in Xinjiang were victims of forced disappearance, political indoctrination, torture, physical and psychological abuse, including forced sterilization and sexual abuse, forced labor, and prolonged detention without trial because of their religion and ethnicity.

So it seems Curry and Brownback have reasons for their comparison.

But what of watching the Olympics? Again, I find a beauty to the Games and watching them this year I am struck anew by the richness of China’s land, culture, and people. And that makes me all the more sad and disturbed by the actions of the current communist regime.

Curry and Brownback made their decision to boycott and encourage others to join them. But they do recognize fellow Christians may speak up for their brothers and sisters in Christ in China in other ways. One Open Doors resource says:

Whether you choose to boycott or not, lets continue to be a voice for the voiceless and take action. Share articles on Chinas atrocities and spread the truth on social media about what is actually happening behind closed doors. Have discussions with your families, small groups, and church leaders about ways to help the persecuted in China. And maybe more than anything—pray.

This article is one way I will speak up for victims of the totalitarian regime. As billions of eyes are tuned into China in these weeks, how will you speak? How will you pray?

Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.s public policy arena.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 12, 2022

Father, Scripture shows us how Israel’s enemies knew of You, feared You, yet rejected You. China’s government follows that exactly. Most High God, touch the ground and cause an explosive and contagious revival in China! In Jesus’ name.

Lee Roscoe
February 12, 2022


pat dipalma
February 12, 2022

yes, it is hard to stay away from the telecasts and see events like figure skating. i’ve posted some of scott hamilton’s past skates on my FB pag. from articles in reliable sources, the torture camps are only miles away from the oly. events, cold and unappetizing foods are being served to the athletes. They, like Russia, right now are not endearing themselves to the world. I prayed for our team to stay home, that they be protected and now that russia will not invade Ukraine and endanger the atmosphere among the olympians.

February 12, 2022

I’m not watching the Olympics this year either. Praying for China.

Merry Insixiengmay
February 12, 2022

I have always watched the winter Olympics, not this year though. The Chinese government is not our friend, the total opposite in every way.

David V Lofton
February 12, 2022

Enjoyed past Winer Olympics, yes, I have. Watch this years W-Olympics, I have not and will not for so many reasons the worst being China’s inhumane treatment of all that oppose their dictatorial rule.

China’s leaders are awash with everything that is evil in this world. The list of their indiscretions is endless and continues to grow. I pray for a spiritual intervention via a wave of thousands upon thousands of angelic warriors armed with arrows of enlightenment which pierce the hearts of the Chinese men and women who serve in China’s military. So powerful that they shed their uniforms, drop their weapons and walk away returning to their family homes.

Would that not be a blessing for the entire world?

February 12, 2022

I am not watching this year. The evil behind how they actually got into China would be enough of a reason. Stack on that all the other issues. Not giving one moment of my eyes or heart to the lies and spins and twists they are doing there. Also anyone from America was schooled to not say anything, post anything on social media or
Make any waves. This is definitely not good!

Chris Lee
February 12, 2022

I am honest when I say as a believer and before becoming a believer. I have always felt Olympics is a lot like a beauty pageant. What I mean is people get wrapped up into themselves. Yet a few do open ly glorify the Lord yes. Like we were seeing with Russia athletes many of them use drugs to get to be the best. Now we have these other factors involved. I am very glad that the Lord gives athletes talents and abilities. But we a person is wrapped up into the things of this world they are not honoring and glorifying the Lord.
All the silly money wasted to have the Olympics anywhere. Too much worldliness! My take on it no one has to agree with me. I have prayed about this as a seasoned Christian the Lord gives me to peace to believe that I should get caught up in these worldly things..Set my mind on things above and not on this earth.
Pray all the athletics to come to sure see their lives to Jesus and make Him Lord and Savior. More important than
any medal we can achieve on this earth. Our crown is in heaven. That should be enough. All our sports are rigged and manipulated.

Linda Oleson
February 12, 2022

I feel that China has their own agenda and will use it to their own benefit and aggression. I feel that the Olympics are rigged just like everything else seems to be. I pray for all the athletes and their safety as they complete in their areas of expertise. There was an article about the 10 awkward moments in the opening ceremonies this year and most were political and conflicting.

February 12, 2022

I will go out of my way to not watch the games. Honoring God is far more important to me than giving honor to any man or nation that hates God.

M and B Anderson
February 12, 2022

How about NOT watching, but praying for the athletes that are competing? PRAYING is not being tracked except by the heart of God.

C and C Nelson
February 12, 2022

I refuse to watch for the same reasons others do. But I also know that if I did watch, everything is “tracked” through today’s smart technology. And by NOT watching, I am directly affecting the bottom line of many sponsors. Good – that’s exactly what I want to do! It’s estimated that due to boycotts, refusal to watch, etc., the CCP, sponsors, etc., are losing millions each day. And as long as the CCP continues to torture, suppress, kill and forcibly imprison people in order to force them to worship the gov’t – I will not watch the genocide games. Xi and the gov’t of China is just a polished form of how Hitler did the same -except the CCP is much more secretive. The end result is the same.

February 12, 2022

How about watching and praying for our USA athletes that are competing? Just a thought.

February 12, 2022

I am watching as we have a Christian friend that is skiiing. I am praying for each participant I see to know and be surrounded by the Holy Sprit. God is able to use anything.
Martha M. , OHio

Robert Miller
February 12, 2022

I will no be watching the Super Bowl. When the NFL,NBA,MLB and other’s went “WOKE” last year, I pledged never to watch these games again!!

Theresa Mcgraw
February 12, 2022

What if we were the Christian’s being persecuted by the millions here in USA and our country was hosting the Olympics. What would your opinion be then of whether to watch or not to watch. God Bless America and Bless you for receiving this in love and peace brothers and sisters. Amen

Barbara Janicki
February 12, 2022

I, too, feel conflicted – I have two nieces adopted from China and have been to that beautiful land. Yet I am well aware of the evils their government is perpetuating on their own citizens and on people around the world. Just as I feel this current evil and corrupt U.S. government, who does what is wrong and calls it right, using words like “justice” and “democracy”, when just the opposite is actually happening – does not represent me or other Americans – the Chinese government does not represent all Chinese people, but rather oppresses them in all ways. We should not be there at all, we should have boycotted the games and maybe others would have had the courage to follow our lead. But our elites, our President and his family, our companies, are financially entangled and dependent upon China, we need to bring back our supply chain and manufacturing to here in the U.S. China is pretending to the world to be something they are not – the opening ceremonies should fool no one. They release a virus on the world and the world gathers there for “games of goodwill”? Why are we rewarding evil? Many prayers for light to expose their dark deeds and for protection for all the Christians there, remaining faithful at great personal cost. Their faith definitely costs them something and is a shining example to all of us in the west. Prayers for the safety of all the athletes and may God bring His good out of these games. Even if we don’t watch, we can pray! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    February 12, 2022

    I agree. By discernment of The Holy Spirit, I cannot watch any of the Olympics. Stand for something, or fall for anything. I just pray protection over every athlete and their families.

Kris Iowa
February 12, 2022

I have heard both sides of not watching and watching them. God can bless both but let’s all pray and take action. Thank you

February 12, 2022

Giving legitimacy to the Chinese Communists that are in charge of these games is condoning their atrocities to their own people and ignoring the fact that they released a virus that has killed millions worldwide and ruined economies. There has been no consequence for their actions. Supporting the sponsors of these games which is what you are doing by watching is like giving a bully a reward for terrorizing the playground.


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