President Biden, saying “help is here, and hope is here, in real and tangible ways,” kicked off a week of high-level administration efforts to tout the benefits of his $1.9-trillion COVID-19 relief package as he seeks maximum political benefit from his first major legislative victory.
Do the push for vaccinations and the Covid relief bill give you hope? Or something else? Share in the comments below . . .
“In the next 10 days, we’ll reach two goals — two giant goals,” Biden said during brief White House remarks Monday: “100 million shots in people’s arms … and 100 million checks in people’s pockets.” . . .
With “shots in arms and money in pockets,” as he put it, Biden is hoping not only for partisan advantage but, more broadly, to restore Americans’ trust in their government. That’s a theme the president is expected to emphasize as he, Vice President Kamala Harris, First Lady Jill Biden and senior administration officials hit the road this week, visiting politically critical states in what amounts to the administration’s first sustained barnstorming tour since the inauguration. .. .
“We’re all in it together,” Harris told a customer at the Las Vegas restaurant, where a sign outside said, “No shirt, no shoes, no masks, no tacos.”
Later, at a culinary academy, she said the relief bill illustrated what “is supposed to be the job of your government, which is when you’re suffering, when you need a helping hand, when you need a little assistance to get over a moment of crisis you didn’t create — that’s when leaders are supposed to kick in to say, ‘I’m here. I see you, and I will help you.’”
Before taking office, Biden had set the goal of achieving 100 million vaccinations within his administration’s first 100 days — a mark that now appears all but certain to be hit shortly after his 60th day as president.
Americans received roughly 3.2 million shots on Saturday and 2.7 million on Sunday, according to Andy Slavitt, the White House senior advisor for the COVID-19 response, who briefed reporters a few hours before Biden spoke. About 30% of American adults and nearly two-thirds of those older than 65 have received at least one shot. . . .
The Philadelphia suburbs, where the president is scheduled to be on Tuesday, and Atlanta, where the two are scheduled to hold a joint event on Friday, are areas that helped secure the Democrats’ victory in November and remain critical for their hopes of maintaining control of Congress in the midterm elections next year. While those contests remain more than a year and a half away, the COVID-19 package has given the White House an early opportunity to begin cementing voters’ loyalty.
Beyond the immediate political goals, Biden has said several times recently that he sees the possibility of a broader change in American attitudes toward government, reversing the decades-long decline in trust that has dominated politics since Ronald Reagan won in 1980.
“We have to prove to the American people that their government can deliver for them,” Biden said. . . .
Biden has said that he believes Obama didn’t do enough to sell Americans on the benefits of the 2009 stimulus law. He’s determined not to repeat that.
In touting the new law’s benefits, however, Biden has several advantages that Obama lacked, which together put a stiff wind at his back: The law starts out with widespread popularity, roughly 70% support in several recent polls. It comes as the economy has already started to show signs of recovery, with unemployment dropping. . . .
Leading economists predict rapid economic growth later this year, with some Wall Street firms forecasting growth rates in excess of 6%, and sharp declines in unemployment. . . .
As Biden spoke Monday, the House Republican leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, led a delegation of GOP lawmakers at the southern border, seeking to highlight the surge in teenagers and other children, primarily from Central America, seeking to cross into the U.S. and claim asylum.
The increasing number of child migrants has rapidly become one of the new administration’s biggest challenges. Officials insist they are applying a “more humane” policy at the border than the Trump administration deployed, but they acknowledge that smugglers have used reports of new, more lenient approaches to convince some would-be migrants that now is the time to try to get into the United States.
McCarthy said the migrant surge, which he referred to as a crisis, was “created by the presidential policies of this new administration.” Biden should be traveling to the border, not to Pennsylvania, he told reporters at the border.
Biden has largely avoided talking about the border problem in public, leaving that to subordinates. Instead, as he did through much of the fall campaign, he has kept his public remarks focused on the pandemic and his relief efforts — demonstrating a self-discipline often lacking earlier in his career, when his garrulous nature could lead him to depart from his script. . . .
In Iowa, for example, a state that former President Trump carried in 2020, a new Des Moines Register poll shows residents closely divided over Biden’s overall performance in office — 47% in favor and 44% opposed. On his handling of the pandemic, however, Biden’s support grew to 57%-37%.
On COVID-19, “a sizable proportion of Republicans are comfortable saying they approve,” pollster J. Ann Selzer said. . . .
“It’s going to be popular,” Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg said. She added that after the last year, in which many Americans believed the Trump administration lacked any coherent strategy to deal with the coronavirus and its impact, voters will respond to “the reassurance that there’s a plan and there’s a timeline.”
Do the push for vaccinations and the Covid relief bill give you hope? Or something else? Share in the comments below . . .
(Excerpt from The Los Angeles Times. Article by DAVID LAUTER, CHRIS MEGERIAN. Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
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The vaccine is so successful because of Trump pushing it be full speed into existence. Biden’s just distributing what Trump started. And I feel sorry for our children and grandchildren who are going to be buried in debt from this day forward.. Trust in the Lord and keep the faith.
Our faith and hope is not, and never will be in government or vaccines! I literally cannot listen to Biden or anyone in this administration!! There is such a “darkness” that comes out of them! As for restoring the trust in government, my trust has NEVER been in government and never will be! In fact, I completely distrust this government! Their “policies” are terrifying! Our faith and hope is in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
My hope is in Jesus Christ. The COVID19 plandemic although real, it’s severity is based on lies and it is an evil force of control. We need to keep our eyes on on Jesus. If believers are afraid of death, we have a bigger problem than COVID19.
Ben Franklin said, “if you can keep it”. We’re in the process of not keeping it-“but God”.
Stand up, speak up, PRAY up!!!
Lord have mercy on us and bring our country back to us.
MSM keeps the COVID fear going. It is irrational. Fear is from the devil. Not coincidence that the talking heads on MSM repeat the same message and create a phony narrative to prop up leftist goals. Propaganda. Turn the TV off. Stunning so many people believe the MSM propaganda. Trust God, not man.
Horror is a better word. But we have all hope in Christ!
Help is on the way??? Reagan warned America when the government says that, “watch out”. Particularly this administration which has made history “by UNDOING multiple policies that were helping our nation to grow, drastically curbing the influx of illegal immigration, protecting the unborn, etc.” Government officials who stupidly believe that they are the answer when they are the problem… have always been the achilles heel of our nation. They may mean well but hawking our future through lies and debt for a short term “fix” has never been the solution. Selling out hard, taxpaying citizens in order to curry “next election favor” isn’t going to work anymore. At least not for voters who actually pay attention.
Falsely named “relief” bills with 90% WASTE do not benefit our nation or our future. As Christians, we need to continue to find courage to speak out against this waste and be willing to go toe to toe with any compromised lawmakers who voted for this waste. Instead, we should be continually challenging and demanding them to finish the border wall, quit mortgaging our future, quit giving $ overseas to nations when it needs to stay here and start working on the long term problems in America that need attention. Put our nation first, then work to assist other nations (and not by throwing our $ at them).
The COVID relief bill was a big waste created by wasteful and untrustworthy Democrats who had promised to pay people “back” for getting them elected(?? – if we actually accept that)
We must pray. We must take action continually. But we must be willing to challenge our legislators daily on what they are doing. The present administration is out of control and if we don’t help each other stand firm against this “administrative tyranny”, what makes us think that it will improve?
Acts 5:29. “We must obey GOD rather than man.”
Holy Spirit give us the gift of discernment, that we might see the evils being perpetrated in our country and stand against those who go against Your laws.🙏
No. The inclined slope of the destruction of our country and the oppression of an increasingly tyrannical government is growing steeper. My hope is in the Lord for the ways of man are not the answer.
I agree. It is sad that the approval of President Biden is based on money and the vaccine instead of where he is taking it country.